Chapter 53 Leave to Hong Kong

Zhao Zhibang was very relieved to hear that Chen Kangjie had donated 1000 million yuan to Qianzhou Province. This kid is not easy to do, he is very generous.

After returning from the provincial capital, Ouyang Zhenhua called Chen Kangjie to the hotel room.

"What's the matter? Sneaky," Chen Kangjie asked curiously.

"Jie Shao,...", Ouyang Zhenhua seemed to have something to say.

"Just tell me what you want, mother-in-law." Chen Kangjie was a bit annoyed, Ouyang Zhenhua is not like this usually, why is it so strange today?Chen Kangjie didn't quite understand.

"Young Master Jie, it's like this. I'm going to get married next month, and I want to invite you to attend." Ouyang Zhenhua finally said it, but his voice became softer and his face turned red. Chen Kangjie had never seen him so shy time.

"Isn't it just getting married? There's nothing unspeakable about it. You're an old man." Chen Kangjie laughed out loud. Chen Kangjie didn't expect Ouyang Zhenhua to be so shy when he said it.

"I'm not afraid that you will laugh at me," Ouyang Zhenhua said with some resentment.

Ouyang Zhenhua is in his 30s and has never heard of him dating. Chen Kangjie has always felt strange and almost thought he was a glass. Now that he is getting married, he is finally relieved.No wonder some time ago, after attending the signing ceremony of the factory, I hurried back to Hong Kong after explaining the matter. It turned out that I was going to discuss the matter of marriage.

"How long have you been talking? Isn't she pretty?" Chen Kangjie also had gossip, and asked curiously.

"It's a middle school classmate of mine, of course she's beautiful. We started dating when we were in college, but before his parents didn't agree with us being together, I went back to mainland China to work. Fortunately, I met you," Ouyang Zhenhua introduced to his daughter When a friend's love passes by, I still feel a little emotional.

"Why didn't her parents agree before? How can they agree now?" Chen Kangjie was very curious and asked further.

"Isn't it because I didn't have any money before, but now I agree, and it's also because I see that I have a successful career. You brought me all of this, thank you", Ouyang Zhenhua said about the other party's parents who disagreed When thinking about the reason, he was a little emotional, and when he saw Chen Kangjie who brought him all this, his eyes were a little red, and he felt that this transformation was too fortuitous.

In fact, Ouyang Zhenhua's girlfriend has never minded whether he is rich or not, otherwise they would not have come to the present. The main reason is that the woman's parents are more opposed, so they met secretly before dating.

Ouyang Zhenhua's girlfriend has also paid a lot for him. At least several boyfriends with good conditions introduced by her parents have been rejected by her with the excuse of general manager. The purpose is to wait for Ouyang Zhenhua to marry him one day.

"Let me think about it, what should I give you?", Chen Kangjie really didn't know what to get for marriage, he had never been married, and he had never given anyone else a wedding gift. Now that he knew about their bizarre love process, Chen Kangjie didn't want to ask any more what.

"Young Master Jie, you have given me enough, how can I ask for more gifts from you?" Ouyang Zhenhua hurriedly said, he invited Chen Kangjie to his wedding mainly out of gratitude to Chen Kangjie, not For a gift.

"You get married, how can my boss be empty-handed? You can just say it yourself, I really can't think of what to give you." Chen Kangjie waved his hand to block Ouyang Zhenhua's meaning, scratched his head and thought for a while but couldn't figure it out. Simply let Ouyang Zhenhua decide.

"Hehe, Master Jie, if you can't think of it, then write a song for us. If you really want to give it, then this is the gift I want." Ouyang Zhenhua now has more than one million US dollars every month In terms of income, money and materials, he has no shortage, but thinking that when he met Chen Kangjie, he met and admired him because of his talent in music, so he really wants to get a song by Chen Kangjie, which is considered the most commemorative. Expenses.

Chen Kangjie didn't expect that what Ouyang Zhenhua needed was so cheap. From outsiders, Chen Kangjie's songs were hard to come by, but Chen Kangjie himself knew that they were simply copied, and he could find them easily. But since Ouyang Zhenhua wanted it, of course it was no problem.

"No problem, I will definitely write a song for you. By the way, when is the wedding?" Chen Kangjie readily agreed, but he had to ask about the time, and he had to apply for a Hong Kong and Macau passport at this time.

"May 5 next month, you just have a holiday at that time, so I will arrange it at that time."

Chen Kangjie also felt warm for Ouyang Zhenhua to take care of him like this. It seems that he still holds a heavy weight in his heart.

Ouyang Zhenhua made a phone call to Huang Zhenhua and Liang Minkuan, and informed them that Chen Kangjie, as a consultant of Hongyuan International Investment Co., Ltd., would go to Hong Kong on May [-] to discuss with the senior management of the entire company's shareholders to further expand investment in Qianzhou. I hope the province and the city can help with permits and passports.

For the request of Hongyuan International, which has just invested 5000 million US dollars and donated 1000 million yuan, it is impossible for the provincial and municipal levels to refuse, and this is also a good thing, and it is effortless. Of course, it is willing to handle it according to special circumstances. Soon Chen Kangjie got the Hong Kong and Macau Exit Permit and a passport. The reason why he needs to apply for an extra passport is for the convenience of going to other countries in the future.

After finishing all these, Chen Kangjie still has to pass Chen Qigang and Ma Fangqin.After hearing the news that their son was going to Hong Kong, both Chen Qigang and Ma Fangqin rejected it with one voice. After all, no matter how smart and capable their son is, he is still very young, and no one can take care of him.It's better to talk about it in China, but this time I went abroad directly, and my head shook like a rattle.

Chen Kangjie could only smile wryly and lament how he is still so young, if he grows up a bit, the troubles will not be so much.

Chen Kangjie had no choice but to pull He Wanrong and Ouyang Zhenhua out. He Wanrong promised to take care of Chen Kangjie's life, and Ouyang Zhenhua also promised not only to take care of his life, but also to ensure safety.In the end, Ouyang Zhenhua pretended to be angry and said: "Our company pays an annual salary of 100 million, so we can't just go to the company's headquarters to help out, right?"

Perhaps Chen Qigang and Ma Fangqin also knew that they were "justified", and felt that Chen Kangjie had been very mature and sensible in the past two years, so they reluctantly nodded in agreement, and then Chen Kangjie smiled and threw himself into Ma Fangqin's arms to flatter him and definitely buy a gift.

He Wanrong has been working as a music teacher in the No. [-] Middle School of the Mining Bureau. Recently, due to Chen Kangjie's busy schedule, she has seen a lot less.She was also very happy when she heard that she was invited to Hong Kong suddenly. It was also a very pleasant thing to be able to go to Hong Kong for a while.

"So Xiaojie, you didn't sincerely invite me to play, but you used me as a shield?" After accepting the invitation, knowing that there was still a guaranteed job to be done, He Wanrong shouted that she had been fooled.

"Think about it, if I'm not sincere, why didn't I invite my second sister, Chen Yufen? Didn't I think of you?" Chen Kangjie was angrily, pretending to be wronged.

Chen Kangjie had to do the same. If he knew that he was going for Ouyang Zhenhua's wedding, he might be more likely to be rejected by his parents.

In fact, Chen Kangjie also thought about Chen Yufen, but Chen Yufen is more powerful and pungent, and he is afraid that he will be controlled to death when he goes there. Only He Wanrong has always been so doting on him. Basically, Chen Kangjie will agree to anything he asks, so Chen Kangjie Focus on this cheap goddamn sister.

He Wanrong didn't know Chen Kangjie's careful thinking, he was right when he thought about it, he might have several older sisters, and the older sisters didn't even call, but invited him, it seems that it is not in vain to love him so much as usual.

When I heard that my younger brother was going to Hong Kong, the elder brothers and sisters all ran over and asked for gifts.At this time, it is a very fashionable and fashionable thing to receive a gift from Hong Kong.

Chen Kangjie could only agree one by one. It seemed that he was really going to spend money this time. With so many relatives and partners, he had to bring something back.

Before going to Hong Kong, the school didn't need Chen Kangjie to ask for leave, so Chen Qigang would naturally help him.But there is one leave that you have to ask yourself, and that is Tuo Zhihan's place. Every time you go out and can't come to practice martial arts the next day, Chen Kangjie has to ask for leave in advance. His master is very strict.The first two trips were to the provincial capital, just one day. The first time was to receive an award, and the second time was to attend a donation ceremony. Both were good deeds. Tuo Zhihan readily agreed to all of them, but this time he went to Hong Kong, it took several days. Tuo Zhihan was a little unhappy.

"Master, I took other people's money. Is it okay if I don't go? And even if I go, I won't leave behind my martial arts training. I will practice more diligently according to what you taught me." Chen Kangjie resorted to it again. The way to deal with your own mother.

Chen Kangjie accepted Hongyuan International's employment as a consultant. Chen Kangjie told Tuo Zhihan when he was practicing martial arts and chatting. Tuo Zhihan was also very pleased that his apprentice had such achievements at such a young age. This is completely wisdom.Chen Kangjie also often bought some gifts for Tuo Zhihan, and Tuo Zhihan almost never refused them. Anyway, the apprentice had money, so if he didn't accept it, it would make the little apprentice feel sad.

"Then can't they ask their shareholders to come here? You have already reached the eighth form of martial arts training. This is the most critical time. If you give up halfway, it will affect your diligence." Tuo Zhihan gave the reason a little stubbornly.

"Master, but I have already promised him. Didn't you teach me to do what I say? I have always kept it in my heart. Besides, I will go this time to see if I can convince their shareholders to donate a little more money." Come out, you also know that there are still so many children here who can't afford to go to school..." In order to go to Hong Kong, Chen Kangjie lied to his master.

But it can't be called a lie. Chen Kangjie planned to donate more money to education in the future, but now he used it as an excuse. Chen Kangjie also had a guilty conscience, so his voice became smaller and smaller, and he said that he might not be able to hear him later.

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