rebirth of change

Chapter 572 Didn't Get No. 1

In Miami, Chen Kangjie and his film crew returned to Los Angeles after another two days of exterior shooting and the exciting and amazing scene where Harry tried to catch Helen in the helicopter. 【 】

A 180-degree green screen background has been set up in the No. [-] shooting studio of Miramax, and the staff has also made a simulated Harrier fighter model according to the real scale.In the following scene, Schwarzenegger will sit in this fighter jet pulled by ropes and perform. This scene is also the most important scene of Harvey's daughter Dani.

After Chen Kangjie returned to Los Angeles, McClellan called him and said that he was ready for vacation.Chen Kangjie could only fulfill his promise, sending the Global Express XRS to take the McClellan family to Hawaii, and lent him a beach house that Bob had prepared for himself in Hawaii.

Maybe it’s a lot of trouble, but on the third day of filming in the studio, an accident happened. When Dani jumped from the scaffolding to the front of the fighter jet, because she didn’t grasp the angle properly, her chest hit the aluminum shell directly. On the nose of the aircraft, two ribs were broken, and Chen Kangjie was so frightened that he hurriedly sent an ambulance to the hospital for treatment.

"Harvey, I'm sorry, I'm sorry that such an accident happened." As the director, Chen Kangjie expressed his apology to Dani's father Harvey sadly.

Regardless of whether it was his responsibility or not, as a director, he couldn't shirk all of it. This was not done by a man in charge.

"Long, I know it's not your fault, kid, it's not a bad thing to encounter some setbacks, bumps and bumps are inevitable in filmmaking," Harvey comforted Chen Kangjie instead.

In fact, Danni didn't dare to jump at first. The crane support in the studio was four meters high from the fighter plane, and the fighter plane was more than two meters high from the ground.

I don't know why, but Chen Kangjie was more strict with Danni, yelling a few big words, which made Danni brave enough to jump down. As a result, such an unpleasant incident happened.

Danni was injured and hospitalized, so the filming had to be suspended. In addition, Chen Kangjie had been out for a long time. He urged him every time he called at home these days, especially his mother, who missed her son very much, so Chen Kangjie planned to take advantage of it With this opportunity to return to China, the rest of the unfilmed parts can only be filmed together during the winter vacation.

Because Chen Kangjie will return to China a few days earlier, it is impossible for Chen Kangjie's special plane to provide services to the McClellan family. When Chen Kangjie's plane made a short stop at the Honolulu International Airport in Hawaii, he broke the news McClellan was called and told that they would be offered first-class tickets back home.

Entering November, whether it is Hawaii, Los Angeles or Miami, it is still a season of warm spring and flowers, but Qianzhou, which is located deep in the inland, has begun to become cold, especially after three days of pattering rain In the autumn rain, the humidity of the air increased greatly, and the smog was thick among the mountains. Sitting in a car driving in the mountains, water mist began to form on the window glass.

After leaving home for a month, Chen Kangjie finally returned to Liuzhi. Of course, his outfit was changed into more simple sportswear.

The night Chen Kangjie arrived home, he ate a full meal of the frying pan first.As soon as the plane landed at the airport in the provincial capital, Chen Kangjie called home to report that he was safe, and told Ma Fangqin that he really wanted to eat a frying pan at this time, who knew that Ma Fangqin would fry it just after he entered the house. It is a big pot, and the chili powder is also made at home. Chen Kangjie eats it with the company of his sisters, and silently appreciates this kind of strong family warmth.

The next morning, Chen Kangjie got up to go to school, and found some small billboards on the street light poles beside the road, "If you have any difficulties, please call 110, if you are in danger, please call 110."

Chen Kangjie smiled knowingly. It seems that Zhou Yi's work efficiency is not low. Before I left, I just talked to him casually, but unexpectedly, he started it in just a month.

The 110 police call actually appeared in the southeast coast several years ago, but it was not spread out, and there was no publicity. In the city where the 110 police call was first established, the number of calls to the police in five years was only 5, which is about the same. The alarm rate is only once in three months. To be honest, there is basically no difference between yes and no.

Even if the Ministry of Public Security later asked large and medium-sized cities to generally establish 110 service desks, the actual effect was not satisfactory, because it involved a system, not just a simple telephone, and the low penetration rate of ordinary people's telephones, the effect was not satisfactory. It has not been well reflected at all. According to the original history, the provincial capital of Qianzhou was built for a city, and the 96 service desk was only established in 110. This is the case in all provincial capitals, let alone other prefecture-level cities and counties.

For Chen Kangjie who suddenly appeared in the classroom without saying hello, the students in the class were both pleasantly surprised and sad, including the head teacher Wu Hui.

"Boss, you finally showed up, you miss me so much," Zhang Qiang, who was the first to see the classroom door, ran over and put his arms around Chen Kangjie's shoulders.

"Dude, what do you miss about me?"

Before Zhang Qiang could answer, several students surrounded him excitedly to express their closeness to Chen Kangjie.

"Okay, class is about to start, let's go back to your seats", Chen Kangjie smiled and pushed the students back to their seats one by one.

"Chen Kangjie, you... are you willing to come back?" Fan Xuexi, who was sitting in front of Chen Kangjie, had a tone of complaint more than surprise.

"Didn't I miss you, so I came back eagerly, why? It seems that you are not welcome yet?" Chen Kangjie said with a hippie smile.

"Hmph, then why didn't you meet earlier?" Fan Xuexi glared at Chen Kangjie, then turned his head away.

"This...", Chen Kangjie was a little confused, "What's the matter?".

"Hehe, Boss, you don't know that this year's school sports meeting, without you in our class, the No.1 throne has changed hands," Chu Xiang explained, turning his body sideways.

This year's No. 1 High School Sports Meeting was only held in October. At that time, Chen Kangjie had already gone to Los Angeles. Although the whole class worked together and worked hard, in the absence of several No.3s, the overall score still dropped mercilessly. After going on, I only got No.1 in the group, and both No.2 and No.[-] were taken by the first year class.

"Hehe, I thought it was something, we are still the No.1 in the third grade," Chen Kangjie said with self-satisfaction.

"Look, look at your appearance of being a little rich and happy." Fan Xuexi turned her head again when she heard Chen Kangjie's words.

"My eldest lady, what else can I do, oh, are you telling me to take the number one back? We have to learn to be content." Chen Kangjie finally understood why the squad leader gave him such a frown, but he was helpless ah.

"Boss, did you bring any gifts back this time?" At this time, Zhang Qiang didn't care whether he was the first or not, he just wanted to see if there was any benefit.

"Fuck, when everyone is sad, you still have the mood to think about presents." Chen Kangjie gave Zhang Qiang a big chestnut angrily, and then turned to Fan Xuexi with a smile, "Sir, you should win the first place in the long-distance race." ?”.

"That's needless to say," Fan Xuexi raised her head proudly, but then lowered it again, "tied for first place."

"Our squad leader is tied with Class [-] Deng's squad leader," Pang Yanli over there leaned her head over and added.

Unexpectedly, even if Chen Kangjie was not around, the two would still maintain this competitive situation. The two female monitors were now cooperating and competing, which would often become a headache for Chen Kangjie.

"This is a good thing, we are all in the same group, little comrades, keep carrying it forward", Chen Kangjie patted Fan Xuexi on the shoulder from behind.

The moment Chen Kangjie touched Fan Xuexi's shoulder, Fan Xuexi shuddered, leaned forward involuntarily, and became dumb, without saying a word.

"Hey, little classmate, I was talking to you, why don't you answer?" Chen Kangjie poked him again.

"Oh, what do you want me to say?" Fan Xuexi turned around with a blushing face.

Seeing the little girl's flushed face, Chen Kangjie suddenly understood that the little girl had grown up a little bit, and began to follow the rules of giving and receiving between men and women.

Chen Kangjie originally wanted to say something, but the teacher in charge had already walked in with the textbook, so Chen Kangjie could only swallow what he wanted to say, and took out a copy of Samuelson's "Economics" and flipped through it.

When it was halfway between classes, almost everyone who knew Chen Kangjie learned that he was back, and they all went to Class Three to play. Under the leadership of Deng Min, Class One also rushed over, making Class Three overcrowded. The little depression of not getting the first place in the school sports meeting was quickly taken away by Chen Kangjie's few jokes.

However, in order to express his apology and make up for his lack of collective honor, Chen Kangjie planned to treat guests after school in the afternoon.

It seems that Chen Kangjie's treats have become a norm. After school in the afternoon, a large group of people rushed to the snack street. This time, the team was stronger than before, reaching more than 60 people.

After more than two years of getting along and running in, some people who were unfamiliar with Chen Kangjie at first gradually became acquainted with each other. The third class was dispatched by the whole class, usually half of the dispatched.

The female owner of the store that Chen Kangjie and the others used to go to saw Chen Kangjie walking in front of the store from a distance, her face burst into a smile, and she ran all the way to welcome Chen Kangjie and the others into her small shop .

There was a couple eating fried rice in the store. In order to welcome Chen Kangjie and the others to keep as many people in her house as possible, the boss exempted the two young people from ordering and asked them to pack and take away.

The proprietress is very shrewd. Although they waived the bill for a few yuan, Chen Kangjie and the others are the big customers. Regardless of the number of people, there is no distinction between high and low. As long as it is delicious, they will order a lot, so she counted it More lucrative.

There is no place for them to sit in one store. In the past, two stores were enough, but now they need three stores to accommodate them.

The shop next door used to divert some of the students to the past. Today, seeing so many people, she also imitated the female boss of the first shop. She packed away the three customers in the shop for free and enthusiastically took away Chen Kangjie’s classmate. They greeted them in, and there were still a dozen or so who couldn't sit down, so they had to go to the opposite family to make do.


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