rebirth of change

Chapter 513 The last straw that broke the camel's back

"Hehe, so you want to cooperate with us again?". 【 】

"Yes," Weinstein Jr. replied from the sidelines.

It was Weinstein Jr. who tried his best to cooperate with Feiyang Entertainment again. After that day, Weinstein Jr. complained that his brother was too greedy. He could have had a good ending, but he was misunderstood by his cleverness. Weinstein has nothing to say. He did not consider that the Chinese also have a clever and cunning side, otherwise there would not be a book like "Sun Tzu's Art of War" that is famous all over the world.

China, which is about to enter the new century, is no longer the way it was a hundred years ago. Those foreigners who have never been to China in person still know China from a long, long time ago, and they have not kept pace with the times. No wonder, even in the new century, some foreigners still think that the Chinese in the mainland still wear robes and braids.

In the end, under the strong request of his younger brother, Weinstein had no choice but to let go of his face. The two brothers came to pay a visit to Ouyang Zhenhua and the others, hoping to save some interests and face.

There is only one path before the two brothers, and that is to sell the company as soon as possible, otherwise their losses will increase.Now everyone in the company knows that the company is about to change hands. From ordinary employees to senior management, none of them are interested in working normally. We must get rid of this trouble as soon as possible, otherwise the company will become more and more corrupt, and its reputation in the industry will become worse and worse. At that time, it will only depreciate even more, and the degree of loss will be unpredictable.

"Then at what price do you want to sell it to us?" Ouyang Zhenhua directly asked the key point.

"Based on the price you quoted at the bidding meeting the day before yesterday, 12 billion dollars," Weinstein said impatiently, as if they had already made a big concession.

"Mr. Weinstein, did I hear you right? How much? US$12 billion?" Ouyang Zhenhua tried his best to control his emotions, hoping that what he said would not hurt the other party too much, but even so, his words still made people feel very It is contempt.

"Yes, 12 billion US dollars, all of which will be sold, and the entire company will be yours at that time." Big Weinstein has not yet figured out the situation, and still shows a very sincere look.

"Mr. Weinstein, please go back, you should go to Sony for cooperation." Ouyang Zhenhua stood up abruptly, and stretched out his hand to see off the guests.

"Mr. Ouyang, Mr. Ouyang, why is this?" Big Weinstein thought about it and didn't know what went wrong with him.

"We are cultivated people, and we only like to cooperate with sincere people. You have no sincerity at all, and you are just here to trick us. Do you think there is still a possibility of cooperation?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked with a straight face.

"Mr. Ouyang, we are very sincere. How can we say that we are not sincere? Otherwise, we would not take the initiative to come to the door." Little Weinstein unnaturally pushed his brother away and went into battle by himself. He felt that his brother would only handle things. worse.

"That's what you said, but the price you quoted has already shown that you have no sincerity." Ouyang Zhenhua's expression eased a little.

"But didn't you quote the price the day before yesterday?" Weinstein Jr. asked back.

"I would like to ask, from the point of view of American law, how will the judgment be made if something is done in an irrational situation, such as testifying in court while drunk, or committing a crime while being raped?" Ouyang Zhen Huaju used legal examples to illustrate his idea of ​​highlighting himself.

"Of course it's exempt from punishment or mitigated punishment." Great Weinstein thought he was very smart, and rushed back to Ouyang Zhenhua's words.

"That's it. Isn't this very clear? How did the price quoted yesterday? You should be very clear. Under such irrational circumstances, can the quotation count?" Ouyang Zhenhua What he wanted was the answer, directly attacking the Shield with the Spear of the Son.

Ouyang Zhenhua's words left the two brothers speechless, while Chen Kangjie secretly laughed while sitting next to him. This has already proved his judgment that there is indeed something tricky between the two brothers and the little devil.

"We apologize for the past, we are really sorry, you want to buy, we want to sell, we hope that through a candid attitude, we can achieve a win-win situation between us." After a while, Weinstein looked squarely in front of him. Ouyang Zhenhua and the others said in a deep voice.

After hesitating again and again, the Weinstein brothers knew clearly that these Orientals in front of them were extremely difficult to deal with. If they continued to evade and hide, there would be no results. In the end, it was the two of them who suffered the most. brother.

"Okay, it's almost the same, please sit down, Mary, please serve tea to the two gentlemen", Ouyang Zhenhua greeted the Weinstein brothers who stood up with him to sit down again, and ordered Mary, the servant standing beside him.

From the moment they entered the door until now, the two brothers didn't even get a sip of water. It wasn't because Chen Kangjie and the others had a bad memory or lack of manners, but they aimed at the two brothers on purpose. The purpose was to show their dissatisfaction.

Mary was ordered to provide each of the brothers with a cup of Ceylon black tea. The brothers thanked Mary politely and kept their attitude very low.

"Now let's have something formal, let's talk about your actual reserve price!" Ouyang Zhenhua took a sip of the tea in front of him and said relaxedly.

"Then we are telling the truth, our assets are indeed worth one billion US dollars, which includes our intangible assets and early investment in employee training. In order to build our distribution channels, we have spent a lot of money," said Weinstein Jr. He glanced at his brother, and to be honest, his words were indeed not mixed with any moisture.

"I don't think it's worth so much, right? Mr. Fan, tell Mr. Weinstein your assessment." Ouyang Zhenhua was still dissatisfied with the price, and brought Fan Wenxuan out to endorse him.

"Mr. Weinstein, you used to have a good reputation, but after what happened the day before yesterday, needless to say, your reputation in the industry is no longer that good. In addition to the current fluctuation of employees, we estimate that there will be at least 5000 million US dollars. As for the film distribution channel you mentioned, it has not yet reached the full coverage of North America. Many places have to rely on other companies to cooperate. You are not so serious about the transfer of companies, so I want to cooperate with other distribution channel providers in the future. When communicating cooperation agreements, others will also remain skeptical. In order to stabilize and expand distribution channels, we have to invest at least 5000 million US dollars worth of manpower and material resources. American society is a society that values ​​​​personal reputation and corporate reputation. You are more aware and sensitive than us, so in fact your current value is only 9 million US dollars," Fan Wenxuan said in a serious manner.

For this kind of assessment, it is completely self-talk, and everyone is looking for an excuse to lower the price.

"Gentlemen, you have heard that your business has begun to shrink. If you continue to maintain a game attitude, then when your employees start to change jobs after a while, it may not even be worth it, maybe soon It will become [-] million US dollars," Ouyang Zhenhua said emphatically.

Whether it is Fan Wenxuan's words or Ouyang Zhenhua's words, the two brothers are dissatisfied. This is obviously an exaggeration, but the situation is stronger than others. Now they can't find an alternative company that is interested in them and can afford the price. Although Ouyang Zhen Hua and the others are exaggerating, but the two brothers also know that if it is delayed for another month, the situation will definitely turn around suddenly.

"Okay, assuming that what you said is the truth, what is your reserve price? Just say it, cash." Instead of getting angry, the Weinstein brothers asked, holding their breath, on behalf of the two.

"A one-off price, 8000 million US dollars in cash, can be regarded as making up for our little loss." Ouyang Zhenhua reached out to finalize a price.

"8000 million U.S. dollars? Mr. Ouyang, don't you think it's less? It's more than 3 million dollars lower than the day before yesterday." After hearing Ouyang Zhenhua's quotation, Big Weinstein was a little excited.

"At this time and at that time, according to philosophical materialism, everything in the world is in constant change." Ouyang Zhenhua spread his hands, meaning whether he loves to sell or not.

"Mr. Ouyang, we need to go back and discuss it, and I will reply to you later, okay?" The Weinstein brothers did not show anger, nor did they make a decision on the spot. They wanted to fight for room for maneuver.

"Of course, the initiative is still in your hands," Ouyang Zhenhua said with a smile.

The Weinstein brothers returned to the company with mixed feelings, just in time to meet Jon Gordon and Scott looking for something to do with their brothers. The two brothers invited them to the office. After asking, the brothers were surprised , the purpose of the two is to offer their resignation.

Once the two backbones of the company leave, there will be a chain reaction immediately. The daily management of the company is usually done by them. Once the two leave, it will be like dominoes being toppled, and the consequences will be disastrous.

"You found a new place to go?" Weinstein asked the two.

"Yes, there is a company willing to hire us for $100 million a year, and the fate of Miramax is currently in limbo. We have to think about ourselves, sorry, Mr. Weinstein," Scott replied.

"Gordon, what about you?" Big Weinstein asked Jon Gordon again.

"Same", Jon Gordon's answer was only three words.

"Okay, okay, an annual salary of 100 million US dollars, congratulations, we only offered you an annual salary of 70 US dollars before, and now someone has raised you by almost 50.00%. I understand that you make such a choice, but before you leave Tell me which company you guys went to?", Big Weinstein was in a very depressed mood, and every word he said was full of cool chairs.

The resignation of Jon Gordon and Scott will become the last straw that breaks the camel's back. This moment came much earlier than the Weinstein brothers expected. They thought it would be a month, but it was only two days , began to explode.

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