rebirth of change

Chapter 518 The World's Largest Market in the Future

"You're going to die, say." [&, his strong voice weakened again.

"What's the matter? Men should be married when they are colleges, and girls should be married when they are colleges. What's more, I just said that if it is true that Luohua has intentions and ruthlessness, I can't do anything about it. What do you think? But if the husband has the heart and the concubine has the heart, I still want There is no other way." Chen Kangjie spoke in the tone of an adult in charge of a matchmaker.

"You still say yes?" Fan Wenxuan puffed up her chest again.

But Chen Kangjie didn't talk to her at all, instead he turned the topic to Li Li, "Sister Li, when you graduated, didn't you write a message to Sister Fan?".

"Why didn't I write it? Our relationship is the best."

"What are you writing about? Can you tell me, I'm interested to hear it," Chen Kangjie dragged his cheeks and leaned on the table.

"It's nothing more than a double harvest in love and career," Li Li replied casually.

"Oh, that's right, Sister Fan, did you hear that, I'm not the only one who thinks about you like this, it seems like all kind people have the same idea."

"Hehe, I knew you wouldn't go around like this for no reason," Ouyang Zhenhua said with a smile. He knew Chen Kangjie's cleverness better.

"Who asked me to care about people? Hahaha", Chen Kangjie laughed brazenly. The two of them seemed to be working together and cooperated very well.

"Who wants you to care about this, really, you too, what he asked you, why did you tell him?" Fan Wenxuan finished complaining to Chen Kangjie, and complained like Li Li again, with red ears.

"How would I know?" Li Li glared at Chen Kangjie.

"That's right, I'm that Lu Dongbin," Chen Kangjie raised his hands in surrender, but even so, he implicitly didn't want to suffer.

When Chen Kangjie was bickering, there was only one person he couldn't win, and that was his sixth sister, otherwise, no one else could take advantage of him. <Although they are Americans, they all speak Chinese at home, not English. This is to preserve the Chinese cultural tradition as much as possible, which is why they can speak more authentic Chinese.Therefore, he could understand Chen Kangjie secretly calling Fan Wenxuan a puppy. <'s laughter aroused Fan Wenxuan's dissatisfaction, but her words were somewhat ambiguous. <Even an apology can't help but laugh.

"Smile, it's ten years old, it's good for everyone to smile, let's not talk about it, since we know each other, we are friends, let's play together in the afternoon!" Chen Kangjie always acts as a mediator, but he forgot , They know others, but others don't know them yet.

"I don't know you guys yet."

"Oh, that's right, we haven't made an introduction yet, sorry, sorry, um, let me introduce you." Chen Kangjie, who had reacted, stood up.

"Here, this is the beauty you rescued, named He Wanrong, from Hong Kong, engaged in the entertainment industry, this beauty, named Li Li, the two of them are classmates at Columbia University, and they are also engaged in the entertainment industry, but she Like you, he is an American, this handsome guy, Ouyang Zhenhua, a Hong Kong native, is engaged in... the financial investment industry, as for me, my name is Chen Kangjie, you can call me Xiaojie, hehe, a student", Chen Kangjie introduced one by one road.

When Chen Kangjie introduced, he only introduced the industry he was engaged in, and did not introduce the position. Ouyang Zhenhua's industry is still a bit difficult to introduce. After all, Ouyang Zhenhua has been involved in n industries so far. There will be more and more, and for himself, it is even simpler, the word "student" can get it done. <Being very polite, although he doesn't know the position, but he is smart enough to see that these people in front of him are definitely not low-level.

"Okay, we know each other now, let's play together in the afternoon, there are so many people", Chen Kangjie clapped his hands together, as if he had completed a certain task. <He readily agrees.

"By the way, Brother V, when will you graduate? Are you interested in working in China after graduation?", Chen Kangjie always spares no effort in recruiting talents, never misses any possible opportunity, and the title of right changes naturally After thinking about it, he said.

"Why?" Chen Kangjie was supposed to ask this question, but unexpectedly, it was Fan Wenxuan who asked.

"Hehe, because the things I'm learning are not applicable in the mainland, and the new economic industries in the mainland are too backward. I guess whether it is the Internet or the software industry, the United States is booming now. Maybe the mainland is still starting from zero?", Chong Fanwen Xuan smiled and began to answer his question.

"You're right. So far the mainland doesn't even have a formal website, but it's about to be released soon. I can tell you responsibly that the mainland will become the world's largest Internet market in the future, even in the software industry. , now Qianzhou has also invested in a large-scale software company. From the perspective of career planning, it is better to go to a company that is already on track than to go to a start-up company. This can better display your talents and is easier to do. Going to the top and leading the development direction of the company, the icing on the cake is not as good as the timely charcoal," Chen Kangjieyou said. <asks in a skeptical tone.

"Sure, maybe you want to know the reason, then let me talk about it, first, that is the population, the mainland is the most populous area in the world, several times that of the United States, even if the average use of computers is only half of the United States, or One-third, the total number will be more than twice that of the United States. Second, the characteristics of the Internet industry determine that it will be a fully competitive industry. We will not create such a glorious history. Therefore, in the competition, Chinese companies will definitely have a foothold. Third, although this industry has been booming in the United States, it has only just begun. There is no complete long distance, and there is a possibility of catching up. Fourth, that is our reform and opening up policy. This policy will bring two benefits. One is the opening and loosening of the policy, and the other is the release of thinking. , these two aspects will make this industry different from traditional industries, it will develop beyond the norm, fifth, that is, our current economic development speed and the one-child policy, the impact of rapid economic development is relatively easy to understand, but Why is it said that the one-child policy is also the driving force for promoting this industry? Because in our culture, there is always a tradition of emphasizing children’s education and training. In the past, every family had several children, and there may not be enough material protection. Now newborn children, especially urban children, are mostly only children, so the training and education they receive will definitely be very different from the past. Computers must be a must-have skill. From these aspects , already allows us to clearly see the future of our new economy." Chen Kangjie has not published such a long speech for a long time. It is very strange that whenever he talks about work and the economy, Chen Kangjie always looks extraordinary. There is still more to say. <Looking sideways, Li Li, who had not dealt with Chen Kangjie so deeply, had a complete understanding of him. At this moment, he understood why Ouyang Zhenhua wanted to hire Chen Kangjie as a consultant for the company. <After thinking about it, he said to Chen Kangjie intently, wondering whether he still wanted to hear Chen Kangjie's explanation, or Chen Kangjie who continued to take the school exam and seemed to have not completely shaken off his childishness.

"You want to talk about capital and technology, right? In fact, the government is short of funds, but we are not short of funds. In other words, there is no shortage of funds in the commercial field. Where there is a market, there will be funds. As for technology, it is completely catchable. To put it bluntly, Internet technology is not that advanced. As long as you get started, as long as you have a certain number of engineers and sufficient funds, technology is not a problem at all. Let me make a hypothesis. I believe that in the future, there will be many Internet companies or companies in the new economy industry will appear in garages or residential buildings, do you believe it? Bill Gates is an example.” Chen Kangjie seems to have known that he was speechless, not just him , several people who can understand Chinese stared at him, including Ouyang Zhenhua, but Ouyang Zhenhua was thinking differently from the others. What he was thinking was, "When did Master Jie learn computer? What? When did you learn the Internet?".

"What else is in your mind?" After a while, Fan Wenxuan approached Chen Kangjie, touched his head and asked in doubt.

"A man's head can't be touched casually, you will know in the future, well, let's not talk about these serious issues, if you are interested in working in the mainland, you can contact Sister Fan, let's go play", Chen Kangjie will Fan Wenxuan's catkins were gently pushed away.

"Why contact me?" Fan Wenxuan felt very strange.

"Hey, because you are more familiar with it. Besides, if I contact you, I will contact Brother Ouyang. Maybe Brother Ouyang is willing to invest in this, haha, k, please!", Chen Kangjie is not so serious Said, and then called the waiter to pay.

Fan Wenxuan historically did not refute Chen Kangjie's very interesting joke.

Of course, Chen Kangjie didn't need to pay for the bill. He only wears a pair of swimming trunks and has nothing on his body. Xiong Ziqiang will do it for him.

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