rebirth of change

Chapter 516 Help, help

Santa Monica Beach was built in 1908 and is located at the end of Highway [-]. It is one of the most famous classics in Los Angeles. There is a huge parking lot next to the beach. It is very interesting. The parking fee of this parking lot will vary with the It varies with the seasons. In winter, you can park for an hour for only two dollars, but in the peak tourist season in summer, the parking fee rises to US dollars for an hour, which is very staggering. 【 】

Chen Kangjie and his group are divided into four cars. Bob is not in Los Angeles these two days because he is going to New York for business. Although Chen Kangjie and his car are luxury cars, they are not so conspicuous in the parking lot. There are many stars and rich people in Los Angeles. The streets are full of sports cars and luxury cars. In this parking lot, Chen Kangjie saw several Asmartins, Lamborghinis, Saabs, extended Hummers, etc., parked the cars, and paid a parking fee of two thousand dollars in advance. Have fun playing.

Of course, not everyone can play in complete relaxation, at least not those bodyguards. They pretend to be tourists and scatter around Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua, carefully observing the surrounding situation to prevent any possible accidents from happening.

"I'm going to swim, are you going?" Chen Kangjie, wearing stylish sunglasses, a cool beach suit, and a woven handmade hat, stepped on the soft and hot sand, watching the waves undulating under the dazzling sun, In the sparkling Pacific Ocean, there is an urge to chase the waves.

"Of course, there is a place to change clothes over there. You can change into your swimsuit there." Fan Wenxuan took off her sandals and held them in her hands, half of her white feet were submerged by the soft sand.

"Hey, for the sake of convenience, I've already put on my swimming trunks. Go and change them. Come and find me after you change them. I'm going to hit the waves." He ran, took off his clothes and pants while running, and threw them to Xiong Ziqiang behind him.

Probably because he was running too fast, maybe the sand was too soft, or Chen Kangjie hadn’t practiced the action of taking off his pants during the exercise, and he jumped and fell on the sand before he even reached the beach. Seeing all this, Ouyang Zhenhua, Fan Wenxuan and Li Li laughed and burst into tears.

Chen Kangjie still couldn't hear their laughter, but Chen Kangjie could really feel the unscrupulous laughter of the "turbulent" blond girls in bikinis beside him.

"Is this funny? Is it funny? Have you ever seen a man practice the posture of going to bed after marriage?" Chen Kangjie got up, patted the sand on his face, and frowned at the beauties.

"Oh, baby, are you wrong? It's like this before marriage, who would go to bed in such a hurry after marriage?" Seeing Chen Kangjie's textured muscles and handsome face, and thinking of his sense of humor just now With the action, the girls not only didn't get angry, but instead joked, and laughed even brighter.

"Damn, **** capitalism", Chen Kangjie got up, left a baffling sentence, and rushed into the sea with a blushing face.

Chen Kangjie was feeling hot right now, hoping that the cold sea water could cool down his body temperature.

"What? **** capitalism? Does capitalism have anything to do with ****?" Several girls looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Huh, who knows? Cute oriental boy, let's continue sunbathing." A girl put on her sunglasses, lay down and continued to enjoy the beach and sunshine.

In fact, Chen Kangjie became more capitalist than capitalism later on.

On the other side, after laughing, Ouyang Zhenhua saw Chen Kangjie getting up to chat with the beautiful woman, secretly gave Chen Kangjie a thumbs up, and whispered: "Jie Shao is Jie Shao, it's not easy, so he did this for Picking up girls, being creative, being creative, having a bad eye, and only entering the beach, you can find your target from so far away, high!"

"Ouyang, what are you talking about? Whispering." Fan Wenxuan, who didn't hear clearly, pushed Ouyang Zhenhua.

"It's nothing, it's nothing, let's go and change quickly." After speaking, Ouyang Zhenhua started to move forward.

"It's mysterious, I really don't know what's going on, Li Li, do you think Xiaojie is cute?" Fan Wenxuan looked at Ouyang Zhenhua's back and muttered, then laughed and asked Li Li.

"Hehe, it's not cute, it's funny." Li Li always had an uncontrollable smile on his face.

. . . . . .

Chen Kangjie plunged into the sea and swam towards mine. It seemed that the boundless sea was the place that could accommodate this dragon. After his rebirth, this was the first time he swam in the sea. From the perspective of swimming skills, he could not talk about Good, but not drowning.

Due to the large number of people in the shallow sea area, especially women, almost all of them are in the shallow sea area, and because Chen Kangjie is too selfless, he touched the smooth and soft thighs several times. The beautiful and ugly girls who were touched by him originally wanted to reprimand them , but seeing such a charming, fresh and vigorous oriental boy shaking his head and breathing, he couldn't speak the words of reprimand anyway, and when they wanted to get close, Chen Kangjie had already swam away.

. . . . . .

As soon as Fan Wenxuan and Li Li came out of the wooden dressing room, whistles were heard immediately.

The swimsuits that Fan Wenxuan and Li Li chose were not the large one-piece swimsuits on domestic beaches. Most women in China chose not only wide one-piece swimsuits, but also a small swing skirt on many of their lower bodies, which was not attractive at all. They all chose the kind of thin bikinis, and the two of them were in good shape, neither fat nor thin, with two peaks standing proudly, and white skin, which really attracted many foreigners who were obsessed with sex.

In Los Angeles, although there is a Chinatown with a long history, the number of Chinese is still relatively small so far, unlike the impressive number of 40 people who will reach [-] a decade later.With fewer Chinese, there are even fewer beautiful Chinese women.

Fan Wenxuan and Li Li have always received that kind of Western education and culture, which is why they appear so open and not conservative at all.

"Hey, where's Ouyang? Haven't you come out yet?" The two didn't see Ouyang Zhenhua at the door of the locker room, so Li Li asked that question. According to common sense, men change clothes faster than women.

"Miss, Mr. Ouyang has already gone to the beach. He said he will wait for you to come out and tell you to go there by yourself," said Dong Mingshu, who came to protect them and wore sunglasses, with his head down.

The introverted Dong Mingshu didn't dare to look up at these two beautiful compatriots who only wore a trace, thinking that would make him a little obscene.


Fan Wenxuan and Li Li strolled towards the beach with their heads held high, without any regard for those eyes that were shining with flames around them. Everything seemed generous and natural, and it unavoidably showed their pride and confidence in their bodies.

It is not easy to find people on the beach full of tourists, but it is very easy for Fan Wenxuan and the others to find Chen Kangjie. Those strong men who are scattered around wearing beachwear of the same color are a prominent signpost, not to mention there are Led by Dong Mingshu, along the way, almost all the adult men paid attention to the two beautiful oriental girls, some intentionally, some seemed unintentional because the female companion was beside them.

Chen Kangjie swam in the sea, skillfully avoided the waves that swept over him, and swam to the edge of the shark prevention. According to the regulations, he could no longer swim two people outside, so he changed the breaststroke to a more energy-saving one. Swim back in the backstroke.

In the sky, several people are playing with parachutes in the air driven by motorboats, sometimes gliding across the sea, sometimes soaring in the air, the sky is very blue and clean, and in the distance, there are some people "chug and chug" playing with motorboats, Chen Kangjie I was thinking, is this what he has never been to in Hawaii?

Suddenly, Chen Kangjie's head bumped into two soft spherical objects, and when he stared back, he turned out to be an acquaintance.

"Miss Fan...I'm wasn't intentional, I didn't see you behind at all." Chen Kangjie stood up, stepped on the ground, and looked at Fan Wenxuan in front of him embarrassedly.

"Little kid, I don't blame you for saying it was intentional or not." Fan Wenxuan blushed at first, and then returned to her true colors.

"That's what you said, tsk tsk tsk, what a reckless waste!" Of course, Chen Kangjie was upset at being called a brat, and stared at Fan Wenxuan's chest like a man.

"What are you looking at, you?" Fan Wenxuan pushed her chest higher, as if the object inside was about to come out.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter if I bump into you, let's see why you still mind?" Chen Kangjie looked smug.

"You...", Fan Wenxuan was speechless by Chen Kangjie.

"I said you two, the big one doesn't look big, and the small one doesn't look small," Li Li, who was also submerged in sea water to the chest, said conditionally.

"Sister Li Li, how can you imitate how she dresses so sexy? You are really a disaster to the world. Fortunately, I am determined, otherwise..." Chen Kangjie shook his wet hair, only to find that Li Li's figure is also so good, just like water. Hibiscus is average.

But before he finished speaking, Chen Kangjie didn't dare to stay and slipped away. He knew, stay and get ready to live.

"Even if you run fast, this kid, who learned to be obsessed with sex at such a young age, will definitely not be a good thing when he grows up." Fan Wenxuan raised her small fist and slapped the undulating sleep.

In fact, Chen Kangjie's concentration is not good, he is not good enough, so he quickly found an excuse to escape, these two beauties are too hot, if he stays next to them again, Chen Kangjie is worried about his small tent If you can hold it up, it will be a shame.

"Hehe, forget it, let's go swimming, he is just naughty, but he is very smart," Li Li said from the side. <, she was so surprised that she was stunned for 30 seconds.

"What's so smart?" After waiting for a while, Li Li splashed sea water on Fan Wenxuan with her curved palm.

"Smart... I don't know how to describe it. Anyway, this guy is not human. Let's go and swim." Fan Wenxuan couldn't find the right words to describe Chen Kangjie for a while, so she could only diverge and swim to the deep sea first.

Li Lizhang at the back couldn't figure it out, what does this mean?It's like saying nothing.

Suddenly, I heard Fan Wenxuan's voice, "Help, help!".

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