The Chinese Garden was designed to receive 1 visitors a day, but until the Spring Festival in 94, except for the first week when the number exceeded this number, the number basically did not reach that number in the next month. 【 】

This is caused by several aspects. The first point is the season. Winter is the off-season for tourism. Coupled with the wet and cold weather in Qianzhou, many foreign tourists are blocked from visiting.

The second point is that there is not such a large consumer group around the scenic spots. Liuzhi used to be a small county-level city with a population of only 3 to 40. Even in the city, the urban population is only in the early 150s. There are no cities with a population of more than one million in provinces and cities with a population of [-] million. According to the consumption habits of Chinese people, it is difficult to support such a large-scale classic.Fortunately, Chen Kangjie didn't just count on this. Switzerland has a small population, but the annual number of foreign tourists greatly exceeds the total population of their country.

The third is the constraints of traffic conditions. There are no expressways, no airports, and no docks in Liuzhou. It is difficult to provide enough passenger transportation only by relying on the busy and old railways. Now it is the Spring Festival travel season.Even if foreign tourists transfer to the provincial capital, they still have to take six old railways or minibuses, which is not conducive to the improvement of the tourism brand.

The fourth point is the most critical. The country's economic development level is not high enough, and the people's life has not been enough for a long time, even in many places.Tourism belongs to a higher level of demand, and it is only the choice of a small number of people at present, and the country has not yet launched the Golden Week holiday, which seriously affects the number of domestic tourists.

But all of this is not within the scope of Chen Kangjie's consideration at this time, he is currently filming in Dauphine, a small town in Canada (1 km away from Winnipeg).

After many searches, the Miramax staff finally found a villa in Dauphin suitable for filming the first scene of "True Lies", but this one has no walls, but this is not difficult for them. After 15 days, a circle of walls was built according to the needs of shooting.

Winnipeg is the capital and largest city of Manitoba, Canada, with a population of 60 and Winnipeg International Airport. This area is the midpoint of the land interval between the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. It is cold in winter and hot in summer.

Chen Kangjie took a special plane from Hong Kong to Los Angeles the day after the semester exam and the winter vacation, and then flew directly from Los Angeles to Winnipeg.

Dauphin is a small town with only a few thousand people. Two railways meet here. This place is beside the quiet Dauphin Lake. It has beautiful mountains and rivers in summer and snowy snow in winter. Chen Kangjie and the others took the train for several hours to arrive here. small town.

As for the large-scale shooting equipment, the luxury cars used in the shooting and Harry's spy box car can only be transported through snow-covered roads.

For this shoot, Harry, Karel and Curtis are expected to suffer a lot.This villa was built by a wealthy Canadian to escape the summer heat, so there is no heating facility inside. In the weather of minus 18 degrees Celsius, it is quite cold even indoors.

"The scenery here is so beautiful." Chen Kangjie stood on the steps of the classical villa in a white down jacket, looking at the distant mountains covered with pine trees under the white snow and the not yet completely frozen Dauphin Lake.

"Long, who chose this place? It's too evil. I'm okay, at least I have a coat. Curtis and Karel are miserable, and they can only wear low-cut skirts." Standing beside Siwa Singer wore thick clothes, showing his tender side.

"Hehe, I don't know who looked for it. I think this place is really suitable for the needs of the movie. You are not much better. Don't forget, you have to wear a diving suit to jump out of the ice-covered swimming pool." It has nothing to do with your high-spirited face.

In fact, it is not that Chen Kangjie is cruel. It is really difficult to find such a suitable place. The villa must be large and luxuriously decorated. It must also be a single-family classical villa in the mountains, with a swimming pool and a view of the lake. The snow and ice are really not easy.

In order to shoot this scene, the company also rented several ski cars from around Winnipeg, and had to prepare white invisibility clothing.

"Hey, I'm going all out, I hope the filming can be finished as soon as possible, and I can leave this damn place early, it's too cold", Schwarzenegger had no choice.

Chen Kangjie and the others still enjoyed the scenery and chatted leisurely at the door, while those actors who could not stand the cold could only stay inside wrapped in thick down jackets.

"How is your tango practice, I hope you can present a beautiful tango dance performance", the highlight of this section is the beautiful tango and the fierce snow gun battle.

"It's no problem, we practiced for two weeks in Los Angeles," the tall Schwarzenegger was full of confidence.

"Come in, go in, put on your makeup, finish filming early and leave early, in fact, I'm also afraid of the cold."

. . . . . .

The shooting in Dauphin lasted for a week, and Chen Kangjie still chose the famous por una cabeza for tango, which was composed by Carlos Cardel, the uncrowned king of Argentine tango, and the violin master Itzhak Perlman The tango tune played by (itzhak perlman), called "One Step Difference" in Chinese, is a piece of violin music with aristocratic temperament. Since its birth in 1935, it has become the first choice for tango in movies. It adapts to the psychology of each character and paves the way for any scene.

Generally speaking, although being stopped by Chen Kangjie many times was just a small episode, Schwarzenegger had several accidents. After filming those two dances, Ms. Curtis and Karel both caught a cold, because their This part of the work has been completed, so Chen Kangjie let them go back to Los Angeles three days in advance.

It was not so easy for Schwarzenegger to highlight his tough guy. Two problems he had caused him to be despised by Chen Kangjie for a while.

The first problem is that Schwarzenegger is actually afraid of dogs, especially the vicious big wolfhounds, which made Harry chased by the wolfhounds in the filming scene and turned around to easily take pictures of the two vicious dogs. After trying it 8 times, Chen Kangjie couldn't be satisfied.

"Let Cindy make two lifelike rubber dogs in Winnipeg and send them over. You are such a strong tough guy, but you can't even handle those two well-trained dogs. I'm convinced you." Helpless Chen Kangjie could only use props Instead of a real dog.

"Long, I can't help it. I've been afraid of this kind of dog since I was a child, and that kind of poodle is about the same." Schwarzenegger was very embarrassed and guilty.

"Using a little poodle? You can figure it out, you thought it was a princess shopping."

"Do you want a body double?" suggests Schwarzenegger's film co-star Tom in an off-white jacket.

"Fuck, you are a bad idea, and it's very bad. You think I don't want to, but here we need a close-up, how can we use a substitute?" Chen Kangjie scoffed at Tom's suggestion.

Then, a double cannot be used here, and a double will have to be used in the shootout in the snow later.

Two fake rubber dogs sent over from Winnipeg a day later finally muddied the shot, but Schwarzenegger was in trouble again for the shootout.

This guy was born as a bodybuilder and never really served as a soldier. If he wasn't in the snow, it wouldn't be a big problem, but in the woods covered with thick snow, he didn't have such agility at all. Running, rolling for a while, and sliding backwards to shoot the chasing enemy, this series of actions, Schwarzenegger soaked two suits in the snow and failed to pass.

"It's too raw. No matter who looks at it, it doesn't look like a well-trained agent. It's completely new." Chen Kangjie sat in the shooting car wrapped in a coat and watched the sample tape after several times of shooting. The two assistant directors said.

"It's really no way, this guy can't even ski, I think it's really necessary to use a double. Fortunately, it's in the woods, the light at night is dark, and in the fierce gun battle, they kept moving. Use a double Absolutely," said the hard-boiled Schwarzenegger, who was changing clothes in another car, never knowing what he was being evaluated behind his back.

Schwarzenegger has indeed worked very hard, rolling in the snow over and over again in unlined clothes, the staff members have nothing to say about his dedication, but due to limited experience, he has never been able to achieve the effect Chen Kangjie wanted.

"But none of our actors here has such skills. It is impossible without a certain period of snow training," Luo Fuman raised a difficult problem.

"That's right, he can't reach it, and neither can other actors," Jedika echoed.

"Why do we use actors? I know who can achieve it." After speaking, Chen Kangjie opened the door and got out of the car.

"Jimmy, call your guys over here, oh yes, call Schwarzenegger over here by the way", John Jimmy, Xiong Ziqiang and Samidov are smoking next to the car, and other brothers are walking around.

"Okay", John Jimmy threw down the cigarette butt and walked aside.

After a while, the six SEALs and Schwarzenegger stood in front of Chen Kangjie suspiciously. Chen Kangjie stared at them and walked back and forth twice, and finally stood in front of McCulla.

"You have definitely received snow combat training before, right?" Chen Kangjie raised his head and asked.

"Yes, as long as four months," Michaela replied staring at Chen Kangjie.

"Okay, you will replace Schwarzenegger in this scene, your body type is the closest to the release, is there any problem?".

"Ah? I've never acted in a movie!", Michaela immediately reacted a little violently when he heard that he was asked to act in a movie.

"You don't need your acting skills, you just need your skills. Go and change your clothes. Our time is limited. Arnold, tell Michaela the part you want to act in detail," Chen Kangjie ordered.

"Okay," Schwarzenegger nodded a little disappointed, which shows that his efforts are not recognized every time.

"Don't think so much. Actors are not omnipotent. We all see your efforts. They have received professional training. This is also to reduce your burden. For the sake of good visual effects, I can't let you act in the second Ten times, don't you think so?" Chen Kangjie patted Schwarzenegger's chest to comfort him.


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