rebirth of change

Chapter 585 Car Bandits

Chen Kangjie’s life during this period is a bit back to the era of elementary school. He goes to school on time every day, and he even attends morning self-study. He is not in a hurry to leave after class. , Yang Cong, and Pang Yanli stayed with Chen Kangjie if they had any questions, and Fan Xuexi and Deng Min stayed to accompany them. Later, the number of people began to increase. 【 】

In the end, basically as long as the students who are not in a hurry will stay and finish their homework and practice test papers, they will leave. Like the third class, the first class will also surround them, and the second and fourth classes will also stop. Back to the feeling of childhood.

However, this simple life only lasted for more than a month, and Chen Kangjie was disrupted by a bad news.

On a weekend in mid-April, Chen Kangjie felt that he hadn't paid attention to the company's affairs for a long time, so he went to Master Kong's company.

As soon as he sat down in his office, he planned to make a cup of tea and then make a phone call with his subordinates to learn about the operation of the company. When I got to the company, I left the things over there and came to chat with Chen Kangjie.

"Mr. Jie, why are you so free to come to the company today? I haven't seen you for a long time." After pushing the door into Chen Kangjie's office, Liu Kai said familiarly.

"The weather is fine today, so I'll just come around. During this period of time, the study task is tight, and there is not much time. You don't object to me. Come, here, drink tea." He took out a cup and made a cup of tea and handed it to Liu Kai.

Chen Kangjie didn't pay much attention to these rules, and didn't necessarily ask the people below to make tea for him. Sometimes a casual action of his own could win the favor of many subordinates.

"Thank you, thank you." Liu Kai hurriedly took the teacup with both hands, "Why don't I welcome you? I'm afraid you won't come. By the way, Master Jie, you said that you are studying hard? Don't you always get full marks in every exam? Well, how come..." Liu Kai didn't finish his words, but the meaning was self-evident.

"I can get full marks in the test, but I can't be so selfish. There are still many students in our class whose grades have not reached the ideal level. As a member of the class, shouldn't I be more responsible?" Chen Kangjie said comfortably sat down in his armchair.

"Hehe, it looks like you, Young Master Jie, are also learning from Lei Feng!" Liu Kai teased.

"It's different from learning from Lei Feng. I'm just doing my duty. Since we're all classmates, we should help each other." Chen Kangjie said to Liu Kai, and then took a sip of his tea.

"Jie Shao, something happened to Qiantong Logistics, do you know?" Liu Kai also took a sip, then frowned and said hesitantly.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Seeing Liu Kai's expression, the fool also knew that it would not be a good thing, so Chen Kangjie's heart became entangled.

"You don't know? Didn't Lu Xiang call you?"

"What do I know? I know. Didn't you say that I haven't been to the company for a long time, and that guy never called me at all. What's the matter? Tell me!".

"Several people at Qiantong Logistics have been injured recently, and I heard that two of them are seriously injured," Liu Kai said in a deep voice, thinking about the appropriate wording and tone.

"There is such a thing? No one told me, what's going on, please tell me carefully." Chen Kangjie leaned his hands on the desk, a little worried and unhappy, and he didn't even know about such a thing.

"I don't know the details. I just heard that several trucks from Qiantong Logistics were robbed. The robbery is not counted. Every time the driver and escort were injured. You have to ask Lu Xiang to know the details."

Chen Kangjie immediately picked up the phone and called Lu Xiang's office, intending to call him from the next door to ask for clarification, but the phone rang many times and no one answered the phone. Chen Kangjie hung up the phone and dialed his eldest brother again.

Since the year before last, these bosses and many executives have all been equipped with mobile phones with public funds, just for the convenience of contact.

The phone rang four times, and Lu Xiang finally answered the phone, but the background voice was a bit noisy.

"Why is it so noisy in your place? If you have time, come to my office at Master Kong's side." Chen Kangjie's tone was a little blunt.

"Oh, Mr. Jie, I can't come now. I'm in the city. This is the entrance of the emergency department of the city hospital. There are a lot of people." Lu Xiang probably guessed why Chen Kangjie came to his club, and his voice was a little tremble.

"Why did you go to the city hospital? What's going on?" Chen Kangjie's words were still so blunt.

"Mr. Jie, some of our employees are hospitalized here. I...let me take a look. I'll come back this afternoon...and then I'll report to you in person." Lu Xiang heard from Chen Kangjie's tone What did Chen Kangjie ask, but it was inconvenient for him to report in the hospital at this time.

"Okay, then you should come back early," Chen Kangjie said coldly before hanging up.

. . . . . .

Chen Kangjie didn't go back, but waited until Lu Xiang came back from the city at 05:30 in the afternoon. At this time, Liu Kai was no longer in the office. He just chatted with Chen Kangjie about the recent business situation of Master Kong and went to work on himself Regarding the matter, Chen Kangjie called Ouyang Zhenhua and Li Li on the way.

Ouyang Zhenhua is so happy now that Tan Meiyun gave birth to a fat boy for more than three months. As long as Ouyang Zhenhua stays in Hong Kong, he spends all day with his wife and son, enjoying family happiness.

Ouyang Zhenhua's son was named after Chen Kangjie, named Ouyang Xuanhua. Ouyang Zhenhua asked Chen Kangjie what it meant, and Chen Kangjie told him that it didn't mean anything, he just thought it sounded good.

On the day Ouyang Xuanhua was born, Chen Kangjie returned his Global Express XRS to his family. After all, it was a gift from Chen Kangjie. Considering that he also needed a special plane before Guohao Aircraft produced a large aircraft, Chen Kangjie asked Ouyang Zhenhua to order a Global Express XRS, which was considered as his own special plane.

At this stage, it is difficult for Chen Kangjie to arrange a lot of work for Ouyang Zhenhua, and basically let him direct everything remotely.

As for Li Li, she told Chen Kangjie that the distribution and screening of "True Lies" has been completed, and it will be available worldwide at the end of April, and it will be released in the United States on April 4, Japan on May 4, and Germany on May 25. , South Korea on May 5, England on May 3, France on May 5, Italy on May 9, Hong Kong on June 5, Taiwan on June 14, Argentina on June 5, and Brazil on June 22. . . . . . .

"Wait, when is our country? Why do I hear foreign countries, why is there no our country?" In history, "True Lies" was the first American blockbuster imported from China, but I didn't hear it Li Li mentioned that Chen Kangjie felt that he could not introduce this movie because he made it?

"Haha, no, I forgot, it will be screened at the National Day National Congress of China on May 5, and an agreement has been reached with the China Film Import and Export Group," Li Li said with an apologetic smile.

. . . . . .

Lu Xiang knocked on the door with a suit in his hand and came in, before sitting down, he said with a correct attitude, "Jie Shao, I'm sorry, it's too late to tell you about this, I want to deal with it myself before reporting to you."

"Now is not the time to blame yourself, you have to tell me what's going on first?" Chen Kangjie came out from behind the desk and called Lu Xiang to sit down and talk slowly in the reception area.

"Hey, it's like this. Our transportation team has been robbed several times recently. Not to mention the robbed goods, our employees were also killed or injured by gunpowder guns. They are all hospitalized in the Municipal People's Hospital now," Lu Xiang said. He said with a sigh of relief.

"Is life in danger?" Hearing that it was so serious, Chen Kangjie also became worried. No matter what, those people were all his employees.

"It's not life-threatening, but the injuries are not light, and it takes a long time to treat, and some may leave sequelae."

"Which place was it robbed, why didn't the local public security organs solve it?".

"It is in Meihuashan, which is under the jurisdiction of our city. Today is the third time. We have reported the case to the Public Security Bureau before, and the Public Security Bureau also organized people to attack, but nothing was found. I did not expect that there was a car going to Caiyun Province this morning. Over there again," Lu Xianghui reported.

Because the Shuipu Highway has not been repaired yet, many cars going to Caiyun Province have to pass through the Meihuashan area. The mountains there are high and remote, and the carts pulling goods climb slowly. It is very suitable for those car bandits. Before rebirth, Chen Kangjie heard It is said that many trucks will be robbed there, especially those from other places.

"Lawless, those people from the Municipal Public Security Bureau really don't know what they are doing to allow such vicious incidents to happen again and again," Chen Kangjie was furious.

"Jie Shao, the Public Security Bureau has indeed gone to crack down on it a few times, but every time they go there, it is safe as usual. Two criminal police teams from the Public Security Bureau even sent cars to follow our truck twice." Lu Xiang felt that the police The Bureau is also very benevolent. It is they Qiantong Logistics who respond so quickly. If vehicles from other provinces report to the police, they will not be treated like that.

"Could it be that there are traitors?" After listening to Lu Xiang's words, Chen Kangjie sat down calmly, full of doubts in his heart.

"Probably not? Will the police collude with bandits to rob passing vehicles?".

"That's true. The possibility of this is a little bit small. If the police want to get money, there are many ways to go. There is no need to take such a risk." Chen Kangjie thinks that the possibility is indeed not very high.

"Now the company's drivers are in panic, and they are a little afraid to run that road." Lu Xiang was upset.

"Well, let's appease the employees first. The compensation that should be compensated, the treatment that should be treated, must not be sorry for the customers and employees. I will find a way to deal with this matter. This matter must be severely punished, and it must be done in such a way that it is not as good as thunder." , Chen Kangjie stood up and walked around the office rubbing his chin.


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