rebirth of change

Chapter 533 The second plan

Cameron took a deep breath, "Okay, I'm calm, let's talk?". 【 】

"What did you ask me to say?" Chen Kangjie asked back.

"Damn it, just say what you have to say, I don't have so much time to waste," Cameron almost jumped up again.

"Look, I just tried to see if you're really calm, but you're not. Mr. Cameron, I look down on you. You're such a crappy businessman, tsk tsk, what a pity..." Chen Kangjie smiled stood up and planned to leave.

"Bastard, come back, you haven't said anything clearly, how can you just leave like this? This is very irresponsible", Cameron stopped Chen Kangjie and the others, and Chen Kangjie despised him again in person, it's no wonder he wasn't angry.

"I want to make it clear, you are really patient." Chen Kangjie has always been tepid, which is a typical example of using softness to overcome rigidity in Tai Chi.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Long... Please sit down, shall we have a chat?" Cameron said softly, his face was almost cramp.

Seeing Cameron being run over by Master Jie like this, Bob almost couldn't help laughing. He is in pain now, and his stomach is cramping. Master Jie is indeed Master Jie.

Chen Kangjie knew the temper, arrogance, and talent of people like Cameron. If he wanted him to sit down and talk with him honestly, he had to be cornered first.From a professional point of view, Chen Kangjie has no way to force him in terms of director achievements. One is a character of Taishan Beidou type, and the other is a fledgling Xiaoxiami, so Chen Kangjie can only find another way to belittle him from the perspective of business. Who is in business? On the one hand, Mr. Cameron has become a novice, and Chen Kangjie has become a veteran?

This method really worked. Cameron, the irritable cheetah, was so overwhelmed by Chen Kangjie that he put away his sharp claws and hid his sharp teeth.

"It seems that Mr. Cameron is a little sincere, Bob, if you are not hungry, then let's sit down!" Chen Kangjie seemed to be reluctant, which also indicated that the initiative of the negotiation was transferred from the other party to Chen Kangjie. hands.

"I ate a lot at noon, and I'm full!" Bob said, patting his stomach.

"Mr. Cameron, I didn't intend to offend just now, but it doesn't mean that what I said was not true. You are a businessman at the moment, not a director, so as long as there is a way to help maximize your benefits, I think you will I can't let it go. I see that your area is small and there are not many employees. I think you should take Industrial Light and Magic as the target of competition instead of other small companies. You can only compete with it if you become stronger quickly. Next", Chen Kangjie returned to the seat he had just sat down, and began to preach to Cameron.

"It seems that you understand me, and what you said makes sense, so what can you do?" After listening to Chen Kangjie's words seriously, Cameron wiped his forehead and said in a deep voice.

It seems that what Chen Kangjie said touched his heart. As an excellent director, Cameron is definitely not to be outdone. In the field of directors, there is not much difference between him and Lucas, but in the management of the company On the one hand, Industrial Light and Magic can now be said to be the overlord in the field of special effects, outshining others.To say that the proud Cameron didn't target and compete with Industrial Light & Magic, even if he killed Chen Kangjie, he wouldn't believe it, that's why he said that.

"We know that doing special effects and developing special effects technology costs a lot of money. I don't know if you are short of money now, but what I can provide here is money," Chen Kangjie said confidently.

"Nonsense, if there is no shortage of money, we will put the company in this ghost place? If there is no shortage of money, we will be in such a mess here now? I was just reading a proposal for a loan from the bank." Cameron's temper was a little overwhelming He stopped, but when he saw Chen Kangjie's always smiling face, his raised voice dropped again.

"Looking for a bank loan? How much do you plan to borrow?" Chen Kangjie heard of Cameron asking for a bank loan for the first time. He was a little surprised, because as a director, Cameron should also be considered a wealthy person.

"Stan and I have spent $2000 million to set up this company and buy the equipment downstairs, most of which are from my savings. I just bought an $1100 million building in Beverly Hills last year. Villa, so money is a bit tight. In order to develop the company, I discussed with Stan and planned to borrow 5000 million US dollars from the bank." James Cameron slowly told the reason why he wanted the loan.

Although James Cameron's partner, Stan Winston, is a special effects genius, he is not as rich in funds as Cameron, the director. Therefore, in the process of cooperation, Cameron had to Get big.

"You don't need to borrow money from the bank. I will provide you with funds. The bank's interest is not easy to repay." Chen Kangjie followed Cameron's line of thought. Anyway, he has already said that the most important thing he lacks is money. .

"How much can you provide?" Since someone is willing to provide, of course it is better than borrowing from a bank, Cameron asked immediately.

"5000 million or [-] million US dollars, it's up to you," Chen Kangjie held out two fingers.

"What about the conditions, you won't provide such a large sum of money for no reason and without conditions, right?"

"Of course, we are not doing charity. If we provide 5000 million US dollars, then we hope to obtain 49% of the equity in the digital field. If we provide 51 million US dollars, then we hope to obtain [-]% of the equity. The choice is yours. hands", Chen Kangjie made a seemingly unreasonable condition.

It stands to reason that the investment in the digital field is only 00 million U.S. dollars. Chen Kangjie can take out 5000 million U.S. dollars, which is enough to obtain all the shares, and Chen Kangjie only needs 49% of the shares. What is even more strange is that Chen Kangjie added 5000 million U.S. dollars Under such circumstances, it is a bit unbelievable that only a two-point increase in equity is required, and it is only a weak holding.

After hearing Chen Kangjie's conditions, Cameron remained silent for a long time. Not only Cameron was surprised, but even Bob was also surprised that this was a completely loss-making business.

"Did I hear you right?" Cameron asked after a while.

"You heard me right, that's how it is," Chen Kangjie nodded firmly.

"Why?" Cameron asked, frowning.

"Because you are worth so much. Frankly speaking, just you and Stan Winston are worth at least [-] million U.S. dollars," Chen Kangjie said.

"Although your offer is very generous, I don't intend to accept it," Cameron responded unexpectedly.

Cameron actually gave up on such a favorable condition. Bob next to him couldn't figure it out, and neither could Chen Kangjie. This guy is completely unreasonable.

"Can you tell me a reason? You don't accept this?" Chen Kangjie asked with the utmost patience.

"Because I have a third way of cooperation, ha ha," Cameron finally lost sight of the smile on Chen Kangjie's face, and said with a sense of superiority in a small victory.

"What's the third way of cooperation? Let's talk about it." As long as the negotiation doesn't break down, Chen Kangjie is willing to continue. <The film copyright of the novel "Harry Potter" has acquired 50.00% of the shares in the digital field," Cameron said in a rustling tone.

"Hehe, now I begin to think that you are a shrewd businessman." Chen Kangjie said the exact opposite of what he said before, "The movie copyright of "Harry Potter" is worth more than 5000 million US dollars, that is seven movies, each The entire copyright is worth at least 2500 million U.S. dollars, but you want to get it for just 5000 million U.S. dollars. You are really greedy! Besides, I am not qualified to transfer the film and television copyright of this novel, so... you The conditions are even more absurd." <, I believe you can find a way to transfer." Cameron is getting more and more into the role of a businessman.

"Aside from the question of whether it can be transferred, it is simply impossible. This is an unequal condition, Mr. Cameron, do you understand? It is not equal at all. You pay less than one-third of the price, but How can there be such a good thing if you want to get more than three times the benefits?".

"Long, if that's the case, then there's nothing we can do." Cameron also imitated Chen Kangjie, with his feet up, with an attitude of not doing anything.

"Do you really want to adapt that novel into a movie?".

"Of course," Cameron turned his head away after answering.

"If this is the case, then I have a fourth plan, it depends on whether you are interested."

"The fourth plan? Tell me, tell me quickly." Cameron's impatience showed that he was just bluffing just now, and Chen Kangjie who noticed it just smiled at this. He felt that this little old man was quite cute.

"The copyright can be owned by Digital Realm and Feiyang Entertainment. When the time comes to make a movie, the two companies will also co-produce. Besides, you have to do something for me." Chen Kangjie said a compromise plan .

On the surface, it seemed that Chen Kangjie was at a disadvantage from this plan, but in fact he was not at a disadvantage at all. The old and cunning Chen Kangjie would not do business at a loss.In conversion, he transferred half of the copyright of "Harry Potter" to the digital domain for only 7500 million US dollars, but he himself holds 51% of the shares in the digital domain, which is equivalent to only 3700 million US dollars, which is cheap .

"Okay, as long as I am the director, what else can I do for you?" When he heard that he could get the copyright of "Harry Potter", Cameron agreed without thinking too much.

"Be a photographer for me for a few days", Chen Kangjie added.

"I'll be your photographer?"

"Oh, we're all colleagues now, and I'm the boss. Wouldn't it be okay for you to be a photographer for a few days?" Chen Kangjie began to pretend to be the boss before he even handed over real money.

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