rebirth of change

Chapter 549 Returning to Los Angeles

"Can you introduce us to a boyfriend?" Xia Feifei and Long Peiqi looked at each other and turned to Chen Kangjie at the same time. 【 】

"Yeah, don't you believe it, you won't be worse than the son who has pursued you, he is absolutely tall, handsome and rich, and the most important thing is that he is kind, responsible, and has a sense of security," Chen Kangjie said confidently.

"Is there such a person? Could it be that what you said...?" Both of them became curious about what Chen Kangjie said, but they were a little uncertain.

"Don't look at me, I'm talking about this one," Chen Kangjie crossed his legs, extended his right hand to Xiong Ziqiang, and said to the two beauties who were staring at him.

"Master Jie, you...why are you here again?" What Xiong Ziqiang thought of was that Chen Kangjie once made the same joke in front of Situ Yu and Zheng Peipei, which made them pester him for a while, It annoyed him.

"Brother Qiang, don't be so nervous. It's normal. It's a law of heaven and morality for men to marry when they are college students. Besides, it's just making friends," Chen Kangjie said, patting Xiong Ziqiang.

At this time, Long Peiqi and Xia Feifei were more or less disappointed. They could tell that Xiong Ziqiang was just one of Chen Kangjie's followers. Xiong Ziqiang's height, appearance, and all aspects were good. , is very strong, and after following Chen Kangjie for so many years, his temperament and taste are not the same as when he kidnapped Chen Kangjie. Among other things, his current Armani dark suit and his unrestrained chic No matter how you look at it, you are a gentleman, but the two trained beauties still don't quite believe that Xiong Ziqiang is a rich man.

"But I don't want to now," Xiong Ziqiang said awkwardly.

"You don't want to? Don't you think your mother doesn't want it? You should know that there are three ways to be unfilial, and having no offspring is the greatest, and no one wants you to get married right away." Chen Kangjie really thinks that the two girls are good, Especially Xia Feifei, who would talk about Xiong Ziqiang, this is not his whim.

For the people around him, Chen Kangjie always hopes that they can have a good home. Speaking of them, they are not too old or young, and they can indeed have this consideration. Chen Kangjie is worried that they will not make choices because of the nature of their work. , so if there is a chance, I would like to help.

"We are still young, isn't it appropriate to fall in love so early?" If it was Chen Kangjie, then they would not reject it, but Chen Kangjie introduced Xiong Ziqiang. The two of them didn't know how to refuse, so Long Peiqi thought about it Such an excuse.

"Still young? I called you brats just now, and you still have opinions. I understand what you think, they..." Before Chen Kangjie finished speaking, Cheng Yaojin interrupted him halfway.

"Jie Shao, what are you talking about, what are you talking about? It's so lively, I'll join in too," Pang Hui said anxiously, his eyes glanced at the two stewardesses from time to time.

"Sit down if you want to participate, but don't interrupt me casually, or I will kick you out of the window." Chen Kangjie understood Pang Hui's personality and was just joking with him.

"It's okay, I can skydive, just give me a parachute, hehe." Pang Hui smiled hippie.

When they were in the army, their special forces needed to practice high-altitude skydiving, so skydiving was indeed not a problem for Pang Hui. Sometimes when they went to some sensitive areas to perform missions, they used transport planes to drop them.

"Don't even think about the parachute, there may be water in the clouds, just give you an umbrella." Chen Kangjie was really helpless towards the lively Pang Hui.

. . . . . .

After Pang Hui joined in, his loud voice attracted everyone. Within 2 minutes, all of Chen Kangjie's bodyguards gathered around him, even Qian Degui stood aside and listened to their bragging.

"Miss, I'm not a farmer. Look, these handsome guys, which one is not strong, which one is not heroic? The most important thing is that the things you worry about don't exist at all. None of them His income is lower than yours, hey, take Brother Qiang as an example, if he were in Hong Kong, he would be a billionaire.”

Among these people, only Xiong Ziqiang had the highest income and the most lucrative salary. Just talking about a trip to the Soviet Union, he got tens of millions of dollars when he came back.So Chen Kangjie said that he is already a billionaire in Hong Kong. This is not an exaggeration. Xiong Ziqiang's property is close to [-] million Hong Kong dollars when converted into Hong Kong dollars.Just like this, Chen Kangjie lifted him up as an example.

Chen Kangjie's words caused the two beauties to have ups and downs in their thoughts. They were not thinking about Xiong Ziqiang, but about Chen Kangjie.If the followers could reach the level of billionaires, how rich would the boss be!

"Hey, hey, hey, you two, I'm talking about them, why are you pushing me like this?" Chen Kangjie didn't know that it was his words that caused this result.

"We...we still have something to do, we are going to prepare dinner for you, Peggy, let's go", Xia Feifei stood up unnaturally, and then called Long Peiqi to leave together.

The two ladies were about to leave, Pang Hui and his group of gentlemen hurriedly stretched out their feet to make way for them, and at the same time paid attention to them.

"You guys, do you need to do this? If anyone likes it, go after it bravely. I support all of them, haha, but don't make such a mess, or I won't forgive anyone." Seeing this group of hungry Man, Chen Kangjie finds it funny no matter what.

"Master Jie, is it true? Then go and ask for their phone numbers for me." Pang Hui moved his butt to Chen Kangjie's side and asked excitedly.

"Go aside, is it you or me? Chasing girls by yourself, and you don't even dare to ask for a phone call, so what are you doing, why don't you just buy a piece of tofu and kill yourself?" Chen Kangjie supported them in their pursuit, but It doesn't mean that Chen Kangjie has to help with such trivial matters.

"Isn't it embarrassing, I have no experience!" Pang Hui replied scratching his ears and cheeks.

Unexpectedly, when the carefree Pang Hui would also feel embarrassed, a group of men burst into laughter. Except for Qian Degui who was married, the others had no experience in love.

"I'm just telling you that when chasing a girl, you have to follow the thick-skinned approach, and you must have a thick skin, otherwise, you'll just stare blankly. Talk to yourself, and I'll take a break." After finishing speaking, Chen Kangjie stood up and told Go to the rear of the cabin.

There is a special private room on this plane, which is prepared for the owner of the plane. There are beds, TV, video recorder, small freezer, etc. in the private room, but the area is smaller than the hotel room, otherwise, the facilities are similar.

Chen Kangjie slid open the hatch and got in. He saw some video tapes on the closet. He flipped through them casually and found a box of "Terminator" starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. Chen Kangjie took it out and pushed it into the video recorder, and turned on the TV. , lying on his back with his head in his hands, intending to relive this classic movie.

. . . . . .

The speed of this small commercial aircraft is faster than the large aircraft of Boeing and Airbus. For example, the flying speed of Boeing 737-700 is only Mach 0.785, while the cruising speed of the Global Express xrs can reach Mach 0.85, so Chen Kangjie and the others flew from Hong Kong to Los Angeles Union Airport, only took nearly 12 hours.

In the entire Los Angeles area, there are seven airports. The Los Angeles World Airport (lawa) that Chen Kangjie and the others arrived last time is mainly for large passenger planes, and it is also the busiest airport. Hollywood comedian Bob Hope named Bob Hope Airport (United Airport).

This airport is also one of the scenes selected in "True Lies", and the scene where Helen and Harry are caught on the plane will be filmed here.

It was 11:30 in the evening. After all, Chen Kangjie set off from Qianzhou and then transferred to Hong Kong. There was a lot of delay on the road, but he was able to reach the United States within an hour, which is considered fast.

At the airport, it was still Bob and John Jimmy who drove to pick him up, but this time Li Li didn't come to pick him up.

"Mr. Jie, this plane is pretty good." The man in a windbreaker and holding a black umbrella stood at the stairs to welcome Chen Kangjie who came out. John Jimmy and the others stood guard with their hands crossed.

"Is it very good? You will have some in the future," Chen Kangjie said casually as he tightened the collar of his coat.

The patter of the sky frightens the light rain, and a gust of wind will still give people some coolness.

"More than 5000 million US dollars, Mr. Jie, the price is still very expensive," Bob said enviously behind him. Although he is also a rich man, it still seems that he lacks the confidence to spend so much money to buy such an airplane.

"Work hard, maybe I'll give you one someday, ha ha", just as Bob opened the door and supported the roof of the car for Chen Kangjie, Chen Kangjie said to him with a smile.

"Haha, Young Master Jie, you are enough." Bob laughed so hard that Chen Kangjie would not say such words casually. Since he said it, he would not be able to run away in all likelihood, and sat down happily Go in, "Jie Shao, I bought a helicopter for $0".

"Hehe, it turns out that you already have a plane. It's just useful for me to play for two days."

"Jie Shao, mine is still new, so take it easy."

"Don't worry, if it breaks, I will pay you for a better one." Chen Kangjie took out a cigarette from the cigarette case in the cabinet next to the table and chair and lit it.

After sitting on the plane for so long, feeling a little bored, Bob quickly took out a bronze Givenchy lighter and lit it for Chen Kangjie.

When Chen Kangjie and the others returned to their villa in Beverly Hills, the housekeeper Audrey had already prepared a supper for the servants, and everyone ate a little before going to bed. Director Chen would be back at work tomorrow.

Xia Feifei, Long Peiqi and Mu Hui also followed to Chen Kangjie's villa. They were all very excited to go to Hollywood and Beverly Hills, especially Xia Feifei and Long Peiqi, everyone who wanted to be in the entertainment circle , here is the Holy Land.

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