rebirth of change

Chapter 579 The largest investment project in the province

It took the film crew a whole week to complete the scene of Dauphin, plus the time on the road, it took ten days. 【 】

After this paragraph is over, there is only the finale of Harry flying a fighter jet in the studio to rescue his daughter and eliminate the terrorist father and son.

After more than two months of treatment and recuperation, Dani's injuries have recovered. For this, Miramax paid [-] US dollars for treatment, and also provided [-] US dollars in condolences. This is Dani's first It was the first time I had earned so much money through my own work and hard work. I was so happy that I immediately went to buy the latest Walkman.

After the accident last time, Chen Kangjie was not so aggressive towards Dani. He always felt that it was because he was too aggressive towards her, which frightened her into making mistakes.

At the same time, in order to avoid similar incidents from happening again, Chen Kangjie also asked the staff to add a safety rope to her.

"Guys, I ask you to behave better and save me some time, I have to rush back to celebrate the Spring Festival!" Before the shooting started, Chen Kangjie stood in the middle of the studio and bowed to the staff.

"Is the Spring Festival a spring festival?" Dani asked crisply, standing on the crane support high up.

"That's right, it's the festival that begins in spring, the festival that begins in the year, and it's also the most important festival for us Chinese in a year. Don't let me spend the festival in the United States." Chen Kangjie raised his head and gave Dany a thumbs up.

Chen Kangjie did not explain too much about the origin of the Spring Festival, but replaced it with another form of encouragement.

. . . . . .

Because it was in the studio, the shooting was not affected by the natural environment and weather, and with Chen Kangjie’s encouragement and request, all parties showed a tacit understanding, and the shooting was completed in only three days. As for other supplements The shot, when Chen Kangjie returned to China, had already been completed by Jedica and Luo Fuman.

From preparation to completion, Chen Kangjie has experienced more than half a year, but it does not mean that it will be released immediately, there is still a lot of work to be done, and a lot of special effects need to be done in the digital field, and finally it needs to be edited into a complete film It's just that Chen Kangjie can only wait for the Spring Festival after the Spring Festival, and give James Cameron, Stan Winston and their guys in the digital field enough time to make special effects.

After receiving an investment of 2500 million US dollars from Chen Kangjie, Stan Winston devoted himself to the development of Houdini software and other special effects technologies. It went quite smoothly, and it has been able to complete all the special effects required for the movie "True Lies".

After Chen Kangjie explained everything to Harvey and Jedica, he returned to China on February 94, 2. February 8 was New Year's Eve. Chen Kangjie didn't have the guts to stay in the United States alone for the Spring Festival.

As the production supervisor of Miramax, Harvey has a lot of responsibility for the post-production of the film.

Half a month before the Spring Festival, Chen Qigang also returned from the Central Party School after completing the examination.

"I said, why do you run here and there all day long, and you don't call each other when you are on holiday?" On the night when he returned home, at the family dinner table, Chen Qigang expressed his dissatisfaction with Chen Kangjie.

Because tomorrow is New Year's Eve, the whole family gathered together, even the married eldest sister Chen Yuqiong brought her eldest brother-in-law Xu Guoqiang and her little niece Xu Yan to have dinner together.

Now that Chen Yuqiong has money, he not only built a big house not far from the train station, but also built four rooms for Xu Guoqiang's parents in Sijiaotian's hometown.

"Hehe, dad, why don't I go out to study? Everything is inferior, and only reading is good, but reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. Besides, you are often away from home." Chen Kangjie picked up his job and smiled. Said, and after finishing speaking, he flattered and put a large piece of braised pork in Chen Qigang's bowl.

"Why am I not at home often?" Chen Qigang glared at Chen Kangjie, and asked back after eating the piece of braised pork in one bite.

"Dad, you forgot, you have been away from home for more than three months and only came back." Chen Yuchang who was on the side took a sip of beer and said to help Chen Kangjie.

"I'm going to study, it's part of my work." To Chen Yuchang, Chen Qigang is often stricter.

"Old Wen said that he also went to study, Dad, don't forget, Lao Wen started to get paid seven years ago." Chen Yufen ignored Chen Qigang's reprimand to Chen Yuchang, and filled a bowl with fish and coriander Put the crucian carp soup in front of Ma Fangqin and help Chen Kangjie speak.

"I think so, if Lao Wen doesn't go out, why do we have so many gifts, Chrysanthemum, don't you think so?" Chen Kangjie's sixth sister paid special attention to it.

"What are you guys doing? Shouldn't I say it as a co-author? I'm still not the head of the family?" Seeing that he was unanimously opposed, Chen Qigang couldn't hold back his face, and put the dishes and chopsticks down on the dining table heavily.

"What prestige are you playing, so much food can't stop you, but you want to pester these at the dinner table, hurry up and eat your meal!", Ma Fangqin has always been the performance of that kind of loving mother, always caring for the children .

"Didn't I educate him together when we were eating, for fear that he would play wild?" Madame went into a rage, and Chen Qigang's voice weakened.

"His temper would have been wild a long time ago, and he waited until today? Dad, don't worry about this," Chen Mei, who came back from the winter vacation at Capital University, persuaded.

"What kind of world is this? Didn't I just criticize, and you all attacked together?" Chen Qigang sighed, picked up the bowl and continued to eat.

"Grandpa, grandpa, I heard that little uncle is very powerful, I want to go out with him too," Xu Yan, who is already in the second grade of elementary school, ran to Chen Qigang with a small bowl, staring at Chen Qigang with big eyes and said.

"Oh, Xiaoyan is heavy again." Chen Qigang picked up Xu Yan and sat on his lap, "Okay, when you grow up, grandpa will ask your little uncle to take you to play."

After Chen Kangjie said that, he picked up the bowl and worked hard, and couldn't help laughing while eating.

"Dad, you didn't let me run outside, and you still gave me this task. This is a broken promise, or you...hehe", Chen Kangjie originally wanted to continue, but seeing With Chen Qigang's embarrassing expression, he swallowed the words again.

"I think they were all bought by you, and now the whole family is helping you," Chen Qigang said pretending to be angry.

"Am I also being bribed?" Ma Fangqin helped to say this.

"Third child, help me serve a bowl of rice, and pour me a glass of water." Unable to answer Ma Fangqin's words, Chen Qigang could only change the subject and hand the empty bowl to Chen Yuchang.

"Hahaha", the whole family laughed.

. . . . . .

The Spring Festival in 94 was more lively than before. The streets were cleaned by sprinklers and sweepers. The trees on both sides of the main road were covered with colorful lights. The gates of schools, government agencies, factories and mines were decorated with lights. Adults and children on the street are all dressed in new clothes.

In order to reduce the burden on sanitation workers, the district government bought four sets of mechanized cleaning equipment from a large machinery factory in East China. In the past year, the economic and social development of the whole district has made great progress, and the construction of Free Semiconductor Company has been half completed. There are many, and two or three companies have settled in the light industrial park. The section has started construction before the Spring Festival. The Public Security Bureau is the first in the province to launch a 110 alarm system to protect the safety of the people. The urban planning of the whole district for the next ten years has also started, and the renovation of Taohua Park and its surrounding areas will be the first to get implement. . . . . .

In short, the achievements of Liuzhi this year are gratifying, and the achievements of Liushuipan this year are also gratifying. At the New Year tea party with all walks of life in the city, Liang Minkuan and He Baoguo were very proud of the achievements of the past year , They focused on the start of construction of the Er Power Plant. Once the largest and most environmentally friendly pithead thermal power plant in the province is completed, it will solve the city's power supply needs for a long period of time.

Moreover, the Liushuipan large-scale coal chemical project has also been planned, the construction of related reservoirs has started, and the coal transportation roads that are tens of kilometers long have also been requisitioned. After the negotiation, the price was calculated as US$53 billion. The reason for the extra US$58 million was that after the city applied to the province, it designated two mining areas in the Shuishan Special Zone and one mining area in the Panjiang Special Zone. The extra [-] million U.S. dollars from the investment in state-owned shares is used to establish a modern mining enterprise.

This project is by far the largest investment project in Liushuipan, and it is also the largest investment project in the province.

It's just that there was a lot of trouble when registering, because Chen Kangjie needed to become one of the mainland shareholders, and when he just mentioned it to Chen Qigang, he was immediately rejected.

Because it was registered in the mainland, Chen Kangjie couldn't hide it from Chen Qigang, who is a member of the city's leaders. However, when he heard that his son would invest 4 million US dollars in the upcoming Qihang Industrial Co., Ltd., Chen Qigang was shocked immediately, and immediately asked money Where did it come from? Chen Kangjie explained that Ouyang Zhenhua wanted to participate in the shares, but he could not find an agent in the mainland and found himself. Even after explaining this way, Chen Qigang still objected. Ziqiang suddenly became a billionaire.

In the end, the registered capital of Qihang Industrial Co., Ltd. was 58 billion U.S. dollars, which was 504.6 billion yuan. The reason why it got such a huge amount was mainly due to the depreciation of the renminbi against the U.S. dollar to 1:8.7.


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