rebirth of change

Chapter 52 Huge Donation

Chapter 52 Huge donation

"Uncle Huang, what are you up to?" Chen Kangjie called Huang Zhenhua's office. When he came to Liushuipan to attend the ceremony last time, Huang Zhenhua left his phone number so that Chen Kangjie could call for anything.

There was no other person who could call the office directly and call himself Uncle Huang, so Huang Zhenhua knew it was Chen Kangjie when he heard it, but he was still a little puzzled, why did this little guy call him?

"Little ghost, what's the good thing about calling Uncle Huang?" Huang Zhenhua really liked to joke with Chen Kangjie.

"One piece of good news, one piece of bad news, which one would Uncle Huang want to hear first?" Chen Kangjie crossed his legs and smiled to tease this old man who liked to joke with him.

"Then you should tell the bad news first. After hearing the bad news and then the good news, you will feel much more comfortable." Huang Zhenhua also responded with a smile, but he really thought about it.

"The bad news is that I haven't completed the task you entrusted to me. Hongyuan has no new investment plan for the time being. It will take at least half a year to invest, ha ha." In fact, this is not Hongyuan's idea, it is According to Chen Kangjie's idea, it is inappropriate to invest in new investment before the instant noodle factory and mineral water factory are put into production, and they don't have so much energy and manpower.

Hearing that Hongyuan had no new plans, Huang Zhenhua was really disappointed. He still wanted Hongyuan to invest more. In terms of attracting foreign investment, Qianzhou surpassed most inland identities, and the GDP would look better from the numbers. .But after hearing it, there might be a plan half a year later between the words, and my heart became active again.

"Hehe, it's understandable. They have invested so much in our province and haven't seen any benefits yet. Thank you, Xiaojie." Chen Kangjie really communicated with that President Ouyang, so he deserves a thank you.

"It should be done, haha", I can hear that Chen Kangjie is very happy, someone understands, someone thanks, so he is naturally happy, not to mention the result of his communication with himself, he didn't do anything at all, and he felt that he was taking advantage of it , to be taken aback.

"Then tell me your good news, kid, and see if your good news will make my old man eat an extra bowl of rice." Huang Zhenhua doesn't eat much, and he only ate half a bowl when he ate with Chen Kangjie at Zhao Zhibang's house .Huang Zhenhua would only be so relaxed when he was on the phone with Chen Kangjie.

"Uncle Huang, let me tell you first. I won this good news. You and Uncle Sun Yang must remember my contribution." You don't necessarily need the fame and fortune in the province, but it doesn't mean that Chen Qigang doesn't need it.

"As long as it's good news, I will definitely get you a good student." Huang Zhenhua knew what this little cunning man was thinking, and he didn't treat Chen Kangjie like an ordinary child. He also knew that Chen Kangjie probably didn't care about three good students, so I just made fun of him with this, because it was difficult for him to answer Chen Kangjie's meaning as the governor.

"Uncle Huang, you're too stingy. If the good news I brought is only a provincial three-good student, then I don't care about the good news next time, hum", and fool me with a three-good student?Do you really treat me like a three-year-old?Chen Kangjie pretended to be angry.

"Hurry up and tell me your good news, I'm so anxious." After a long time, Huang Zhenhua was really in a hurry and ignored Chen Kangjie's anger.

"The good news is that Hongyuan intends to donate some money to our province's education." It seems that the heat is about the same. After all, the other party is a provincial and ministerial official, so he didn't continue to embarrass Huang Zhenhua. However, Chen Kangjie just wanted to get revenge on Huang Zhenhua's three good students, so he deliberately Only reveal a little bit.

"Donate a little money?" Huang Zhenhua was a little confused, how much is a little, the most private donations in the province are a few million, are they planning to donate tens of millions to buy fame?

"Well, just donate some money." Chen Kangjie replied pretending to be serious, but actually laughed out loud in his stomach

"How much is this little money?" Huang Zhenhua was really uncomfortable by Chen Kangjie's unclear news, so he didn't care about his face, and asked directly impatiently.Anyway, in his mind, no matter how much it is, it is a contribution to the cause of education, and it can reduce the pressure on education in the province. What's more, if Hongyuan buys fame, it will be worth a million.

"The amount is about 1000 million." Chen Kangjie said the figure slowly with a smile.

"What? Say it again? 1000, [-]?" Hearing this figure, Governor Huang Zhenhua, who has been in the officialdom for many years, shouted excitedly. This is a gift, not an investment. The province's annual education funds Not much more than that.

"That's right, it's 1000 million. They plan to build 10 Hope Primary Schools at the standard of 500 yuan each, donate 2400 million to establish the "Spring Thunder Project", and fund 10 poor rural girls to complete the nine-year compulsory education. Donate 00 Ten thousand to the Provincial Normal University and the Provincial Institute of Education, commissioned the training of 000 rural teachers, donated 1600 million to the Provincial Institute of Finance and Economics, set up scholarships, rewarded the top [-] students in each province's college entrance examination and applied for the Provincial Institute of Finance and Economics, and exempted all students from four years Tuition and accommodation fees. These tasks must be done in your province. They Hongyuan will hire an accountant to supervise, and they must not be embezzled by your subordinates." Then Chen Kangjie slowly broke out a set of numbers, and Say hello first, and the donor will take regulatory measures to prevent the money from being swallowed by moths.

Chen Kangjie had finished speaking, but no voice came from the phone.

Of course there was no response. Huang Zhenhua was stunned. This Hongyuan International said just now that there is no new investment for the time being, but no investment is better than investment. It is worth 3000 million US dollars.Why did Hongyuan donate such a large amount of money? It is no longer possible to just buy fame.

"Uncle Huang, are you listening?" Chen Kangjie knew that Huang Zhenhua must have been shocked, so he waited for a while and reminded him.

"Oh, yes, yes, thank you for their contribution to our province's education, and thank you too." Huang Zhenhua still couldn't completely calm down the excitement in his heart, but he immediately came back to express his gratitude to Hongyuan and to Chen Kangjie. Thank you.

"Hehe, it's not enough to just say thank you verbally. I remember the No. [-] student you mentioned." After finishing the business, Chen Kangjie continued to make fun of Governor Huang with that three-good student.

"Hehe, you slicker, okay, Uncle Huang has remembered your contribution." Huang Zhenhua was very happy, so he spoke very well with Chen Kangjie, and he didn't mind Chen Kangjie's jokes.

"Then I'll hang up. In a few days, President Ouyang will go to Qianzhou and the province to discuss this matter," Chen Kangjie finally said.

"Okay, I'll communicate with Secretary Sun later, you are welcome to come and play with me then." At this time, Huang Zhenhua was in a good mood, but he had to start this matter immediately, so he didn't continue chatting with Chen Kangjie.

After hanging up the phone, Huang Zhenhua went directly to the provincial party committee by car. The Qianzhou provincial party committee and the provincial 'government' did not work together, and were separated by four or five kilometers.

"Old Huang, is what you said true?" In Sun Yang's office, after listening to Huang Zhenhua's narration, Sun Yang was also a little shocked.

Huang Zhenhua nodded while smoking a cigarette.

"In this case, we need to hold a special meeting to discuss the deployment, so as not to chill the hearts of foreign businessmen." Huang Zhenhua came to the provincial party committee to meet Sun Yang, just to discuss with him how to do it.Sun Yang also knows that many officials below will stare at this piece of fat. Although he dare not say that it will not be embezzled and embezzled, he still has to try his best to prevent it, otherwise he will slap himself in the face, and don't let a good thing turn into a bad thing.

On April 4, Ouyang Zhenhua came to Zhucheng, the provincial capital, and stayed at the Qianzhou Hotel.Chen Kangjie was also able to go to the provincial capital after Huang Zhenhua called Chen Qigang. After all, this donation was due to Chen Kangjie's work. Mind if Chen Kangjie asks for leave to go to the provincial capital.

The day after Huang Zhenhua and Sun Yang communicated, a small-scale symposium was held in the province. The main participants were Sun Yang, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Huang Zhenhua, Governor of the Province, Li Jie, Vice Governor in charge of Education, Gao Changfa, Director of the Education Committee, and the President of the Normal University. Seven people, including Kong Nianjie, Ma Ping, the principal of the School of Finance and Economics, and the dean of the School of Education, studied and deployed the implementation of this donation from foreign businessmen.


"Jie Shao, is this donation a one-time donation or in batches?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked in the senior suite of the Qianzhou Hotel.

"Let's make a 'one-time' donation. If they think we have no money, they may not feel relieved to arrange it in batches. I am not a stingy person," Chen Kangjie said.

"Okay, but we need to supervise. Our company has to hire accountants and auditors, and leave it to them." Ouyang Zhenhua was a little worried about the use of funds.

"It's natural, well, don't think about it, there are some things we can't control if we want to, just do our best and obey the destiny", some things can't be eliminated, and Chen Kangjie is also a little helpless.

On April 4th, in the meeting room of the provincial 'government', Ouyang Zhenhua handed over a 9 million check and donation request to Governor Huang Zhenhua. This event was also broadcast on CCTV and provincial TV stations, Hongyuan International has suddenly become a large company enthusiastic about charity and public welfare, and it is also the first organization to donate more than 1000 million yuan to domestic education.

Moreover, at the donation ceremony, Ouyang Zhenhua also promised that he would donate no less than this year's amount every year. This additional information surprised and shocked the cadres in the province.

In order to cooperate with this donation, the Provincial Institute of Finance and Economics also added the words "the top 100 students from each province who apply to our school will study for free" in the new admissions brochure.Each of the forty national-level impoverished counties received the construction quota and funds for ten Hope Primary Schools, and the remaining [-] Hope Primary Schools were allocated to the remaining counties according to the urgent needs.Both the Spring Bud Program and the Rural Teacher Training Program also favor impoverished counties.

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