rebirth of change

Chapter 517 God of Plague

When Li Li heard the call, she fixed her eyes and saw that Fan Wenxuan was struggling in the sea at this time, her hands were scrambling on the sea surface, a wave rolled over and hit her half of her head that was still above the water into the water, Li Li Li got nervous and forgot to jump over to rescue her. 【 】

At this moment, an oriental man closest to Fan Wenxuan rushed over with a few breaststrokes, pulled Fan Wenxuan out of the water, and then dragged her body slung towards the shore. Only then did Li Li remember to help, and the tourists around saw her. Seeing this scene, they also extended a helping hand one after another. Some evacuated the dense crowd in the shallow sea area ahead, and some helped carry people.

After they hurriedly asked Fan Wenxuan to carry it to the shore, the strong man, the lifeguard on the watchtower who discovered the situation, ran over.

Seeing Fan Wenxuan as a beautiful and sexy woman, the lifeguard immediately asked to give her artificial respiration.

"You don't need artificial respiration, you just need to squeeze the seawater out of her belly," the man who first rescued Fan Wenxuan stopped the lifeguard.

As he said that, the man started to do it. First, he put Fan Wenxuan flat, then knelt and put his palms together on Fan Wenxuan's abdomen, squeezing vigorously rhythmically. Every time he squeezed, some sea water would flow out of Fan Wenxuan's mouth. .As a partner, Li Li did not stop or reject this man's actions.Judging from the man's demeanor and behavior, he should be knowledgeable and not acting recklessly.

Dong Mingshu and Pang Hui who were standing on the side did not express any objection.Dong Mingshu and Pang Hui were arranged to protect the two, while others protected Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua, especially Chen Kangjie. More than half of the bodyguards were around him, but most of them were not in the water, but on the shore. Only Xiong Ziqiang, Tan Jun and Wang Wei got into the water and swam around seven or eight meters away from Chen Kangjie.

After repeated several times, I finally heard Fan Wenxuan's "cough cough".Seeing that the rescue was successful, the surrounding onlookers applauded spontaneously, especially those who had provided help just now.At this time, Chen Kangjie also brought Ouyang Zhenhua.

"How are you? What happened just now?" Li Li raised Fan Wenxuan's head gently and asked with concern.

"It should be a cramp in the leg. It shouldn't be a serious problem at this time. It will be fine to get up and take a few steps later." Fan Wenxuan didn't answer, but this handsome rescuer replaced him, and he used an extremely well-trained man abroad. Rarely heard Chinese.

"Huh, you can speak Chinese?" Li Li glanced at the kind-hearted Oriental.

"Yes, but I seldom say it, because I am Chinese. I just heard you ask your companions to use Chinese. I know you are also Chinese, so I suppressed it." The handsome guy said with a smile.

"Thank you", Fan Wenxuan raised her head vigorously, and said three words to her benefactor.

"You're welcome, it's just a matter of little effort, let alone we are fellow villagers," the Chinese waved his hand a little embarrassedly.

"Brother, are you from mainland China? I heard you speak Chinese well." Chen Kangjie stepped forward and patted the Chinese man on the shoulder.

"Hey, are you Chinese too?" Hearing another Chinese speaker, this young Chinese was very pleasantly surprised.

"Yes, we are together. By the way, are you from the mainland or the opposite treasure island?" Chen Kangjie pointed to Fan Wenxuan, indicating his relationship with them, and then continued to ask him.

"My ancestral home is Huizhou, but my father's generation has been naturalized in the United States."

"Oh, that's indeed a fellow. I'm from Qianzhou. I don't know what to call you?" Chen Kangjie squatted down next to the other party. <", maybe Chen Kangjie looked very friendly, maybe the other party wanted to tell Fan Wenxuan his name, Pang Hui whispered to Dong Mingshu.

"If it wasn't for the God of Plague, why would something happen to Miss Fan as soon as he appeared?" Dong Mingshu next to him showed such a sense of humor for the first time. <I didn’t hear it, but the sharp-eared Chen Kangjie heard it. He was immediately amused. Gained the nickname of 'Plague God'. < asked Chen Kangjie with a frown. <, thank you, thank you for saving Sister Fan, if you don't mind, let's have a drink together? ", Chen Kangjie resisted the idea of ​​laughing, and glared at the mischievous Pang Hui. Then he didn't rush to answer Chen Kangjie, but turned his head to look at Fan Wenxuan, it seemed to be a kind of consultation, it seemed that it was a kind of concern.

"Sister Fan, how are you doing? Are you okay? Why don't we go to the side for a drink, and you can take a break too," Chen Kangjie asked Fan Wenxuan in an inquiring manner.

"I'm fine, it's good to go and take a rest," Fan Wenxuan replied gently, completely lacking the usual fighting spirit with Chen Kangjie.

Fan Wenxuan just looks a little pale now, but in fact there is nothing serious about her body, thanks to the timely rescue, she just choked up a few sips of water, and was scared, let alone leg cramps in the sea, even if she was Many people will be intimidated by leg cramps in the swimming pool. <Agreed or not, I patted him on the back and stood up first.

On the northeast side of Santa Monica Beach, there is a row of small bars. Many tourists come here for a drink with bare feet, but there are not many people who drink, but the drink business is good, only at night. Drinking will become mainstream.

Li Li helped Fan Wenxuan up, the onlookers saw that Fan Wenxuan was fine just now, and gradually dispersed, everyone came to play, and no one was more interested in accompanying them, even the disciples who coveted Fan Wenxuan and Li Li's beauty The prodigal son, seeing Chen Kangjie, Ouyang Zhenhua, these male companions, also became less interested.

After Chen Kangjie got up, he took the lead to walk towards the bar street. Ouyang Zhenhua accompanied Li Li and supported Fan Wenxuan, who was actually able to do without support, followed behind, stood up and followed without hesitation.

The closer the bar is to the beach, the more tourists there are, and everyone has the heart to look far away. Outside the two bars on the beach, there were no empty seats. Chen Kangjie and the others went all the way to the northernmost bar called Baby Kiss. Only then did I find a few seats that could accommodate them under the sun umbrella at the door.

Everyone ordered a drink according to their personal preferences, and then chatted.At this time, Fan Wenxuan and Li Li each put on a scarf to slightly cover up the scenery.

"It seems that today was a bad start, and such an unlucky thing happened before I had a good time." What Li Li said was true for her, and she had just entered the water.

"I'm fine, I'll put on sunscreen later, and I'll go with you," Fan Wenxuan said apologetically.

"It's okay, let's just stay here if we don't go back tonight," Chen Kangjie, who loves to play, suggested.

"Live here? Xiaojie, don't tell me to live in a beach tent." Ouyang Zhenhua seemed to dislike beach tents.

"If you want to live here, there is a good resort hotel behind, the price is right, the rooms are neat and clean, the best thing is, their windows are all facing the sea, I live there", I heard that Chen Kangjie and the others plan to Don't go back, kindly recommend the hotel where you live to them.

"That's good, Jimmy, can you book a room for us?", Chen Kangjie has never been procrastinating in his work, and he will do it when he decides. <Only found that many people who came with them turned out to be with them, just like this strong John Jimmy. At first, he thought he was just a strange tourist, but now he knows no matter how stupid he is, that person is a bodyguard , He looked at the several oriental faces around him, and found that they were all looking at him intentionally or unintentionally. It seemed that if he guessed correctly, those people were also bodyguards. <Began to speculate about Chen Kangjie’s identity. From just now until now, Chen Kangjie has acted like a decision-maker who can make decisions. It was he who initiated the visit to the bar, and he was the one who sent someone to book the hotel. The first guess is that Chen Kangjie is the child of a high-ranking official in China, that is, ** and ** that they often hear abroad. <When chatting with Chen Kangjie, his attitude will change slightly, but he has not reached the point of being cautious, after all, he is an American. <, what do you do now? ", Chen Kangjie asked him casually.<Answered simply.<asked.<Answered a little shyly.

"What major? Which school?" Li Li asked bluntly.

"Harvard University, Computer and Software Engineering".

"Hey, it's a very promising major. Are you coming to Los Angeles for vacation?" He is Chinese, majoring in a promising major, and he went to a world-renowned school. Naturally lowered down.

"Hey, bro, needless to say, buddy understands, it must be lovelorn." Chen Kangjie is like a professional love expert, who understands the feelings of these lovelorn people. <He raised his head proudly, a dark color of resolute farewell revealed between his brows.

"The old ones won't go, the new ones won't come, hey, the two beautiful ladies are not married, you have a great chance, especially Miss Fan, you are her savior! Haha", Chen Kangjie took Fan Wenxuan and Li Li together made a joke.

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