rebirth of change

Chapter 554 Lure the crime

"He may be telling the truth." The annoying Albert finally understood that his speculations were superfluous, while Schwarzenegger showed bewilderment and epiphany. 【 】

"Mrs. Dusk, don't get excited," Albert reminded into the microphone again.

Tom's reminder didn't work, Curtis was still going crazy, if he didn't stop him, the glass would really rot.

Chen Kangjie rushed into Schwarzenegger's room and picked up the microphone, "Calm down, ma'am, please calm down, speak slowly if you have anything to say."

The director didn't yell to stop, so all the shooting continued, so his voice was also recorded, but fortunately it was changed and couldn't be heard.

Maybe Curtis felt that it wasn't Schwarzenegger or Tom who said it, so it could only be said by the director Long. Her sanity recovered a little bit, and she slowly and gently raised the stool Putting it down, she propped her body weakly on the stool, her head drooping down, her hair covering her face.

Chen Kangjie touched Schwarzenegger, then went out and returned to his job.

"I just have one question, Mrs. Dusk," Schwarzenegger asked after Chen Kangjie left.

"What is it?" Helen raised her head slowly, and the tears in the corners of her eyes could be seen in the close-up.

"Do you still love your husband?" Harry asked expectantly and seriously.

In order not to interrupt Curtis' emotions, Chen Kangjie asked Jedica to shoot Schwarzenegger with the camera at an angle. If he was not satisfied, he would make another shot after finishing this section.

After listening to Harry's question, Chen Kangjie stared at the monitor that took a close-up shot of Curtis, and saw Curtis shaking his head, combing some messy hair with his right hand, and showing a slight smile on his face , the expression is very solemn: "Yes, I love him, I still love him".

Here Curtis added "I still love him", and Chen Kangjie also didn't mind this.

"I loved him in the past, and I will always love him in the future," Helen continued to explain his love firmly.

After hearing the answer, Harry closed his eyes in relief and nodded.

"Okay, she loves you, what should I do now?" Tom slapped Schwarzenegger on the shoulder, smiling somewhat relieved and happy for his friend.

"Mrs. Dusk, the only way to solve the problem now is..." Harry, who hesitated a little, said resolutely, "You must work for us."

Helen sighed helplessly at this moment, and the camera controlled by Carpenter obliquely captured Helen in the halo.

"What the hell are you doing, Harry?" On the other side, Albert covered the microphone and asked Harry nervously.

Harry used his convenience to wiretap Helen's phone before, and used his power to arrest Helen for interrogation. This was already illegal. Albert could tell that Harry was trying to use his power to arrange for his wife to satisfy her little lovers. However, for intelligence agencies, this is very taboo and not allowed, otherwise Harry would not need to lie to his wife for so many years.

"I want to give her a task." At this moment, Harry had a completely cynical expression.

"Don't be kidding me." Harry felt relaxed, but Albert couldn't seem to relax at all.

"Since she wants to take risks, let her be fulfilled." After saying this to Albert, he said stubbornly to Harlan: "I will give you a choice. If you work for us, then you will not sue, and you You can continue to live a normal life, if you don't agree, go to jail, it will disgrace your husband and daughter, and your life will be ruined."

Although the lines in this paragraph belonged to Harry, and there were cameras filming him, but what Chen Kangjie was staring at was still the camera connection screen that filmed Helen.He mainly focuses on Helen's performance. As for Harry's performance, he can watch it back, and if he thinks it is inappropriate, he can make it up during the reshoots.

Chen Kangjie was satisfied with Curtis's performance, feeling helpless and relaxed, at least there was hope for a smooth solution to the matter.

"Hmm...let me think about it", Chen Kangjie felt that Helen was a bit playful when she said this line.

"Yes or no?", Harry asked, in fact Harry already knew the answer.

"Of course it is, what do you want me to do?" There was only one answer, and Helen had no choice at all.

"We will contact you by phone, the contact password is Polis, your password is...", Harry mischievously assigned the task.

After Helen broke out, she tended to calm down from here, and the entire conversation could be completed in a satisfactory manner.

"Natasha?" Helen took the question.

"Curtis, your performance this time is better than I expected, congratulations." Chen Kangjie walked into Helen's room and faced Curtis with a smile.

"Thank you", Curtis was not as happy as Chen Kangjie expected.

"What's the matter? Are you okay?" Chen Kangjie put away his smile.

"It's okay, you know, in this paragraph, I imagined the other party as my husband Christopher, and I love him very much." Jamie Lee Curtis smiled and spread his hands.

"Hehe, why do I think this is a good way, has he ever treated you like this?".

"Of course not, I was just imagining how I would react if I were treated like this." Curtis slapped Chen Kangjie on the shoulder, only then did he fully reveal his relaxed feeling.

"Then congratulations to you, this is the end of today, go back and have a good rest, tomorrow we will continue to film you... the part of the sexy dance", Chen Kangjie said this in front of the other party, looking somewhat embarrassed and shy.

At this time, Chen Kangjie was an innocent and innocent little man.

"Are you ready... that... props?" Curtis asked Chen Kangjie stammeringly.

Chen Kangjie was stunned for a moment before he understood what Curtis meant by the props, but he couldn't answer.

Chen Kangjie came out and found the props, "Have you prepared the things for tomorrow's scene?...that's... Helen's underwear".

"Director, I don't know her size, so... I didn't prepare, and I don't know what brand she usually wears."

"Curtis, I'm not prepared," Chen Kangjie helplessly spread his hands to Curtis who was following him.

"It's okay, I just bought a sexy set, so I'll bring it myself." Curtis seemed very generous. Maybe this is the difference between Chinese and Western cultures. Sexual culture is very free in the United States.

. . . . . .

< Beverly Hills Hotel, in order to be quiet, Miramax company directly contracted the entire floor, but it is not on the upper floor, but on the first floor. The first floor of this hotel has a water curtain wall, which happens to be the one in the original drama At the same time, in order to show that it is at night, a large curtain was drawn outside to block the soft sunlight, and the inside of the room would be as dark as night.

"Curtis, this skirt has been processed. After a while, you will tear off the decoration of the skirt in front of this mirror. Because you are an old-fashioned housewife, you are not very used to wearing high heels, so when you get to the door, you have to do As for how to show your figure, I don’t think I need to say more, you know.” Chen Kangjie rolled up his shirt cuffs, and stood in the corridor to give a play to Curtis.

"Okay, I understand, I'll touch up my makeup," Curtis nodded.

"Makeup artist, quickly touch up Curtis's makeup, and then we'll start," Chen Kangjie greeted loudly.

"Attention everyone, the shooting will start soon, Carpenter, you may need to strap a video camera on your body, buddy, it's up to you," Chen Kangjie said to Carpenter who was beside him.

"It's ready, long, you don't have to worry," Carpenter replied with a smile, he liked working with Chen Kangjie a little bit.

"Okay, pay attention to all departments, the first filming of No. 20 of "true lies" No. [-] will start soon, Curtis, are you ready?". <", Chen Kangjie gave an order.

Still wearing a windbreaker on her left wrist, wearing a one-piece black dress, and carrying a satchel, she walked from the corridor of the hotel. Her steps were a little brisk. When she came to the mirror by the wall, she stopped. A video camera was slung over Carpenter's body, and he was shooting Harlan in the mirror from the side.

Perhaps because she realized that she was not dressed like a prostitute, she was a little conservative. She threw the coat and handbag on the sofa in front of the mirror, and tore off her sleeves, neckline and skirt with great force.

Soon a conservative woman turned into a sexy woman, especially the skirt has a relatively low neckline, and the white spots on the chest are exposed, which is very eye-catching.

Curtis took out lipstick to touch up his makeup, especially after pouring out the water from the vase and wiping it on his head, there was a huge contrast in Helen's image, adding a lot of wildness.

After finishing all this, Curtis took out a fake bug and put it in the bra, made a poss, picked up the clothes and was about to walk into the room.

"Cut", Chen Kangjie came over, "Curtis, it seems that you forgot something?".

"Long, I haven't forgotten anything, it's all according to the script." Curtis didn't know where he forgot.

Chen Kangjie didn't answer what Curtis had forgotten, but just stared at her breasts.

"Oh, oh, I see, there is one less movement, should I squeeze the breasts like this?", Curtis stretched his hands into the bra and squeezed inwards as Chen Kangjie reluctantly said.

"Ahem, cough, can you wait for me to walk away before doing this, you are tempting me to commit a crime, ok?", Chen Kangjie is also from the East, besides, there are many people at the scene, Xiong Ziqiang and the others are also there, Chen Kangjie It is the first time to experience such a temptation after rebirth, and it will still be a little embarrassing and uncomfortable.

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