As a commercial society, the United States has this advantage. If you have money, you can rent many things. This is why American blockbusters often have grand scenes. In addition to technical reasons, there are also mechanism and thinking factors. Commercial companies can spend funds from the military. Rent something that isn't too classified, whether it's military equipment or human resources. 【 】This is unimaginable in China. Only when the government shoots a film with political significance will it get the support of the military. However, as time goes by, Chen Kangjie takes advantage of his good relationship with the military to gradually changing this situation.

"Okay, very good, Gordon, can you rent it?" Fan Wenxuan put her hands on the left side of her back and leaned her butt against the edge of the table.

"It can be, it's just...", Jon Gordon seemed to have something hard to say.

"We are discussing work for the time being, if you have any situation, just talk about it," Fan Wenxuan encouraged.

"The Harrier fighter jet is currently the only vertical take-off and landing fighter jet in the world. It is relatively sensitive. If the Americans want to use it, of course there is no problem. But... the current relationship between China and the United States, I am worried that it will be affected by the director's Chinese background. Rejected", Jon Gordon expressed his concerns.

"I have read the script, and it should not be a big problem. When doing long-distance shooting, military pilots are driving. When shooting close-up, we can make models and complete them in the studio, even for some shots. If you want to get close to the plane, that is also Schwarzenegger, not the director, I think military pilots will protect their planes, do you understand what I mean?" It seems that Fan Wenxuan has considered this issue Otherwise, Jon Gordon wouldn't be able to respond casually as soon as he finished speaking.

"Okay, I understand, then leave it to me to convince the military." Jon Gordon was not a timid person, and he readily took the initiative to lead this task.

"I recommend a shooting location. I saw in the script just now that there is a scene where military fighter jets launch missiles and blow up the bridge in front of the gangster's car. This location can be filmed on the Seven Mile Bridge in Florida. The bridge is the longest of the 42 cross-sea bridges leading to the southernmost city of Key West (key west, also translated as "West Key") in the United States. At one end of the bridge is the knight of Marathon Island (Knight Key), and the other end is Little Duck Key in the Low Islands (Lower Keys), with a total length of 6.79 miles. This old bridge has experienced two hurricanes in 1935 and 1960. , so the government spent ten years between 1972 and 1982 to build a parallel new bridge next to it. The original old bridge was low and not suitable for the navigation of giant ships, so a section in the middle was blown up. Here It will be a very good shooting location, which can save us a lot of money.” Scott also helped to make suggestions because he has a better understanding of American geography.

"Right, very good place, you can apply to the local government for use." Fan Wenxuan is very satisfied with these executives who are on the right track.

They originally wanted to save money, but in order to pursue a real effect, this guy Chen Kangjie actually spent a lot of money to restore the broken bridge during filming, and then blew it up again. What a prodigal son.

"Maybe President Gordon will have to add six more Black Hawk helicopters when he rents fighter jets from the military. These are also important shooting props," Li Li suggested sideways.

"I've seen it, and I'll think about it proposed by the Coast Guard. To be on the safe side, it can be increased to eight," Jon Gordon replied staring at the script.

"To set up a crew, we have a director and a producer, so I recommend two good people as assistant directors to help the director share some work, Martin Jedika (an), both of them are in our company Those who have filmed more than five films, and the old photographer Russell Carpenter (er) who filmed "Terminator" 2, he happened to be in our company, he told me a few days ago that he wanted to go to Universal Over there, he was left by me, I think he is more suitable as a photographer, our art design company has a Robert Laing (w. Harvey, the production supervisor of a film shooting situation, recommended several people to Fan Wenxuan, including set designers, costume designers, art directors, etc. It can be seen that he is very familiar with the talents in the company.

"Very good, although these people are not familiar with Long, but I think he will accept as the backbone of our company," Fan Wenxuan encouraged.

"How do you choose the characters in the script? According to Hollywood practice, there will be a casting director to help the director find suitable actors," Sturt asked while drawing on the script with a pen.

"I can communicate this with you first. As the leading actor, Harry Tasker has been selected to play the role of Arnold Schwarzenegger. The salary is 2000 million US dollars. Today, long has I went to visit Schwarzenegger's house, and when I was communicating with Long, the heroine Helen Tasker (is) came to play...", Fan Wenxuan told everyone what she knew.

"Wait, is the Jamie Lee Curtis you're talking about the actress who starred in "Halloween" and "Trading Places"?", Lee Li interrupted Fan Wenxuan's words.

"To be honest, I haven't watched the two movies you mentioned. Who knows if it's true? Who knows how he knows this actress." Fan Wenxuan said to Li Li in a low voice, with a strong tone in her tone. Unpredictable to Chen Kangjie.

"If so, it would be more suitable. It seems that Xiaojie is quite good at choosing people. I like to watch her horror movies, especially the "Moonlight Panic". I suggest you watch it." What is what a hero sees? In a similar way, Li Li agreed with Chen Kangjie's choice with both hands.

"Anyway, it's the role he chose. In addition to finalizing the actor, he also finalized the role of the villain Aziz to be played by the Pakistani actor Art Malik. He didn't say anything about the rest. We can recommend that those supporting actors can use our company's contracted artists as much as possible, as the saying goes, don't let the fat and water flow to outsiders." Fan Wenxuan continued to finish what he hadn't finished just now.

In fact, it is not that Chen Kangjie does not want to finalize other actors, but that although he has watched "True Lies" many times, he only remembers the names of the actors in it, even who is Harry and Helen's daughter Dana? Yes, he didn’t pay attention to it. In fact, it’s easy to understand. For a movie, everyone only pays attention to the lead actor and director. Other supporting actors, most people don’t pay attention to it. Chen Kangjie can still remember the opening credits Art Malik is already pretty good, thanks to the fact that Art Malik has played villains about the Middle East in many movies.

Since there may be other recommendations, several people who are familiar with the company's interior recommended several internal actors.As for whether these actors can be used, it depends on his choice after meeting with Chen Kangjie.Anyway, Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua were visiting at Schwarzenegger's villa at this time. <It’s easier to remember, but I still always think of you as, ha ha,” Maria, who was standing at the door to greet Schwarzenegger’s villa, said to Chen Kangjie with a smile.

"Whatever you want, but I still suggest you call me long, after all, I will basically not be able to write books in the future," Chen Kangjie responded with a smile.

"Brother, did you bring me a gift?" Jacqueline got out from between Maria and Schwarzenegger's legs, begging Chen Kangjie for a gift delicately.

"Of course there is, hey, isn't this what it is?" Chen Kangjie transferred a huge plush doll from Ouyang Zhenhua's hand, squatted down and handed it to Jacqueline.

Choosing a gift for Schwarzenegger's little girl is a headache for Chen Kangjie. Unlike boys, they can give toy planes, tanks, cars, wooden horses, etc. There are many choices, but for this kind of little girl Chen Kangjie always only knew toys like dolls, not to mention as Schwarzenegger's daughter, would he still lack toys?

"Thank you brother, I like it very much." Jacqueline was very polite, but there was no surprise of liking in her eyes.

"Maybe you don't like it very much, but next time I come again, I will bring you an oriental gift from China," Chen Kangjie said solemnly, squatting in front of Jacqueline.

"Long, you don't have to be so polite. It's an honor for our family to have you come." Schwarzenegger said politely from the sidelines. He could see that what Chen Kangjie said to his daughter was sincere, not just words to coax children .

"Brother, you can tell me a story first." Jacqueline is very smart, and she knows how to take what is available first, and put aside the future.

"Okay, I'll tell you an ancient fairy tale of 'Nvwa mending the sky'." Jacqueline didn't appreciate the last time he said that he wanted to tell the story of Monkey King. myth.

"Okay, okay, what you say is what you say", Jacqueline really bought it, and jumped up with joy.

"What you say is what you say," Chen Kangjie nodded with a smile.

"Okay, let's have a good time and listen to Long tell stories together. I guess in the United States, only our family has this honor?" Schwarzenegger put his right hand on Maria's shoulder, very It is gratifying and happy.

"Long, and Mr. Ouyang, come in and sit down." Only then did Maria enthusiastically welcome Chen Kangjie and the others into the room.

The villa of Schwarzenegger's family is larger than Chen Kangjie's in terms of land occupation, and the luxury of the main building is comparable to Chen Kangjie's. Unlike Chen Kangjie's, it's just a short-term residence.

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