rebirth of change

Chapter 580 Special effects completed

For the coal chemical project, Hongyuan Investment lent 7 million US dollars to Li Chaoren, which is estimated to be Li Chaoren's largest creditor. 【 】

From New Year's Eve to the seventh day of the first lunar month, Chen Kangjie spent the New Year at home with peace of mind, playing like a child with his friends and classmates all day long, setting off cannons, fireworks, eating snacks, skating, riding bumper cars, climbing Peach Blossom Mountain, Chen Kangjie He also took them to visit China Garden again. Of course, all of this was Chen Kangjie's treat.

Chen Yuqiang is now taking care of the skating rink, basically giving it to him.

Chen Kangjie's father, Chen Qigang, has an older brother and a younger sister, both married in the countryside. Chen Kangjie's uncle has four sons and one daughter. Chen Kangjie's aunt has an older son and a younger daughter. The three younger daughters are still in school. Chen Kangjie made a fortune After getting rich, I didn't forget them.

It's just that the adult education level is relatively low, and Chen Kangjie doesn't want to run a complete family business, so he didn't get them all into his own business. Of course, it's not suitable for Chen Qigang to turn him into a civil servant or something. Instead, the third brother gave them a sum of money to let them develop the farming industry.

They may not be able to do business, and they are not as good as civil servants, but they are still good at farming and breeding. After a few years, each family has made a fortune through farming, and each family has hundreds of thousands of petty assets. In the countryside We built a big house, bought a minivan and a Jetta, only the uncle’s youngest son, Chen Yuqiang, didn’t engage in farming, and devoted himself to his skating rink. After a few years, he has almost exercised. Chen Kangjie plans to wait for himself to be busy during this time. , and then find a way to help him make his business bigger.

Chen Kangjie didn't dare to ensure that they would be rich, it might not be a blessing to them, once a person with nothing becomes rich overnight, his human nature would be distorted, and he would do many unimaginable things, even arrogance Arrogance, breaking the law and discipline, only the wealth earned through one's own hands will increase happiness, which is the so-called contentment and happiness.Anyway, if they continue to develop like this, they will become millionaires, multi-millionaires are also very possible, otherwise Chen Kangjie will have no problem throwing tens of millions or even hundreds of millions. Of course, the most important thing is that Chen Kangjie can't explain the money source.

For the three cousins ​​who are still in school, Chen Kangjie thinks that if there is an opportunity, he can help them well. The eldest cousin has gone to Qianzhou Normal University in the provincial capital, and the other two younger cousins ​​are still in high school in Liuzhiyi Middle School.

During the spring outing last year, Chen Kangjie and his classmates from two classes visited the China Garden, but at that time there were only a hundred of them. In the huge China Garden, the lively atmosphere was lacking, so they went to play again during the Chinese New Year. once.

On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, He Baoguo's family came to Chen's family to pay New Year's greetings. The two elders on the first, second, and third grades were on duty and went to various places to give condolences. There was no time. Only on the fourth day of the new year, the two families got together. The shampoo advertisement just took this opportunity to talk to He Wanrong, there was no suspense at all, He Wanrong immediately agreed, and it was still a free endorsement, Chen Yufen had to pay the endorsement fee, but He Wanrong didn't want it anyway, the two sisters couldn't stop arguing, and in the end it was Chen Kangjie It's done.

"Let's charge a little symbolically. If you don't accept it, she will feel sorry. If you pay according to the market price, you will feel sorry."

"Then how much do you charge?" He Wanrong asked, the three of them talked in Chen Kangjie's small room, no one else was present.

"Let's say 2 RMB, and 1 RMB endorses a product."

After Chen Kangjie made such a match, the two beauties shook hands and reached an agreement.

Chen Kangjie is going to America again after having fun with his hands and feet for a week. He has to finish all his first films during the winter vacation. He promised Wu Hui, the head teacher, that he will not ask for leave next semester. He wants to help The students successfully passed the high school entrance examination.

He Wanrong did not leave with Chen Kangjie, she finally went home once, and she wanted to spend time with her parents at home. Anyway, ordinary people can't enter the Municipal Committee's Family House, so there is no need to worry about fans recognizing and harassing her.

. . . . . .

"Long, you came back really fast, are you worried about us?" Chen Kangjie visited the digital field the same day he arrived in Los Angeles.

The current digital field is no longer as shabby as it was when Chen Kangjie first came here. Although it is still the old house, it has been fully renovated inside, and various professional technicians are busy coming and going.The previously empty space has also become a model room and rows of computers.

"I'm not worried about you, but about myself. My time is too tight, man, how are you busy?" Chen Kangjie sat down on the sofa by the window in James Cameron's office .

Cameron came out from behind his desk and made a cup of fragrant coffee for Chen Kangjie, "Hurry up, all of us are working overtime for your movie, and Harry has brought it with a cup of air-launched missiles." AZ destroyed the last helicopter of the terrorists, give me another three days, and the special effects of the entire movie can be completed in three days."

"Wow, the speed is very fast", Chen Kangjie was impressed by this speed.

At this time, a short white man in a white coat like a doctor opened the door and walked in. <, this is my partner and good friend Stan Winston", James Cameron put the coffee in front of Chen Kangjie, and introduced the people who came in to Chen Kangjie.

"I've heard your name a long time ago. Thank you for your hard work." As a junior, Chen Kangjie stood up and stretched out his right hand.

Chen Kangjie could tell from Stan Winston's bloodshot eyes that he must have been working very hard recently. It seems that Cameron's words of working overtime and going all out to help Chen Kangjie make special effects as soon as possible are not bragging.

"You are younger than I imagined, please sit down, now you are the big boss of our company", Stan Winston joked with Chen Kangjie like most cheerful Americans.

Although Winston and Cameron hold 50.00% of the shares in the digital field, as far as individual shareholders are concerned, Chen Kangjie owns 40.00% of the shares and is the undisputed largest shareholder.

"Hehe, there is no difference between a big boss and a small boss, we are all partners, let's sit together," Chen Kangjie invited Winston to sit down.

"Thank you, I still have something to do. I'm here to get a document." Winston rejected Chen Kangjie's invitation, took a document from Cameron's desk and went out.

"This guy is a workaholic," Cameron said to Chen Kangjie with a smile and shaking his head when Winston went out.

. . . . . .

After three days of hard work by all employees in the digital field, the special effects production of the movie "True Lies" has finally been completed.


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