rebirth of change

Chapter 521 Give up Doubt and Ambiguity

"Everyone, the purpose of calling everyone together today is not for the company's operation and transitional adjustments. The purpose of our meeting today is for this." In the small conference room of Miramax Company, Fan Wenxuan raised a stack of documents in his hand Said to Jon, Gordon, Scott, Harvey, and Li Li who were doing it. 【 】

This is a small-scale meeting. After Fan Wenxuan returned from Santa Monica, the first thing to do is to help Chen Kangjie organize the team and provide good service. For the first time in the history of filming this film, the superstar It is impossible for a novice director to know the outcome of a movie. No matter what, the big boss Ouyang Zhenhua personally entrusted her with this important task. The company that was bought for nearly 9 million US dollars, whether the first shot can be fired is the key .

Fan Wenxuan also knows that her burden will become heavier from now on. Before, he only needed to manage Feiyang Entertainment in Hong Kong. Now, the investment in the United States is larger than that in Hong Kong, and the amount of assets is also larger. To realize the normal operation of the company The expansion of operation and scale is testing her management ability and operation ability.If you want to be a strong woman, you have to pay more than others.

"President Fan, what are you holding?" Jon Gordon asked.

"I forgot to tell everyone that from now on, everyone can call my English name monica." Fan Wenxuan announced her new English name first, and then continued: "This is the filming project after our company changed hands. The first big-budget film is called "true lies", and we have a meeting today to solve it, lili, and send it to everyone."

After returning from Santa Monica Beach, Fan Wenxuan decided to change her English name. He used to have an English name when he went to college in the United States, but he didn’t know if it was bad or something. It was useless, but this time , he solemnly announced his English name, and Li Li's English name, lili, happened to be his Chinese name in pinyin, which was very concise and clear. <.

As insiders, the three of them are no strangers to this name. Chen Kangjie's first two novels are so influential that basically the three of them have at least one of them in their homes, especially "Harry Potter". Their kids must have seen it.Prior to this, there were media reports that several Hollywood film companies wanted to purchase the film adaptation rights of these two novels, but they had not been successful. Did you finally agree to make a film of his work?Our company has not obtained the copyright! ", because Chen Kangjie's work has never appeared on the screen before, and the performance is very mysterious, it is simply not oily, so Jon Gordon is so surprised by this.

"Miramax has not purchased the copyright, because the film and television adaptation rights of all his works have been purchased by Feiyang Entertainment." Fan Wenxuan, who was wearing a professional suit and high-heeled black leather shoes, stood up holding her hands.

"It's all ours? Wow, isn't that developed!" Scott was quite surprised when he heard that Feiyang Entertainment had obtained the right to adapt all the works of this legendary writer.

They have analyzed it before, among other things, if Harry Potter is adapted into a movie, it will at least bring billions of dollars in revenue by virtue of its super popular readership. The key is to have a good director Just to shoot.

"Whether it is developed or not depends on how we do it. Let's read the script first, and then see if you have any good suggestions. As long as it can help the filming of this film, you can mention it," Fan Wenxuan continued.

After Fan Wenxuan finished speaking, no one was talking, and they all silently flipped through the paper. They may not have read the script of "true lies" beforehand, and even if they have read it, they may not remember all of it, so they still have to take it seriously. , this is not small talk, but serious work.Even Li Li, who had already read the script, took the trouble to read it again.

After more than ten minutes, several people raised their heads one after another.

"Fan..., oh, monica, I want to know a question, is the director of this movie selected?" Harvey, the head of the production department, first asked after learning to adapt to Fan Wenxuan's new English name.

"The director has been finalized. Do you still remember a young oriental man who came to Miramax with us twice a while ago?" Fan Wenxuan asked after affirming it.

"Hmm... It seems that there is such a handsome young man... I don't like talking very much, anyway, I have never heard him talk... Monica, you don't mean to say that he is the director of this movie Right?" Scott made a memory, and then felt incredible.

Chen Kangjie came to Miramax company twice, each time he did not make a speech, but silently followed behind Chen Kangjie and Fan Wenxuan, so the impression was not too deep, but his unique oriental square profile face, His handsome, unrestrained temperament will still make some meticulous people remember him.

"That's right, it's him, his name is Long, and he will be the producer and director of this movie," Fan Wenxuan nodded.

"What? In addition to being a director, he also serves as a producer? Monica, I have to say, maybe this is because the Orientals like to use relationships when doing things, but we are a commercial company, and we must consider the market and commercial interests. I think it is debatable to disregard feelings and disregard normal ways of doing things. I also have a little impression of the young man you mentioned. Apart from other things, in terms of age alone, he simply cannot control such a movie. Even if he has studied in a film school in mainland China, it is not enough, because this script has a typical American style. In terms of shooting techniques and thinking, he must be familiar with American culture to make a good film. Maybe... James Cameron is about the same." When he heard that the director was Chen Kangjie, Jon Gordon, the president of Miramax, immediately expressed his disagreement. Of course, his wording was already more polite. , it is estimated that it is not a question of whether it is worth discussing, but that there is no reason for questioning at all. Who told Chen Kangjie to come with his employer, so he should give some face.

However, from the last sentence, you can still see Jon Gordon's vision. He actually recommended the original director of the film. Unfortunately, his recommendation cannot be accepted, and Schwarzenegger has already made a similar recommendation. .

After merging the Miramax company, the first thing we need is cultural integration. In order to understand the thinking of the employer, Jon Gordon and others have been looking for some information about China these days. In Chinese culture, we can’t always expect the Chinese to accommodate them. In some places, they also have to accommodate the thoughts and culture of the Chinese. This is also a bad supplement these days. Let Jon Gordon and others understand that doing things in China is very particular. It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, many things can't be done at all, so he thought that Chen Kangjie was able to get this position because he had a personal relationship with Ouyang Zhenhua or Fan Wenxuan. It is not their mainstream values ​​and value orientation that are generally resisted.

"It seems that you know a lot about Chinese society, but he doesn't belong to the kind of dependent relationship you mentioned," Fan Wenxuan waited for Jon Gordon to finish speaking before responding.

"Then why would he be the producer?" Jon Gordon continued to ask.

The producer often represents the investor, or the producer himself is the investor. He is the master of a movie and decides everything in the filming process, including selecting scripts, hiring directors, recruiting actors, sending out management and Supervising the use of filming funds, etc., is very powerful, and often those who hold this position are senior people in the teaching circle, so Jon Gordon only asked this question.

"Because he is one of the funders, the film will invest [-] million US dollars according to the plan, and Miramax will be the first investor, and the funds will be transferred from Miramax's books. As for why Long is one of the contributors, I'm sorry, everyone, it's not convenient for me to explain here."

Fan Wenxuan really couldn't explain Chen Kangjie's identity. If she really wanted to explain it clearly, she probably couldn't explain it clearly, because it must be said that Chen Kangjie is the owner of the script, and his waiver of copyright fees is itself one of the investment methods, not to mention It is also very possible that she is the real big boss, but her guess has never been confirmed, but everything has become more and more clear. It can be seen from the fact that Bob respects Chen Kangjie more than he respects Ouyang Zhenhua.

Fan Wenxuan's explanation obviously did not win everyone's happiness, including Li Li, who didn't know the inside story, had some unnatural depression on his face.In their view, this opaque oriental culture is somewhat incompatible with American culture.

"Everyone, I understand everyone's feelings. You may be a little unacceptable. You will have various guesses in your mind. I can understand this, but what we are going to discuss right now is not the point. What we are going to discuss is how In order to make this movie well, how to do a good job in service and support, no matter in the East or the West, we all emphasize action, which is common. All guesses and doubts can only be done when the work at hand is done well. After that, you have the right to speak. I know that you all start from the perspective of work, and you are not opposing for the sake of opposing, but what I want to tell you is that you don’t know him very well. When you understand him, your guesses and Most of the doubts may disappear automatically, well, let's abandon all ambiguities and get into the working state." Fan Wenxuan felt that today's meeting went in a wrong direction, so she made this explanation, hoping to clear the Get everyone back on the right track.

"Okay, since monica said so, let's put aside doubts for the time being, and believe that Mr. Long is the right candidate for the time being. I see that there are several places in the script that need the support of the US government for shooting, especially British-made Harrier fighters that need to take off and land vertically, and also launch air-to-surface missiles, for this, it may cost a lot of money to rent fighter jets and pilots from the military.” Jon Gordon was the first to respond to Fan Wenxuan’s speech, Start getting into the substantive content.

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