"Mr. Jie, what did you say? Give him that bank card and password?" Xiong Ziqiang clearly heard what Chen Kangjie said, but what Chen Kangjie said was too unexpected, so Xiong Ziqiang decided to confirm it again. 【 】

"Yes, give him the card and the secret, buddy, good luck!" Chen Kangjie confirmed, and then said goodbye to the black man and rode forward.

"President Ouyang, look at this...?" Looking at Chen Kangjie's back, Xiong Ziqiang reluctantly took out the Citibank card, worried that Chen Kangjie was acting on his own will, so he turned around and asked Ouyang who had seen all this in confusion Zhenhua.

"Let's do it," Ouyang Zhenhua also stared at Chen Kangjie's back, said in a deep voice, and rode up after speaking.

After the two bosses had spoken, Xiong Ziqiang gloomily handed the card in his hand to the black singer, but the black singer didn't dare to accept it when he saw the golden letters vip on the card.As an American, he more or less knows what the three letters raised on some Citibank cards represent.

"Take it, the password is 514602, remember, 514602", Xiong Ziqiang grabbed the black man's wanting hand, stuffed the card into his palm, and repeated the password twice before letting go. <Wait for Xiong Ziqiang to leave before following. They don’t understand why Chen Kangjie would do this. In their view, it’s enough to just throw a few dollars or tens of dollars to express their intentions, and they don’t need to give all the cards to others.They don't know how much money is in that card, but they can definitely conclude that it is not a small number of hundreds or thousands of dollars. Fan Wenxuan, who knows that Chen Kangjie is, knows that Chen Kangjie is already a billionaire just with the royalties.

The black man held the card tightly with his rough hands, looked at the direction where Chen Kangjie was leaving, and silently recited the password that Xiong Ziqiang told him. His acting work is over today. I'm not in the mood to continue acting.

After collecting the tithes that he ate, neatly put them into the big wooden box that served as a toolbox, and carried them onto the small metal trolley, this lucky street performer called it a day.

He first came to the nearest ATM, inserted the card, and entered the password. The 1 and the six zeros immediately displayed on the ATM really shocked this simple black man. With a total of 100 million US dollars, he never imagined that he would be so lucky, and picked up a huge fortune for no reason.

The black man stood in front of the teller machine without moving for a full 2 ​​minutes. His mind was completely dazed. It was not until an old lady who was queuing up behind to withdraw money couldn't wait to urge him that he withdrew the card with trembling hands, carefully He put it in the interlayer of his jacket, dragged his luggage and walked home anxiously.It is estimated that if there is a British classic "Millions of Pounds" at home, he will probably read it immediately.

Chen Kangjie's unintentional and extremely impulsive act of kindness, unexpectedly saved his life a few years later.

Chen Kangjie was standing at the very top of the trestle bridge extending into the sea at this moment. He stretched out his arms, wanting to roar a few times at the rough sea, but he couldn't roar anyway, his throat felt blocked.

"Master Jie, are you worried?" Ouyang Zhenhua put his hand on Chen Kangjie's shoulder from behind and asked softly.

"It's nothing, I just feel that life is like a chess game. If you take one right step, you will win everything. If you take a wrong step, you may lose everything." Chen Kangjie didn't know how to describe his feelings, so he replied casually .

"So far, every step you have taken is right, just like now, the vast Pacific Ocean is in front of you," Ouyang Zhenhua also looked at the vast and boundless sea and echoed.

"There is still a long way to go in life, and no one can guarantee that every step will be correct," Chen Kangjie sighed.

"Why did you give that person so much money just now?".

"Is there a lot? Some people can spend a lot of money for a feeling, why can't I? As long as you think it's worth it, money is something outside of your body. Besides, that little money may change a person's life." Chen Kangjie continued to look at the sea .

"That's right, it's only a few million... the Ferris wheel next to it, are you interested in playing?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked, pointing to a huge colorful Ferris wheel next to the trestle bridge.

"Hehe, what's the fun in that, do you really think I'm a child?" Chen Kangjie cleared up his depressed mood and turned around.

"What are you two talking about again? There is a Third Street behind the road, which is a very famous pedestrian street. Let's go for a walk?" Fan Wenxuan and the three of them approached from behind.

"Hehe, don't you think you haven't bought enough?" Chen Kangjie teased.

"It's not just fashion stores over there, there are also many restaurants and coffee shops. Aren't you hungry?".

"It's okay if you don't say it. If you say that, I'm really hungry. Let's go, go shopping, and eat something by the way." When it comes to eating, Chen Kangjie's stomach starts to grow up. Anyway, he always eats. Keep interested.

Third Street is indeed a leisurely pedestrian street that is very suitable for strolling. It is lined with trees and the road surface is very clean. Under each tree, there is a green bench, which is very suitable for tourists who are tired from walking to rest. There are many clothing stores, jewelry stores, cafes, and small cinemas on the side of the road, where the latest Hollywood movies are being shown. If a couple comes here to play, watch a romantic movie, and then go to the cafe under the tree for a drink A cup, what a romantic and cozy thing that is.

Perhaps because of the proximity to the sea, all kinds of passers-by are dressed very casually, and some even have bare feet. Chen Kangjie saw a couple pushing a one-piece stroller, and a pair of twins sitting in it She is playing with her chubby feet in a pink and tender way, very cute and funny. <In front of an Indian restaurant I introduced, there was a father and daughter singing in the middle of the road.He introduced that the curry rice in this restaurant was delicious, so Chen Kangjie and the others came to try it, maybe because the little girl was only in her teens, there were quite a few people watching the performance, and through the window, Chen Kangjie could still see her growing up. Fang Fang seemed very sophisticated in chatting with passers-by, but unfortunately the songs he sang could not attract Chen Kangjie, so after dinner, when he went out, Chen Kangjie just asked Ouyang Zhenhua to hand her a hundred dollars.

Coming out of the restaurant, Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua casually found a roadside bench to sit down and chat and enjoy the roadside scenery, but the two women rushed to the warmly decorated roadside shops impatiently.

Going shopping with women seems to be a headache for men, both at home and abroad. Quite a few people don’t want to accompany their girlfriends or wives. How can Chen Kangjie and the others be willing to accompany two ladies? Two beauties whom I knew well were drawn to work as coolies. Seeing this scene, Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua could only be lucky that they didn't go. At the same time, when they introduced the resort hotel named Beverly Hills, the sunset was about to set on the sea level. , the street lights on the beach and the trestle and Ferris wheel in the distance are all shining.

The room rate of this hotel is not cheap, reaching 7(US dollars per night. Standing on the cute little balcony, Chen Kangjie can see the thin clouds in the sky dyed blood red by the setting sun. There are not many people swimming in the sea anymore. There are many tourists on the beach, and quite a few people choose to blow the cool sea breeze on the beach after dinner and enjoy the beauty of the setting sun.

This trip to Santa Monica Beach left a deep impression on Chen Kangjie, which led him to shoot scenes here when he filmed "Titanic" and "Forrest Gump".There is even a line in "Titanic" where Jack said to Rose, "I want to take her to Santa Monica and ride the Ferris wheel". <Did not follow, choosing to return to Boston.

That night, after choosing to go out to eat seafood for supper, there was a small concert held by the local radio station on the beach. Fan Wenxuan and Li Li were going to watch it, but Chen Kangjie didn't go, so he had to go back to the hotel and call home. The necessary homework for him to go out is to call his relatives at home every three days to report his safety, so as not to worry about them. <Tell them that after he has defended his doctoral dissertation, he will choose to go to mainland China or Hong Kong to see development opportunities. Chen Kangjie welcomes this and still asks him to contact Fan Wenxuan when the time comes. There is contact information. <The reason why he came to Santa Monica to relax this time is because he fell in love with a beautiful junior at Harvard University. The two had been in love for more than a year, and then one day the junior asked him to take her Going to travel around the world, the Chinese brothers who are brave enough to give to love actually agreed.

When he took 12 US dollars from his home and took this girl on a 34-day tour of nine European countries and wandered in six countries in South America, as soon as he returned to the United States, this girl dumped him inexplicably.Comrade V, who was very sad, chose to go to Santa Monica alone to relax and heal his wounds. He was lucky, because he helped Fan Wenxuan, met Chen Kangjie and the others, and finally reaped his own Perfect love and a fruitful career.

What Chen Kangjie has to do next is very simple. He is going to visit the Schwarzeneggers and prepare to shoot his first movie "True Lies".The amount of work required for this project is huge, and it is not easy to build the entire production team. There are also props, especially the two vertical take-off and landing Harrier fighter jets, and applications must be made for the selection of many filming areas.

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