rebirth of change

Chapter 535 Emerging Industries

Sun Yansheng looked at Chen Kangjie blankly, unable to understand what Chen Kangjie was talking about. 【 】

"Xiaojie, why did you break your iron shoes and didn't take any effort? What are you talking about?" Fan Wenxuan asked Chen Kangjie with wide-eyed eyes.

"This has nothing to do with you," Chen Kangjie said to Fan Wenxuan contemptuously, and then turned to Sun Yansheng: "Uncle Sun, do you plan to invest in China?".

"Of course, and I will go after a while," Sun Yansheng replied.

"Huh? Cooperation with Meng?" Chen Kangjie lowered his head and whispered.

"Hey, how do you know that my partner is Meng Wanmeng?" Sun Yansheng was puzzled, and Chen Kangjie's muttering was heard by him.

Chen Kangjie thought to himself, who doesn't know that the first VCD in the world was made by the two of you, and your "Wanyan" company uses your name. When you go to invest in China, don't you cooperate with Meng and who? ?

"Um, Uncle Sun, I...I mean, have you found someone you want to cooperate with? Yes, have you found someone who wants to cooperate with you?" Chen Kangjie can think that way, but he can't say that, just Can make up nonsense.

"Oh, it's this one. We have already found a partner. It is Huizhou Modern Group. Their general manager Meng Wanmeng met me in Las Vegas two days ago. We hit it off right away. We both study audio-visual technology. , so we intend to establish a joint venture in China,” Sun Yansheng explained.

"Hey, let me introduce another company to cooperate with you. It is very powerful. What do you think?" Chen Kangjie suggested with a sigh.

"What do you do?" Sun Yansheng asked.

"They are in paging business. There are paging stations all over the country, and they also sell pagers." Chen Kangjie is obviously referring to his third brother's Sunrise Company.

"Oh, no, we don't plan to find any more partners." Maybe because he heard that the industry span is too large, Sun Yansheng smiled apologetically and rejected Chen Kangjie's suggestion.

"I think you should think about it again. They not only have strong capital in China, but also have strong market channels." Chen Kangjie didn't intend to give up just like that, so he fought for it again.

"We have the funds. I plan to invest 1700 million US dollars, and the investment intention has been signed." Sun Yansheng still didn't want to accept Chen Kangjie's suggestion.

"Uncle Sun, you should know that in the electrical and electronic industry, $1700 million is really... Philips, Toshiba, and Sony are your competitors." Chen Kangjie originally wanted to say that $1700 million was just a drizzle, but he thought It was too impolite to say that, so I changed my mind and said that the competitors they faced were very strong.

"As long as we have the technology, we are not afraid," Sun Yansheng said confidently.

Chen Kangjie can only express his speechlessness. Sun Yansheng's thinking is like this, and Meng Wanmeng's thinking is that as long as they occupy the market, everything will be fine. Maybe it's the thinking of these two that caused their careers to not skyrocket, and they won for nothing. The reputation of being the world's first vcd manufacturer has been taken away by foreigners. They forget that this is the same as international relations. Only when rules and standards are formulated can they be regarded as masters of rights and markets. They developed the first A vcd, but no patent application. The patents mentioned here are not only domestic patents, but also international patents. As a result, all the 1000 prototypes in the early stage were bought by large international companies as research samples. After more than a year, Those counterfeit products not only returned to the country, but also set standards. At this time, Wan Yan could only bow her head and lament.

Of course, their failure was also due to the system of the times. Huizhou Modern Group is a collective enterprise, and their policies and decisions are greatly influenced by the government. At that time, Huizhou Province hoped to use this promising project to To promote the development of the province, for this reason, a deputy governor was appointed as their project team leader, which made Wan Yan unable to let go of her hands and feet to cooperate with outside enterprises and pursue large and complete. On the other hand, because of their joint venture The identity of the company, and the lack of national technical transformation funds, the 1700 million US dollars was spent only on the early development and early market development. A lot of things behind can’t be done without funds, and the provincial government can’t afford the money. Come on, there are only a handful of companies in the province that can come up with money. Even if they can, they all ask for a shareholding. People can only be "revolutionary martyrs".

"Since you don't agree, forget it, but...hehe, it's nothing, I wish you all the best." Chen Kangjie originally planned to remind them to pay attention to the patent, but after thinking about it in a blink of an eye, it was unnecessary.

The ideas of these technicians are completely different from those of businessmen. Now that the introducer refuses to cooperate with them, even if they have a patent, their fate is not much better, not to mention that they face too many constraints. For 2.4 The funds of [-] million RMB can be delayed for two years. It can be seen that the market is like a battlefield. Who will wait for them for two years? <He said that he knew a few friends here, so he came to have a look, and he will return to Boston later,” Sun Yansheng said.

When Sun Yansheng said that, Chen Kangjie deliberately glanced at Fan Wenxuan, making her cheeks flush.

Chen Kangjie understood, this was not to see friends, but to see his future daughter-in-law, otherwise, Fan Wenxuan would not be alone with them at home, and Li Li would not even be able to see her.These two guys are progressing too fast. Could it be that they made a promise on the beach? <Since they met each other, the two have talked on the phone almost every night. At the beginning, they just talked about work and life. Gradually, it involved feelings, especially after knowing that Fan Wenxuan changed her English name to monica. Feeling sweet in my heart, the relationship between the two has also improved a lot.

"Uncle Sun, you'd better stay here for one night and go back tomorrow," Fan Wenxuan persuaded.

"No, thank you. You have a lot of things to do here, and Uncle Sun has a lot to do with him. I'll visit you in Hong Kong later." Sun Yansheng politely declined Fan Wenxuan's kindness. <Looking at Fan Wenxuan next to her, she also persuaded him shyly.

Chen Kangjie didn't say anything. He couldn't intervene in such a situation. It stands to reason that he could hold back a sentence, but Sun Yansheng rejected his proposal. Chen Kangjie was more or less emotional. <It was still an evening flight back to Boston. Chen Kangjie didn’t go to see them off, but just asked the driver to take them to the airport. Since others kept him thousands of miles away, there was no need for him to be too affectionate.

After Sun Yansheng and the others left, Chen Kangjie immediately called Ouyang Zhenhua.

"Brother Ouyang, do you still remember the talent and company I asked you to help me pay attention to? Scoop Company."

"Wow, you haven't asked for a long time, I thought you forgot," Ouyang Zhenhua replied with a smile.

"Of course I won't forget, what's the matter? You won't tell me you didn't pay attention?".

"You can ask Bob about this. He was in charge later, and he should have gained something." Ouyang Zhenhua, who is usually busy, handed over the task to Bob.

Chen Kangjie hung up Ouyang Zhenhua's phone and immediately contacted Bob.

"Jie Shao, we are already the second largest shareholder of Scooper, and we have also become the fourth largest shareholder of Motorola. At that time, President Ouyang did not tell us what kind of talents we needed, so I developed various departments. some," replied Bob in Seattle.

"Can these people get out?" Chen Kangjie asked the key point.

"Yes, many of them are Chinese researchers. I didn't come forward. It was the company's Chinese employees who contacted them. Of course, there is a lot of price to pay for this," Bob replied on the phone.

"Okay, you can help me find some audio-visual technology researchers, among them there must be top-notch ones, it doesn't matter what the price is, whether they are Chinese or Indians, they can pay three times their current salary, I will soon Use," Chen Kangjie ordered.

"Okay, Mr. Jie, I have set up a talent pool, all of which are experts in various industries, including oil and mineral resources. Basically, there are a few people in each industry that can be recruited," Bao said. Bob additionally replied.

"Very good, well done, I will give you a Christmas present at the end of the year", Chen Kangjie appreciated Bob's work very much.

After finishing talking with Bob, Chen Kangjie made an overseas call to Chen Yuchang's eldest brother.

"What? Send Gao Bo to the United States?" Chen Kangjie cut straight to the point and asked Chen Yuchang to send Gao Bo to the United States for a few days. Chen Yuchang was very puzzled.

"Yes, do you want to be in the paging industry all the time? This industry will die in a few years."

"Then you have to tell me what to send him to do!".

"I found a new industry for you, which is more profitable than your current one. I have found all the technical personnel for you. Don't you still have three or four billion US dollars that you haven't spent? It just happens to be spent on this."

"which field?".

"Manufacturing vcd, so that you can change from a service company to a manufacturing company, an absolutely new industry," Chen Kangjie explained briefly.

"VCD? What is it? I've never heard of it." After Chen Yuchang heard it, Zhang Er was confused and confused.

This is something that hasn't existed before. It's no wonder that Chen Yuchang has heard of it, and only Chen Kangjie knows it because he was reborn. He is probably the only person in the world who knows about this stuff.

"Nonsense, you've heard it all, is it still a new industry? Could it be that I'm still cheating on you? Hurry up and tell him to come to Los Angeles to find me." Chen Kangjie didn't bother to explain to his third brother, and he couldn't explain clearly anyway, saying After that, he hung up the phone readily, and only Chen Yuchang was left in a daze on the other side of the ocean holding the phone.

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