rebirth of change

Chapter 512 Unexpectedly

Hearing what Ouyang Zhenhua said so proudly and contemptuously, Ouyang Zhenhua wanted to stand up and throw a high price, which would crush this guy so much that he couldn't hold his head up. 【 】But Ouyang Zhenhua was hotheaded, but Chen Kangjie was not. Just when Ouyang Zhenhua was about to raise his hand, Chen Kangjie tapped the back of Ouyang Zhenhua's seat twice softly.

These two reminders gave Ouyang Zhenhua a pause and he came to his senses. Yes, I almost forgot the conversation with Jie Shao on the balcony yesterday. How could I be irritated by just a few words?Could it be that I also learned from Jie Shao and became a loyal patriot?

Ouyang Zhenhua put down his hand lightly, his move made Big Weinstein, who had been staring at him, feel his heart in his throat, why didn't he respond?

After about 40 seconds, Ouyang Zhenhua raised his hand again after stabilizing his emotions. During these 40 seconds, he was the focus of the audience. Fan Wenxuan and Li Li were also looking forward to it. High, but this does not suppress their desire to develop their careers in the United States and Hollywood.

"Mr. Weinstein, congratulations. Since someone is willing to offer a high price of 14 billion US dollars, then you are really lucky. You have sold for a good price. Since the powerful Sony company is so sincere and eager, then we will let them Alright, let's choose another suitable company to acquire." After Ouyang Zhenhua finished speaking, he called his people to leave.

"Oh, no, Mr. Ouyang...Mr. Ouyang..." Big Weinstein hurried off the stage.

Ouyang Zhenhua and the others were about to leave, but all the audience stood up. They didn't know if they were fooled by this scene or to send them away, without competitors.

Ouyang Zhenhua turned around and held the big Weinstein's hand, "Mr. Weinstein, congratulations, no need to deliver, no need to deliver, it's too polite, we can leave by ourselves, you hurry up and go through the formalities with Sony, 14 [-] million dollars, still in cash, hehe", after Ouyang Zhenhua finished speaking, he ignored Weinstein, whose face was flushed from being suppressed, turned around and walked straight away.

"No...Mr. Ouyang...Please slow down..." Weinstein, who was in a hurry, couldn't complete his words. In fact, it would be useless even if he said them completely. Ouyang Zhenhua and his group have already walked out I left the big conference room and couldn't hear it.

It wasn't just the big Weinstein who was suffocated, but also Oki Haruka. He planned that as long as the other party's price was even a little bit higher than his own, he would not quote any more, but he punched the air hard, and the other party Not only did he not accept the move, but he patted his ass and left.

At this moment, the problem was put into the hands of Big Weinstein, and he was very embarrassed, should Sony really pay that price?It would be impossible to kill him. If he could pay that price, Da Muyao would have paid it earlier, and he would not admit it. Could it be that the company's 8000 million US dollars in equity replacement price would make it impossible for Disney?This is not reconciled, the loss is too great.

Big Weinstein just stood in the field thinking in a daze, until his younger brother approached him and patted him on the shoulder, and then Big Weinstein recovered from the distraught silence. look at him.Especially Lagos, with his hands folded in front of his chest, smiling, as if he was laughing after watching a clown play.

"Everyone, due to an unexpected situation, today's bidding is suspended, and we will resume it another day." Weinstein decided to take an emergency brake after weighing it up.

"Mr. Weinstein, there are already bids for $14 billion in cash, why is it still suspended, and it's over if you sell it to Sony on the spot." Lagos, who was full of smiles, said something quite irritating.

"Mr. saw it...", Weinstein the Great was slurred by Lagos.

"Farewell, don't notify us of the next bid." Weinstein didn't finish his sentence, and Lagos's words pushed back what he hadn't said yet.

The first reason why Lagos said this is that Weinstein obviously meant to belittle Disney when he asked the price. The second reason is that Lagos also saw that there was something tricky in it. It will bring losses to Disney. The third is that he can see that Feiyang Entertainment really wants to buy it, and the price he offered is real. He can't compete. optional.So he directly chose to quit completely.

The people in the conference room gradually emptied out, and even the few reporters had already been "invited" out by Weinstein Jr. There was nothing to report about such a scene.Only the Weinstein brothers and Oki Haruka were left in the conference room, and Kitayama Junhao was also instructed by Oki Haruka to leave.

The big Weinstein sat down on the chair, and the feeling of stealing the chicken and losing the rice is quite a lot. I originally hoped to make more profits through the stimulus, but the result was nothing, nothing, and left messed up.

"Brother, what should we do?" Little Weinstein pulled a stool and sat next to Big Weinstein, and asked in a low voice.

"You ask me, and I don't know who I should ask." Big Weinstein didn't look at his brother, and replied listlessly, which formed a sharp contrast with his high spirits just now.

"Mr. Weinstein, I don't care what the outcome is, it's none of my business, everything is directed by you," Omu Yao stood aside, saying indifferently.

"I didn't mean to blame you. Anyway, thank you." Weinstein can ignore his younger brother, but he must respect Oki Haruka, a collaborator.

"What's more, you have to guarantee my interests." Omu Yao is not the kind of person who loses money and makes money.

"Mr. Oki, isn't it difficult for you to be strong? The bidding failed, and the company was not sold at all. How can I guarantee your interests?".

"This is your business. You can go to Feiyang Entertainment and sell it to them for US$12 billion in cash. They quoted this price. I can just take the extra US$[-] million."

Da Muyao left without saying a word, and the remaining Weinstein brothers looked at each other in dismay. They were now in a dilemma. They went to Ouyang Zhenhua and the others. They couldn't save face, and they were very unwilling to retreat. He sighed with a crying face.

. . . . . .

"How am I doing?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked Chen Kangjie as soon as he got in the car.

Chen Kangjie gave a thumbs up, "Brother Ouyang, he is so handsome, he did a better job than I expected, that's it, there is no need to give him face for this kind of person."

"Is it true that if we don't buy it, we can quit?" Fan Wenxuan asked with a hint of unwillingness and worry.

"Do you think Japan's Sony will really offer such a high price?" Chen Kangjie asked Fan Wenxuan.

"No, if it were me, I wouldn't either," Fan Wenxuan replied without hesitation.

"Then it's over. Obviously, Disney won't buy it at a high price, and Sony can't really pay such a high price. What will happen?" Chen Kangjie asked triumphantly looking at the beautiful scenery outside the window.

"You mean they will come to us again?" Li Li reacted quickly, before Fan Wenxuan could speak, she asked first.

"Sister Li Li is really smart. If the prediction is right, they will have no choice but to come to us." Chen Kangjie shook his head as if he was winning.

"The 12 billion US dollars still reported to President Ouyang?" Fan Wenxuan echoed.

"Bird, this moment, that moment, if they agree on the spot, the 12 billion will be 12 billion, hmph, there is no such shop after passing this village." All the bad things were said in front of me.

Chen Kangjie's expectations were right, and the Weinstein brothers visited Chen Kangjie's villa only one day later.

From top to bottom, they didn't have a good look at the two brothers who didn't know what to do.

"Mr. Weinstein, did you invite us to attend your handover ceremony this time? If so, we may run out of time. We have booked a flight back to Hong Kong tomorrow." Ouyang Zhen just sat down in the living room Hua said coldly and coldly.

"Mr. Ouyang was joking. We wanted to sell the company to Sony, but who knew they were liars and didn't have that much cash. How could we cooperate with such a vulgar company?" Turned around and was demoted to nothing by Weinstein the Great.

This seems to be a bit in line with the character of the Americans. The United States does this kind of thing a lot. Back then, it cooperated with Saddam Hussein and supported Saddam Hussein to go to war with Iran. The smoke of the Iran-Iraq War that lasted for many years has not cleared. Uncle Sam took him It is the opposite of Japan. During World War II, they fought to the death and wanted to kill millions of people on the other side. However, not long after the war ended, the two became close allies again.This well confirms the famous saying that there are no permanent friends, only permanent interests. The United States is a very typical country that puts interests first.

"Then why did you come here this time? It's not just to tell us your little secret, is it?" Ouyang Zhenhua crossed his legs and sipped a cup of tea by himself.

Chen Kangjie and Fan Wenxuan were sitting next to him and watching Ouyang Zhenhua's performance. Ouyang Zhenhua is an actor, but the director is Chen Kangjie, a quasi-director who wants to make a movie.

"Of course not, of course not. After weighing, we still feel that you are the most suitable partner, so we came to visit and hope to cooperate again," Weinstein said, nodding and bowing.

Now the initiative of the negotiation has completely changed hands, and Ouyang Zhenhua and the others are firmly in their hands.

"Oh? Is there such a good thing?" Ouyang Zhenhua pretended to be surprised, put down his raised feet, and sat up straight.

Seeing Ouyang Zhenhua's performance, the Weinstein brothers were secretly delighted. It seemed that the other party really seemed to be buying their own company, and Orientals are easy to deceive, and they believed it when they said it.

"Yes, yes," Big Weinstein nodded repeatedly.

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