rebirth of change

Chapter 539 Smashing People or Cars?

When Chen Kangjie's car started, the guy who pretended to open the door also opened the door smoothly, and drove up after him. What he didn't know was that there were two cars following behind him. 【 】

Although Chen Kangjie is not a big political figure, he travels very casually. There is a car in front and two cars in the back, which is basically a small convoy, with his bodyguards in the front and rear cars.

It was midnight at this time. Even though Los Angeles is known as the city that never sleeps, there are still a lot fewer vehicles on the road, the road is very spacious, and the speed of the car is much faster than during the day.

It wasn't long before Chen Kangjie and the others got on the highway, and a few sports cars whizzed up behind them with bright lights flashing, and quickly followed behind.

"It seems that these guys are also rich people," Chen Kangjie said with a smile while leaning on the armchair with his hands on his head, looking out the window.

"Jie Shao, you mean these are the young people who were at the entrance of the nightclub just now?" asked Xiong Ziqiang beside him.

"Who else could there be besides these guys? I didn't offend anyone in Los Angeles," Chen Kangjie replied firmly.

"Then what should I do?"

"What can we do? Soldiers come to block the water and cover them with soil, maybe we have to teach them a lesson."

Just as Chen Kangjie finished speaking, a Mercedes-Benz off-road vehicle that had been driving beside Chen Kangjie and the others suddenly turned right and blocked in front of Chen Kangjie and the others.

"Crash into it" and give instructions to the dead machine.

Chen Kangjie's extended Lincoln was specially modified. It is not only bulletproof, but also has improved power performance, and the impact performance has also been greatly enhanced. The weight has increased by 0.9 tons, and the price has increased by nearly 70 U.S. dollars compared with the ordinary Lincoln. That's why Chen Kangjie drove the collision In an attempt to block his Mercedes-Benz off-road vehicle.

The driver increased the accelerator, and with Chen Kangjie and the others holding on to the handrail, he slammed into it.

The Mercedes-Benz off-road vehicle originally planned to brake suddenly, so as to force Chen Kangjie and the others to stop, because there were several cars following them, intending to surround Chen Kangjie's car and smash it.Just as the driver of the Mercedes slammed on the brakes, the Lincoln accelerated and collided.

There was a loud "boom", and the wheels of the Mercedes-Benz made an unpleasant friction sound against the ground, and then the Mercedes-Benz was bounced obliquely to the sidewalk on the side of the road as if it was pressed against a spring. Arriving at a large street tree, many leaves were shaken off, the front cover of the Mercedes-Benz was turned up, and the driver inside was completely dumbfounded. All this was so sudden, he never expected that the other party would attack him at the same time .

Fortunately, this guy is wearing a seat belt, otherwise his forehead would have hit the windshield and injured him. Now he is only dizzy because of violent leaning forward and backward, and he did not suffer much injury. This is also thanks to the safety performance of Mercedes-Benz cars. If it is Japanese Or Korean cars, the consequences are hard to say.

Because Chen Kangjie and the others had prepared in advance, it was much better. They just shook a bit. As for the front of the Lincoln car, a piece was dented due to the strong impact, and the injury was not very serious. Besides, Chen Kangjie didn't care.

There was a collision in front, and it was his companion who suffered the most. The long-haired young man sitting in the red Ferrari f40 behind also slammed on the brakes and stuck the car behind Chen Kangjie and his Lincoln car.

This guy didn't crash the f40 directly. As one of the best luxury sports cars today, the f40 is expensive. He couldn't bear to ruin it like this. They didn't come here to play a car crash game today, but to teach Chen Kangjie a lesson.

At the same time as the Ferrari f40 stopped, two BMW Z series and a Lamborghini Diablo (ghost) also stopped next to it and on the left side of Chen Kangjie's car, and a newly launched Ford Mondeo came in front of Chen Kangjie and the others. It replaced the Mercedes-Benz off-road position, completely holding Chen Kangjie and the others in the middle.

When the cars stopped, three or four young people got out of each car. Some were wearing denim jackets, some were wearing long T-shirts, and they were wearing ball caps. The baseball bats are valiant, and they don't even have a straight line when they walk, they are all wobbly.

Chen Kangjie and the others had no intention of leaving and running away at all.Accompanied by Xiong Ziqiang and John Jimmy, Chen Kangjie opened the car door and stood in front of these people.

"What's the matter? Don't you think you've been scolded enough?" Chen Kangjie said to the long-haired young man standing in a prominent position with a smile.

These youths were all men, and the three girls seen in Avalon were not among these people.

"****", the long-haired young man spat on the ground, then parted his lips and said viciously: "If you don't get under my crotch today, you won't even think about leaving. I will pay twice as much for what I lost just now." get back".

"Hehe, just these few baseball bats? No wonder I just called you an idiot, scum." Chen Kangjie laughed contemptuously.

Several vehicles passing by saw this scene, and the drivers just glanced through the glass window casually. It seems that this situation is not unusual in Los Angeles.Although Los Angeles is the city of angels and the capital of entertainment, it does not mean that its law and order is excellent, especially at night, there are often gang fights, basically in the big cities of the United States, this situation is not unfamiliar.

"A baseball bat can also break your bones. Come on, smash him to death," the long-haired young man said, and took the lead in throwing a baseball bat at Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie just stood there motionless, without fear, like a ball of cotton candy was thrown down.

Just when the baseball bat was 50 centimeters away from Chen Kangjie's forehead, John Jimmy made a move. His right hand passed under the baseball bat, turned around to catch the handle of the baseball bat, and moved forward. After changing hands, John Jimmy stretched out his left hand again, lifted his collar, and threw him directly, hitting the front cover of his Ferrari F40.

The reason why Chen Kangjie didn't move was because he wanted to see John Jimmy's reaction. This was not only a test of his physical reaction, but also a test of his mental reaction.Those who can take the initiative to stand up at critical moments are the bodyguards Chen Kangjie needs, and they don't have to order everything.Chen Kangjie was basically satisfied with John Jimmy's reaction.

At this time, three black cars stopped behind the opponent's car, and Chen Kangjie's other bodyguards arrived.In fact, they had arrived long ago, but Chen Kangjie told them not to approach so early.If they approached so early, these guys might run away, so wait until they get out of the car before approaching.

When John Jimmy attacked just now, Xiong Ziqiang had already struck out from Chen Kangjie's left side. After dodging the two weapons' attacks by dodging left and right, he punched and kicked away two people.

Whether it's John Jimmy or Xiong Ziqiang, as soldiers who have been trained in special operations, it is basically not too difficult to deal with a few gangsters carrying sticks.Now with Pang Hui, Tan Jun, Samidov and others attacking from outside to inside, the opponents, young people with little combat experience, quickly fell into disintegration, and within 2 minutes, they all squatted on the ground with bruised noses and swollen faces. The majestic aura just now had long since disappeared, and all the weapons had changed hands, with puzzlement and sadness in his eyes.

Chen Kangjie took the baseball bat from John Jimmy, weighed it, it was quite heavy, "Are you here today to smash people, or to smash cars?", Chen Kangjie pressed the baseball bat on the long-haired young man's Shoulder.

Squatting was already uncomfortable. In addition, although Chen Kangjie looked ordinary, he actually used a lot of strength. The long-haired young man almost sat on the ground under the pressure. The acne-prone face swelled a lot, and it was bright red.

"What? That means he's here to hit people. If that's the case, I can only say sorry." Chen Kangjie took back the baseball bat and held it up high, as if his head would explode if he hit it.

"No, no, no, we're not here to hit people, no, no", matching the expression that instantly changed from red to green, the long-haired young man with big eyes stretched out his hand, feeling like he wanted to block Chen Kangjie from hitting him baseball bat.

"Oh, it's not here to smash people, so it's here to smash cars?" Chen Kangjie put down the baseball bat and put his hands in front of him.

The long-haired young man who escaped temporarily was so frightened that he dared not say no, "Yes, yes, yes, I just want to smash the car, and I have no intention of hurting anyone."

"Really? You said just now, what would happen if I didn't get under your crotch? Your baseball bat can break bones too? I really want to try it, is it true?", Chen Kangjie As he spoke, he raised the stick again.

"No, no, really not, I was joking just now, please, please don't do this, please don't do this!" Facing the danger, the only response the long-haired young man could make was to beg, tears were about to come out.

The baseball bat Chen Kangjie raised didn't fall down, but he threw it back to John Jimmy casually, "destroyed all those cars".

After Chen Kangjie finished speaking, he stood there with his head held high, and Xiong Ziqiang stood next to him, one to protect him, and the other to monitor those squatting young people.As for the others, they all greeted those luxury cars with baseball bats.

The noise of "ping pong pong pong" suddenly sounded, and the glass and headlights of those cars and sports cars were all shattered in an instant.

After smashing the fragile parts, the wolf-like bodyguards began to deal with the body, and some even jumped on the roof. Soon the body of the sedan became bumpy and bruised.Seeing their car being smashed, those squatting youths dared not move even though their hearts were bleeding from heartache, because at this time those strong men behaved more fiercely than they just dealt with them. They were worried that once the other party was annoyed, those The rod will be on itself.

Not to mention that the body of the car was completely destroyed, John Jimmy's subordinates also took out a military dagger and punctured all the tires. Except for the interior of the car, almost everything was completely destroyed.

"Let's go," Chen Kangjie greeted, then turned around and opened the door to get into the car.

Looking at the headlights of the car going away, the usually arrogant young people sat on the ground, looking at the mottled and distressed car, wanting to cry without tears.

"Mike, you have to accompany our car, we are here for you".

"Yes, Mike, whether you pay cash or a new car, you have to pay."

"Yes, ouch, I was injured, and you have to pay at least $[-] for medical expenses."

"If you don't pay, we will kill you"

. . . . . .

Chen Kangjie is gone, but the long-haired young man named Mike is miserable. It seems that there is no three to five million US dollars. Don't try to settle the matter. He really can't think of it, because a word of his own will cause such a big loss.

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