rebirth of change

Chapter 586 Analysis of the Case

Chen Kangjie walked up and down the office, but he couldn't think of any good solution for a long time. 【 】He returned to his seat, picked up the phone and called He Baoguo.

"Godfather, are you busy?".

"It's not too busy, Xiaojie, what's the matter?" He Baoguo picked up the phone, and stretched out his hand to block Deputy Director Ding of the Public Security Bureau who was about to speak on the opposite side.

"The trucks of our Qiantong logistics company were robbed one after another. That's not counting. The main reason is that several employees were seriously injured. Have you heard about this?"

"I already know this. Comrades from the Public Security Bureau are reporting to me. We will definitely crack down on it, create a safe environment for the people, and protect the economic development," said He Baoguo.

"Godfather, no matter what I hear, I feel that your official tone is getting bigger and bigger?" Chen Kangjie teased after hearing He Baoguo's words.

"What are you talking about children, I won't talk to you for now, I still have work to discuss with the comrades in the Public Security Bureau, I will call you later", some people are still waiting to talk about work, He Baoguo is not good Chatted with Chen Kangjie endlessly.

"OK then".

. . . . . .

"Hehe, the high-level executives of the company are calling to inquire about the crime. Director Ding, you have a heavy burden. If this gang of road bandits is not eliminated, it will affect the overall economic development of our city." He Baoguo put down the phone and told Ding Pei Said.

Ding Pei is a native of Qianzhou Province, whose family is in Yundu. He is the deputy director who has just been airborne from the province. He is in charge of criminal investigation work. He is a bit enviably young. He has achieved this position under the age of 30. He wears a straight police uniform on his body. , coupled with his sitting posture, he looks very heroic. This case is the first major case he has been in charge of since he took office, and he dare not take it lightly.

"Mayor He, our work is not enough. Our police need to review this point. I will definitely work with the comrades below to solve the case as soon as possible, destroy the arrogance of this gang, and contribute to the economic development of our city and the normal life of the people. Create a safe environment." Although Ding Pei is young and has only been in office for a month, he has a good grasp of the officialdom. He has come down from the position of deputy director of the Provincial Criminal Investigation Department, and he knows how to speak in front of the leader. , How should I correct my attitude.

"Director Ding has just been working in our city for 33 days. He may not understand a lot of things, so we can't talk about self-criticism. Go back and do a good job of investigating and planning to see how we can punish the criminals as soon as possible." He Baoguo, as the superior, the young Director Ding It is the object that needs to be wooed, and the words will be much better when spoken.

"Yes, yes, although this group of criminals are cunning and vicious, they believe that the sky will recover and they will not miss any omissions. When I go back, I will organize elite troops to solve the case in the shortest possible time." Ding Pei stood up and said with confidence .

"Okay, I believe in your abilities." He Baoguo stood up and shook Ding Pei's hand, and then Ding Pei saluted and exited He Baoguo's office.

After Ding Pei left, He Baoguo called Chen Kangjie back. By this time, it was actually time to get off work.

Chen Kangjie acted half-truthfully and asked the city to thoroughly investigate this matter as soon as possible, and there must be a result and an explanation. He Baoguo told him that he was talking about this matter with the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau just now, and He Baoguo also made Ding Pei swear The guarantee was conveyed to Chen Kangjie.

I don't know if it's Ding Pei's bad luck or the employees of Qiantong Logistics Company. I think that the police are investigating the matter intensively, and it will be safe at this stage. In addition, there is a food factory that urgently needs to transport the goods to Caiyun Province. The market over there The stock was out of stock, so on the fourth day after the phone call between Chen Kangjie and He Baoguo, Qiantong Logistics organized a large truck to deliver a batch of goods to Caiyun Province, but another accident happened in the Meihuashan area. When it was smashed, both drivers were killed and seriously injured. One driver was stabbed twice in the stomach, once in the arm, and had a cut on his face.

When such a thing happened at this juncture, it not only slapped Ding Pei naked in the face, but also really made Chen Kangjie furious.

"Go to the city with me to deal with this matter tomorrow," Chen Kangjie only said to Lu Xiang who was briefing him on the situation.

The only way to deal with these desperate road bandits is to deal with them mercilessly. Chen Kangjie couldn't bear it when such things happened again and again. The bad guys are too arrogant. It is impossible for the authorities to search and arrest slowly. The time is too long and the loss is too great. The most important thing is that no driver dares to run that route now.

For the past two days, Chen Kangjie has also been thinking and analyzing how to deal with these ferocious road bandits.

According to the information obtained by various parties, Chen Kangjie understands that the location where the incident occurred is a long and steep winding mountain road. The road bandits stand on a high place and can see whether there are vehicles in front of and behind the truck. Therefore, as long as there are police cars following, the truck can pass safely. , but it is impossible for the police to send police force to follow every car all the time.

Moreover, road bandits often use big rocks to block the middle of the road, and then attack after forcing the car to stop, so Chen Kangjie thought of a way to deal with these road bandits who did not hesitate to die.

After school on Friday afternoon, Chen Kangjie took Lu Xiang and his bodyguards and rushed to the city. The excuse he gave the family was to see his godmother Zhao Yuexiang. As for the class on Saturday morning, because it was a monthly exam, Chen Kangjie didn't have to take it. Anyway, his participation is just one more insignificant full score.

At eight o'clock in the evening, just after dark, Chen Kangjie and his motorcade also arrived in the city. Chen Kangjie first called He Baoguo and learned that he did not go home, but was inspecting at the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

The Municipal Public Security Bureau was diagonally opposite the Municipal Government, not far away. Chen Kangjie told Qian Degui to turn around and drive the car to the entrance of the Municipal Public Security Bureau to stop.

Seeing a Mercedes-Benz, a convoy of two Buicks stopped at the gate of the bureau, and a first-class police officer in 8-9 police uniform came up to him.

"Mr. Chen?"

"I am", replied Chen Kangjie who stepped out of the car door.

"Mayor He asked me to pick you up. He is having a meeting with Director Xiao and the others."

Chen Kangjie looked up at the six-story white Public Security Bureau building, and saw that although it was off-duty time, the whole building was still brightly lit. It seemed that most of the staff hadn't been off-duty yet.

It is true, the mayor came to inspect and guide the work, even after get off work, how many people would dare to leave their jobs?

Chen Kangjie followed this little policeman named Tang Wei to a small meeting room on the fourth floor, and saw five policemen in police uniforms chatting with He Baoguo, four of them were holding Notebooks, including Ding Pei.

"Mr. Lu, hello, hello, I'm really sorry, we didn't do a good job and caused you trouble." Lu Xiang and Chen Kangjie walked in front, but in front of his colleagues, He Baoguo acted like he was doing business. He stretched out his hand to shake with Lu Xiang.

"Mayor He, please be polite. For our sake, you and the comrades in the bureau are still working after work. Thank you, thank you." He has worked in a large logistics company for several years, and he has become quite mature in his understanding of the world.

Leaving aside the relationship between He Baoguo and Chen Kangjie, Lu Xiang should have said the same thing about the other party's mayor status.

"Mayor He, we are the ones who didn't do a good job. I will review it with the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government. Mr. Lu, if you have any ideas or even criticisms, feel free to speak up." Xiao Minghu, the director of the Municipal Bureau, also stood up from the sofa Shake hands with Lu Xiang.

"Director Xiao, we also know that the place is very remote, the traffic is not very good, and the police force of the city bureau is tense. Under such circumstances, some curfews are inevitable." The office was so angry and annoyed when it heard the news.

Because it was the fourth time that the truck of Qiantong Logistics was robbed and the employees were injured. Lu Xiang had visited the Public Security Bureau twice before to understand the situation, so he was no stranger to the leaders of the Municipal Bureau.

"Thank you for your understanding. Come on, please sit down. The leaders of the Municipal Bureau and I are also discussing how to deal with this group of bandits. You, as the victim, are just like what Director Xiao said, and you can raise any opinions." He Baoguo said to that He extended his hand to the empty sofas beside him, inviting them to sit down, and just smiled at Chen Kangjie.

After Chen Kangjie and Lu Xiang sat down, Tang Wei who brought them here just now brought two cups of tea and put them on the small wooden table between Chen Kangjie and Lu Xiang.

This meeting room is actually more like a reception room, with more than a dozen sofas forming an oval shape, with He Baoguo in the middle, a few bureau leaders on the sides, and Lu Xiang and Chen Kangjie sitting on the tail.

"In the past few days, we have sent three teams of investigators to several villages around the area where the incident occurred to carry out investigations, but none of them found any suitable suspects. The enemy is very cunning, and no tools or other tools were left behind at the scene of the crime. How many useful physical evidences are available, but judging from the on-site inspection, there should be seven or eight people on the other side, all of whom are men. In these 12 cases, most of the victims were injured by butcher knives, but judging from the damaged vehicles , the other party should have a self-made gunpowder gun, and there were small iron bead scars on the windshield and body of the vehicle. We also asked the victims, and they said they could not see the murderer clearly, and the other party covered them with handkerchiefs. face, but it can be heard that the spoken language of the other party is a local." After Chen Kangjie and the others sat down, the captain of the criminal police team looked at his small notebook and continued to introduce the case.

"Have you checked with the local police station?" He Baoguo asked, frowning.

"I've tried it, but it's useless. There are only three official police officers in the local police station, and I can't even take care of it. How can there be any information? Besides, such a serious criminal crime is beyond their responsibility," the deputy director Ding Pei replied.


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