rebirth of change

Chapter 571 French Dinner

The actual shooting was safe and sound. After the old Sam-7 missile soared into the sky, it flew towards Chen Kangjie and the others like a long curved snake, leaving a long tail of white smoke. 【 】

Before the missile approached, the Harrier fighter McClellan made a continuous rollover from left to right, and easily avoided the missile. The missile did not fly towards Chen Kangjie's helicopter, but turned in front of the helicopter. After a turn, it flew towards the sky behind the left.

Before the launch of the Sam-7, Pang Hui, the co-pilot, had already released a jamming bomb, and the jammed missile would only avoid them and would not approach them.

Chen Kangjie would not be worried that this weapon would cause other adverse effects after flying out, because the 7m9 missile fired by the Sam-32 would automatically activate the self-destruct device if it had not hit the target after flying for 14 seconds, and the missile would The volley exploded.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before they saw a small ball of flames in the sky behind them, and then fell into the Caribbean Sea.

After the ground-to-air attack was filmed, the air-to-ground attack was about to be filmed. In order to stop the convoy, the fighter group could only launch missiles towards the bridge.

Originally, it was only planned to use two missiles, but Chen Kangjie changed his mind again. Since three fighters came, let's make a shock.

Chen Kangjie lined up three Warhawks, and an empty truck that had been debugged was waiting to depart. In this shot, there could be no one on the truck, otherwise that person would be [-]% dead.

This section of the bridge deck is straight, so it only needs to be adjusted. After starting, the truck will drive forward by itself. The duty of the fighter jet is to launch the "Sidewinder" missile to destroy that section when the truck reaches the restored section of the bridge. Bridges and trucks will do.

For this shot, the film crew used all the cameras that could be used. There were two cameras from different angles in the air, one on the bridge, and one at sea. Everything was ready, just waiting for Chen Kangjie's order.

"This shot is the most critical live-action shot of our show. I hope everyone can adjust their state and give full play to their best skills. Are you ready?" Chen Kangjie asked mobilized in the air.




. . . . . . <! ", because it must be done once, so there is no choice for the first time and the second time.

Following Chen Kangjie's order, a box truck drove forward at a constant speed, and the roar of the fighter jet was also recorded by the sound engineer. The three Warhawks each fired two Sidewinder missiles almost simultaneously.

This kind of missile is also configured on the Longbow Apache gunship, and its strength is quite powerful. With the flight of the warhead, six long tails of smoke appear on the sea surface, which is very beautiful, but this beauty is quickly shocked. Explosion shot broken.

Six guide devices were installed on the bridge in advance, so there is no need to worry that the missile will miss. The first and second missiles hit two sections of the bridge exactly after the car passed by. This simple restored bridge The surface couldn't stop the attack of the "Rattlesnake" at all, and soon turned into rubble flying all over the sky.

The third missile hit the target at the rear of the truck, and the air wave and the bouncing cement slab directly lifted the truck high up and landed on the bridge seven or eight meters away in front.

It was also at this time that the fourth, fifth and sixth missiles arrived. The fourth missile hit a bridge pier four meters behind the truck landing. Before the bridge deck fell into the sea, the fifth missile had already hit the rear compartment of the truck, and the last bridge deck in front of the truck was also hit by the last missile, and everything collapsed in an instant.

However, not all of the truck’s remains were left behind. The shock wave from the explosion of the fifth missile directly lifted the front of the truck again, and it fell not far from Jedika who was taking pictures on the bridge in front. The raging fire was still on. combustion.

All the details of the explosion and destruction were carefully recorded by cameramen in different positions.In the distance, a Coast Guard helicopter from the state of Florida oversaw the process.

"It's perfect," Cameron said excitedly, taking Chen Kangjie's hand back to the cabin.

"It has to be perfect, I can't stand the second time," Chen Kangjie laughed after hearing Cameron's words.

If this shot is not successful, not to mention the loss of tens of millions of dollars, it will take a long time to restore that section of the bridge, which cost almost 2000 million dollars, and the cost of the six AIM-9 missiles will also be paid by him.You have to apply for the use of fighter jets a long time in advance. In short, if it fails, it will seriously disrupt the release time of this movie, and it will also greatly increase the shooting cost of this movie.

Today's task is mainly about these two shots. The film crew can complete the rest alone. As for the scene where Harry pilots a fighter jet and fights terrorists bravely, it was completely shot in a studio, involving too many close-ups. Impossible to actually do it on a real fighter.

Now that the mission has been completed, the three of McClellan can only drive their own girls back to the barracks, and their salaries will be paid to them by the army. Private organizations cannot pay the pilots alone. This is not only related to taxes, It is also related to whether there will be bribery and intelligence bribery in sensitive areas.

The most critical moment has passed. Everyone has been busy for a long time and is very tired, especially in the air. It is really uncomfortable to fly back and forth for several hours, like Cameron and Carpenter. It has been blowing in the sea breeze at high altitude for more than six or seven hours.

Today's tasks can only be done so much, everyone's tired body needs to rest.

After returning to the hotel, Chen Kangjie asked the hotel to prepare a sumptuous French meal as a reward for everyone. In fact, the main point was to treat Cameron. This old guy is really hard-working, and he didn't complain for several hours.

For this reception, the hotel specially vacated a banquet hall. The tables were arranged in a large rectangular strip, ten meters long and four meters wide, and everyone sat in a circle regardless of each other.

After a while, the waiter successively brought French black pepper steak, fried lamb chops, black mushroom chocolate, seafood stewed with safflower leaves, grilled eel, roasted duck breast with mashed potatoes, frozen chicken, white wine snails, seaweed with milk sauce, crayfish, and emerald broth. . . .Wait for the delicacies to be delivered one by one. For the convenience of everyone, basically there are at least four servings of each dish.

"Everyone has worked hard, I am very grateful, especially Mr. James Cameron for his great support." The waiter opened the French red wine in the ice bucket and poured a glass for everyone. Chen Kangjie raised his glass and stood up and said .

Chen Kangjie was sitting on the top of the bench. He had already changed out of his sweaty t-shirt and put on a black dress after washing. Anyway, the air conditioner in the hotel was fully turned on, so he was not afraid of the heat.It's just that there is no bow tie or tie, and it's not a formal occasion. Chen Kangjie doesn't like that kind of restraint either.

The wine glasses, dinner plates, knives and forks under the crystal lamps reflect soft light, and through the huge windows, you can also see a wave of white waves washing over the beach.

"Seeing such rich food and wine, no amount of hard work has been blown away by the sea breeze." Cameron, who was sitting on Chen Kangjie's left hand, raised his glass and touched Chen Kangjie lightly, and said with a smile.

At this time, Cameron was also wearing a dress and a white shirt. Like Chen Kangjie, he had nothing on his collar.

"I won't talk nonsense, everyone, feel free, after eating, we will go to the dance hall downstairs to have a carnival." Chen Kangjie raised his glass to everyone again, and took a small sip.

Chen Kangjie's words immediately aroused the joy of the bold and open American colleagues, and the clinking of glasses began to be heard endlessly.

"But don't affect tomorrow's work," Chen Kangjie added, and sat down.

There are still two days of shooting tasks in Miami, and after two days, I will fly back to Los Angeles to do urban shooting.

But who would really care about what Chen Kangjie said at this time? At the beginning, everyone was still trying to maintain the demeanor of a gentleman and a lady. Perhaps because everyone was hungry, or because Chen Kangjie took the lead, the refined wine that came out of the cellar was quickly replaced by Feng Juanyun.

Chen Kangjie took a knife and fork to deal with a piece of lamb chops. He felt that it was too slow, and the taste was not satisfying.

The Chinese around Chen Kangjie will not have any thoughts on his actions, nor will those Yankees. Americans are inherently heroic and eclectic. If it is in Europe, it will be different. Those so-called nobles and gentlemen will definitely Laughing at Chen Kangjie's disrespect and rudeness.

A delicious dinner was over in just over an hour, and everyone who was full of wine and food didn't want to go back to their rooms to rest right away. They went to the small dance hall downstairs, so everyone felt that they should go to the carnival and continue drinking and dancing.

Chen Kangjie has always had little interest in such frenzied activities, he just went to the ballroom to drink a bottle of beer with everyone, and then he went out for a walk.

Chen Kangjie didn't want to play, so naturally some people couldn't play it. The duty of his bodyguards was to be inseparable from Chen Kangjie, especially after the conflict with the Black Wolf Gang, the bodyguards were even more careful, so they were on the beach under the night. , You can see a young boy walking barefoot on the soft sand, with a dozen alert big men scattered around him.

Chen Kangjie likes this quiet feeling very much, the gentle sea breeze, the soft sand, the crisp waves, and the seabirds flying under the night.In such an environment, his mind is brightest and clearest, and he has too many things to think about.


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