rebirth of change

Chapter 530 Meeting the Paparazzi on the First Shoot

At eight o'clock in the evening, all the preparations were ready, and the first scene of "True Lies", which Chen Kangjie acted as the director for the first time, was about to start filming.

Because of the press conference, Chen Kangjie and the others didn't hold any special opening ceremony, keeping everything simple. In Chen Kangjie's view, the key is not the beginning, but the solution, as long as a good movie can be made.

After Chen Kangjie silently recalled the episode he had watched on the computer, he picked up the loudspeaker that the staff had prepared for him: "Turn on the lights, everyone, the first scene of "True Lies" will start soon. Ready,...action".

Chen Kangjie has worked as an assistant director in Hong Kong for more than ten days, and he is no stranger to the opening scene. In front of him, three TV monitors are placed, and the pictures in the camera will be displayed on them from time to time.

Harry: "Okay, this is Harry Quest's, what about mine?"

Schwarzenegger, who plays Harry in a Jimsey, rummaged through his coat purse as he spoke.

"ng", at the very beginning, Chen Kangjie yelled that it was not good.

Chen Kangjie walked to the side of the car, took off his glasses, raised his head and said to the photographer Russell Carpenter who was sitting on the camera seat: "Dude, didn't we agree that the camera will shoot directly from the top of the car roof, why? Will it move up the windshield?".

"Director, this is more fluid!" Carpenter bowed his head and said to Chen Kangjie below.

"This place doesn't need a sense of fluency. When you slide up from the windshield, Harry's ID is already in your pocket. I just need the process of them hiding their ID in the car. This is going directly to the topic. OK? You two, just pan the camera up," Chen Kangjie ordered to the two camera assistants behind him after explaining to Carpenter.

After Chen Kangjie finished speaking, he returned to his director's position. When he left, Carpenter not only did not get angry because of Chen Kangjie's reprimand, but showed a smile instead.

"One more time, the actors are ready, the lighting is ready, and the filming of the first and second scenes of "true lies" will begin immediately," Chen Kangjie issued another command.

Harry: "Okay, this is Harry Quest's, what about mine?"

Albert opened a clinker bag, took out some documents from it, and handed them all to Harry in the co-pilot seat: "This is Harry Tasker's wallet, passport, ticket stubs, hotel bills, and Two postcards from Geneva".

At this time, the camera moved down from the roof of the car obliquely, reaching the height of the car window. At this time, Albert took out another bunch of keys from the bag: "This is your house key."

Harry took the key and put it in his pocket, Albert turned around and took out a small gray box from the back seat: "Also, this is a souvenir from Snow Village in Switzerland."

Harry was a little confused, so he asked, "Why?".

At this time, another camera on Albert's side was turned on, Albert: "It's for Dana, idiot! It's the father's responsibility to buy gifts for children."

Harry: "It's touching, pick me up at eight o'clock tomorrow." After speaking, Harry opened the door and got off the car.

"ng", at this point, Chen Kangjie called timeout again.

"Tom, you lost a little smile on your face. Remember, you two are good friends. You two have a lifelong relationship. Relax a little, and move more casually. Don't be so blunt, ok?" Chen Kangjie lay on the edge of the car window , said to Tom.

"I'm sorry, I'm still a little nervous playing against Schwarzenegger," Tom nodded in response.

"Don't be so nervous, don't look at his size, he doesn't know how to eat people," Chen Kangjie patted the car door and left.

"The two cameras on the left and right of this car should be turned on at the same time, and then connected through editing later, Jedica, what do you think?" Chen Kangjie felt that the picture would still be a little messy, so he proposed a solution, but he was a little uncertain , only to ask the assistant director Jedika who followed behind.Rebirth: Changing the World 530

"It's a good idea, let's try it out," Jedica replied.

"Okay, let's do it again, everyone get ready", Chen Kangjie and Jedika returned to the director's seat.

This time it will be much smoother. Harry got out of the car with the gift box, opened the rear door, and unscrewed his briefcase from it: "They will listen to the report at ten o'clock." Albert nodded.

Harry yelled and closed the front door: "See you at eight, bye." He was about to go home, but was stopped by Albert.

"Hey Harry, are you missing something?".

Harry looked down, seeing what was missing?At this time Albert raised a ring on his right hand, Harry put down his handbag excitedly, leaned towards the car door and stretched out his left hand to take the ring, "Good brother!".

"ng, ng", Chen Kangjie stopped again.

"Arnold, you should take the ring with your right hand. Use your left hand, which will affect the visual effect. The light at the door over there can't be turned on, and you just feel awkward. This point has to be repeated." Chen Kangjie said bluntly to Schwarzin Grid said the problem he found.

Then he turned to Russell Carpenter: "Carpenter, I want to ask a question, when Albert holds up the ring, can you look through the ring with the camera and see his eyes?" This time, Chen Kangjie did not criticize Carpenter, but a completely deliberative tone.

"The idea is good, I can do it, just adjust the focus, move the camera position, and when my camera is down, Albert should raise the ring a little higher, at least at eye level", Capone Te promised, and said the solution.

"Tom, did you hear that?" Chen Kangjie's addressing of the actors was a bit messy, sometimes they called the characters in the movie by their names, and sometimes they called the actors by their real names, but it was not bad, everyone could understand .

"Okay, director, I understand." Tom gestured an ok gesture to the outside of the car window.

"Then come again," Chen Kangjie stepped back.

When this period was repeated, Schwarzenegger did not make any mistakes again, and changed his left hand to his right hand. The light was brighter, and his face could basically be seen. Russell Carpenter raised the ring on Albert. At the same time, he keenly looked at Albert's eyes through the ring through the camera lens.

"Go back to sleep, good man," said Albert, who had finished his work, and drove forward. At this time, both cameras were aimed at Schwarzenegger, who had to continue.

After watching his partner drive away, Harry turned around, took a deep breath and walked towards the door.

Here, Chen Kangjie did not arrange for Schwarzenegger to pick up the newspaper on the ground. In Chen Kangjie's view, it was very dark at this time and the newspaper was not delivered so early, so he deleted this small plot and let Schwarzenegger go directly to the newspaper. The white door.

"Okay, okay, thank you all, the first scene passed, it was successful, and the scene turned to the house", Chen Kangjie finally expressed his satisfaction with this scene. He is a rookie, if he doesn't come here a few times, he will never pass the test.

When Chen Kangjie's voice fell, the staff applauded. Even Fan Wenxuan and Jon Gordon, who came to watch, applauded and approached him to congratulate him. Others were smiling and doing transition work.

"Long, congratulations, it's a good start," Fan Wenxuan smiled at Chen Kangjie.

"Long, I never thought you could really be a director, that's great." Jon Gordon seemed to let go of a boulder in his heart.

"Jon, it seems that I am the director, hahaha", Chen Kangjie said happily to Jon Gordon.Rebirth: Changing the World 530

Chen Kangjie was quite proud of being able to successfully end the first scene in this way.

"Director, I'm sorry, one prop is missing." At this time, the props of the crew trotted to Chen Kangjie.

"What's missing?" Chen Kangjie's tone was very kind because he was on the happy scene.

"Family portrait, Harry's family portrait," Props replied.

"Then take a picture now, mother Kirsty and daughter Dani are both present, just use a 1-minute camera to put a picture in the frame." Chen Kangjie lightly came up with an idea.

The prop lowered his head, and replied weakly: "But we didn't bring a camera."

"Didn't bring a camera? Did we take pictures here tonight?" At this time, Chen Kangjie also remembered that the first shot in the room was a family portrait of the protagonist's family of three, but it was still early. Chen Kangjie didn't want to waste his time. He planned to shoot all the indoor parts tonight, so he was a little anxious.

"Ah", at this time, a woman's scream suddenly came from behind a small building opposite Harvey's house, and then the girl said in horror: "What are you doing? Bastard, what are you doing? You let me go!".

In order to film this scene, the crew has already worked through the work of several neighbors around Harvey, asking them to turn off the lights and keep quiet, so under normal circumstances, such harsh noises would not be made at the scene.

"Brother Qiang, you and Brother Jun go to see what's going on?" Chen Kangjie frowned, and sent Xiong Ziqiang and Tan Jun who had been around him to check what happened.

After a while, Xiong Ziqiang and Tan Jun came back, followed by Samidov and John Jimmy, and they were still pressing two people.

"Don't be so rude to the lady, let her go," Chen Kangjie waved to his bodyguard.

"You bastards, hooligans, why catch me? Damn it, it hurts me, you bastards."

"Miss Streisand, what's wrong with you? What do you mean by running here?" Chen Kangjie took two steps forward, standing in front of HBO TV reporter Streisand who was furious, and said in a deep and slow voice.

"Hmph, we are freedom of the press, freedom of interviews, let Johnny go, and give us back our things." Streisand did not give Chen Kangjie any face because of his gentle attitude.

Chen Kangjie waved his hand to let Streisand go, but he didn't order the photojournalist Johnny who was with her to be released, and he didn't say to return the video camera and cameras already held by Samidov and the others.


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