"Hehe, boys are boys, what's the matter, it's normal," Curtis said to Chen Kangjie with a smile. 【 】

"Okay, okay, it's normal, you will perform normally after a while", Chen Kangjie turned around and walked away quickly, "OK, let's do it again".

In the previous shooting, Curtis’s problem was not that big, maybe he just forgot it, but again, the effect is much better, especially the breast squeezing action and the S-shaped poss behind, which are very sexy and seductive.

The foreigners at the scene didn't react much, they didn't seem to be surprised, but the bodyguards standing behind Chen Kangjie seemed a little passionate, staring at the screen with big eyes, including Tan Jun and Wang Wei, only Xiong Ziqiang was better, his eyes were glance right and left.

Helen took out the fake bug from the envelope and put it in the cleavage area, then adjusted her temperament in front of the mirror. After she was satisfied, she picked up the bag and coat and turned her hips and walked towards the white double door of the hotel. Unaccustomed to high-heeled leather shoes, when she reached the door, she deliberately twisted her foot and almost fell down. Fortunately, she held the doorknob with her hand. . .

"Okay, pass, this paragraph is ok, everyone is ready for the next paragraph", Chen Kangjie was already satisfied.

Everyone quickly got busy and transplanted the equipment into the room.

"The lighting should be darker, especially where Harry is sitting, as long as he can vaguely see people." Chen Kangjie stood in the middle of the room and directed the lighting engineer to arrange the lighting in the room.

"This bed is not bad." Chen Kangjie patted the surface of the bed again, it was still very soft.

"Do you want to sleep and watch?" Curtis teased.

"Then there's no need, you'll be sleeping for a while," Chen Kangjie withdrew his hand.

"I don't mind."

"Papa", Chen Kangjie ignored Curtis' teasing, and clapped his hands, "Work has started, all units are paying attention, ready to start work, the actors are in place", Chen Kangjie glanced at Curtis, and Curtis hurried out the door . <", Chen Kangjie sat in the director's seat in the west corner.

With a "creak", Curtis pushed open the door, revealing his wild face.

After taking two steps cautiously, she backed out again, pulled off the ring on her left hand, which was her real wedding ring, and then put the pulled ring on her right hand.

Then the camera zoomed in from the side of the bed, the crystal chandelier, the soft sofa and the glowing fireplace, Curtis walked in, looked around, looking for the owner of the room.

"Is anyone there?" She hadn't found anyone in the room yet, so she asked cautiously.

But no one answered her words. After turning around, the camera followed her back and focused on a bottle of champagne on the mahogany table. There were a lot of ice cubes in the champagne bucket.In the distance, Harry could already vaguely see the shadow of sitting.

"Hello", the small tape recorder in Harry's hand made a sound, but the sound was not really recorded, but Roffman's commentary at the scene.

Helen was startled, and also saw the figure in the distance, and carefully placed the purse and clothes on the soft sofa.

At this time, a camera switched to Harry's back, captured the tape recorder in his hand, and also captured Helen in the distance.

Luo Fuman was sitting next to Chen Kangjie, staring at the display screen. He held the manuscript paper and dubbed according to the recorder button Harry pressed on the display screen.

"Have a glass of champagne first," Roffman voiced.

Curtis walked to the table, picked up the glass of champagne that had already been poured, and drank it lightly. The shot of her was not just a positive and negative shot in the original film. Chen Kangjie directly asked Carpenter to give him a shot. 360° rotation.

Most people seldom use multiple cameras to shoot at the same time. Only Chen Kangjie used this method for his first filming. The worst thing about doing this is that the film is wasted. When editing, many places have to be cut out, leaving only It's useful, but Chen Kangjie doesn't care, it's his own money anyway, besides, what Chen Kangjie needs is time, he doesn't have that much time to shoot each shot separately.Even the cameras can shoot each other, but it doesn't matter, it can be dealt with when editing.

"Come here," Harry pressed the recorder again.

Curtis took a few steps forward, reached the position of the bedpost, and made a seductive pose with his hips on his hips.


"Curtis, you act so naturally here. You were a housewife before, how could you act so naturally? Have you forgotten how you behaved outside the door?" Chen Kangjie walked out from the corner.

"Hehe, I forgot all of a sudden, I'm sorry," Curtis smiled ashamedly.

"Is it the same at home?"

"No, no, no, it's rarely like that," Curtis rarely waved his hands.

"Then you will show such a rare situation, ok, everyone, get ready, let's do it again here," Chen Kangjie said and returned to his seat.

Curtis did this part again, and made a gesture of akimbo very coyly, "My name is Michelle, Kara thinks you will like me", the camera is zoomed out, and Curtis's legs can be seen The placement is very unnatural.

"Let me speak," Roffman spoke again when Harry pressed the tape recorder.

"You can start undressing," the camera zoomed in on Schwarzenegger's eyes.

"Cut, Arnold, don't put your hands on your chin. You are not a child. You can do this. Get up and let me show you." Chen Kangjie came out and called Schwarzenegger from the chair. sit on it.

Chen Kangjie bent the ring finger and little finger of his left hand, leaving only the index finger and middle finger to support the temple, "If you want to do this, it will appear that you cover half of your face, and you can see your whole picture in the camera. Look up a little, because you are sitting, ok?".

"Okay, I see."

Chen Kangjie stood up, gave up Harry's position to Schwarzenegger, and said to all the staff: "A third time."

"You can start undressing now," Schwarzenegger put on the same pose as Chen Kangjie, then pressed the small tape recorder, and Luo Fuman dubbed again.

Helen was startled, about to tear off her one-piece skirt from behind.

"No, no, turn around, be gentle, slow down," Roffman said. In short, in this long paragraph, Schwarzenegger only has actions and no lines.

Curtis slowly turned his body to Chen Kangjie's side awkwardly, closed his eyes, and slowly unzipped the zipper behind him.

"Good," Roffman said in a hoarse voice.

"Please take off your clothes slowly," Roffman continued.

"Jedica, give Arnold another close-up shot of this place," Chen Kangjie whispered to Jedica.

Chen Kangjie felt that a scene was missing in his mind.

"Long, this can be transplanted. The close-up shot just now took a long time, and it will be enough to transplant a piece here later," Luo Fuman replied.

Chen Kangjie stopped talking and just made an "ok" gesture.

Curtis slowly turned around and pulled back the opened black skirt, revealing a very sexy black underwear. Although Chen Kangjie knew that Curtis would wear a sexy underwear, but when he saw the black t-shirt with only a small strap At that time, Chen Kangjie still felt bloody, a feeling of nosebleeds.

In the quiet scene, Chen Kangjie could hear someone swallowing saliva behind him. He turned around and took a look, and someone quickly covered his mouth.

After taking off, Curtis instinctively crossed his hands to cover his lower body.

"Now take off the stockings one by one", it's time for Luo Fuman's voice to appear.

"I'm not wearing stockings," Helen said, looking down at her white thighs.

"That's good," Harry feigned a misjudgment, put his hands down and adjusted the tape recorder, "Now, dance for me."

The following dance will be the most exciting shot of this segment.

Curtis seemed to be jumping, and Cha Cha stretched out his hand and twisted, the movement was a little funny.Coupled with the fact that the three-point pose only covers the private parts, the feeling is even more different.

"No, it's not like this, dance more sexy, let your hands caress your skin like a lover", Luo Fuman has not forgotten his dubbing duties in front of the beauty.

After hearing this, Curtis closed his eyes, slowly entered a state of narcissism, and then began to twist and touch his body. Chen Kangjie and the others had a feeling of admiring the sex dance.

Now it is not accompanied by music. If it is accompanied by music later, the dynamic will be stronger.

But gradually, Curtis's performance didn't improve, but became more and more rusty. It seemed that she didn't practice this part well at home.


"Long, what's the matter?" Chen Kangjie called cut, so it goes without saying that Curtis also knew that the problem was her.

Chen Kangjie picked up her skirt and threw it to her, "You put it on first."

Curtis didn't put the skirt up, but put it in front of him to block important parts.

"Don't you find that you are getting more and more unfamiliar? It stands to reason that you should be getting more and more into the state, and your future is still uncertain, understand? What are you dancing? I want you to dance a sexy dance. At the beginning, it was like that It's true, but after asking you to touch your body, it's obviously not the case," Chen Kangjie was talking about his own thoughts.

"I haven't danced before!" Curtis showed embarrassment and shyness for the first time.

"Who here can dance sex?" Chen Kangjie turned around and asked.

His only answer was silence and shrugging, spreading his hands.

"Then who has watched Yanwu?" Chen Kangjie changed the way he asked the question.

There was a response to this question, and seven or eight men's hands were sparsely raised.

"Okay, since I've seen it, who will come out and perform a part?".

No one is willing to stand up. It is one thing to see it, but it is another thing to stand up and perform. If anyone stands up at this time, it will definitely be treated as a joke in the future. <, I won’t”, Schwarzenegger quickly waved his hand.

"Jedica, you raised your hand just now, how about a moment?" Chen Kangjie turned to his assistant director again.

"Long, don't embarrass me, I'm just a dance idiot, there's no way I can do it," Jedika waved her hands quickly.

"Is there no one?"

The answer to Chen Kangjie was silence, indeed "no one would".

"Fuck, do I have to do it myself!" Chen Kangjie muttered in a low voice.

"Long, what did you say?" Curtis, who was the closest, asked.

"It's nothing, you stand aside, watch it, I will demonstrate it to you, remember, I will only demonstrate it once."

More exciting content is worth looking forward to...

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