rebirth of change

Chapter 566 Keep Working

"I don't know if I'm guessing right?" Chen Kangjie's words were like a person standing on a high mountain looking down on the flat ground. 【 】

In Chen Kangjie's eyes, a business of 2000 to [-] million yuan was indeed not big, and it was a sneaky and shady business, so Chen Kangjie seemed to be standing on the top of a high mountain, and Joseph seemed to be standing in a valley.

"Well, yes, then what do you want to say? Hurry up and tell me something, my hand hurts." Joseph had a cynical attitude, but the pain from his hand made him grin again.

"Okay, just be straight, I'll give you 1000 million US dollars," Chen Kangjie said straightforwardly, and then leaned into Joseph's ear, "Those little brothers are worthless lives. With this money, you can live among the refugees." You can recruit as many younger brothers as you want," Chen Kangjie said in a low voice, then straightened up, "Do you think so?".

Joseph stared at Chen Kangjie in disbelief. He didn't expect Chen Kangjie to say such utilitarian words at such a young age. It should be said that he was not only utilitarian, but also cruel.

"Why? Don't you think this proposal is not good?" Chen Kangjie frowned.

"Okay, okay, I didn't say no," Joseph replied repeatedly, and then raised his injured right hand a little desolately, wondering if this hand would be destroyed.

"That's good, Brother Qiang, write down his account number, and I will arrange to pay him the money later." Chen Kangjie left the sentence and climbed into the helicopter first.

Chen Kangjie wasn't worried about Basyev's evacuation. As long as he left, they would naturally have a way to withdraw from Miami Springs. Joseph didn't dare to embarrass them, or he didn't have time to embarrass them at all. He had to do it himself first. The most important thing is to bandage his wounds, and then deal with the battlefield. Chen Kangjie believes that he will not seek the support of the police. Gangsters are basically like this.

After Chen Kangjie boarded the plane, Tan Jun and Samidov slowly followed behind and boarded the plane at gunpoint. Xiong Ziqiang was the last one to board the plane after silently reading the account number Joseph had told him twice.

Through communication, other people saw the helicopter take off, knew that Chen Kangjie and the others were out of danger, and also withdrew from the battlefield one after another.

Looking at the McDonnell Douglas 600n getting farther and farther in the sky, Joseph felt heavy, sad, and indignant. This ending was something he had never expected before. A large gangster society was played by a dozen or a few people and applauded. , I was injured, and no one would feel better if I were replaced.

This incident also changed the thinking of Joseph, the black boss. The number of people does not mean real strength, but money is the real strength.He is not an idiot either, he can see that the people around Chen Kangjie are all elites, the posture of holding the gun, the movement of shooting, the steps of retreating, everything is in order, coupled with the piercing eyes, it is very obvious that they are well-trained Veteran soldier.

There is also that young man from the East, who is mysterious and has an astonishing speed. Now he only hopes that the other party will pay the money, otherwise he will have difficulty even basic compensation.

"Boss, shall we summon all our hands to take revenge?" Joseph turned his upturned head until Raul's voice appeared behind him.

"Revenge?" Joseph looked at his blood-stained right hand, "Let's rescue the brothers first, we have already suffered heavy casualties."

It wasn't that Chen Kangjie didn't have the slightest precaution against the Black Wolf Gang. After returning to the hotel, he asked John Jimmy to arrange two people to keep a close watch on the Black Wolf Gang's movements. If there were any bad signs, he would report it quickly and then take action.

Chen Kangjie is trustworthy, and Joseph is also very cooperative.The next day, Chen Kangjie asked Han Geng to transfer 1000 million US dollars to Joseph's account. Apart from comforting his subordinates and paying compensation to the casualties, Joseph did not show any signs of bad behavior. He just bought an apartment in a rich area and put his wife The children moved there to live.

. . . . . . <! ", the second night after the fierce battle, Chen Kangjie started his work on Jon Island.

The shot of the helicopter flying to the island from a distance had already been shot by James Cameron 15 minutes ago, and Chen Kangjie only needed to turn around from AZ to start.

Carpenter pushed the camera closer from behind Malik. In front of Malik, the extras were loading and unloading. Hearing the sound of the helicopter, Malik threw away his cigarette butt and turned his head grimly.

Seeing the helicopter that had landed behind him, Aziz stretched out his hands to call for a few followers to come over from both sides, and then walked in the direction of the helicopter. The old oil tanker that had been replaced was used as the background.

The camera made a smooth 180° turn, and saw Harry and Helen wearing hoods being escorted by several terrorists under the leadership of Karel. Harry and Helen were wearing the same clothes they were wearing in the hotel The clothes she wore when she was taken away have not changed at all.

In the middle of the two turning shots, there was originally a helicopter landing shot, but that shot has been shot in advance, and it can be grafted in during post-production. In fact, Harry and the others just walked from the helicopter whose propellers were still turning. come over.

When they were face to face, two extras lifted their black cloth hoods away.

"Cut, stop, it's not right here, point a gun at Harry's extras, you take off Harry's hood first, as for Helen's, you have to wait until Aziz walks in front of Helen and then take it off again, you two, understand? ", Chen Kangjie didn't come over, but said directly in the director's seat with a loudspeaker.

Before that, he had never spoken to the extras, and such a small mistake was justifiable, so Chen Kangjie didn't get angry.

"Director, understand."

"Understood, director," the two extras replied one after another. <! ", Chen Kangjie yelled and sat down on the chair.

The second time came according to Chen Kangjie's expectation. After Harry's hood was removed, Aziz looked at his eyes, did not speak, and continued to walk in front of Helen. The headgear was removed, and Aziz gave a large amount straightly, and then said: "Bring them in".

"Okay, next scene", this scene is relatively simple, there is only one line from Aziz, so it is only because of the episode in the middle that Chen Kangjie ng passed it once.

The shooting scene was quickly moved indoors.

"Director, how is my performance?" Karel, who worked directly with Chen Kangjie for the first time, walked behind Chen Kangjie to the wooden shed.

"Not bad, this low-cut blue dress is not bad, your real performance will come later." Chen Kangjie stopped, stared at the deep v of Claire, replied casually, turned and continued to move forward Walk.

"Director, I will behave well," Karel said flatteringly.

"That's good, let's get ready, the filming will start immediately." Chen Kangjie didn't stop, and didn't look back.

. . . . . .

"Lighting engineer, hit the reflector light on the face of the first sculpture. There will be a close-up here." Before starting, Chen Kangjie checked the lighting, photography, scene layout, etc.

Few people would argue with Chen Kangjie now. After Chen Kangjie gave the order, the lighting engineer quickly ran out to make technical adjustments.

Chen Kangjie looked around and felt that there was basically no problem, so he returned to the director's seat: "Attention all personnel and departments, "!".

After the curtain was opened, the camera with a robotic arm first took a close-up of the statue's face, and then shot down obliquely, but Chen Kangjie had to shout ng.

"ng", Chen Kangjie shouted.

"What happened to the director?" Carpenter and Krell asked in unison.

"It's none of your business." Chen Kangjie waved to Carpenter on his head, and then turned to the actor, "Karel, it's you, what did you do? You came out early, after I shouted, you were two seconds late You have to be on stage, otherwise you will go under the camera and you won’t be able to capture your face, understand?”.

Just now Karel was still asking Chen Kangjie how she was doing, but she didn't expect to be scolded as soon as she entered an important stage.

"Director...I...I understand, I'm sorry", Karel's face was a little hot.

"I don't want you to be a vase, and make good use of your performance. I like you, okay?" Chen Kangjie noticed Karel's strangeness and didn't want to affect her subsequent performances, so he changed his tone to comfort her.

"Thank you, thank you director."

"This part starts from the beginning, return to get ready, "true lies" No.30, the second filming of the second scene, start", Chen Kangjie, the director, seems to be repeating this sentence over and over again.

The curtain was quickly pulled down again, and after the camera made a close-up on the statue, it looked down. Karel's appearance was indeed in place this time. She patted the statue, and then proudly walked to Harry and Helen who were being detained "It's grand, isn't it?"

At this time, the camera and lens were pulled back, and four tall statues with Middle Eastern style appeared in the distant shot, and the extras were busy shouting in an unintelligible Middle Eastern language.

"I call them the Four Horsemen," Karel said, snapping his fingers and walking forward, "they represent the warriors."

At this time, the camera facing the fourth statue was also turned on, and it was filming the terrorists attaching the pulling device to the belly of the statue. Contrary to the first shot, the camera was raised from the bottom to the top.

In the circle of spotlights captured by the camera, Karel led someone to escort Harry and Helen over slowly.

"It belonged to Darius of the Persian Empire, around 500 BC." Karel stopped facing the statue with his hands behind his back, looking up at it, "and it is a priceless treasure."

At this time, the terrorist boss Aziz also flashed out from the right.


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