rebirth of change

Chapter 531 You Are Too Evil

"You haven't answered my question yet, Ms. Streisand," Chen Kangjie still maintained a considerable upbringing.

"We have freedom of the press. I'm here to find out the main points of the news. What's wrong? Is it not allowed?" Streisand replied confidently, as if Chen Kangjie and the others did the wrong thing.

"You have freedom of the press, I know that, but did you get my permission to come here? Could it be that I can't protect privacy? Besides, you interrupted our work. Could it be that freedom of the press allows reporters to interrupt at will? Other people's work and life? Huh?" Chen Kangjie asked a series of questions.

"Sometimes it is not necessary to obtain the permission of the person concerned in order to dig news," Streisand argued in a low voice.

"That's embarrassing, it seems that we don't need your permission to do anything, just kill them, anyway, there is no one here in the dark," Chen Kangjie said seriously.Rebirth: Changing the World 531

"Are you crazy? I'm just here for an interview. Is there any need for this? Crazy, really crazy!" Streisand thought that what Chen Kangjie said was true, trembling with fright, her voice trembling.

"Xiaojie, you won't come for real, will you?" Fan Wenxuan hurriedly grabbed Chen Kangjie's shoulder, she was afraid that Chen Kangjie would play with his temper.

"Hey, I'm just joking this time," Chen Kangjie laughed, but the smile disappeared from his face extremely quickly, "However, if I'm pushed into a hurry, it's not impossible to do that and pull it into the sea , Throwing it into the sea to feed the sharks, the police have no way to solve the case.”

" are terrible", Streisand's face turned pale when she met someone like Chen Kangjie for the first time.

"Open the tape and see what they took. And the camera, show me the photos," Chen Kangjie instructed.

To be on the safe side, Michelle Streisand and Johnny not only brought a video camera, but also a portable camera.

Luo Fuman naturally obeyed Chen Kangjie's instructions and took out the tape inside the camera.

John Jimmy handed several chapters of dim photos to Chen Kangjie. There was nothing special about the photos, mainly the images of some actors. After Chen Kangjie read them, he casually threw the photos to John Jimmy, "keep them safe".

"Long, come and take a look." Luo Fuman, who was going to play the video, called Chen Kangjie from the side.

"What's going on?" Chen Kangjie asked with his back turned.

"You will know when you come and have a look."

Chen Kangjie led a few people to the director's station suspiciously, and saw that the screen shot by Chen Kangjie just now was playing on the TV screen, and even when he called to pause to explain and adjust to the staff, it was clearly captured inside. Suddenly, the picture was paused by Luo Fuman. From the frozen picture, Chen Kangjie saw himself taking off his glasses and talking to Russell Carpenter. The picture was still relatively clear, and basically there was no problem with identification.

"Destroy", Chen Kangjie only uttered two words between his teeth.

"You can't do that, it's ours." Streisand became anxious again when she heard that the materials she worked so hard to obtain would be destroyed.

"Now this is mine, do you still expect me to return it to you?" Chen Kangjie asked with a sullen face.

"I know why you want to destroy this tape, I know you are, right?" Streisand stared at Chen Kangjie.

"Hahahaha, you are so ridiculous," Chen Kangjie laughed out guilty.

"Whether you admit it or not, I hope you don't destroy this tape. It is very meaningful. It is the evidence and historical data of your first filming. Even if you don't return it to me, it doesn't matter. , as long as you don't destroy it," Streisand begged sadly.

Hearing Streisand's words, Chen Kangjie hesitated a little. It seemed that it was really the case. Maybe when he got old, it would be a good memory to watch his first filming.Rebirth: Changing the World 531

Chen Kangjie walked over and pushed out the video tape, and threw it to Xiong Ziqiang, "Brother Qiang, keep it safe and bring it back to China."

"Thank you, thank you", Streisand actually wanted to thank Chen Kangjie.

"I don't care what you think in your heart, and I don't care what you do this time, but I don't want to have another time, otherwise it won't be so cheap. Different, you better understand what I mean, otherwise you will regret it later." Chen Kangjie ignored Streisand's thank you, but issued another warning.

"Unless you promise me two requests".

"Hehe, you still put forward conditions? What if I don't agree?"

"If you don't agree, then no matter what I will face, I will follow this news, even if you are really thrown into the sea, I will not hesitate." Streisand seems to have a stubborn temper, not only stubborn, but also courageous. Not small.

"You're threatening me, threatening me naked," Chen Kangjie stood beside Streisand.

"You say yes." Streisand raised her neck like a martyr about to go to the execution ground.

Chen Kangjie was really at a loss, with a wry smile on his face, could he really kill this not-so-ugly female reporter?I am not a murderous executioner.

"Put this gentleman aside," Chen Kangjie said to Alyosha and Basyev.

After Johnny was taken to a tree more than 100 meters away, Chen Kangjie said to Streisand: "Okay, tell me about your request and see if it is too much?".

Chen Kangjie had no choice but to compromise, and he was also very interested to know what conditions Streisand said.

When Chen Kangjie said that, Streisand knew that she was half successful, and almost jumped up for joy, but seeing everyone around her staring at her, Streisand suppressed her excitement.

"First, take off your sunglasses and hat, and let me see what you look like. Second, you have to promise me that the first interview you accept must be me." Unfathomable requests, things that are never mentioned at all.

"That's it?" Chen Kangjie thought he heard it wrong, this request is not too difficult.

"Originally there are other requirements, but I don't think you will agree, so I will settle for the second best." The smart Streisand knows how to choose.

"Even if you know how to choose, I will naturally not agree to difficult requests. These two requests of yours are not too difficult. I can agree to you, but I hope you will keep your word and stop disturbing my work. , and keep it a secret," Chen Kangjie agreed.

"Yes, k...long, I'll do it, but... I'm sure you won't break your word," Streisand raised her triumphant fist and became excited again.

From the first letter of Streisand's address to Chen Kangjie, it is known that this lady has identified Chen Kangjie's current identity as a long.

Chen Kangjie just smiled at Streisand's small mistake, without saying anything, and then took off his sunglasses and hat, and Streisand's eyes were wide open, like a video recorder, trying to record Chen Kangjie's appearance.

"Oh, you are so handsome, I really want to kiss you", Streisand really wanted to rush forward to hug Chen Kangjie as she said.

"Ma'am, be more reserved, be more reserved, I only agree to your two requests, but those two requests don't include this." Chen Kangjie resisted Streisand's arm and pushed her back.Rebirth: Changing the World 531

"How stingy!" Streisand pouted, looking angry.

"'Scholar', you can go, return their cameras", Chen Kangjie asked Samidov to return the cameras to Streisand, and sent her away.

"No, where is my camera?" Chen Kangjie only mentioned the camera, but not the camera, so the camera was still in Samidov's hands.

"Camera? This camera is not bad. It's my compensation for interrupting my work today." Chen Kangjie took the not-so-small Kodak gray "" camera from Samidov's hand, and played with it for a while. Said to Streisand.

"I just bought it for two thousand dollars." Streisand frowned in distress.

"Did you know? I might lose more than five thousand dollars when you interrupted this meeting, so remember, you still owe me three thousand dollars." Chen Kangjie was not sympathetic at all.

Although 2000 US dollars is not a small amount, Chen Kangjie also knows that it is not a big amount for TV reporters like them, so he intends to punish them slightly.

"You...", Streisand was so angry that Chen Kangjie couldn't speak.

"What? You still not leaving? Do you still want to leave the camera behind?" Chen Kangjie stared evilly at the camera in Streisand's hand.

"Forget you," Streisand said viciously, and walked away quickly.

Streisand was really a little afraid that Chen Kangjie would impound their cameras. Although the cameras made her heartbroken, they were her own property after all. If the cameras were seized, it would be a different matter. Being criticized and reprimanded by the company is the property of the company, not his own.

"Hehehe", looking at Streisand who was wearing high heels and walking away with her little butt twisting and turning, Chen Kangjie laughed.

"You are too evil, you have no sympathy for the lady," Fan Wenxuan went to Chen Kangjie's side and criticized him.

"Humph, I pity her, but who pities me? You really don't feel pain in your back when you stand and talk." After pushing Fan Wenxuan, Chen Kangjie threw the camera to Carpenter: "You should know how to use it, right? Take a few more pictures for the Harry family." Zhang Family Portrait".

"Hehe, no wonder you stuck someone's camera", Carpenter took the camera with a smile.

"Then what do you think, hurry up", Chen Kangjie gave Carpenter a white look, and then clapped his palms, "Everyone is ready, work will start soon, guys, let's act, finish work early, and rest early."

After Chen Kangjie finished giving his orders, he turned around and saw Harvey's daughter Dani still standing on the steps of her house.

"What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and take pictures, go, go now", Chen Kangjie yelled at the little girl, frightened the little girl hurriedly opened the door and went into the room.


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