rebirth of change

Chapter 542 Japan and South Korea's Diplomatic Protest

"Today is the most critical year in your junior high school life, because your graduating class and this year's study determine whether you can go to high school and enter university. Therefore, I hope that students will continue to work hard and continue Carry forward the spirit of hard work and mutual help, and strive for everyone to be admitted to their ideal high school, and finally go to their desired university. 【 】...", on the first day of school, after registering and receiving books, in the third floor In the new class, Wu Hui, the head teacher, used this as a speech at the beginning of the new semester.

This year is already the third year of junior high school, and next year will be promoted to the first year of senior high school. At this time, the enrollment rate of junior high school and senior high school is not so high, and the pressure of competition is very high. That's why Wu Hui sounded the alarm as soon as school started.It's just that all of this has nothing to do with Chen Kangjie internally. The matter of failing to pass the high school entrance examination cannot happen to him unless a natural disaster strikes.

"Okay, that's all. You guys also had a vacation. It's time to take care of yourself. Go back and prepare well. Classes will start tomorrow. Class monitor Fan Xuexi has a new schedule for this semester. She will post it later. Pay attention to yourself." Let's talk," Wu Hui finally gave a concluding speech.

After Wu Hui left the classroom, Fan Xuexi pasted a schedule on the wall to the left of the classroom door, and all the students took their notebooks to copy it, except Chen Kangjie who didn't move.Those things are useless to Chen Kangjie. He rarely brings textbooks to class. Besides, he has to go to America this semester to shoot many key scenes. After the winter vacation, he can shoot winter scenes.

After everyone finished copying, Chen Kangjie threw a green canvas bag full of new books over his shoulder, and walked down the teaching building with his classmates laughing.

"Boss, you have to help me this semester. I know you will go to high school. I want to follow you to high school. Don't leave me behind." On the stairs, Zhang Qiang picked up Chen Kangjie from behind, because Chen Kangjie was on the left There are people standing on the right and the right, and there is no part for him.

"Learning this thing, you have to rely on yourself. If you don't work hard, no one will help you." Fan Xuexi on Chen Kangjie's right turned his head.

"That's right, don't try to get something for nothing," Deng Min on the left added.

"Hehehe", the other students laughed along with Zhang Qiang.

"Why are you targeting me? The teacher said just now that we should carry forward the spirit of helping each other," Zhang Qiang jumped up and retorted.

"You don't remember anything else, just remember this. The teacher said in the previous sentence that you should be diligent and studious, why don't you say it?" Chen Kangjie strutting down the stairs with his hands in his pockets. turn around.

"Boss, I have worked very hard."

"Then tell me, what did you do on vacation?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"Hmm... catching fish, swimming, and..." Zhang Qiang thought for a while, but he didn't find anything related to learning.

"And dig out the bird's nest," Yang Cong added for Zhang Qiang.

Now, not only were the others laughing, but even Chen Kangjie couldn't help laughing.

"Little fat man, what are you talking about, you are not much better than me, why don't you just play games every day?" Zhang Qiang couldn't help but slap Yang Cong on the back of the head.

"I play games to learn, and there are English and Chinese characters on it," Yang Cong said solemnly.

"Fuck, I still need to learn this? Get out of here." Chen Kangjie reached out and grabbed her in front of her, kicking his ass.

"Hey, that's also in English, isn't it?" Yang Cong slapped his butt and said with a smirk.

The people around were again amused by this guy who usually has a sense of humor and bent over.

. . . . . .

When Chen Kangjie and the others walked out of the school gate, he saw Xiong Ziqiang across the road gesturing with his right hand to his ear in the shape of a phone.

Chen Kangjie usually walks home with his classmates after school. When he rarely takes a car, he doesn't want to be too special, and he doesn't want to show off in front of his classmates. Generally, Xiong Ziqiang is fine, so he won't make this gesture for him. I want to tell Chen Kangjie that I have his phone number.

"You guys go first, I have something to do, I'll catch up later," Chen Kangjie stopped and waved his hands.

"Boss, what's the matter with you, let's go with you," Chu Xiang asked.

Ever since Chen Kangjie showed them a one-sided fight last time, they had a passion and always wanted to find something exciting with Chen Kangjie.

"Why do you follow me? It's none of your business. Let's go. You have class tomorrow. Go." When it comes to work or business, Chen Kangjie usually doesn't let these classmates and partners participate.

They couldn't help Chen Kangjie at all, and they didn't understand what he was doing. Inviting them to participate would only backfire and increase the distance between the two parties.

"Chen Kangjie, are you really not going with us?" Fan Xuexi asked softly with blinking eyes.

"Let's go first, I'll go back after I'm done." Chen Kangjie's tone was still different between boys and girls, but now he was much more gentle with Fan Xuexi.

"Okay, then be careful yourself." Fan Xuexi turned and walked away with her schoolbag on one shoulder, and persuaded other students by the way, "Let's go, let's go by ourselves, don't disturb him to do business."

Fan Xuexi is imitating his mother's attitude towards Fan Wentai. Han Yumeng usually doesn't care much about Fan Wentai's work affairs. Han Yumeng thinks that men should have sufficient freedom in career, so Fan Xuexi and his mother are different in this regard. Very similar.

Some students turned around to look at Chen Kangjie after walking a few steps. Chen Kangjie waved his hand, and only walked towards Xiong Ziqiang when they were far away.

"Whose phone number?" After opening the car door and getting in, Chen Kangjie asked straight to the point.

"President Ouyang called and said it was about the situation in Japan," Xiong Ziqiang sat in and replied simply.

"Go to the company, I'll call him back," Chen Kangjie instructed the driver Qian Degui.

Chen Kangjie’s six SEALs did not come to the mainland. Their size and appearance are very conspicuous in the mainland where there are relatively few foreigners, so they were left in the United States as a temporary vacation. Samidov and the others still stayed. In Hong Kong, only Xiong Ziqiang, Tan Jun and the others followed him back.

Qian Degui nodded, started the car and drove straight to Master Kong's company.

After Chen Kangjie returned to the office, he picked up the phone and called Ouyang Zhenhua who was far away in Hong Kong.

"What's wrong with Japan? Couldn't it be an accident with the funds?" When the phone was connected, Chen Kangjie asked directly.

He, Xiong Ziqiang, said it was a question about Japan, so Chen Kangjie thought it was something wrong with the funds, and his heart sank.

Although 2000 billion U.S. dollars was withdrawn, this is a small head. If there is a problem with the big head, he will be considered a discount. The money invested in the original investment was more than 2000 billion U.S. dollars. It is impossible for Chen Kangjie to not be worried at all.

"It's not about funding, it's about rare earths." During the phone call, Ouyang Zhenhua corrected Chen Kangjie's thoughts.

Hearing that it was a rare earth problem, Chen Kangjie let go of all his worries.

"What's going on? Tell me." Chen Kangjie sat down on the chair, stretched his feet up and rested comfortably on the big desk.

"Ye Tangsen called me just now, and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation informed them of a situation. This morning, the ambassadors of Japan and South Korea in the capital jointly called on the relevant persons in charge of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation. Expressed dissatisfaction and protests by using monopoly sales, and expressed great dissatisfaction with my country Future Metallurgical Group for doubling the export price of rare earths, and demanded that my country restore the past form of free trade and not artificially create obstacles to bilateral relations.” , Ouyang Zhenhua said seriously on the phone.

"Fuck, grandma, what kind of logic is this? Devils and Bangzi actually join forces to engage in a diplomatic war. This is because the rare earth mines in the United States have not been closed. Otherwise, the price would not have doubled, but ten times. Fifty times", Chen Kangjie heard that the two running dog countries played this trick, how could he not be angry.

Although the China Future Metallurgical Group is buying rare earths on a large scale, it doesn't have much in hand. Instead, it sells them at 80.00% of the previous year's export volume, and the price has only doubled. Even so, it is still the price of cabbage.The reasons for this are, firstly, the establishment time is short, many projects are not on the right track, and rare earth smuggling still occurs from time to time, and secondly, although the rare earth production in the United States is decreasing year by year, the large rare earth mines in the United States have not been closed. A large reduction in exports and a rapid increase in prices will cause a rebound and delay the closure of rare earth mines in the United States.

"Then what should I do?"

"Don't care about him", Chen Kangjie only had three words.

"But... the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation asked Ye Tangsen to think of a way."

A weak country has no diplomacy. This sentence is not false at all. As a country that is not yet rich, once it faces diplomatic incidents, it seldom has a strong time. It seems that this has become the norm for nearly a hundred years. To find a way for a company, I really don't know what those people are doing.

Chen Kangjie hesitated for a moment, sighed, and said: "Then let Ye Tangsen issue a statement. The main point of the statement is that the original intention of China Future Metallurgical Group is to make money, not to monopolize any mineral resources, and promise that the current The export volume will remain unchanged for 30 years, and the price will also be maintained at the current price level, giving those two legs a reassurance."

"Unchanged for 30 years? Master Jie, that's not right, that's not what you told me at the beginning." Ouyang Zhenhua was quite surprised when he heard the general content of the reputation Chen Kangjie requested.

At the beginning, Chen Kangjie asked the China Future Metallurgical Group to reduce the export quantity and increase the price year by year. After a certain period of time, it will be greatly reduced and the price will be greatly increased. But now Chen Kangjie's words are kept unchanged for 30 years. How can Ouyang Zhenhua Don't be surprised, if you do this, there is no need to establish the China Future Metallurgical Group.

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