rebirth of change

Chapter 515 Combining work and rest

"Xiaojie, the matter is settled, should we relax?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked Chen Kangjie with a smile at the dining table during breakfast this day. 【 】

"Relax? Brother Ouyang, how do you relax?" Chen Kangjie put down the silver spoon in his hand.

What Chen Kangjie was eating was a plate of Mexican fried rice. He originally asked his servants to make Yangzhou fried rice, but no one would do it. In the end, he had to choose the Mexican fried rice made by Mary. Forget it, these guys probably don’t know how to do it either. Just explaining what fried dough sticks are is probably going to take a lot of thought. It seems that we still need to arrange a Chinese chef in the future.

"When you come to Los Angeles, it's impossible not to have fun," Ouyang Zhenhua said.

"I think the place we live in is pretty good. This place itself is a tourist attraction, with beautiful scenery, a pleasant climate, and quietness and comfort," Chen Kangjie said leisurely.

Every year, a large number of tourists travel to Beverly Hills. There are neat streets, the world's top fashion stores, star mansions with different styles, various high-end restaurants and hotels, which can meet almost all the needs of tourists. .That's why Chen Kangjie said that.

"Okay, you are ruthless, enough to be economical." Ouyang Zhenhua raised his right thumb, and his tone had a little bit of Qianzhou flavor, probably infected by Chen Kangjie.

"Haha, just kidding, how can we not go to the beach when we arrive in Los Angeles? Let's go to the beach, everyone, won't you have any objections?",

"If you want to go to the beach, I recommend you to go to Santa Monica State Beach (Santa Monica State Beach), which has a wide view and the most tourists. Of course, Manhattan Beach (h) is also good." Li, who is familiar with the local conditions Li wiped the corner of his mouth with plum sauce and suggested.

"What do you tell us to go? It means you don't go?" Chen Kangjie asked back.

"Li Li and I still have a lot of Miramax business to deal with, and we have to go to the company later." Fan Wenxuan picked up a sandwich and said while eating, without the slightest intention of going to play in her tone. Concentrate on work.

Fan Wenxuan's hair bun put her soft hair up high, neat and not messy at all. In line with the climate of Los Angeles, she wore a white silk business attire, especially a round-neck black shirt with a silk open collar The jacket looks very capable and mature, coupled with the exquisite and small Patek Philippe on the left wrist, and the slender fingers without color, it is really a typical image of a strong woman.

"Mr. Fan, you don't have to work so hard. You are a good comrade by combining work and rest." Chen Kangjie seldom calls Sister Fan Wenxuan, and always calls her Mrs. Fan half-jokingly. I don't know if it is because Fan Wenxuan called him "Mr. Fan" in Hong Kong back then. "Little Brother" legacy.

"To put it nicely, didn't you want to shoot your... what... "True Lies", I have to prepare it in advance?" Fan Wenxuan asked in a complaining tone.

The reason why Fan Wenxuan complained was that she felt that Ouyang Zhenhua and Chen Kangjie had something to hide from him. He knew too little about the inside story of "True Lies". It has something to do with the plan to tune the tiger away from the mountain.

"President Fan, it doesn't matter if it's early or late, girls are too busy and they age easily," Chen Kangjie said jokingly.

"It's better to be busy, and to live a fulfilling life," Fan Wenxuan said with some resentment, and after she finished speaking, she buried her head in her mouth and started to eat. The purpose of letting Buddha go is to turn "sorrow and anger" into appetite.

Hey, older girls, if they don't fall in love, they will have this kind of psychological tendency, sin, sin, it stands to reason that a girl like Fan Wenxuan who is talented, rich, and beautiful should be pursued by many people, but there is no such thing now. I heard she was dating.

"Playing can also be fulfilling. That's all. Let's go to the beach today. Let's go to the place recommended by Li Li, Santa Monica Beach. Wenxuan, don't spoil everyone's interest. We can do work tomorrow." , Ouyang Zhenhua persuaded by putting on the dual identities of friend and boss.

"Don't go", Fan Wenxuan played the girl's petty temper.

"Wenxuan, go," Li Li shook Fan Wenxuan's arm, persuading her again.

"Sister Fan, come, come out, let me tell you something." Chen Kangjie put down the plate, pushed the seat away and walked behind Fan Wenxuan.

Fan Wenxuan is a little confused, what will happen to me?

After Chen Kangjie finished speaking, he walked out. Fan Wenxuan could feel that Chen Kangjie's identity was very unusual. With his "big potato" status, it was not easy. As a last resort, Fan Wenxuan could only put down the food in his hand , followed Chen Kangjie silently.

Ouyang Zhenhua didn't know what Chen Kangjie was doing, so he and Li Li could only watch the two go out one after the other.

After a few minutes, Chen Kangjie came back first, and after Chen Kangjie had returned to the dining table, Fan Wenxuan appeared at the door with a very deep expression, as if she had been stimulated by something.However, Ouyang Zhenhua seems to have seen a little way. When Fan Wenxuan learned that Chen Kangjie was a "big potato", she had such an expression.

"Okay, let's go to the beach later, Mr. Fan has agreed to go together." After sitting down, Chen Kangjie took a sip of the yogurt at hand and announced happily.

Although pure milk is more nutritious, Chen Kangjie is not very used to the fishy smell, whether it was before or after rebirth. According to his taste, the British housekeeper Audrey specially ordered his servant to prepare yogurt for him, and the color was adjusted. It turned pink, and I wanted to take a sip just looking at it.

"Wen Xuan, is it true that you agreed?" Li Li hurriedly asked her.

Fan Wenxuan glanced at Chen Kangjie, then nodded: "Yes, you guys go to play, why should I go to work?".

"Haha, it's right to think so." The boss encouraged his subordinates to give up work and play, and Ouyang Zhenhua was one of the few, "Well, if you go to the beach, you have to wear beachwear and swimming trunks, but I didn't bring them, what should I do? ?”.

"I think you are smart and confused for a while, wouldn't you buy it if you didn't bring it? Audrey, Audrey", Chen Kangjie criticized Ouyang Zhenhua with a smile, and turned to call the butler standing in the distance.

"Sir, what are your orders?" Aode came to Chen Kangjie quickly and asked politely.

"You know how to choose clothes. You go to Rodeo Drive and choose some beachwear and swimsuits for us, oh no, for everyone." Chen Kangjie gave Aode the task.

"We have to choose by ourselves, Li Li, we will go too", Fan Wenxuan was a little uneasy about the British man's vision, so she pulled Li Li to choose by herself.

"That's fine. By the way, we can also refer to it. You can buy whatever you want, anyway, it's public money." Since Fan Wenxuan and the others are willing to go, that's great. Chen Kangjie doesn't quite trust this foreigner's aesthetics.

"That couldn't be better, Li Li, go shopping, Rodeo Drive is full of famous brands." Women have a natural interest in shopping for clothes, plus they don't have to pay for themselves, Fan Wenxuan is very excited.

In the end, John Jimmy sent four SEALs. Accompanied by Audrey, they drove two cars and followed Fan Wenxuan and Li Li to Rodeo Drive, a fashion avenue in Beverly Hills, for a shopping spree.

"Jie Shao, did you tell Fan Wenxuan your authorship just now?" As soon as Fan Wenxuan and the others left, Ouyang Zhenhua asked Chen Kangjie.

"How did you guess that?".

"It can be seen from Fan Wenxuan's expression."

"Smart, yes, I told her. Anyway, she will know sooner or later. There is no need to keep her secret. In the current situation, if you don't tell her, it will cause misunderstanding. You have seen her behavior just now. , I need her to cooperate in many things in the future," Chen Kangjie expressed his thoughts.

"That's true," Ouyang Zhenhua nodded in agreement.

When Fan Wenxuan and the others came back, this trip actually cost 18 US dollars. From Chen Kangjie to Xiong Ziqiang and the others, everyone had a share of beachwear, all of which were Dior brands. The swimming trunks of Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua and the swimsuits of the two ladies were also After buying it, they also each bought a long Chanel dress plus a pair of Calvin Klein limited-edition summer sandals.

"You guys are so willing!" Ouyang Zhenhua sighed standing at the door with his hips akimbo, looking at the high-end clothing bags brought into the house by the four former Navy Seals.

"Anyway, I don't have to pay out of my own pocket, but it's a pity that time is too tight, I want to play, otherwise, I can buy a lot more." Fan Wenxuan acted quite confidently, with some regrets.

"Hehe, I am a little rich woman myself, and I still act so petty," Chen Kangjie teased.

"Where is your money!".

"Okay, I guess I said something wrong, hehe, everyone, go back to your room and change your clothes, let's go! Which one is mine?" Chen Kangjie didn't want anyone to get entangled in that question.

"This bag, this bag is yours." Li Li handed a gray high-end clothing bag to Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie grabbed him and ran upstairs.

After everyone went upstairs and downstairs, everyone became very cool and cheerful. What's interesting is that all the bodyguards' beach suits are the same color, only the size is different. This may be because Fan Wenxuan and Li Li wanted to save time. Come out and give yourself an easy way to pick out your outfits.For Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua, the two are not sloppy. Chen Kangjie's short-sleeved clothes are yellow and white cross patterns, and the trousers are black and white plaid. Ouyang Zhenhua's top is red and blue wave pattern, and the trousers are pure black. .The two of them, together with the two ladies, also have a special treatment, that is, each has a hand-woven sun hat.

The two ladies wore semi-tight cool shorts, revealing slender white thighs, and their tops were pink long-sleeved shirts. If they wore sunglasses, they would look like twins.

With all preparations in place, a dozen or so people pedaled their bicycles and rushed towards Santa Monica Beach. For Chen Kangjie and the others, this trip to the beach was just a pleasure, but it was different for Fan Wenxuan. Miraculously found his love on this beach trip.

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