rebirth of change

Chapter 545 Step 2

"That one, the woman in the white coat in the middle, yes, that one," the host instructed the staff to hand over the microphone to a white female reporter. 【 】

"Hello, I am the Associated Press reporter in China. I would like to ask Mr. Ye, why do you ensure that your rare earth prices will not increase within 30 years, and your export volume will not decrease. Thank you." After the freckled middle-aged woman finished asking, she handed the microphone back to the male waiter in a navy blue suit.

This question is quite tricky, and it hits the nail on the head.

The release of the statement just now does not require translation, but now the on-the-spot question is needed. Ye Tangsen's secretary took the role of translator at this time, and quickly translated the Chinese question that the Associated Press reporter had put on hold into standard American English.

For the white-collar workers of these large companies, knowing a foreign language is a necessary skill, not to mention being the secretary of the president, the requirements are even more stringent.

At the booth where the secretary was translating, Ye Tangsen also thought up the answer.

"You asked me how to ensure that the content of our statement will remain unchanged for 30 years. I really don't know what guarantee you need. As a powerful group company, if you believe it, then our reputation is the guarantee. If you don't believe it , then it’s useless for me to swear. I just want to tell you that our integration policy is supported by the central government. Both the State Council and the Ministry of Metallurgy have issued directive documents. Believe it or not, I really have no choice Already." Ye Tangsen spread his hands and handed over the task of translation to the secretary.

After the secretary finished translating, the host began to click again, not knowing who would get the last question.

"Front row, the gentleman in the dark suit in the front row on the right, yes, yes, the one wearing glasses." The host wanted to ask the second question to a Chinese, but the one who stood up was not a Chinese.

"Hello, I'm Sakagami Tamura, a reporter from NHK TV station. The question I want to ask is, will you fully supply the rare earth demand of our country? Thank you." The male reporter sat down, and the host knew that he had been selected. a Japanese.

The Japanese reporter asked the question in English, so the secretary was required to translate the question into Chinese.

After the secretary finished translating, Ye Tangsen, who could understand English, stroked his beardless chin, and then pulled the microphone closer to his mouth, "Our two countries are neighbors separated by a strip of water. In recent years, your country has always treated us well. There is aid to help your country’s economic development, which is actually helping us. Economically, we are complementary, so there is no reason for us not to supply. We know that your country lacks in resources. In terms of technology and Economically, we will need your country’s help for a long time. This is a win-win move. Whether it is for the company’s interests or the country’s strategic needs, it is understandable and duty-bound. I Everyone feels that the government and business circles of your country do not have the slightest worry about this at all."

Ye Tangsen was just talking nonsense with all his guts. This guy's reputation is probably ruined in this press conference.

The press conference was over, and Ye Tangsen got up to leave, but the Japanese reporter just now still held the microphone in his hand and did not return it to the staff.Because he was sitting in the first row, it was not easy for the staff to block his view and force him.

"Wait, Mr. Ye, if that's the case, then why do you want to monopolize the purchase and export of rare earths?" The male reporter hurriedly raised the microphone and asked.

Ye Tangsen, who had already got up, had already decided not to answer any more questions, but seeing those reporters stop and stare at him again, Ye Tangsen could only reluctantly lower his waist and face the microphone.

"We never thought of monopoly. It's not a monopoly. It's just integration. The nature of our country's national system has determined that many industries need to be integrated. Logically speaking, this kind of thing should be done by the state. However, as we all know , we are now in a critical period of great development, and there are too many places that need to spend money, so we are entrusted to do it as a last resort, so there is no such thing as a monopoly.” It seems that Ye Tangsen was the reporter for this time The meeting has indeed made sufficient preparations, otherwise there would not be such an impromptu performance.

"Since the government has no money, where does your money come from? Where is the root cause?" This difficult Japanese devil really made an inch,

"Today's press conference did not consider answering questions. Later, considering everyone's needs, I agreed to answer two questions. Later, I had to answer the third question. If everyone is like you, when can I leave? So, for your extra fourth question, I have nothing to say and I refuse to answer." After speaking, Ye Tangsen straightened up and left the backstage passage without knowing what to do. Was stopped by several staff.

"Remember this Japanese reporter, no, remember this TV station, if this happens again in the future, don't point them out," Ye Tangsen said to the secretary and two executives following him on the passageway of Building 17 commanded.

The executive who was the moderator just now wiped his forehead, nodded repeatedly, and took the lead to answer: "Yes, yes, I remember."

Ye Tangsen didn't care about the expressions and actions of the entourage at all, and walked quickly to the two black Mercedes-Benz cars parked outside the back building. The driver opened the doors of the two cars. After Ye Tangsen took the lead and sat in, he raised his head Leaving the State Guest House.

That evening and the next morning, all the major news media in the world reported the news of this press conference, some of them were reported as headlines, and some were slightly put behind. Anyway, Ye Tangsen’s name or image appeared on the There are many reports.Among the domestic mainstream media, the News Network put it on the fourth news broadcast, and the specifications and treatment were very high.

After Chen Kangjie watched the news at home at night, he was very satisfied with Ye Tangsen's performance, so he even called Ye Tangsen himself to praise him.

Domestic reports are basically overwhelmingly positive, supporting Ye Tangsen's statement, which is completely predictable, but foreign reports are not completely like this. The feedback from Ouyang Zhenhua is that, Many overseas media are skeptical of Ye Tangsen's words. They neither dare to confirm nor overthrow it easily. They just have an ambiguous tone.

But on September 12th, this ambiguous attitude completely changed, and most of the media changed their views to support and affirmation.

The reason for this is that the foreign ministry also held a press conference on September 9, and a deputy minister attended the press conference in person.

The press conference was very short, and there was only one main content, that is, the deputy minister stated that he fully supported the content of the statement of China Future Metallurgical Group, and also fully supported Ye Tangsen's views and ideas.

If Ye Tangsen’s press conference is of a corporate or semi-official nature, then the one on September 9th will be official, and the level is not low. Vice-ministerial officials will be present in person, and the persuasion will be stronger and more authoritative up.

The time difference between the two press conferences was three days, and the combination of the government and the people complemented each other, which greatly highlighted the authenticity and credibility of Ye Tangsen's press conference.

That's why the foreign media unanimously changed their minds to acknowledge Ye Tangsen's statement and speech, which can be regarded as a reassurance for the countries concerned.

"Uncle Zhao, this is the second step you mentioned, right?" Chen Kangjie called Zhao Zhibang after reading the detailed report in the "China Youth Daily".

"Yes, this is the second step. The behavior of enterprises alone is not enough to make foreigners believe your words. It must be coupled with the behavior of the government. They all know that our country's government has always kept its promises." Zhao Zhibang replied.

"That's because you care about saving face," Chen Kangjie joked.

"It doesn't matter what it is, anyway, they believe the government's words more," Zhao Zhibang ignored Chen Kangjie's teasing.

"But there is one thing I don't understand. Are you afraid of losing your reputation? You knew in advance that we didn't intend to honor it. What will you do if we don't comply? You will be ridiculed and go back on your word," Chen Kangjie said in There is indeed a lot of doubt on this point.

"How could this happen? We didn't promise anything. It's wrong for us to support your current well-meaning ideas? As a government, it should support the friendly behavior of enterprises, and it should support non-governmental activities that are conducive to friendship between countries. If you can’t cash it out, then the government can’t support it anymore, but you can’t interfere too much with corporate behavior.” Zhao Zhibang couldn’t help laughing in Ouchi’s office.

In order to complete the second step, Zhao Zhibang really put in a lot of effort, spending a lot of energy to persuade other giants, and finally got Wei Zhonghua's decision.This kind of matter involving diplomacy is not a trivial matter. Without the first decision, others dare not mess around.

"It seems that Jiang is still old and hot. With you, this kind of thing can be played. But, to be honest, you should have played this way a long time ago. You see, the US government has always played games like this. Last time Things decided by the government can be overturned by the next government. Even the three joint communiqués between our two countries have been played with words by them. As long as it is beneficial, they don’t care about those. Even the international law in black and white, it doesn’t mean to trample on it. ", Chen Kangjie didn't know whether he was praising or hurting others.

"He has strength, we don't have such strength yet," Zhao Zhibang said with a sigh.

All the rules of the international game are formulated and played by big countries. As long as they have strength, everything will be easy. The Qin State during the Warring States Period is an example. There are so many peace agreements signed with Zhao Weihan, but as long as necessary, he can tear them up, etc. After reaping the benefits, sign the alliance under the city, then tear it up, and repeat it again and again, until the other party is eaten away, then let it go.

"Strength plays a decisive role, but a change in thinking is also essential. I hope this is a good start for you. Anyway, thank you for your cooperation." After the matter was successfully resolved, Chen Kangjie was in a very happy mood.

(The following words are not included in the consumption, this chapter is added to thank "Ewha ii Yuliang" for today's VIP tickets and pk ticket support, of course, I also want to thank "alve, ghost" for the [-] votes in the previous two days votes. Since yesterday, there will be two stable updates every day if there is no accident. If there is more than [-] votes in support, one chapter will be added. If it can reach [-] votes, two chapters will be added. The last month has been adding updates , but I only received one stamp and one ticket, I was still very disappointed, I always lacked some motivation, I hope everyone can understand, I wish everyone good night)

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