rebirth of change

Chapter 538 The day with the most dirty chapters

"Connard!", Chen Kangjie's ears were sharp, he could tell whose mouth the voice came from, Chen Kangjie turned around and looked coldly at the long-haired young man with a mouth full of dung, and spit out a French word that cursed "bastard". 【 】

This long-haired young man was dressed in black, his companions on both sides wore beige shirts, and their hair was also blond, but they were not too long.

The three young men and the three beautiful girls in black evening gowns of different styles looked at Chen Kangjie in a daze, not understanding what he meant.

Although this sentence was a bit long, it was obvious that the other party still didn't understand what it meant, because apart from being stunned, they just looked at each other in blank dismay, hoping that someone could tell them what the other party was talking about.

"チンカス", following Chen Kangjie, scolded the scumbag in Japanese, trash.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Long Mao was in a hurry. From Chen Kangjie's eyes, he also knew that what the other party said would not be good.

"You hanging hair, I say you are a piss bag", Chen Kangjie replied in authentic Chinese, but did not speak English.

"****, do you understand what he said?" The long-haired youth pointed to Chen Kangjie and asked his companion.

Several people shook their heads, and the handsome men and women who came in and out of the side thought they were friends chatting, and they didn't stop.

"I'm scolding you, I just want to prove to you, which of us is more idiot, obviously, you are a piece of shit, you have been scolded by me for a long time but you still don't move at all", Chen Kangjie finally spoke English with a mocking face.

"Just now I only knew that what he said was in German, but I don't know what it means," a girl said in a low voice, holding a girl's companion on her arm.

"Hehe, I'm telling him, seeing his face, I still like my ass more." Chen Kangjie took the initiative to translate his sentence into German.

After listening to Chen Kangjie's explanation in English, the three girls looked at the face of the long-haired young man covered with pimples, and smiled profusely, leaning forward and backward.

Even the two boys couldn't help laughing, but considering the face of their companions, they covered their mouths with their hands vigorously, not as wild as the girls.

They were happy, but the long-haired young man was so angry that his face turned into a liver-coloured face, grinning like a shoehorn.

The long-haired young man was furious, and without saying a word, he rushed towards Chen Kangjie to fight without declaring it. Since Chen Kangjie provoked him so much, of course he was prepared, and lightly blocked the opponent's soft punch. The young man staggered on the marble floor, almost fell to the ground, in a state of embarrassment.

Generally, Chen Kangjie's bodyguards would not step forward to help as long as they were not in danger, and Chen Kangjie didn't want to look so useless either.

Seeing that their companions suffered a disadvantage, no matter whether it was a boy or a girl, they stopped laughing. The two young men rolled up their sleeves and wanted to step forward to help. Although the three girls took a step forward, they didn't do anything. More nervous and worried.

Before the two boys approached Chen Kangjie, they were hugged by two strong security guards in black.

As the top nightclub in Los Angeles, security guards are indispensable at the entrance, and they are not the kind of ostentation, they are real retired soldiers. If there is a quarrel, they are too lazy to care about it. , the guests who come here need to have a safe environment, otherwise the boss's business cannot be carried out.

The two security guards hugged the two young men, but the long-haired young man who turned around was still free. While Chen Kangjie was looking at the two security guards, he planned to attack Chen Kangjie from behind. He lost such a big man just now. How can it be so easy to give up, it seems that if you don't get back some face, let alone in front of girls, even in front of the two buddies, you will probably become a laughing stock in the future.

However, Chen Kangjie seemed to have eyes behind him. Just when the long-haired young man was half a meter behind Chen Kangjie and was about to drop his hand when he raised his hand, Chen Kangjie suddenly kicked back and kicked the blind-eyed guy into the air. Get up, and then sit on the ground with your feet apart.

Chen Kangjie couldn't see him, but he could see the eyes of the two security guards on the opposite side, and from the raised eyebrows of each other, Chen Kangjie predicted that there was danger behind him, so regardless of 21, he kicked his foot before talking.

At this moment, the friends of the long-haired young man didn't laugh, but that doesn't mean that others were unhappy. Other passers-by, whether they were well-dressed gentlemen or fashion-forward girls, were all out of control by the long-haired young man's indecent posture Cover your stomach and laugh.The three girls were concerned and ran up to help the long-haired young man up, but the guy probably fell down and sat on the floor with too much force, and actually had cramps, couldn't bend his feet, and sat on the ground in pain, casually The three girls couldn't get up no matter how much they struggled.

"Sir, you can't fight here, or we can only invite you out." Two security guards threw the two young men aside, approached Chen Kangjie, and warned him solemnly. At this time, there were three more black suits in black The strong security guards with ties quickly stepped out from the side door and stood scattered behind Chen Kangjie.

Those three security guards were dispatched by the monitoring room of the nightclub to see what happened in the lobby. Although Chen Kangjie was young, he knew that he was not a simple person with just two simple moves.

"Did I fight? I was defending. Didn't you see that I was attacked? So, they should go out." Chen Kangjie said, pointing to the long-haired young man sitting on the ground.

Chen Kangjie wasn't afraid at all. He didn't believe that such a loud place was a black shop. Besides, even if it was opened by a person with a gangster background, he wouldn't know what to do to him. To invest in this nightclub, at least tens of millions of dollars , People with this background, whether they are black or white, will regard themselves as upper-class people and claim to be doing legitimate business.

"We will deal with them. If you are here to consume, then please, if you are not, then you are not welcome here." The security guard's words were very polite, but his attitude was indeed stiff and serious.

Chen Kangjie didn't return to the security guard, he turned around and went upstairs by the hanging ladder on the right. When passing by the long-haired young man, Chen Kangjie gave him a disdainful glance, and that guy also looked up at Chen Kangjie viciously, as if he was about to pounce. Come up and bite Chen Kangjie.

"Haha, ????????????.?", Chen Kangjie smiled and cursed 'bitch' in Arabic, and walked away with his head held high.

The long-haired young man wanted to get mad, but he couldn't understand what Chen Kangjie said, and since Chen Kangjie had gone away, he could only beat the floor angrily.

Today is the day when Chen Kangjie swears the most, and he was completely forced out. If the other party hadn't insulted him so much in advance, he would not show off like this, and would not embarrass the other party so much.

After Chen Kangjie left, the long-haired young man was "invited" out by the security guards. They did this to keep the conflict within a controllable range. Chen Kangjie's bad luck will make the situation very unpleasant. If there is a fight in the nightclub, it will definitely affect their reputation, so no matter how the long-haired young man howls or rejects him sternly, he will be rejected. Naturally, it was impossible for the companions who came with them to play alone, so they also left Avalon.

Chen Kangjie returned to the private room, where he was playing wildly, and his colleagues were clapping and applauding in a circle.

Chen Kangjie looked through the crowd, and it turned out that the three serving bunny girls were dancing a very seductive sex dance among the crowd. One girl was embracing her partner in front of her from behind, stroking her chest with both hands, and the other bunny girl was He threw his head up on the carpet and stroked and kissed her thighs, the laser lights above his head flickered in colorful colors.

"Damn it, what are you all doing?" Chen Kangjie was so seductive that his nosebleeds almost spurted out. It was because the figures of these three blonde girls were too hot.

"You guys... very good, next time you fly to the Grand Canyon of Colorado", seeing all the enthusiastic eyes turned towards him, Chen Kangjie could only open his mouth to make fun of Pete, since everyone had a good time, why should he disappoint himself, anyway, this It's rotten capitalism.

"Okay, 300 million," Pete agreed with a smile. This guy seems to be willing to try any risky things if he has money.

"You're ruthless," Chen Kangjie rolled his eyes helplessly.

"Long, it's Curtis who didn't come today, otherwise it would definitely help her film that sexy dance scene," Luo Fuman said lewdly to Chen Kangjie.

The Helen played by Curtis does have such a scene, but Chen Kangjie didn't intend to make her dance so sexy. The highest state of temptation is to resist and greet, vaguely, looming, not so exposed.

Chen Kangjie and the others played until two o'clock, and many of them went down to the hall to dance in groups. There were more handsome men and women there, the atmosphere was better, and the music was even more shocking.

A group of people walked out of Avalon, went to the parking lot to pick up their cars, and planned to go home to rest. Almost all of these people had private cars. This time they spent more than 3 US dollars on Chen Kangjie, because there was a minor named Chen Kangjie, so It's not particularly easy to play, but it's very tasty to drink, and you can drink good wine openly.

Chen Kangjie got on his extended Lincoln, and John Jimmy sitting in front told Chen Kangjie: "Sir, it seems that someone is following us."

"I also noticed that, look, the young man standing behind the door of the green Chevrolet car has been working for a long time but he didn't open the door, and he still glanced towards us intentionally or unintentionally," reminded Xiong Ziqiang who was sitting beside him.

"I know, don't worry about him, let's go, go home, get a good night's sleep, and catch the plane tomorrow." Avalon followed his followers all the way to the parking lot.

Chen Kangjie knew who was following him, but he didn't care, he believed in the strength of his bodyguards.

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