Two days later, Gao Bo flew from the capital to Los Angeles, and Chen Kangjie asked Xiong Ziqiang to bring a car to pick him up. 【 】

This was the first time for Gao Bo to go abroad. When he saw Chen Kangjie's luxurious villa in Beverly Hills, he was very surprised. He understood that his boss' younger brother was much better off than his boss.

"The people have been prepared for you. There are eight people in total. Their salaries should be higher than yours at this stage. For this, you must be mentally prepared and tolerant." When we first met, Chen Kangjie Just do work for Gao Bo directly to prevent him from being psychologically unbalanced.

"What is the recommended salary for them?" Goldberg asked.

Before coming to the United States, Chen Yuchang had told him that after arriving in the United States, Chen Kangjie's opinion would prevail.

"According to their current annual salary of 65000 US dollars in the United States, you can offer them an annual salary of [-] US dollars. These people are all treasures and should be used well," Chen Kangjie told Gao Bo.

"Don't say you haven't seen it. No one in the world has seen it now. Do you know the current video recorder? VCD is to replace this. Their recording format and playback method are different. VCD is no matter in terms of quality or storage. , all have higher advantages. Currently, video recorders are popular all over the world, but in less than ten years, all video recorders will be replaced by this gadget. The market prospect is extremely bright. It depends on how you do it. Generally speaking, it is technical You can consult these technicians,” Chen Kangjie replied.

"Can they make this thing?" After hearing Chen Kangjie's description, Gao Bo was very excited.

"They can't, but they can copy it."

Hearing Chen Kangjie say that those people can't make this so-called VCD, Gao Bo's heart sank with excitement, and then he heard that it can be reproduced, and his sinking heart was confused. He didn't know what Chen Kangjie was talking about.

"In Jiangmen City in eastern Guangdong Province, a company called "Wanyan" will be established soon. I just talked with their investors two days ago and learned that they will soon develop the first batch of prototypes. When you are ready, you should hurry up and come up with one or two prototypes, as long as you have a prototype, these engineers will be able to copy it.” Chen Kangjie helped them come up with ideas.

"Wan Yan?"

"Yes, you have to hurry up and seize opportunities. This is the key to your progress from a large enterprise to a conglomerate. Always focus on research and development. These engineers are just the beginning. You must increase research and development later. The competitors you face will be Philips, Toshiba, Sony and other international giants," added Chen Kangjie.

"If they develop it first, do we still have a chance?" Gao Bo is not an idiot.

"That's the right question. You have three advantages. First, they probably won't apply for patents. I have tried this. Therefore, the first thing you do after you succeed in copying is to apply for a patent. This is the key, including the world. Patents in major countries and markets should not be limited to the domestic market. Second, your funds are more abundant. I heard that you still have more than [-] million RMB in funds. These funds are enough for you to fully develop this industry. Their funds are weak. It will go very slowly. Third, you can operate the market more flexibly. Your decision-making is independent, but they are not. They will be greatly restricted by the government, which will seriously delay their pace and work efficiency. , which will increase the manufacturing cost of the product. In addition, let me add one more point, don’t make it too big and comprehensive. What vcd makes is a machine, but the lack of content is not enough, just like a car without gasoline, but the car manufacturer does not I will get gasoline by myself, so for the supply of VCD discs, you should not do it, you can leave it to other companies, including the copyright of the view content, don’t get involved, and concentrate on making machines”, Chen Kangjie put his own The analysis speaks out.

The last part to add is also the confusion that Wan Yan faced. They not only make machines, but also make discs. They also negotiate copyright. The stall is too big, but in the end they can’t keep up. Naturally, Chen Kangjie doesn’t want to Gao Bo and the others went back to this old path.

What Chen Kangjie didn’t say here is that as long as they don’t make discs, there will be a lot of pirated copies. Even if they do, there will still be a lot of pirated copies. Under the current market environment and legal framework, there is no It may be possible to stop the flock of pirated copies. If Chen Kangjie lets them use genuine film and television works, not only will the cost increase greatly, but most importantly, it will prevent the popularization of VCDs. The price of genuine discs is much higher than that of pirated discs. Times, it is estimated that ordinary people can afford the machine, but also look down on the content.Just like the piracy of Microsoft's operating system software later, if they all require genuine copies, the domestic computer penetration rate will definitely be greatly reduced, and many people simply cannot afford genuine operating systems.

"I remember it all. If you say so, wouldn't this be a foundation and an opportunity for our country's electronics industry to take off?"

"It's absolutely correct. That's why you applied for domestic and international patents immediately. With the patent in hand, you can block those world giants out to a certain extent. Even if you can't block it, you have gained the opportunity and advantage , don’t forget to charge their patent fees, so that their cost is higher than yours, and it can also increase your capital income.”Chen Kangjie helped out with another idea.

"I've heard of patent fees. I haven't heard of domestic companies collecting patent fees from foreigners before. They are all charging our patent fees," Gao Bo said sadly and longingly.

"Hehe, let's start with you, this is an epoch-making precedent," Chen Kangjie laughed.

"Well, we must strive for this opportunity. After I go back, I will build a laboratory, start building factories, and expand the recruitment of scientific researchers."

"As for my brother, his level of education is relatively low. You need to help me in this area. I have already told you what to say. As for what to do, you can figure it out. This is also a brilliant starting point for your career." Chen Kangjie finally confessed.

Gao Bo stayed in Los Angeles for three days, negotiated with those eight people and signed a ten-year contract. Sunrise paid them a one-year annual salary in advance. Among the eight people, Chinese accounted for five , an Indian, a Korean, and a Japanese. These people were all required to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Once they leaked the research secrets of their Sunrise company, they would face a penalty of up to 1000 million U.S. dollars, and Sunrise company promised Their salaries increase by no less than seven percent a year.

Gao Bo came up with this idea himself. Since the market potential is so great, they originally wanted to steal other people's achievements, so he was also worried that his company's research would be stolen. This is to prevent problems before they happen.

Gao Bo left Los Angeles two days earlier than Chen Kangjie. Chen Kangjie had to complete the chase scene before he could leave. In the past two days, his family had been calling him almost every day because school was about to start, but Chen Kangjie was dragged by this scene. .

The scene where Harry was thrown from the roof of the building and hung on the top of the tall building was filmed for two nights. A mounted police horse found in advance did not match Schwarzenegger, and another one was replaced halfway.Here, in order to create a kind of suspense, it came to a sudden stop, and it was filmed on the roof at night. The wind was relatively strong, and it was finally successful after changing multiple camera positions.Schwarzenegger was asked by Chen Kangjie to show a kind of awe-inspiring temperament. There is another episode here. Due to the danger of this shot, Schwarzenegger asked to use a double, but Chen Kangjie refused.

"Look for a stand-in if it's a bit difficult. Then this star is too easy to be. It's better to just find that stand-in to act. If you want to shape this image well, you must first be brave and courageous. As a To be an excellent actor, at the very least, you have to have a bit of a spirit of sacrifice, you can't just enjoy the halo and high salary, and evade your dedication and responsibility."

Chen Kangjie's words made Schwarzenegger speechless, so he could only put on the safety rope and go into battle in person.However, when filming the snow chase in front of the "Switzerland" villa later, Chen Kangjie still allowed Schwarzenegger to use a double in two places.

Regarding the shot of Aziz flying over the top floor of the hotel on a motorcycle, flying from a high-rise hotel to the swimming pool on the roof of another bottom-floor hotel, there was a big dispute within the crew. Jedica and the others felt that it should be done with computer special effects. But Chen Kangjie felt that the filming should be real and the effect should be real. Of course, the risk was much greater than the part where Schwarzenegger fell down the stairs.

In the end, because Chen Kangjie was both the director and the producer, he gained the upper hand.Art Malik didn't dare to act in this part. He could ride a motorcycle, but he definitely didn't dare to leap over such a wide road on a motorcycle.

"Are there no stunt actors in the United States? Do you want me to invite Xiao Hei from Baodao?" Chen Kangjie stood on the roof and asked the crew.

Chen Kangjie remembered that Xiao Hei could fly over the Great Wall and the Yellow River, so it should be possible to complete this action.

"Yes, but it's really too difficult. The distance between the two buildings is 24 meters, plus the edge, it will exceed '.5 meters. Although the drop between the two buildings is nearly 30 meters, it is dangerous. I think the only one who dares to take on this task is Kovsky. He has filmed the stunts of "First Blood" and he is very courageous." Hollywood is making blockbuster movies, and it is necessary to hire stunt actors from Baodao. This is not a slight, so even if Not willing to accept Chen Kangjie's risk, Luo Fuman still recommended a top stuntman.

"Okay, then look for him, can you handle it?" Chen Kangjie handed over the task to the recommender Luo Fuman.

"I'll try it," Luo Fuman didn't dare to guarantee it.

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