This incident became a less obvious watershed between China and Japan, which made China adopt a more pragmatic strategy in its diplomacy with Japan in the later period. 【 】

In order to express dissatisfaction, after rejecting the rude request of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the high-level officials canceled the visits of many delegations to Japan, and even the plan of a member of the Standing Committee to visit Japan at the end of the year was rejected indefinitely.

Reducing mutual visits is a visible way of expressing protest. What is invisible is below. Quality inspection, entry-exit, customs, industry and commerce and other departments will always take some measures intentionally or unintentionally when facing the service needs of Japanese-funded enterprises. The procrastination policy has higher requirements than Korean-funded enterprises.In any case, after the two press conferences were held, he behaved obediently.

It was also the actions of these two Chinese countries that made the opposition catch Mao Zedong's pigtails.They attacked the ruling party because of its small loss, its lack of strategic vision, and its lack of ability and wisdom to bring the people out of the predicament. At this difficult time, it should have increased the transfer of industries and enterprises, especially the transfer of industries and enterprises to China. A region with low-cost advantages and huge market space, but because of the short-sightedness of the ruling party, the process has slowed down. Many economic and trade delegations' visits to China have been canceled for no reason. Enterprises that could complete the business in three months before The establishment procedures have now been delayed to six months, eight months, or even longer, but now it is South Korea across the sea and European companies thousands of kilometers away.

In both domestic and foreign affairs, the Communist Party has been severely criticized by the opposition party. The opposition party criticized that it was because of the ineffective leadership of the Communist Party that the worst economic recession after the war occurred and the people fell into miserable pain.

It has to be said that the opposition parties seized on the sore spots of the ruling party and sprinkled a lot of salt on it, which led to the final resignation of Mao Zedong.

After the coalition of opposition parties came to power, it was helpless to deal with the domestic situation. The solution to domestic problems did not happen overnight. It involved economic policies, industrial policies, financial policies and systems, laws and regulations, and political systems. With the boycott within the ruling coalition, it is impossible to control the runaway economic carriage.

However, they did something bold in diplomacy. They immediately resumed aid to China, tightened their belts and provided 1 billion yen in aid loans.As the saying goes, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. No matter how difficult Japan is, it is richer than China. As long as you are hard-hearted, you can still make up that little money.

It's just that although Japan has resumed its aid to China, the Chinese side has only slightly relaxed the access of Japanese-funded enterprises on the basis of the previous strictness. This is what Chen Kangjie strongly requested, as long as many Japanese enterprises cannot transfer out , then their economic situation will be even worse, which is what Chen Kangjie needs.

On the third day after the National Day in 93, after Chen Qigang explained and communicated with District Chief Qiu Yi, he went to the capital to study alone. The entire study task would be completed before the Spring Festival. Theoretical training, the analysis of the content and spirit of the [-]th National Congress, and how to improve the ability of the grassroots to govern. It is considered complete.

Just when Chen Qigang was leaving for the capital, the business plane Global Express xrs purchased by Chen Kangjie and the others had also been sent by Bombardier to Hong Kong to hand over to Ouyang Zhenhua.In order to be able to start flying soon, Ouyang Zhenhua negotiated with Cathay Pacific Airways and paid a monthly fee of 50 Hong Kong dollars to Cathay Pacific Airways to obtain the other party's routes and parking qualifications. Pay the other party 0 Hong Kong dollars.

In this way, the annual expenditure of this aircraft has reached 800 million Hong Kong dollars, not counting the crew's salary and aviation fuel expenses. If other expenses are added, it is estimated that the annual cost of maintaining this aircraft will be tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars. This is indeed a difficult fee for ordinary rich people, but for Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua, it is a drop in the bucket.

Chen Kangjie's new semester has only lasted a month and a few days, and he has to ask for leave again. Wu Hui, the head teacher, originally wanted to persuade Chen Kangjie not to take such a long time off this semester, but after thinking about it, forget it.

Wu Hui was not worried that Chen Kangjie's academic performance would be affected, but he was worried that Chen Kangjie's long-term absence would affect other students. As long as Chen Kangjie was at school and in the classroom, students would be more motivated to study. Conversely, among other things, Zhang Qiang, Yang Cong and other students who have the best relationship with him are typical examples. They may not ask the teacher when they have learning problems, but they will definitely ask Chen Kangjie for advice.

Therefore, Chen Kangjie's motivation to the third class of junior high school is still very strong.However, considering Chen Kangjie's background, Wu Hui's persuasion could not be said.

"Ms. Wu, it's okay. I'll play again this semester. I won't go anywhere next semester. I'll prepare for the exam with my classmates." In Wu Hui's office, Chen Kangjie could tell from Wu Hui's hesitant expression It touched her mind, so she took the initiative to speak.

"Very well, I know you are not the kind of student who leaves your classmates behind, go early and return early." After hearing Chen Kangjie's sensible words, Wu Hui was very happy and relieved.

"Thank you, Mr. Wu, I understand." Chen Kangjie respected Wu Hui, the head teacher.

. . . . . .

During this trip, Chen Kangjie enjoyed the unrestrained taste of a private plane for the first time. Although most of his previous trips were in the spacious first-class cabin, it couldn't be compared with having an exclusive plane after all.

"Brother Ouyang, where did you find this stewardess?" On the tarmac of Zhucheng Airport, after Chen Kangjie entered through the VIP passage, he saw two beautiful and tall beauties in uniform standing beside the spiral staircase, their hair rolled up, With a smile on his face and his hands on his waist politely, it can be seen that he is well-trained, so Chen Kangjie pulled Ouyang Zhenhua who was standing on the stairs to greet him and asked in a low voice.

"Jie Shao, you don't know him? Haven't you watched the Miss Hong Kong competition in the past two years?" Ouyang Zhenhua thought Chen Kangjie knew everything.

"Fuck, where can I go to watch Miss Hong Kong's competition? Do you think I can watch TVB at home?" Chen Kangjie was a little dizzy at Ouyang Zhenhua's words.

At this time, everyone's understanding of the Hong Kong and Taiwan entertainment circles is only two. Movies and music tapes, those entertainment news are almost invisible, let alone live concerts, so even if Chen Kangjie often goes to Hong Kong, he still doesn't understand those so-called Miss Hong Kong, I have never watched the video of Miss Hong Kong competitions before 95 before rebirth, so it is not surprising that she is a little ignorant.

"Oh, the one on the left is the runner-up of Miss Hong Kong in 91, named Long Peiqi, and the one on the right is the runner-up of Miss Hong Kong in 92, named Xia Feifei." Ouyang Zhenhua grabbed Chen Kangjie's shoulder and glanced at The two beauties explained to him.

"I told you, either don't get it, or get the champion if you want to get it. I told you to be a stewardess, but you got me two runners-up."

"Hehe, it's not easy to get Miss Hong Kong? I'm afraid you don't want it. In 91, Miss Hong Kong entered the entertainment industry. I heard that she made a movie in that area. She is a celebrity. In 92, she was taken care of by the rich old Zheng. Do you really want them to be stewardesses? If you want, I can get them in minutes," Ouyang Zhenhua said confidently, with a smirk on his face.

For Ouyang Zhenhua, those who belong to the prostitutes, as long as they are willing to spend money, they can do anything, let alone let them work as stewardesses on private jets, some of them directly work as nannies for the rich.

"You're shivering, right? What are those things? How far away is death?" Chen Kangjie stared at Ouyang Zhenhua with a blank look.

"Hey, I knew you didn't want it, so I got the runner-up."

"How much did it cost? Don't treat him badly," Chen Kangjie glanced at the two beauties smiling at him, and said to Ouyang Zhenhua.

"How could it be? The annual salary is 50 Hong Kong dollars, and I promise to become an artist at Feiyang Entertainment Company in one year." Any boss will have all kinds of subordinates. Chen Kangjie is usually good to the employees around him, and Ouyang Zhenhua is Follow it wherever you go.

"This condition is okay, let's go, let's get on the plane, by the way, do you want something to eat, you come from Hong Kong, you don't leave the airport, so go back, this will make me look bad, hehe", Chen Kangjie Said jokingly.

"Let's go, don't try it, the special chef at the airport can cook Cantonese and Guizhou cuisine. I know you probably haven't eaten. I have prepared strange rice for you. It's very authentic. I tried it. The six have eaten the same."

The last time I went to Los Angeles, although the chefs said they were good at cooking Western food, they were not very good at Chinese food, so Chen Kangjie felt tired of eating too much Western food.Knowing him well, Ouyang Zhenhua specially found a chef from Qianzhou who works in Guangzhou this time. He is good at Guizhou cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, and Cantonese cuisine. Will continue to serve, of course, Ouyang Zhenhua's salary is many times that of the chef before.

Chen Kangjie stretched out a finger and pointed at Ouyang Zhenhua with a smile, without saying anything, everything was kept silent.

Ouyang Zhenhua naturally understood that Chen Kangjie was very satisfied, so he smiled and accompanied him on board the brand new white Global Express xrs.

When climbing the hanging ladder, the two runners-up of Miss Hong Kong stretched out their hands to help Chen Kangjie, but he waved his hand and refused. He is not in his [-]s and [-]s, and with a few steps on the ladder, he doesn't need someone to help him!

"Tower, tower, b-xhg to apply for takeoff, b-xhg to apply for takeoff..." Chen Kangjie sat down on the large light yellow leather sofa in the cabin. A glass of red wine was served, and the two pilots recommended by Wei Liang called by radio to prepare for takeoff.

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