Because Zhucheng Airport is not yet an international airport, no international routes have been opened. Now there are no charter flights to overseas. The only fixed overseas route is Hong Kong. Therefore, Chen Kangjie's special plane cannot fly directly to Los Angeles, but to Fly to Hong Kong first, and then transfer to Los Angeles, and the special plane also needs to send Ouyang Zhenhua back to Hong Kong. 【 】

"Actually, you don't have to come here in person." Chen Kangjie took a sip of the red wine and put it on the small table in front of him.

"This is our first flight. Hehe, I just inspected the plane. Besides, it's like taking a taxi. It takes three or four hours to go back and forth. It's very convenient." Ouyang Zhenhua spread his hands on the On the armrests on both sides of the chair, the right foot is bent and raised on the knee of the left foot, which looks like a big boss.

The soft light shines on the crystal clear goblet from the top of the plane on both sides, and the red wine in the glass looks more red. The air treatment in the cabin should be done, and there is a faint scent of jasmine.Xiong Ziqiang, Tan Jun and the others were sitting on the back seats flipping through the Hong Kong newspapers in front of them. Anyway, they are already in the air and in an independent space, so they are the most relaxed at this time, and they don’t need to worry about Chen Kangjie’s safety anymore. , that guy Pang Hui even dozed off directly.

"You're rich, and the private plane has been treated as a taxi by you?" Chen Kangjie teased.

"This is a gift from you, I didn't buy it." Ouyang Zhenhua met Chen Kangjie's ridicule with one sentence.

"Hehe, how long does the plane need to stay at Hong Kong Airport?" Chen Kangjie sat down and took off his coat and threw it on the empty seat next to him.

"Just half an hour, don't you plan to stay? Are you flying directly to Los Angeles?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked.

"Don't stay any longer, I'm short on time, go straight over, you won't follow me, will you?".

"You go to make a movie, why should I go with you? I won't go, I'd better spend more time with Meiyun at home." It will come out naturally.

"That's right, you will go back by yourself in a while, and I won't leave the airport. Say something to Sister Meiyun and Sister Wanrong for me."

"Okay, oh, here comes your weird meal." Ouyang Zhenhua raised his head and looked behind Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie turned around, just in time to see a bald, bearded middle-aged man in a suit walking over with a corrugated glass bowl.

"Sir, it's ready." The visitor nodded to Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua.

"Thank you, let's put it on the table." Chen Kangjie sat up straight.

The chef gently placed the glass bowl on the table, spread a white towel in front of Chen Kangjie, and placed a silver spoon beside the bowl.

Chen Kangjie picked up a spoon, scooped it up, put it into his mouth, chewed a few mouthfuls, and nodded to the chef standing aside: "Well, it tastes really good, and there is bacon in it, by the way, what's your name?".

"My name is Mu Hui," Mu Hui bent down and replied.

"Wood ash?".

"Jie Shao is Mu Guiying's Mu, the glorious Hui, a native of Jiebi Nayong," Ouyang Zhenhua explained from the side.

"Oh, it's not that far away. I also know a family named Mu over there." Chen Kangjie lowered his head, took another bite, and nodded.

What Chen Kangjie was talking about was the family of two sisters, Mu Ni and Mu Fang. It was the innocent and shy two sisters who saw the shoeshine at the bumper car playground that prompted Chen Kangjie to think of donating money for education.Later, Chen Kangjie asked someone to arrange for Mu Yuantu to work on the construction site, while her wife simply took care of the materials, but since then, Chen Kangjie has never seen their family again, and never asked about their family. I don't know if I'm living well now, and I don't know if that simple woman has recovered.

"There are quite a few villages over there that have people with the surname Mu. I heard from the elders that they migrated from the Central Plains during the Ming Dynasty," Mu Hui answered cautiously.

Mu Hui had been told before that he knew that Chen Kangjie was a very important person. As for how important he was, he didn't know. The person who told him just told him to be careful and do his duty, so Mu Hui behaved more well-behaved and shouldn't Don't talk nonsense.

"Hehe, if they are Han Chinese, most of them moved here at that time," Chen Kangjie echoed casually.

"Ah Hui, go get busy." Seeing that Chen Kangjie was busy eating, Ouyang Zhenhua didn't have much time to chat with Mu Hui, so he waved Mu Hui away.

. . . . . .

An hour and 10 minutes later, Chen Kangjie's business plane landed at Kai Tak Airport in downtown Hong Kong. Ouyang Zhenhua got off the plane. Half an hour later, the plane took off again and flew to Los Angeles on the other side of the ocean.

After dinner, Chen Kangjie was sitting by the window bored, last time he brought a book, this time he didn’t even bring a book, he was bored, so he could only look at the clouds outside the window. Ling Jing, in a short while, there may be another Buddha sitting on the horizon. The cabin is very quiet, and the bodyguards are either dozing off, or sitting quietly to rest their minds. Anyway, no one disturbs Chen Kangjie's comfort and mind.

"Hehehe", a crisp laughter suddenly came from behind Chen Kangjie.

"Two beauties, what's so funny?" Chen Kangjie turned his gaze back from the outside of the cabin, and saw the two stewardess beauties standing behind them, they were the only women on the whole plane.

"No, no... just..." Xia Feifei shook her little hand nervously, speaking hesitantly, the laughter just now came from him.

"Let me tell you, it's very taboo for you to do this," Chen Kangjie said with a straight face.

"Breaking a taboo? We...we didn't do anything!", Xia Feifei is not too old, and the runner-up who was elected Miss Hong Kong is only young, and her experience in the world is not enough for Chen Kangjie, so she is a little nervous and worried.

"You peeking at me", Chen Kangjie held back a smile, it turned out that he made a straight face just now on purpose.

"Looking at you? Is it a taboo?" The two beauties looked at each other.

"Of course, it depends on the handsome guy. You have to be aboveboard and not sneaky. It's the same for boys when they look at girls," Chen Kangjie said glibly.

"Don't they all want to watch secretly!" Long Peiqi obviously disagreed with Chen Kangjie's point of view.

"That's called peeping. Peeping is a derogatory term. If you're okay, then sit down and chat." Chen Kangjie pointed to the wide long sofa opposite, as if he was inviting the two ladies.

The two beauties didn't know Chen Kangjie's identity, they only knew that Ouyang Zhenhua, the big boss who recruited them, respected him very much, so they didn't dare to defy Chen Kangjie's invitation, and they were willing to accept it.

The reason why most people want to participate in Miss Hong Kong election is two purposes, one is undoubtedly to enter the entertainment industry, whether it is making movies or making TV series, these young and beautiful girls are most yearning for.Another important purpose is to get to know the rich and enter the upper class, many of whom do not hesitate to play the role of lover and Xiaomi.

Although the two stewardesses were as unclear about Chen Kangjie's identity as Mu Hui, from his clothes, Ouyang Zhenhua's attitude towards him, and being able to enjoy such a luxurious private plane, idiots knew that Chen Kangjie definitely belonged to the rich .

"Your name is Xia... Feifei, tell me, why did you laugh just now? We were chatting casually." As long as someone introduced the name, Chen Kangjie can remember it, but even if Chen Kangjie has already remembered it, he still needs to Pretend not to remember, it seems to be the nature of all men to flirt with beautiful women.

"Really?" Xia Feifei leaned forward, revealing the faint cleavage, and asked with twinkling eyes.

"What do you think?" The corners of Chen Kangjie's mouth turned up, and there was a slight color in his eyes when he looked at the other party.

"It's nothing, hehe, just now I thought you look like a little old man looking out of the plane window..." Xia Feifei said bravely.

"Hehe", after hearing Xia Feifei's words, Long Peiqi couldn't help but pursed her lips and laughed.

"Small... little old man?" Chen Kangjie really couldn't understand, how could such a young and handsome boy be regarded as a little old man?

"Yes, your back and eyes just now give people a sense of vicissitudes, much like a little old man," Xia Feifei explained.

"Hahaha, hahaha, little old man, kid, you have a good eye." Chen Kangjie laughed happily, and the other party was also called a kid.

"What kind of brat, I don't think you're older than me," Xia Feifei pouted and countered.

In fact, no matter how you look at it, Xia Feifei is older than Chen Kangjie. This is not only a matter of actual age, but more importantly, the training they have received since participating in Miss Hong Kong beauty pageant is how to make their dress and posture more mature.So at this time, Xia Feifei is actually younger than her age, but she looks at least 23 or [-] years old.

"Jie Shao, what are you talking about so happily?" Xiong Ziqiang stood up and walked over from there.

"Brother Qiang, sit down," Chen Kangjie pointed to the seat beside him, "I was called a little old man by the beauty just now, haha, we just laughed at that."

"Really? Sometimes they really look alike," Xiong Ziqiang sat down and said with a smile.

"You... turn your elbows out", Chen Kangjie was so squeezed that he felt uncomfortable, so he quickly changed the subject, "You two beauties, do you have a boyfriend?".

"I haven't yet," Long Peiqi said from the side.

"I...I didn't either", Xia Feifei lowered her head, her face was a little red, her voice was not loud.

The two beauties both thought that Chen Kangjie was going to pick them up, but they had heard many similar stories before. Those rich men, no matter how old or young, liked to flirt with women, and loved the new and disliked the old.

"Isn't there any son chasing you? It shouldn't be!" Chen Kangjie asked.

"Of course there are, but those are surrounded by Yingying and Yanyan, and they are not good people at first glance." Xia Feifei showed some disdain and contempt for those young masters. Perhaps, this is the reason why she was selected by Ouyang Zhenhua Bar.

"It's fine if you don't have it, it's fine if you don't have it, let me introduce you to my boyfriend, an absolutely good man."

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