On August 1993, 8, Miramax Company called Li Li and informed Feiyang Entertainment that they would go to Miramax Company to participate in the bidding conference on August 4. At that time, the three companies would bid at the same time. Higher wins. 【 】

"Mr. Jie, you are very good at this." On the balcony outside the window of Chen Kangjie's room, Ouyang Zhenhua and Chen Kangjie were dressed in cool short summer suits, wearing sunglasses, sitting on handmade wicker chairs and chatting.

"Proficient? Brother Ouyang, you can't flatter me so casually. When have I ever been good at this?" Chen Kangjie took a sip of a glass of iced coconut juice brought by the servant just now, and said as he put down the tall crystal glass.

"Have you forgotten? Back then, we were doing the auction of Master Kong's agency rights. Wasn't that your idea?" Ouyang Zhenhua brought up the old story again.

"I'm just fooling around, so I can't talk about what I'm good at," Chen Kangjie waved his hand modestly.

"Master Jie, what do you think of the auction they will hold tomorrow?" Seeing Chen Kangjie drinking coconut juice, Ouyang Zhenhua also took a sip of the orange juice in front of him.

"How else can I look at it? Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, these two days, Fan Wenxuan and Li Li communicated with them again, and the price also increased by 00 million US dollars, but in the end the other party still didn't let go, and now they suddenly came up with such a Bidding, the soles of your feet can think of nothing good," Chen Kangjie said disapprovingly.

Because he and Schwarzenegger reached a preliminary intention to start filming "True Lies", Feiyang Entertainment has reached the point where they are eager to obtain the management rights and ownership of Miramax, so Ouyang Zhenhua sent Fan Wen Xuan and Li Li went to his two brothers to communicate, and approved that they could raise the price by 2000 million US dollars, but they still failed in the end.

"Then what do you think the problem will be?" Ouyang Zhenhua believed in Chen Kangjie's judgment now. < klein, a well-known American brand), casually threw it on the table in front of him, stood up and walked out of the sun umbrella, stretched himself, and then turned to face Ouyang Zhenhua.

"If there is a problem, it should be caused by Sony. Although Sony started to do business in the mainland in 78 and opened an office in 80, it has invested more and more in China in recent years. Their latest product Walkman is welcomed by young people. However, as one of the main constituent companies of the Mitsui Group, they cannot get rid of the ideological tendency of chaebols. As a right-wing consortium, we must clearly see that they have always maintained a suppression of Chinese-funded enterprises Even if they invest and operate in the mainland, they always value us and are based on the fundamental purpose of strengthening themselves, so they will not give up making troubles when they have such a positive competition opportunity," Chen Kangjie said.

"Then how should we do it?".

"Responsiveness, in short, we can't let the Japanese kid take advantage of it," Chen Kangjie said simply.

On the second day, the Miramax company was very lively. All the employees in the company knew that their fate would have a final destination today. Representatives from Disney, Sony and Feiyang Entertainment from Hong Kong There is a head-to-head bidding for the conference room.In front of the building of the Miramax company, there are more than a dozen luxury cars parked, and Chen Kangjie's extended Lincoln and BMW are among these cars.

In order to hold this event well, the Weinstein brothers selected several beautiful blonde beauties from the company to serve as reception and service work. As a film company, there is never a shortage of beautiful girls.

Of course, when foreigners do business, they don’t use big balloons, inflatable doors, ribbon banners, etc. like domestic ones. It’s just that the layout of the office has been adjusted. It’s a bit like a debate. A large screen was hung on the wall, and the slideshow projected by the projector only showed a few welcome slogans on the screen. After a while, the materials will be replaced with company-related introductions.Although the bidders are already familiar with the relevant situation of Miramax, but this is a formal occasion, and some cutscenes still have to go through, and three local media in Los Angeles will come to interview.

As for the companies that participated in the bidding this time, Feiyang Entertainment had the highest rank. Not only the president and vice presidents were present, but even the president of the holding company came.The Disney company sent a vice president in charge of finance and administration, named Lagos, who is South American, and the sony side was led by the vice president Haruka Oki and the president of the American branch Toshiho Kitayama.

After everyone was seated, Weinstein walked to the front of the speech booth and gave a speech.

"First of all, on behalf of our brothers and employees of other companies, I would like to extend a warm welcome to everyone. Miramax was founded in 1974. After so many years of operation and struggle, I dare not say that we have achieved glory, but it is indisputable that We have achieved remarkable results. Today we are both happy and sad. For this company, we have paid a lot and gained a lot. This company is as precious as our children. However, due to some personal reasons, With a sad heart, we plan to sell this thriving company, so all the distinguished guests have come here. Here, I would like to say thank you and sorry to the employees who have loyally served the company, no matter who takes over the company Enterprises, they are all very powerful, and I hope that the current colleagues can continue to stay and provide various services for the new company.” Big Weinstein paused, took a sip from the glass in front of him, and passed it to the service staff Time to change slides.

"In 1979, we filmed "Apocalypse Now" (he et marcel), which was a small production but not small in influence. Since then, we have entered the fast lane of film production, and we will produce at least one film every year. By 1988 , we shot four films including "Ganda Starman" and "Little Thief", all of which achieved good results. By 1989, our film production had increased to nine, and a new film would be released in an average of one and a half months... "It took Big Weinstein more than half an hour to introduce the company's history and achievements. This is still a lot of deletions. If it is replaced by those leaders in China, it is estimated that they will not be able to think about him for two or three hours. end.

"Everyone already understands the basic situation. Now we are starting to get into the topic. I believe that the three companies are all very interested in our Miramax company. Then please discuss and start quoting. We will hand over the company to the highest bidder. company, I would like to say a little more, that is, please indicate the payment method.” After talking a lot, Weinstein finally finished and entered the real core content.

As soon as Weinstein finished speaking, the following began to whisper to each other, mainly between the managers and staff of the three companies to discuss bids.

"Master Jie, how much should we bid?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked Chen Kangjie who was sitting behind him in a low voice.

"Since the price of 9 million US dollars has been quoted before, let's follow this price. Specifically, you can figure it out," Chen Kangjie instructed in a soft voice.

At this time, Fan Wenxuan was about to ask what price Feiyang Entertainment offered, so Ouyang Zhenhua told him the amount Chen Kangjie said.

After 5 minutes of deliberation, three quotation envelopes containing various companies were handed over to Weinstein the Great.

The elder Weinstein walked to the speech booth again, opened the unsealed envelope, and read the quotations of various companies aloud like an election vote.

"The Walt Disney Company bid 8000 million U.S. dollars, mainly in the form of stock replacement. From Hong Kong Feiyang Entertainment Co., Ltd., the bid was 2000 million U.S. dollars, and the payment method was cash. So far, their bid is the highest. Let's see Let’s see if the Sony company in Japan will bid more?” When we read this, Weinstein laughed and made a plain joke.

"Oh, not bad, not bad, Sony's bid is 11 billion US dollars, and the payment method is also in cash, hehe, thank you, thank you for your support and interest." Big Weinstein opened Sony's envelope, looking very happy and excited.

"So far, as far as Sony's bid is higher, I wonder if the other two companies will offer higher prices?" Weinstein asked, glancing at the directions of Disney and Feiyang Entertainment.

"No, that's our highest bid. If it exceeds that price, it's not worthwhile for us to evaluate," Lagos, the vice president of Disney, shook his head and echoed Weinstein's words.

"We are willing to bid 11 billion US dollars, still in cash," Fan Wenxuan quoted a new price on behalf of Feiyang Entertainment.

This price did not come from Chen Kangjie's mouth, it was arranged by Ouyang Zhenhua himself. Just now Chen Kangjie had authorized him to do it himself, so Ouyang Zhenhua could bid according to his own judgment.

"Thank you, thank you Ms. Fan, 11 billion US dollars in cash, I wonder if Sony will offer a higher price?" Big Weinstein glanced at Oki Haruka playfully.

Oki Haruka who understood raised his hand, "We can also increase the price, our Yamato nation will not admit defeat in the competition, 11 billion US dollars, in cash."

A quotation is just a quotation, but Da Muyao looked proudly at Ouyang Zhenhua and the others when he made the quotation, and said some extra exciting words.

Chen Kangjie sat behind Ouyang Zhenhua, carefully observing every detail of the scene.

"Our Chinese nation is also unwilling to admit defeat, 12 billion US dollars, paid in cash." Ouyang Zhenhua hastily quoted a higher price without thinking about it.

"I can't see that the Chinese have become rich in the past two years, and they can actually come up with 12 billion US dollars in cash? Haha, we have 14 billion US dollars in cash. I don't think anyone else dares to compete with us?" Improve, and appear more confident, more arrogant.

Everyone present thought that Ouyang Zhenhua and the others would continue to raise the price. After all, no one could stand such words, but the result was shocking.

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