rebirth of change

Chapter 550 So You Are The Director?

Waking up early in the morning, Chen Kangjie came back from going out for a walk, had a quick breakfast, and was about to go to Miramax to continue his unfinished work. 【 】

"Master Jie, where are you going?" Long Peiqi, who had been excited all night, saw that Chen Kangjie was about to go out in a hurry, and he also asked Chen Kangjie like Xiong Ziqiang and the others.

"Go to the film company and make a movie," Chen Kangjie answered casually, taking the gray coat handed over by the servant.

"Are you here to act in a movie?" Xia Feifei sat on the chair and turned sideways.

"Me?" Chen Kangjie pointed to his nose, "Oh, no, I'm here to make a movie".

"That's the same thing," Long Peiqi whispered.

Chen Kangjie just smiled and didn't answer. He put his coat on casually and was about to go out. After the rain, the temperature in the city of Los Angeles by the sea dropped a bit. Chen Kangjie also put on a thin coat when he went out in the morning.

"Wait, wait, can we follow you... can we see?" Long Peiqi ran to the door in high heels and asked Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie looked at Long Peiqi and Xia Feifei, then at Xiong Ziqiang and Pang Hui, and saw that everyone except Xiong Ziqiang had expectant eyes, especially Pang Hui, whose eyes were almost begging. Chen Kangjie understood what to do, right? .

"Hurry up if you want to go, I'll wait for you for 2 minutes," Chen Kangjie said to Long Peiqi.

"Thank you, it will be ready soon, Feifei, hurry up", Long Pei hurriedly pulled Xia Feifei up and went upstairs to get her coat and bag.

Seeing the two girls running upstairs with their buttocks twisting and turning, Chen Kangjie smiled and shook his head, turned around and walked out, intending to wait for them in the car, but the speed of these two girls was really unbelievable, Chen Kangjie As soon as they got into John Jimmy's extended Lincoln, which opened the door, the two of them ran to the door out of breath.

"You can sit here, come up," Chen Kangjie pointed to the opposite side of his seat.

When returning from the airport last night, the two girls and Mu Hui were in another car. They were just new ordinary staff members, and they didn’t have to work beside Chen Kangjie, so when taking the car, the general situation Next, I will not ride with Chen Kangjie.

After the two beautiful girls hesitantly bent down and sat across from Chen Kangjie, Chen Kangjie asked the others: "There are still two people, who will come? Brother Qiang, come up."

Xiong Ziqiang usually stays by Chen Kangjie's side, unless there are other senior executives present who do not have his place. Since Chen Kangjie ordered Xiong Ziqiang's general and deliberately gave him a chance, there is only one spot left. .

The back seat of the extended Lincoln can seat six people, but in order not to appear crowded, Chen Kangjie only intends to add him to accommodate five people.Xiong Ziqiang, who was called by Chen Kangjie, sat down next to Chen Kangjie generously, without any shyness at all. Xiong Ziqiang didn't think about girls, but wanted to protect Chen Kangjie by his side as much as possible.

"Jie Shao, let me come," Pang Hui answered with a smile after seeing Xiong Ziqiang sitting in.

"Then what are you waiting for?".

"Hey," Pang Hui smiled and bent over, sitting down beside the two beauties.

Since the seats are already full, other people who want to get close to the beautiful women can only take other cars resentfully.

. . . . . .

"Would you like to have a drink? Drinking some red wine is good for your appearance." Chen Kangjie took out a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet and asked the two beauties who were enjoying the scenery along the way through the car window.

"This wine is good, let's have a drink." Before Xia Feifei and Long Peiqi could answer, Pang Hui became impatient.

The wine around Chen Kangjie cannot be of poor quality, and the bottle in his hand is a bottle of 78 Lafite.

"It seems that the two beauties have no objection, Brother Qiang, let's each have a drink." Chen Kangjie handed the wine bottle to Xiong Ziqiang, meaning to ask him to pour wine for everyone.

Xiong Ziqiang unscrewed the wine cork, took out a few small clear crystal glasses from the cup holder, poured half a glass for Chen Kangjie first, and then for Xia Feifei and Long Peiqi.

"Thank you, thank you", Xia Feifei and Long Peiqi both thanked shyly and took the wine glass handed over by Xiong Ziqiang.

"Wow, I pour it myself when it's my turn? Captain, you're too biased." When it was Pang Hui's turn to drink, Xiong Ziqiang handed the bottle to him, making Pang Hui feel that Xiong Ziqiang valued sex over friends .

"Then I don't know how much you'll drink, it's better to let you do it yourself," Xiong Ziqiang argued.

"Cut", Pang Hui took the cup and poured it almost full for himself.

"Clink your glasses yourself, I'm very casual," Chen Kangjie took a sip by himself.

"Come on, two sisters, brother toast you." Pang Hui hospitablely raised his glass to the two beauties,

"Thank you", the two girls glanced at Chen Kangjie, then raised their wine glasses to touch Pang Hui lightly, and then took a sip.

Pang Hui was different, it was like a cow's drink, half of the glass was gone in one gulp, and he smacked his lips enjoying it after drinking it.Xiong Ziqiang didn't join them and took a sip by himself.

"Let me tell you a joke." After drinking it, Pang Hui didn't care whether others wanted to hear it or not, so he began to show off: "A Chinese immigrated to the United States before. He went to test his driver's license. One day he drove on the road with his coach. , came to an intersection... ".

The joke that Pang Hui told was exactly the joke about "turning right" when Tom was interviewing Arnold for his driver's license.

But the two beauties didn't seem to be so impressed by his joke, they just smiled, and Chen Kangjie and Xiong Ziqiang, who were on the sidelines, laughed happily. They were not amused by the joke, but by Pang Hui's clumsy performance.

Pang Hui is very good at deception, he doesn't care about these things at all, he gave Xiong Ziqiang a white look, and planned to continue telling jokes, but the joke about "taking the train" has not been halfway through, and it has already reached Miramax Company.

Jon Gordon waited for him in front of the office building with two assistant directors, Jedika and Loveman, and set designer Cindy.

"Is the Omega center ready?" After getting off the car, Chen Kangjie asked Cindy first.

"It's been done a long time ago. It took me 20 days of work. You need me to set up many scenes," Cindy replied, seeming to complain a little.

"When the time comes, I'll give you a raise, haha", Chen Kangjie and Cindy joked, and turned to Jedica and the others, "Are you ready for today's filming?".

"Ready, just waiting for your order," Jedika replied with a smile.

"Let's go, guys, start working." Chen Kangjie waved his hand and walked into the building first.

The conversation between Chen Kangjie and the foreigners stunned Xia Feifei and Long Peiqi who stood aside, they didn't quite understand what they were talking about.I just feel that Chen Kangjie is like a little leader.

Many scenes of this movie will be done in the Miramax company, including the scene of the company where Helen works, directly choosing the office of the Miramax company's administrative department.The "Omega Intelligence Organization Headquarters" was completed with a large room in the podium.

When Chen Kangjie walked into the place that only partially resembled the headquarters of an intelligence organization under the leadership of Roffman, both Schwarzenegger and Tom were already putting on makeup.

"Hey guys, we meet again, how are you doing?".

"Long, we thought you couldn't be on time today," Schwarzenegger said to Chen Kangjie in the mirror with his hands spread out, he couldn't get up, and now the makeup artist was doing his hair.

"I said I can come, so I can, absolutely no compromise, you guys hurry up, I'll go to see the venue." Chen Kangjie patted Schwarzenegger on the shoulder and walked out.

Cindy led Chen Kangjie out from the side door, and happened to arrive at the empty room with the logo of the Omega organization. The small glass room that opened the door was where two security guards with guns stood.

Chen Kangjie walked around the sign on the floor, then shook his head and said to Cindy next to him, "Can you add words on it?"

"Of course, this is not a real marble slab, the words on it are pasted on it." Cindy looked at the floor under his feet and replied, he was a little puzzled why Chen Kangjie said that.

"You missed a word, there is a line of English the last line of defense below, hurry up and fill it up." After finishing speaking, Chen Kangjie walked to other rooms to continue checking

After Cindy waited for Chen Kangjie to leave, he took a closer look at the sign with the cia core logo under his feet. It was indeed missing a line of words. It should have been "Omega Center, the last line of defense", but there was only a huge "Omega Center" on it , "The Last Line of Defense" was left out.Without further ado, Cindy hurriedly went to the staff of the scenery team to process and make up for it.

Chen Kangjie looked around, and it was basically the same as what he wanted. It seemed that the $200 million was not in vain, and Cindy was indeed very good. Chen Kangjie didn't pay attention to the little episode that was missed just now.

. . . . . .

"Papa papa", Chen Kangjie stood at the fake front desk of Omega Zhongxi and slapped three times to attract everyone's attention. After everyone looked at him, he continued: "I'm back again, let everyone have a good time I came to start work early, sorry, are you all ready?".

"You're welcome back, ready," Carpenter replied.

"Ready," Roffman replied.

"The extras are also ready," the director replied.

. . . . . .

"Okay, since everything is ready, let's go to your seats and prepare to start filming No.20 four scenes." After speaking, Chen Kangjie turned to the director's seat that was prepared for him, and there was a cup of fragrant wine on the table in front of him. coffee.

Chen Kangjie took a sip of coffee, then picked up the handheld loudspeaker next to him: "Every department is ready, "!".

The elevator door opened with a bang, and Harry and Albert came out with their briefcases in hand, and began to walk in the direction of the plane's retreat. Perhaps a tacit understanding was slowly reached, and the cooperation between the two became more and more natural.However, there are still minor problems with the dialogue in the following lines.

Albert: Do you think she's still a virgin?

"ng", Chen Kangjie yelled, took off the headset and came over, "Tom, this place should be y!, if she is 40 years old, is she still Harry's daughter?".

"Director, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, come again." Albert raised his hand in shame to salute Chen Kangjie.

"Everyone get ready, let's start over again." Chen Kangjie quickly returned to his director's seat.

"Master Jie, so you are the director?" Xia Feifei, who had been following behind Chen Kangjie in surprise, asked with wide eyes after Chen Kangjie came back.

"Hush", Chen Kangjie put his index finger on his lips, and then picked up his only tool - a handheld megaphone, "Attention, "!".

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