rebirth of change

Chapter 543 I'm Not an Idiot

"Brother, words are dead, but people are alive. If I say that it will remain the same for 30 years, it will remain the same for 30 years? As the saying goes, the plan does not change quickly. Besides, when the September 9.18 incident happened, the little devil just found someone Excuses are enough to achieve their purpose, can't we just follow suit? Don't be so brainless," Chen Kangjie said with a wicked smile. 【 】

"Jie Shao, you mean that if we want to change at that time, we can just find an excuse?".

"Of course, we have as many excuses as we want. Environmental pressure, market changes, increasing domestic demand, and rising prices. If it doesn't work, there will be a shortage of resources. Why not?" Chen Kangjie replied comfortably, shaking his legs.

"Jie Shao, that will affect our reputation. This statement will be made public through the news media." Ouyang Zhenhua was somewhat worried.

"Hmph, for the little devil and Gaoli Bangzi, in fact, there is no need to talk about reputation. Are they people who talk about reputation? No, besides, how will this affect our reputation? It will only affect the reputation of China Future Metallurgical Group. Anyway, I didn't intend to make the China Future Metallurgical Group so reputable." Chen Kangjie looked like a rascal, as if a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

Chen Kangjie thought that in two years, the price of iron ore would start to rise. The outside world thought that those big iron ore merchants were all from Australia and Brazil, but in fact they all had the shadow of Little Japan behind them.

Every year when negotiating iron ore prices, Chinese iron and steel companies have to bear more price costs. Even if some prices have been negotiated long ago, those foreign iron ore suppliers will still raise prices for various reasons. Therefore, among resource companies, what is talked about is not reputation, but strength, because they are not dealing with ordinary consumers at all, and what is really being played here is a game of winners and losers.

"If that's the case, why don't you say ten years, 20 years, or 30 years?" Ouyang Zhenhua still didn't understand the requirement for the number of years.

"This 30 years is not for little devils, but actually for Yankees. It's not that I haven't thought about it for ten or 20 years, but it won't make Lao Mei close his mine with peace of mind. Only In this way, let them feel at ease and enjoy abundant rare earth resources cheaply, and then they will seal up those mines for the purpose of protecting their own energy sources. You have to know that it is easy to close the wells, but it is difficult to open them. Wait for their mines to be closed Yes, the rare earth separation company is also closed, and people are lost. It is not so easy to get it back. It will cost more money and more time. American companies are almost all private, and those people will not spend so much. money to maintain the equipment or support those technicians," Chen Kangjie explained.

"Gao, Gao, once Laomei's mine is closed, we will be the only one in the world who can supply a large amount of rare earths." Ouyang Zhenhua on the other end of the phone gave a thumbs up, looking very excited.

"Yes, although India and Russia have certain rare earth reserves, but they lack separation technology and separation equipment, so we will be able to be in a monopoly position for a long time, heh heh, when the time comes... ", the smile on Chen Kangjie's face became more and more sinister, with a little lust.

"We can do whatever we want and get back what we lost," Ouyang Zhenhua excitedly completed what Chen Kangjie had left to say.

"This is also a double-edged sword. We still have to pay a lot in the early stage, but as long as we don't lose money, we can store 20.00% of the output every year. I hope it will play a role in the future." Chen Kangjie put away his smile and returned to reality.

"Then should we ask the Japanese side to purchase the gasifier and air separation equipment needed for the coal chemical project?" One of the purposes of Chen Kangjie's involvement in rare earths is to obtain these two key equipment for the coal chemical project, so Only Ouyang Zhenhua would ask this question.

"Don't worry about it. Anyway, it will take two or three years for their infrastructure and supporting projects to be completed. It will be more certain to raise it when the time comes. Now, if you go to the Japanese to raise it, I guess they will not only not sell it, but will be more confident. Backfired", Chen Kangjie rejected Ouyang Zhenhua's proposal.

An environment-friendly large-scale coal chemical project requires not only money but also time-consuming for earthwork excavation of infrastructure, plant construction, large-scale chimneys, supporting water conservancy facilities, sewage treatment facilities, etc.

In order to cooperate with this large-scale project and more coal chemical projects in the future, and to fundamentally solve the problem of engineering water shortage in the city, the city is planning to build three large and medium-sized reservoirs, and there are dozens of small-scale water conservancy projects. Coupled with thousands of kilometers of aqueducts, this is not something that can be completed in a day or two.

The coal chemical base co-operated by Hongyuan and Li Chaoren is located in Kainan Township, which is 42 kilometers away from the urban area. For this reason, a 67-kilometer dedicated coal transportation road has to be built, which is also a time-consuming and labor-intensive task.

"Okay then, I'll arrange it," Ouyang Zhenhua agreed.

After Chen Kangjie called Ouyang Zhenhua, he called Zhao Zhibang again, but he didn't answer the call, Secretary Qin answered the call.Secretary Qin told Chen Kangjie that Zhao Zhibang and several senior officials had gone to a meeting to listen to the work report of the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and he would not be able to return to the office until later.

Since Zhao Zhibang was not in the office, Chen Kangjie just casually chatted with Secretary Qin and then hung up.

When Chen Kangjie rushed home, Ma Fangqin happened to have prepared the food and was about to serve it.After washing his hands and eating dinner, the bowl and chopsticks were put down, and Zhao Zhibang's phone knocked down the family.

When Chen Qigang received Zhao Zhibang's call, he was startled and seemed very excited.Zhao Zhibang didn't immediately say that he was looking for Chen Kangjie, but first asked about his work situation, and Chen Qigang answered them one by one. He thought that the central leadership cared about his work as a small deputy department-level cadre.

After chatting for five or six minutes, Zhao Zhibang changed the subject: "Comrade Qi Gang, is Xiaojie there? If it's convenient, I have something to do with him."

At this time, Chen Qi just realized that the call from the central leadership was to find his son, Chen Kangjie, and it was just incidental to chat with him about work, so he was somewhat disappointed, but then he figured it out, his son is promising, isn't this a good thing, isn't it me? Can you still eat your son's vinegar?Besides, just because I have such a son, some of my work can go straight to the heaven. How many people in the whole country can have this kind of treatment?

Chen Qigang pointed to the phone, and then to his study door, Chen Kangjie immediately understood what it meant?In fact, as soon as Zhao Zhibang's phone call came in, Chen Kangjie felt like a mirror in his heart.

Chen Kangjie walked to Chen Qigang's study lightly, and picked up the phone. Chen Qigang heard the voice of the conversation on the phone, so he put the phone down.Regardless of whether he is at home, Chen Qigang does not dare to eavesdrop on the conversations of the leaders. , then he is out of luck.If you want to know something, it is better to ask your own son directly.

"Xiaojie, you called me today because of the protest of the ambassadors of Japan and South Korea, right?"

"Hehe, as expected of a great leader, he is indeed very intelligent. He guessed right, and I heard from Brother Qin that you went to a meeting to listen to the report." Chen Kangjie always likes to talk sweetly to leaders.

"You little guy likes to flatter you and you have to correct it. Don't think that leaders are smart. Sometimes leaders make mistakes. Because the two countries raised their dissatisfaction at the same time, it is normal for the Politburo to hold a special meeting to listen to reports."

"My biggest problem is that I don't like flattery. I like to seek truth from facts. Hehe, by the way, did you make any decisions in the meeting?" Chen Kangjie flattered, but his skin was thicker than a city wall.

When it came to business, Zhao Zhibang stopped teasing Chen Kangjie, "Well, in fact, when the policy of handing over rare earth resources to you was introduced, it was already expected, but, at present, our diplomacy is still under some pressure. Especially South Korea, which has just established diplomatic relations, it is not appropriate to make the relationship too rigid, can you see if there is a compromise solution?".

"Uncle Zhao, this is not handing over the problem, is it? This is too obvious, you are public servants."

"You may not know that we suspect that the two of them came to the door because Lao Mei was behind it. According to the report from the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lao Mei has the idea of ​​suspending rare earth mining, but the bill has not yet been submitted to Congress. That's why we think this is a tentative move by Lao Mei," said Zhao Zhibang.

"Why do these guys want to get involved in everything? They don't stop. They're really used to taking advantage, but fortunately, I have a way." Afterwards, Chen Kangjie ordered China Future Metallurgical Group to issue a statement The idea told Zhao Zhibang.

"Hehe, do you think that others will believe it just because of you? This is just a corporate act, otherwise why would they go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs directly? They are not idiots, they want to turn this into a government action", Zhao Zhibang thought Chen Kangjie took things too simply, "But your idea is very good, you just need to do it to make people believe it more."

"How can they believe it more?" Chen Kangjie thought about it. Although China is a country of etiquette, it does not mean that companies will not play with their reputation, lose their credibility, and treat others as idiots, so they can only ask for advice humbly.

"Two steps, the first step, the China Future Metallurgical Group can first issue an external statement according to what you said, but the location should not be in southern Jiangxi, nor in Qianzhou, but directly in the State Guesthouse in the capital. Media participation", since Zhao Zhibang can say that, it proves that he has a way.

"What about the second step?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"The second step is not your business. I won't tell you about this. You can see it after your statement is released."

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