rebirth of change

Chapter 54 The Peninsula Hotel Ordering Meals

Chapter 54 Peninsula Hotel Ordering

It may be because Chen Kangjie has promised others not to make mistakes, it may be that the apprentice remembers his teachings, and it may be because he hopes that the apprentice can really persuade them to donate some more money to solve the problem of those poor children's schooling. Anyway, Tuo Zhihan hesitated After a while, I agreed.

But Tuo Zhihan agreed, but Chen Kangjie was not very happy, and even felt a bit of psychological pain.Although this master does not recognize himself as an apprentice in name, he was very serious and caring when teaching. Now he told a little lie and felt that he had done something wrong and was sorry for the master.

Of course, Chen Kangjie didn't have any reason to overthrow himself, he just wanted to do more good deeds in the future to make up for his dishonesty to his master today.

Ouyang Zhenhua transferred a commercial vehicle from Master Kong's company to take them to the airport in the provincial capital. Chen Kangjie likes commercial vehicles for long distances. It is spacious, but he doesn't like Ouyang Zhenhua's big Ben. His little BMW has not been there for a day. I have driven it, because Chen Kangjie doesn't know how to drive at this time, and he hasn't learned it.

When the plane took off, both Chen Kangjie and He Wanrong suffered from tinnitus, but luckily it didn't last long.This is the first time for Chen Kangjie and He Wanrong to take a plane. After the plane stabilized, Chen Kangjie ordered two cups of Coke for the stewardess, and they felt better after drinking them.

After arriving in Hong Kong, Ouyang Zhenhua came to the airport to greet them in person. Ouyang Zhenhua wanted them to live at his home in Repulse Bay, but Chen Kangjie declined.It was a mansion just bought by Ouyang Zhenhua, and it was planned to be a new house for marriage. Although Chen Kangjie was the boss, he was embarrassed to live in it right now, but this also gave Chen Kangjie the idea of ​​buying a house, not only in Hong Kong, but also in China. Also buy.

As a last resort, Ouyang Zhenhua arranged He Wanrong and Chen Kangjie at the Peninsula Hotel, which was also the hotel rented by Ouyang Zhenhua for their wedding.Chen Kangjie did not accept the idea of ​​opening a presidential suite, but asked for a high-class business room.

The Peninsula Hotel is the oldest hotel in Hong Kong and one of the most luxurious and famous hotels in Hong Kong and even in the world.The Peninsula Hotel is one of the participating buildings in A Symphony of Lights.The Peninsula Hotel is located at 22 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, facing Victoria Harbour.The Peninsula Hotel has been selected as one of the top ten famous hotels in the world. Celebrities who have stayed here include former US President Richard Nixon, movie star Keeler Keppel, NBA star Michael Jordan, etc. Queen Elizabeth II also designated to stay here.

It's not that Chen Kangjie can't afford the presidential suite. Although he likes to enjoy himself, he doesn't like to waste it. It's not bad for two people to live in a business suite.Although the final booking is a high-end business suite, the Peninsula Hotel is the most outstanding five-star hotel in the world. The business suite is already very luxurious, with dark gray carpets, brown leather sofas, and two 1.8 There is a large bed with a size of one meter, a small wine cabinet next to the TV cabinet in the corner, floor-to-ceiling windows over four meters long, and a small bookshelf behind the sofa, where some economical books and novels are placed. List.

After arranging Chen Kangjie and He Wanrong in the hotel, Ouyang Zhenhua's eldest brother received a call from his girlfriend, who probably asked him to go back and discuss something. Chen Kangjie knew that he would have a lot of things to do before getting married, so After a few small talk, he was dismissed.

After Ouyang Zhenhua left, Chen Kangjie and He Wanrong felt a little hungry, so they went down to the western restaurant on the third floor to eat.

"Xiaojie, why do we want to eat Western food instead of Chinese food?" He Wanrong has never eaten Western food in such a high-end place, and it can even be said that she has never been exposed to real Western food, so she is a little nervous.

Although there are western restaurants in four-star hotels in the provincial capital of Qianzhou, the prices are relatively expensive. When He Wanrong was studying in the provincial capital, she would not go to such a place even if she had dinner with her classmates.When I met Chen Kangjie after work, I had a little money, but there is no western restaurant in Liuzhi.

Chen Kangjie had eaten western food a few times before his rebirth, but the quality was not high. This time he stayed at the Peninsula Hotel, so he had to taste the difference between the food made by these high-end western restaurants and those made by ordinary western restaurants.

"Sister Wanrong, I also want to eat frying pans, but this is Hong Kong, so it is impossible to have frying pans," Chen Kangjie said jokingly. He knew that He Wanrong might be a little nervous, so he made a joke to relax. Besides, they They are also people who want to enter the upper class, and they must first gain knowledge.

Today He Wanrong is wearing a white v-neck dress, a black belt that outlines her figure well, a red gemstone necklace on her neck, and She was also wearing red high heels, which Chen Kangjie asked Ouyang Zhenhua to prepare for her in advance.Today, after He Wanrong was put on, she looked extremely pure and charming. Coupled with her beautiful face and big watery eyes, along the way, she attracted a lot of heads, which made Chen Kangjie very unhappy.

Chen Kangjie didn't intend to have a sister-brother relationship, he has always respected this cheap sex sister, but those people's eyes look 'sexy', that's why Chen Kangjie is upset.

He Wanrong is 25 years old and has never been in a relationship. Chen Kangjie is also worried for her. It stands to reason that He Wanrong has a good family background, is beautiful, and has saved a lot of money. There should be many people pursuing her.Chen Kangjie also wants his god-sister to find a good husband and have a happy family.

"Sister Wanrong, why don't you fall in love?" Chen Kangjie asked curiously when he reached the entrance of the western restaurant.

"You little guy, do you really want to marry me off?" Chen Kangjie was shocked. Obviously, this question from Chen Kangjie was not welcome.

"Of course not. It's just that according to my sister's conditions, it should be very attractive. Why didn't I hear you say that you have a boyfriend?" Chen Kangjie 'rubbed' the place where he was hit by a chestnut, and continued with a smile asked.

"Hmph, it's not that I'm not being chased, it's that I don't like it." He Wanrong said the reason unconvinced.

It seems to be right, in Liu Zhi's place, there are really few people who are worthy of He Wanrong.The two of them did not continue this topic. Under the guidance of the guide, they came to a table by the window, sat down and began to order food.

The menu is printed in English and French, and there are not many people who come here to eat who can't understand English.He Wanrong's English is only average, so after reading it for a while, I don't know what to order. Chen Kangjie's English is not good enough. Seeing that He Wanrong has been slow to start, I know that she is afraid that she may not be sure about the meaning of the English menu, so I plan to Do it yourself.

The waiter probably knew that the two were from the mainland through their chat, so a trace of contempt flashed across his face, but the training of the Peninsula Hotel was still in place. After the flash of contempt, soon Then the smile resumed.After practicing martial arts for such a long time, Chen Kangjie's observation skills have improved a lot. Although the flash of contempt was just a flash, he still caught it.

"Two deep-sea caviar, two steaks, one medium-rare, the other medium-rare, and a bottle of 82 Lafite..." Chen Kangjie ordered four or five items, but the waiter was stupid. Silly and dull, he obviously didn't react, he didn't understand what Chen Kangjie ordered.

In fact, not only the waiter didn't react, even He Wanrong looked at Chen Kangjie in shock.It turned out that Chen Kangjie ordered the dishes in French and Latin, which were half the same. He deliberately wanted to disgust the waiter who looked down on mainlanders. Although the waiter's contemptuous eyes flashed away, the smile behind him was completely It's mechanical, it's the result of hotel training, Chen Kangjie knows that he still doesn't think highly of Chen Kangjie and He Wanrong, the mainland couple.

"Okay, let's order these first, we will call you later if there is not enough." After ordering, Chen Kangjie put down the menu and said lightly.

"...", the stunned waiter didn't know how to deal with this situation.

"What are you doing in a daze? Don't you know you're working now?" Chen Kangjie was sometimes very calculating, and further teased the waiter.

"Sir, can you repeat what you need in English or Cantonese?" After the waiter was embarrassed, he responded and asked in a low voice in English.

"Your regulations here...", Chen Kangjie originally wanted to taunt him again, but it was impossible, so he had to stop.

Because at this time a woman who looked to be in her thirties came over, seeing that he was wearing a professional suit, Chen Kangjie judged that he should be a staff member of the restaurant.

"Hello, sir. I'm the manager of the restaurant. What can I do for you?" The lady who came over asked with a smile and a little formality.

She was originally greeting a table of old customers at the side. People who can often eat here are not easy, so usually the restaurant manager will greet the regular customers in such a situation to show respect and stabilize the source of customers.

But when she turned around after exchanging greetings, she saw that Chen Kangjie had finished ordering, but the waiter didn't respond, nor did he write down the dishes that the guests wanted, so she felt strange and came over to ask.

Chen Kangjie saw that the manager was polite and his smile was more sincere, so he explained what happened just now in a few words. The manager also knew that his subordinate was being teased by this little kid, but he could use it at the same time. Ordering food in French and Latin, it can be seen that although Chen Kangjie is a child, it is definitely not simple. No matter where he comes from, at least he has a good family background and bright ideas.

At this time, He Wanrong also understood what Chen Kangjie meant by what Chen Kangjie said, and gave him a blank look.When he made fun of the waiter, he even made fun of himself, and he couldn't understand why he didn't just use the Qianzhou dialect, really.

The manager of the restaurant whispered a few words to the hapless waiter and dismissed him.

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