rebirth of change

Chapter 546 Political Aftermath

From the perspective of the media, this matter is over, but from the perspective of diplomacy and politics, there is still a little tail left. 【 】

what is the reason?Japan intends to make some more decisions, and wants to reap some benefits, but it is also trapped by the real situation in China.

On the third day after the Chinese Vice Foreign Minister held the press conference, the Japanese ambassador to China handed over an official letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In the document, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs clearly stated that China must cancel the Chinese Future Metallurgical Group's exclusive distribution rights to rare earths, otherwise they will suspend aid to China, which is simply a naked economic threat.

Japan's aid to China began in 1979. This was a measure introduced by Japan after China rejected the war reparations during World War II. The actual benefits outweighed the costs.Chen Kangjie remembers that in the 1979 years from 09 to 30, the amount of Japanese aid to China was reported by the media as 36412 billion yen, which was actually equivalent to only 350 billion U.S. dollars, and some media said it was 3 million U.S. dollars. Whichever it is, in Chen Kangjie's eyes, it's not a big number.

Don't think that the so-called aid is free. 90% of it is loans, but the interest is relatively low. Free aid and technical assistance only account for 35%, which is about [-] billion US dollars.

Because Japan provided this assistance, the relationship with China was very good throughout the 80s and 90s, allowing a large number of Japanese-funded enterprises to take the lead in entering the huge market in the Far East of China. Even in 93, Panasonic, Toshiba, Sanyo The company's advertisements can be seen everywhere in China, and the profits and benefits they actually earn from the Chinese market are far more than the little assistance they provide, so in Chen Kangjie's view, those assistance are too much for the little devil. A good deal, among them, China has to bear the risk after the appreciation of the yen. If China borrowed 1985 billion yen from Japan in 1000, it was a ten-year loan and it was repaid in 1995. Even if the interest was not discussed, the actual When repaying online, it is equivalent to repaying 3000 billion yen, because the yen has risen from 1:240 to 1:80 against the US dollar, which has appreciated by a full three times, and the purchasing power of the same amount of money has completely changed dramatically.

So, among them, China is also helping the little devil to bear the risk and lose money.

When the giants in the central government saw this official letter, they all expressed anger. This was simply treating themselves as beggars and completely disregarding the relationship between the two countries.

In fact, the little devils don't really want to threaten China with this. They know that this kind of threat is useless and will achieve the opposite result, but the ruler really has no choice.

After Chen Kangjie's rebirth and intervention, the little devil's economic situation is much worse than the original history, and directly reached negative growth. In such a difficult period, if the government still spends hundreds of billions of yen every year to support other countries , the people are simply unacceptable, the people will scold those in power for incompetence and corruption, which will seriously affect the government's ruling status.

Since 92, opposition parties such as the Socialist Party and the Democratic Socialist Party have become very active and have won the support of many people. Therefore, under such a background, in order to keep his ruling status for 38 years, Mao Zedong had to make a bad decision. To please the people is a double-edged sword. While it can please the voters, it will also reduce your diplomatic points.In the case of choosing the lesser of the two, *** still chose the side that is most beneficial to them.

It's just that they didn't expect that they didn't break away from the curse of history. In the election at the end of 93, they still lost the election and lost their 38-year ruling status. An opposition coalition of smaller parties was defeated.Their defeat has a lot to do with China's reaction.

"I don't think we can compromise. Once we compromise, wouldn't the previous work be done in vain? How can the majestic country of China be threatened and given by the little devil?" Zhao Zhibang threw the official letter aside and announced himself angrily. the opinion of.

"I don't know that we can't compromise. This is not only about our prestige and dignity. This is a project that the old chief tried his best to promote, but don't you want to see hundreds of billions of yen?" Wei Zhonghua took off his glasses and rubbed Tired nose.

Being the leader of a big country is not an easy task, especially in this eventful and critical period, Wei Zhonghua still feels a little tired because of all kinds of official duties that cannot be handled every day.Moreover, the country of China, which has been poor for hundreds of years, is very eager for every sum of money to develop itself, especially for an aspiring leader of a big country.

"In the future, we must get back twice as much from the little devil," another giant said angrily.

"That's for the future, let's talk about the present first," Wei Zhonghua put his glasses on the bridge of his nose again, and said in a deep voice.

"Hey, maybe someone can solve it," Zhao Zhibang suddenly thought of something.

"Who is it?" A giant asked suspiciously.

Zhao Zhibang didn't answer, but just gestured downwards with his hand, meaning a child.

"I see, you mean that brat?" Wei Zhonghua quickly understood what Zhao Zhibang meant.

"Yeah," Zhao Zhibang nodded.

"That ghostly cleverness may really have a way, hehe, ashamed, when we people encounter money problems, we think of him. This guy is about to become our God of Wealth, haha." Maybe it was thinking of Chen Kangjie Wei Zhonghua's mood became better, and he felt a lot more relaxed.

"How about I ask him?" Zhao Zhibang asked tentatively.

"Lao Wei, Lao Zhao, who are you talking about?" A giant was full of doubts.

"Hehe, who else could it be, the guy who wrote "The Story of Spring"", Wei Zhonghua replied casually, and then said to Zhao Zhibang: "Okay, Comrade Zhibang, you ask him, anyway, this matter is also regarded as It was because of him, but let him not be burdened, help a little if you can, forget it if you can’t, anyway, we already owe him a lot of favors.”

"Secretary, I understand," Zhao Zhibang replied dutifully.

Undoubtedly, the person they are talking about is our classmate Chen Kangjie, who can have so much money in his hands, looking at the whole of China, there is no other person except him.

When Zhao Zhibang called Chen Kangjie and tried it out tactfully, Chen Kangjie never thought that Little Japan would be so determined to do this in economic diplomacy. The other party did not completely stop the aid, but it was reduced to tens of millions of dollars a year.He didn't think about it, all of this was thanks to him, which intensified the social conflicts in Japan, which led to wonderful changes in the political ecology.

"It's just a little money every year, and only you can value it." This was the first sentence Chen Kangjie said after hearing Zhao Zhibang's words.

"Grasshoppers are also meat", Zhao Zhibang's answer is also interesting.

"Okay, now you have to get some grasshopper meat off me, right?"

"It's more work for those who are capable, and you can earn more from the other party in the future, can't you? Besides, even if it's acting, extras need some fees." Zhao Zhibang made a really appropriate one simile.

"Okay, I understand. You are not extras, but official actors. The price will only be higher, right? Tell me, what number do you plan to ask for?".

"What? Really treat this as a labor fee, you can figure it out, as long as it can make up for Japan's aid to China."

"I have been able to make up for it a long time ago. Just talking about so many donations to education is already worth it?"

"That's in the past. Besides, didn't such a thing happen before?" At this time, Zhao Zhibang didn't look like a leader of a giant at all, but more like a company cadre begging for alms.

"Hehe, Uncle Zhao, I was joking with you. Besides, how can I not support your work? You have already spoken. Whether it is to steal or rob, I have to give you a sum of money Come on, do you think this is good? The other party’s aid is a low-interest loan. For me, I can donate a sum of money to the military research and development department. Two days ago, I heard that the development of the bomber encountered some obstacles, and the funds were a little lacking. What do you think?" Chen Kangjie had thought about this for a long time, and he just took this opportunity to say it.

Chen Kangjie learned about this situation from Wei Liang. When he left Hong Kong, Chen Kangjie promised to solve the problem of the crew of the commercial plane, and the stewardess handed it over to Ouyang Zhenhua.

The reason why Chen Kangjie dared to make a promise was that he was going to find a way from Wei Liang. As a top executive of the Air Force, it would be easy to get two experienced pilots. In the end, Wei Liang recommended two pilots with thousands of hours of flight time. Fighter pilot to Chen Kangjie.

As the project first initiated and supported by Chen Kangjie, the development of strategic bombers has always been his concern, so he asked by the way, Wei Liang told him that now he has fallen into a critical node. The problem lies in the engine. There is no big problem in manufacturing, and the avionics system can be solved with some time and funds. However, the engines required by bombers are very different from those of fighter jets, and they need to be completely developed by themselves, which is extremely expensive and time-consuming. Engines are not yet self-produced.

When Wei Liang said this, Chen Kangjie understood that he had encountered financial difficulties. Under the current military supply situation, it is impossible to have sufficient financial guarantees.

Although Wei Liang didn't expressly ask Chen Kangjie to help him, he was too embarrassed to talk about it, but Chen Kangjie really wanted to contribute in this regard.

"This,... this, that's fine, anyway, it's all used on the edge of the knife, how much do you plan to pay?" Zhao Zhibang is not directly responsible for military matters, but he hesitated, and he agreed. He believed in the military. No. [-] Wei Zhonghua will not object.

"One billion U.S. dollars is transferred from overseas secret accounts to PetroChina. As for how to transfer it, that is your business." Chen Kangjie has always been vigilant about military donations.

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