rebirth of change

Chapter 544 State Guesthouse Press Conference

Since Zhao Zhibang wanted to keep it a secret, Chen Kangjie had nothing to do with it. 【 】In fact, it's not that Zhao Zhibang didn't say anything, but out of caution, he still needs to discuss the method in his mind with Wei Zhonghua and other giants. He won't just say something that is not [-]% sure.

After Chen Kangjie made the phone call, Chen Qigang grabbed him to inquire about the situation as usual.

"Dad, it's fine, just chatting casually." Chen Kangjie knew that his father had not eavesdropped on his phone, so he decided not to tell him the truth.

"Casual chat? The chief called in his busy schedule just to chat with you casually? You are kidding ghosts, you." Chen Qigang didn't believe it would be as simple as Chen Kangjie said.

"Tch, do you think the leader only cares about your work? Can't he care about my study and life?".

"You don't do this kind of thing, you still need others to care about your study and life? Tell me quickly." Chen Qigang didn't follow Chen Kangjie's way at all.

"Really, just talk to me about what you did during the holidays." Chen Kangjie spread his hands, making a look of being wronged.

"Don't tell me I forgot, then tell me, what did you do during your vacation?" Chen Kangjie's words played the role of changing the topic, but it also aroused Chen Qigang's interest, which is really a waste of trouble. Picked up a trouble.

"Study, of course, is the main thing." Chen Kangjie swept away the suspicion of being wronged and raised his head.

"Okay, so what have you learned?" This was the first time Chen Qigang paid so much attention to Chen Kangjie's study.

"Hey, you don't know what to say, you're learning how to make movies." Chen Kangjie couldn't beat him, so he could only tell the truth, anyway, they would know this in the future.

"You, you, you, you go to learn how to make movies? You don't read books well, what kind of movies are you going to learn to make movies? You don't do your job properly." Chen Qigang was surprised and surprised by Chen Kangjie's words. Of course, criticism was also inevitable.

"What does it mean to not do a proper job? I have learned everything in the books, otherwise I won't get full marks in the exam this semester. After finishing the books, of course I need to improve my extra-curricular skills. It is not a bad thing to have more skills, don't I? Just sit at home and watch the sky? Dad, your thoughts are not good.” As he spoke, Chen Kangjie walked around the study room with his hands behind his back like an adult, as if he was criticizing Chen Qigang who made a mistake.

"Then you finished the second year of junior high school, you won't study the third year of junior high school in advance?" Chen Qigang blushed a little, and he admitted in his heart that what Chen Kangjie said was reasonable, but he didn't intend to admit defeat just because of face.

"I finished my third grade of junior high school. I have read all the textbooks left by my fourth sister. I even studied the first grade of high school. Do you want me to study university content now?" Chen Kangjie continued to walk around.

Chen Qigang was so overwhelmed by his son that he couldn't speak, took out a cigarette and lit it, and said, "Then why don't you skip a grade?".

"Why am I skipping a grade? I'd rather be the head of the chicken than the queen. With my current progress, I can get the first place, but if I go to high school now, I may not be able to get it. How boring! Besides! Yes, I skipped a grade, people thought it was you who greeted me, and the influence is not good, isn’t it?” Chen Kangjie came up with a set of reasons.

"Hey, whatever you want", I don't know if he was persuaded by the content of Chen Kangjie's words, or because he felt that he couldn't talk to Chen Kangjie, Chen Qigang raised the white flag himself.

"Hey, then I'm going out." After taking two steps, Chen Kangjie stopped again, "I have to go to the United States in a while, and I haven't finished filming a movie I'm studying."

"Okay, okay, anyway, you have finished your third-year courses, you can do whatever you want," Chen Qigang waved his hand, he really didn't want to talk about this with his son, otherwise he would be hit.

Chen Kangjie got the pass to go out, and happily hummed a ditty to go out.

. . . . . .

Ye Tangsen received instructions from Ouyang Zhenhua, and originally planned to invite the media in Gannan Province and several central media reporters stationed in Gannan to hold a press conference in Nanzhou, who knows that the reporters have not been notified yet. Ouyang Zhenhua called again to change his words, asking him to go to the capital and hold the press conference at the State Guesthouse, not only to organize domestic media to participate, but also to invite foreign media stationed in Beijing from various countries to participate.

Ye Tangsen felt that since it was a fake, there was no need to engage in such a big battle, but Ouyang Zhenhua ordered that it must be done, and Ye Tangsen did the same, and only took a small delegation to the capital.

In the capital, Ye Tangsen first paid a courtesy call on the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Metallurgy, and after a brief communication with them, on September 9 outside the Fucheng Gate in the west of the capital, on the east side of Yuyuantan The hotel holds a big press conference.

Fangfei Garden, Building 17 in the State Guest House is the most ideal place for a press conference. The press conference held by Ye Tangsen on behalf of China Future Metallurgical Group was naturally chosen here.

Although the Guobingguan is only a super-star hotel, it is also of an administrative nature. The general manager is not low, and belongs to the main hall level. It is regarded as official or semi-official, which is probably why Zhao Zhibang asked the press conference to be here.

Because I visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in advance, and someone said hello, Ye Tangsen's request to use Fangfei Garden on the No. 17th floor was approved and cooperated very smoothly. big media.

At ten o'clock in the morning on September 9, when Ye Tangsen walked into the press release hall of Fangfeiyuan with two company executives and secretaries, there were already hundreds of Chinese and foreign media waiting here.


"Dear friends from the press, everyone is very welcome to come to our press conference. However, there is one thing to explain. This conference does not accept questions. We will only issue a statement from our company. Next, please invite President Ye "After sitting down, a senior executive of China Future Metallurgical Group took over as the moderator.

As soon as the high-level voice fell, the reporters below became restless, probably expressing dissatisfaction with not being allowed to ask questions, and demanding the opportunity to ask questions.

Ye Tangsen touched his bald head, took out two pieces of printing paper from the inner bag of his woolen suit, adjusted the microphone, and then stretched out his hands and pressed down, "Everyone, please be quiet, please be quiet, I understand everyone Requests and thoughts, well, after the announcement, I agree to answer two questions, just two."

After listening to Ye Tangsen's words, the rest of the crowd calmed down. These uncrowned kings are indeed untouchable. Now the reporters are gearing up one by one, ready to snatch the two spots as soon as the statement is over.

"In view of the fact that foreign institutions are currently criticizing, accusing and making things difficult for us, we issue the following statement to clarify our purpose and viewpoint. The original intention of our establishment of China Future Metallurgical Group is to integrate domestic rare earth resources, and it is definitely not for the so-called monopoly. Of course, as an enterprise, profit is our highest goal. This is the principle followed by enterprises all over the world, and we are no exception. Speaking of this, some people may suspect that we are seeking huge profits. This point needs to be clarified , the reason why we want to integrate is because the wages of employees of domestic rare earth mining enterprises are too low. We doubled the price before, just to raise their salaries and bring their interests back to a track that we think is normal. Now our goal has been Therefore, there will be no price increase in the next 30 years, and our profit is only the cost of separation and processing. Therefore, we simply cannot understand how a normal market behavior will affect the relationship between countries? Could it be that the two Is the normalized relationship established between these two countries so fragile? It’s nonsense. At present, our country advocates a commodity economy,... I hereby guarantee that we will maintain normal international trade and maintain the supply and demand of rare earths Balanced, will support the country's guidelines and diplomatic needs, our commitment will not change in 30 years, thank you."

Ye Tangsen took the manuscript paper and spent 10 minutes reading the statement. Although he was holding the manuscript, he did not just bury his head in the scriptures. It is obvious that some of his words are full of personal emotions, not 100% It is the content on the manuscript paper, and only in this way can his hands be freed to add passionate and powerful body language.

It stands to reason that this is a Chinese and foreign press conference, and an interpreter is needed to accurately translate his words into English on the spot. However, since the China Future Metallurgical Group will provide a press release in both Chinese and English, which contains the entire content of this statement, so it is No more translations, just send them the press release when it's over.

Just when Ye Tangsen released the statement, more than a dozen cameras and dozens of high-power cameras were all aimed at him, and the flashes clicked and clicked non-stop. record.

"Okay, the next reporter friends can start asking questions, remember, there are only two opportunities for questions, so I hope everyone can not digress, and friends who have questions, please raise your hands." The senior executive continued his role as the host, seemingly doing The performance is not bad, and he can become the spokesperson of China Future Metallurgical Group in the future.

In fact, without his reminding, Ye Tangsen’s words ended, and a large arm stretched out from below, some were pink and white, some were rough and yellow, and some were fluffy. shaking to attract attention.

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