rebirth of change

Chapter 551 Forget that I am the author

When Chen Kangjie is working, he is more focused. 【 】

"Jie Shao doesn't like being disturbed when he's working. If you want to ask anything, you can ask him after he's done working." Xiong Ziqiang gently pulled Xia Feifei aside and reminded him in a low voice.

"Oh, I see, thank you." Xia Feifei nodded to thank Xiong Ziqiang for his kindness.

"You're welcome," Xiong Ziqiang replied in a low voice, then turned around and went back behind Chen Kangjie, and the filming was continuing.

Harry: No kidding, she's just—how old is she now?

Albert: She's 14 years old!

Harry nodded: she was 14 years old (she's four**** years old!).

Albert spread out a hand: "But her hormones are growing too fast, maybe she has already had a relationship with that motorcycle rider."

When Tom said this sentence, his expression was a little humorous, but also with a serious tone. Chen Kangjie, who was sitting in the director's seat, was deeply touched by this sentence. He is now having too much hormone secretion, and he already has sexual dreams. It's just that he hasn't had a relationship with anyone yet.

Harry: Dana won't.

Albert: Dana won't?Deceive yourself, do you still think she is pure and cute?She probably stole money to get an abortion.

Harry's expression became a little embarrassed: You can open the door now.

Then Albert took out a card and pretended to swipe it by the door, and the door opened immediately.In fact, this is a fake door, someone opened it inside, it is not a special security door at all.

"OK", Chen Kangjie stood up, "Albert performed very well in this part, what I want is your witty and humorous expression and tone, especially the line that you said to Arnold with a smile behind, laugh Very gloating, ha ha."

The main performance of this paragraph is on Tom. It can be said that he performed well except for a small mistake in that line.

"Long, it's not easy to get a compliment from you!" Tom said exaggeratedly.

"Am I such an unreasonable person?" Chen Kangjie widened his eyes.

"Of course not, of course not, you are just strict," Tom responded quickly.

"Long, now I think you are quite suitable to be a director," Schwarzenegger also praised him.

"Thank you, I don't know if it's suitable or not, I'll say this after I win the Oscar!" Chen Kangjie folded his hands together in a gesture of bowing.

"Long, you have a lot of ambitions, you want to win an Oscar for the first time you make a film," Schwarzenegger joked.

"Huh, if I don't win Oscars for making movies, then why should I make movies?" Chen Kangjie uttered bold words like a child.

"Okay, let's take advantage of you, and let's enjoy the feeling of holding a handful of statuettes," Schwarzenegger teased him.

"Don't worry, it will happen sooner or later," Chen Kangjie said firmly, "Okay, everyone, get ready and start the next game."

The camera has been moved to one end of the pure white passage, and many staff members have also moved there. It is actually an empty passage over there, and the two sides are separated by partition boards.

"Arnold, Tom, you are all ready. Push the door and walk in after a while. Turn up the brightness of the lights to make people feel more spacious." Chen Kangjie turned back to the other side of the director's seat road.

"Yes, yes, just for this effect, all departments pay attention, the first shooting of No. 20 of "true lies" No. [-], start!" After the light was adjusted to the brightness that Chen Kangjie was satisfied with, he started.

Albert opened the door and walked in, continuing their lines. When Albert said that his wife's boyfriend would not let go of the beer in his refrigerator, Chen Kangjie called a pause.

It wasn't that there was a problem with the performance of the two actors, but that they had to switch camera positions. After the door over there was pushed open and replaced with another single door, they turned around and walked back, continuing their conversation.

At this time, the skeleton movement of Harry and Albert walking with guns appeared on the computer in front of the secretary behind the door. This was a real shot, not special effects synthesis. The technology used was the same as that used in the hospital, because Chen Kangjie and the others Three cameras were used to shoot simultaneously.

After Harry greeted Janice, the secretary inside, with the third camera, Janice opened the door with the switch under the table facing the door with the muzzle of the gun to let Harry and Albert in.

"Morning, sir, please identify yourself to the scanner," said the extra, who plays Janice, in her only line throughout the film.

It's good to have a line, but many other extras don't even have a line, and even more extras can't see their faces clearly.

What Chen Kangjie didn't know was that in order to save his time, before he came to Los Angeles, the two assistant directors, Jedica and Roffman, could have rehearsed the plot twice, so that such a smooth effect could be achieved.

. . . . . .

"Cindy, is there really any technology related to this?", just as everyone was changing scenes, Chen Kangjie walked up to the busy set designer and asked.

Cindy was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "This... this... how do I know, I have to ask the editor, who knows how the editor came up with it?".

Cindy's words made Chen Kangjie very embarrassed. He is now very absorbed in the role of director, and seems to have forgotten that he wrote the script of this movie himself. He was at a loss for a while, not knowing how to continue.

"Long, you don't know the authenticity of these plots?" Schwarzenegger, who knew Chen Kangjie's authorship, heard Chen Kangjie's question to Cindy.

"I really don't know very well, I just filmed according to the script, it seems that the editor must have thought it up randomly," Chen Kangjie replied immediately.

"Hehe, hehe, it seems that the author's mind is really extraordinary," Schwarzenegger teased. <Well, just ask him," Carpenter leaned over

"Ahem, I really want to ask if I have the chance." Chen Kangjie was a little embarrassed.

"Then remember to ask me for a book signed by him," Carpenter replied.

"Okay, no problem, but maybe I won't be able to get it for a while," Chen Kangjie replied.

"no problem, thank you". <'s autograph book is also requested.

"Okay, okay, I'll try my best, work quickly, I still have a lot of tasks today!" Chen Kangjie also hurriedly stopped when he promised, otherwise, more and more people would join, and he might You have to spend dozens of books, and you have to entertain and sign them.

"Thank you, long, for the question you just asked, I can actually say that the scene written by the author is very similar to the cia headquarters in Langley." Cindy, who had visited the cia headquarters in Langley, added, just went to work.

. . . . . .

After everyone else returned to work and prepared for the next scene, Chen Kangjie recruited John Jimmy to his side, "Jimmy, did the inspections before entering the SEAL headquarters be as strict as this?".

"This...Mister...I..." John Jimmy hesitated, not knowing how to answer. They, like Samidov and the others, couldn't casually disclose a lot of information after they left.

"I'm not a terrorist, and I'm not going to spy on any information, I'm just curious, can't I say that?".

"Sir, I have never been to the headquarters of our seals, so I can't answer your question, but I know that their security system is provided by a system company called mkk. In fact, your country's military also has such a security system." System," John Jimmy replied in a low voice.

"How do you know?" Chen Kangjie was curious.

"We... once went to a base in Caiyun Province to perform a mission, but we couldn't get in in the end because there is such a system... unless we use missiles, we can't get in," John Jimmy said after a moment of hesitation. .

"Have you ever been to our country?"

"I have been there twice, once in Caiyun Province, and once in a place close to Central Asia. We have also been to many places in Southeast Asia." Now that I have said it, there is no need for John Jimmy to hide behind that's it.

"Very good, very good", Chen Kangjie patted John Jimmy on the thick shoulder and praised, and then went to work on his director job.

Chen Kangjie really didn't want to spy on any military intelligence, and he didn't want to be a terrorist to do those dangerous things. He just wanted to install such a system in his headquarters, and he might even consider installing one in his own home. Since If the domestic military can do it, it is not a difficult task for Chen Kangjie.

As for John Jimmy and the others who have been to some border areas of China, Chen Kangjie did not find it too strange. This is basically an open secret. The United States has always had a lot of intelligence spying and infiltration on China. Xiong Ziqiang and the others also went there when they served Other overseas countries have carried out some similar missions, and it seems that this is the normal way between countries.

Chen Kangjie walked back to the director's seat and saw Xia Feifei and Long Peiqi sitting in front of Pang Hui listening to his story, concentrating on it. Chen Kangjie felt strange, why the contrast between these two beauties was so great?

"What are you talking about?" Chen Kangjie slapped Pang Hui on the back vigorously.

"Jie... wait, we... are talking about your identity as a director, hehe." Pang Hui is also good at telling jokes that people are not interested, so he quickly grasped their weakness of being interested in Chen Kangjie.

"Hehe, enough is enough." Chen Kangjie didn't stop him, but just reminded him.

"I understand, I know what to say and what not to say," Pang Hui stood up.

"You guys keep blowing, I'll keep doing my thing." Now that Pang Hui knows, then Chen Kangjie doesn't care about him, even if he has made a little sacrifice and contribution to pick up girls.

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