rebirth of change

Chapter 532 Impulse is the devil

On the first day of work, Chen Kangjie didn't stop working until almost 11:30. The staff had to go back to rest as soon as possible, and they had to get up tomorrow morning to catch up with the start of filming of the next scene. 【 】

The next morning's scene took much more time, and the filming didn't end until after three o'clock in the afternoon. The main reason was that Dani was electrocuted for the first time, and she couldn't find the camera position. It was difficult for the photographer to capture her. One thing is that Chen Kangjie was dissatisfied with his behavior towards a rebellious little girl like Dana several times, and his stance alone made Director Chen ng many times.It is also considered that Chen Kangjie understood the feelings and difficulties of the newcomer, and did not yell loudly. If it were someone else, Chen Kangjie's temper might not be so good.

Being a director sometimes requires strictness, and Chen Kangjie is young, so it is difficult to quickly establish the authority of a director if he is not strict.

After four o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Kangjie, who returned to the villa with a tired body, thought he could take a good rest, but because of Bob's arrival, it could only be nothing.

"Jie Shao, the digital field is not very easy to do. They are a company that has only been established for a few days, and that James Cameron is quite stubborn and has a very hot temper. I went there three times and didn't talk about it." Bob Pouring bitter water out.

"What did they say?".

"They don't take investment from laymen".

"Damn, are we amateurs?" Chen Kangjie lay on the sofa, handed the teacup to Bob and sat up.

"I didn't mention you to them," Bob whispered.

"Oh, I see. I heard that this old man has a stubborn temper. I will go meet him with you in a while. I really don't believe it. I can't take such a company anymore, and I don't want to be a controlling shareholder." Some Chen Kangjie, who has gained strength and confidence, no matter how much he suppresses himself, he will inevitably have some pride and arrogance.

"Then I'll go with you," Bob asked proactively.

Before dinner, Chen Kangjie and Bob came to the digital domain company (digital domain) in Venice, Los Angeles with bodyguards.

I don’t know if it’s to save money, but the company’s location looks like an old abandoned factory, with a three-story building and red brick walls. There is only a concrete road at the entrance that can accommodate two cars side by side, and there are no street lights. There is only a door light on the top of the door with a small metal plate of d2 hanging on the door. If you don’t know it, you may think that d2 is the house number of this building. In fact, it is the abbreviation of digital domain. It seems that James. Like himself, Mellon is also a person who doesn't like playing cards according to common sense.

"Master Jie, this is the place. When I was looking for it, it was easy for me to find it. It took me a lot of effort to find it," said Bob, standing half a step behind Chen Kangjie.

"Thank you, let's go in and have a look." Chen Kangjie waved his hand, and Bob led the way.

When you open the brown glass and walk in, you don't see a front desk like you would in China. What you see is messy and chaotic, as if you have entered a large warehouse.The difference from the warehouse is that it lacks some tall shelves, and there are many computers. There are a few short-sleeved staff who are busy in front of the computers. see.

Chen Kangjie looked at Bob inexplicably, meaning: "What does this mean?".

Bob shrugged, "Their office is upstairs, go up this way."

Bob led Chen Kangjie along the wall to the middle of the office on the first floor. He could see that the other side of the first floor was very empty and the area was quite large, but there was nothing there, and there was no one. Then he walked along a wooden staircase. Climbing up to the second floor, the area of ​​the second floor is about the same as that of the first floor, except that there are a lot of electronic equipment, many of which are related to making movies. There are only two staff working on those things. They didn’t stop and continued to go up the stairs , and finally saw three offices, the left office is the kind of double door, locked tightly, there are two cubicles on the right, one of the doors is ajar.

Bob knocked on the door lightly three times, but he didn't hear an answer, so he pushed the door open and went in. Chen Kangjie saw a man with small eyes and a black beard around his lips, who was concentrating on reading a document. From the appearance, Chen Kangjie recognized that this was the famous and talented director James Cameron.

Perhaps hearing the creaking sound of the door being pushed open, Cameron raised his head, "Bob, why are you here again? Didn't we talk about it, it is impossible to cooperate."

As soon as he spoke, Cameron had the kind of tone that rejected people thousands of miles away.

"Mr. Cameron, I'm bringing you a friend today," Bob said, extending his hand to Chen Kangjie.

At this time, Cameron noticed Chen Kangjie who was standing behind Bob and wearing sunglasses.

" are...that...long?" Cameron stretched out a finger towards Chen Kangjie, and after working hard for a long time, he finally remembered the name in his mind. The script of <, Arnold also mentioned you to me, please sit down", Cameron stood up, and politely let Chen Kangjie sit down on the gray sofa opposite him.

"Schwarzenegger mentioned me to you? What did he say?" Chen Kangjie asked suspiciously.

"He said that you are very talented and that you are similar to me in some ways." Cameron handed Chen Kangjie and the others two glasses of water, and sat down beside him.

"that's it?".

"Well, that's all, what do you think you can say?"

"Hehe, no, no, it's just that Arnold praised me."

"I said you Orientals are humble at every turn. What's so modest about it? Is that right? Could it be that Arnold would lie casually?" It seems that this old man has a special temper. Chen Kangjie just said modestly, Was denounced.

"This is our culture. If you don't understand it, I can introduce it to you. Your words are very rude." Chen Kangjie has never been so angry, and of course he will not respond well to Cameron.

"It's a bit like me, straight to the point, I really don't know much about the East, it's a fact, well, let's get down to business, what's the matter for you to come to me, isn't it just to give me cultural lessons, if so,. ...I don't have a classroom here," Cameron pretended to glance around the room.

"I came here to ask for help. Your digital field is a special effects company, and my first film "true lies" just needs a lot of special effects production, so... um, you understand", Chen Kangjie did not directly mention Instead of participating in the digital field, let's talk about film cooperation first.

Because Bob told Chen Kangjie that Cameron and the others did not intend to cooperate with outsiders, Chen Kangjie used this as an entry point, and first narrowed the distance between the two parties.

"Oh, it's very welcome to talk about business. We don't have any customers in the digital field. I heard that your film investment is as high as [-] million U.S. dollars. Why don't you go to Lucas' Industrial Light and Magic for cooperation? How about finding our newly established small company instead?" Chen Kangjie really never thought that Cameron would ask such a question at the beginning.

"Because you have just been established, I believe that after getting the money, you will seriously help me make it. If you screw up the first business, then it may not be easy to receive business in the future. Besides, I like you This director", Chen Kangjie answered with two reasons.

"Very good, this reason is very good, haha, well then, I will charge you 1000 or [-] million dollars to help you get the special effects done, it is definitely high-quality", Cameron was very straightforward, and directly dismissed the price tag and guaranteed.

"No problem, you can take as much as you want, I just want to know how you paid out the 200 million US dollars?" Chen Kangjie didn't have the slightest idea of ​​bargaining.

"Because I've seen the script," Cameron simply replied.

"Okay, I believe you, then 1000 to [-] million US dollars." Since Cameron has read the script, Chen Kangjie believes that he will not ask for a price casually.

"Cheer up, I just like dealing with people like you." Speaking of this, Cameron deliberately glanced at Bob.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm also very straightforward," Bob said to Cameron as if aggrieved.

"Oh... you guys... how come you are together? As far as I know, you don't belong to the same company", Cameron finally realized that according to common sense, Chen Kangjie and Bob shouldn't be here at the same time.

"Because we only talked about the first thing just now, and we haven't talked about the second thing yet," Chen Kangjie said to Cameron, taking off his glasses with a smile.

"The second thing? What's the matter?" Cameron was a little defensive.

"Actually, you should be able to guess it." Chen Kangjie glanced at Bob before turning his head and throwing a word to Cameron.

"Yes, I knew about you as soon as you came in, but we don't want outsiders to buy shares." Cameron is worthy of being a director. From seeing Bob, he knew why Chen Kangjie came, but what Chen Kangjie didn't expect was that, He also refused immediately.

"There is no business that cannot be negotiated. It mainly depends on the bargaining chip. I think Mr. Cameron should not refuse so quickly. We can definitely find an entry point for cooperation. Otherwise, this will make me feel that Mr. Cameron You are a very bad businessman, I will look down on you," Chen Kangjie said calmly, not fluctuating in his heart because of Cameron's refusal.

Cameron didn't expect that someone would say that he was a bad businessman in front of him. He blew his beard and stared in anger, and jumped up from the seat. He wanted to growl, but seeing Chen Kangjie's smiling face, he couldn't stop Not knowing what to say, after walking around the room for a few steps, he returned to his seat and sat down.

"Okay, tell me about your chips," Cameron said angrily.

"I think you should go smoothly first. Impulse is the devil. In your mood, no matter what my bargaining chip is, you will reject it. What's the point? What do you think?" Chen Kangjie saw Kamei Long Qi became like this, still maintaining a faint smile.

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