rebirth of change

Chapter 565 We Can Talk Well

Most people can't stand Chen Kangjie's words, they are too aggressive, and Joseph is the boss of one party, a hero, of course, he can't stand it even more. 【 】

Joseph pulled out his Beretta 9/pistol with a "swish", but he seemed to be stunned by anger and forgot that he was locked, so his hand hadn't raised the gun yet, and took the gun His hand was shot through, and the pistol fell to the ground with a bang.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Kangjie leapt forward with lightning, the speed was astonishingly fast, not to mention the opponents, even Xiong Ziqiang and the others didn't see what was going on, Chen Kangjie had already arrived at Joseph's side, and the German in his hand hp7 had already reached Joseph's head, and this was the first time Chen Kangjie used a thermal weapon by himself.

This change was so fast that it was unpredictable. When Joseph drew his gun, he did not give orders to his opponent first, and did not become a unified behavior, but only his own behavior. So when he was shot at by Chen Kangjie After that, his subordinates with their hands crossed their chests realized that they were going to pull out their guns and shoot.

"Stop", Chen Kangjie shouted.

Those subordinates who were about to draw their guns turned their eyes in the direction of their boss, and stopped their actions. Xiong Ziqiang and the others followed up after Chen Kangjie's action, forming a circle to separate Chen Kangjie and Chen Kangjie. Joseph was surrounded in the middle, the muzzles of the guns were aligned, and he could shoot out a bunch of bullets at any time.

The shot just now was fired by Basyev. He could have shot Joseph in the head, but he also felt that his boss and his comrades might be killed or injured in that case, so he borrowed Hong Kong's experience in dealing with Xiang Yan. The method is to use deterrent means to make the opponent lose combat effectiveness.

"Mr. Joseph, you still have a chance to choose. One way is that I will kill you, and then I will kill them, rush out, and finally your society will fall apart, your son will become an orphan, and your wife will become a widow. The way is to sit down and have a good talk.” Chen Kangjie’s words were hard but soft, with vigor and restraint.

At this moment, Joseph held his right hand in his left hand and gritted his teeth. His head was sweating, and bright red blood dripped down on the floor. His gun had already been thrown two meters away.

"You... all... don't move, go back," Joseph gritted his teeth and said to his subordinates with difficulty.

After receiving the boss's order, those subordinates who had already taken half a step and were ready to move reluctantly backed away, and their hands were also removed from their weapons.

For them, this is an alliance under the city, and they have to abide by it.

The subordinates on the third floor heard Joseph's order, but the miscellaneous soldiers downstairs didn't hear it. After they heard the gunshot of the glass being shattered, they were led by the four big men who blocked Chen Kangjie and the others just now. Aww" rushed up.

As soon as they flashed out from the corner of the stairs on the third floor, they pulled the submachine gun without hesitation in facing John Jimmy in that direction, and shot over with one shuttle. The three people who ran in front fell in a pool of blood instantly. , everyone was shot at least twice, and the big man who made things difficult for Chen Kangjie before seemed to be one of them.

The three people in front fell down, but the people behind did not stop because of this, but three more people flashed out one after another. John Jimmy then shot over with a "chug chug", except for the wall at the corner In addition to leaving many bullet holes in the ground, the three unlucky guys with pistols in their hands also fell down.

At this moment, the people behind knew how powerful they were, and they braked quickly. No one dared to rush up again, and they all piled up against the wall and squeezed on the stairs.The guy in the first row wanted to stretch his head to see the situation, but his forehead just protruded from the corner of the wall, and he was shot between his eyebrows. The bullet came out from the back of his head with red and white patches and hit the wall. A fragment was bounced off, showing how powerful the gun was.

This shot was not attributed to John Jimmy. The submachine gun did not have such high accuracy, nor did it have such great power.It was entirely Lovsky's masterpiece. Basev performed just now, but Lovsky couldn't see it, and he himself showed his skills.

"There are snipers upstairs over there, there are snipers upstairs over there." Immediately, someone on the stairs yelled in the direction of Lowvsky and the others, and the remaining guys who deserved to have pistols didn't care about the distance of the pistol. You can't hit that far, just raise your gun and shoot.

As long as these inferior pistols have a distance of more than 100 meters, they are basically not very lethal, while Basev’s distance is basically 0 meters away. The person who raised the gun and shot became a living target, and was shot in the head by Basev and Lovesky.

Those peripheral brothers who did not climb the stairs wanted to rush out of the yard and climb upstairs to deal with Basev and Lovsky. A grenade turned people on their backs, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and they wailed again and again.

"If you don't want your subordinates to make unnecessary sacrifices, then you can tell them to stop, otherwise I can't guarantee that they will all survive tonight." Chen Kangjie judged from the sound of the gun that it was his side's advantage Status, so I reminded Joseph.

The reason why Chen Kangjie wanted to do this was because he didn't want to make people jump over the wall in a hurry. If the other party suffered too many casualties and Joseph went all out, it would probably be very difficult for him to get out of his body. After all, there were hundreds of other people in the room. Not everyone has a gun, but their strength should not be underestimated.

With red eyes, Joseph turned his head and glared at Chen Kangjie. This time, Joseph was overwhelmed by the loss, how could he not be angry.

At this time, there was a sound of "buzzing, buzzing" propellers rotating in the sky above the building, followed by several gunshots. Chen Kangjie understood that it was Chris driving the helicopter and Vier came. The gunshot should be Vier. It was sent by the guards who were condescending to clear the roof.

"You don't have to look at me like that. This is not my full strength. If you stop them, there is still room for negotiation." Chen Kangjie just stood at Joseph's reluctance, and the gun in his right hand resolutely pointed at Joseph's head. If he dared to make another move, Chen Kangjie wouldn't mind finishing him off with one shot.

"Raul, go... tell the people below not to act rashly." After staring at Chen Kangjie for five seconds, Joseph retreated.

What Joseph saw from Chen Kangjie's eyes was self-confidence, confidence, and cruelty, and he didn't even have the slightest intention of retreating. For Chen Kangjie at this time, he couldn't retreat a little bit, and he couldn't have the benevolence and softness of a woman. At the critical moment of life, Chen Kangjie can only choose to hold on and move forward.

Raul would take Chen Kangjie and the others to the bodyguards on the third floor. He stared at Chen Kangjie and the others and slowly retreated to the corner, shouting in Latin and English, "All stop, all stop, the boss asks you to stop."

"Stop shooting outside", Chen Kangjie also gave instructions to his subordinates outside the small microphone at the bottom.

Soon, the gunfire stopped, and the whole area returned to calm, only the buzzing of the helicopter on the roof continued.

On the roof, four people were lying in a pool of blood, and Vier was guarding the helicopter with a Galil assault rifle, ready to shoot suspicious persons who might pose a threat to the helicopter.

And Chris was sitting in the cockpit of the helicopter, ready to evacuate at any time, and the helicopter did not turn off at all.

"Mr. Joseph, please give us a ride to the roof. If you are interested, our negotiation can be held on the roof." Chen Kangjie moved his pistol from Joseph's forehead and pointed it at his chest.

"Okay, but you will pay the price for today's reckless behavior." Joseph tore off the black vest with his left hand and wrapped it around his injured right hand.

"I can bear any price, but it seems that our negotiation has not been completed yet," Chen Kangjie said casually.

Joseph didn't talk. After glaring at Chen Kangjie, he turned and took the lead upstairs. Chen Kangjie and the others followed cautiously with their guns raised, while Samidov and Pillard cleared the way ahead.

Climbing from the third floor to the fourth floor, I saw some large wooden boxes piled up on the fourth floor. There were some signs of wine glasses on the wooden boxes. There was no one in the large room. Those wooden boxes might be the smuggled goods of Joseph and the others.

When Chen Kangjie and the others reached the roof safely, they were basically out of danger. Joseph's younger brothers were all blocked downstairs, and Chen Kangjie could leave by helicopter at any time.

"Mr. Joseph, now we can have a good talk. I will not take any responsibility for the casualties of your dozens of younger brothers two days ago, because they robbed me first and then attacked me. I think you are understandable".

"According to what you say, what else do we have to talk about?" Joseph turned his head away from Chen Kangjie's sight, looking very angry.

"That's really nothing to talk about, but we can talk about today's matter," Chen Kangjie said lightly.

"How to talk?" Joseph turned his head back.

"Your casualties are not small today, but you know that you should bear the main responsibility. Of course, in the spirit of humanitarianism, I can compensate you for some losses, but I advise you not to open your mouth. All blackmail is here. It won't work."

"Hehe, are you pitying me? Pity me?" Joseph sneered.

"No, no, no, it has nothing to do with sympathy or pity, I'm just discussing the facts," Chen Kangjie waved a finger.

"Then why don't you talk about humanitarian law?" Joseph asked in a self-deprecating and sarcastic tone.

"You should be engaged in red wine smuggling, right? Maybe by the way, you can sell these red wines to bars and nightclubs by force," Chen Kangjie didn't answer Joseph directly, but said speculatively.

"So what?"

"Not good, can you earn 2000 million US dollars a year? Maybe not, even if you do, maybe there is not much left to support you little brothers. I don't know if I guess right?".


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