"Master Jie, do you think those whores will jump out this time?" Pang Hui asked Chen Kangjie. 【 】

At this time, Chen Kangjie was leaning on the pile of clothes and taking a nap, the truck was shaking, and the light in the car was dim, and the pile of clothes was soft, it was easy to make people sleepy.

"I don't care if he comes or not, I'll take care of myself," Chen Kangjie replied without passion, resting his hands on his head.

In fact, Chen Kangjie was also thinking in his heart, he can only have two days in the city, he has to go back tomorrow on Sunday, and he has to go to class on Monday, so if he can't meet him today, then he can only go twice tomorrow, and he can't meet again. When the time comes, he can only go back by himself and leave it to Ding Pei and the others to continue to implement this method.

There is nothing wrong with this, the main reason is that Chen Kangjie himself is a bit unwilling. His current mentality is just a little more mature than his actual age. When he is used to a child, this dual mentality and personality will always be exchanged from time to time.

Seeing that Chen Kangjie was not in the mood to speak, Pang Hui turned his head away without saying anything. He imitated everyone lying on the clothes to rest, and did not pull out the gun.

Just when everyone thought it was an empty run again, the car suddenly stopped at a climbing corner, followed by two muffled gunpowder gunshots and the loud sound of a big stone hitting the iron car body.

Sitting in the cab, Ding Pei and his deputy Captain Qin actually thought that this trip was an empty trip, because the big slope was almost finished climbing, and there was no shadow of a thief, and the dim sun was already hanging in the distance. The sky is about to fall.

However, just as Ding Pei was turning the steering wheel to turn the last corner, two big rocks suddenly appeared in the middle of the road. gun, but the opponent's reaction was obviously faster than he expected.

The two gunpowder guns on the high ridge on the left side of the car fired first, and the iron balls that popped out made two small holes in the windshield. How much damage was caused to them, but before they recovered, a bright butcher knife with a long wooden stick pierced through the car window close to Ding Pei, and hit the hood and windshield. Seven or eight stones larger than fists came.

Ding Pei's reaction was quick, he tilted his head back, and raised his left hand reflexively.The important parts were hidden, but after the clothes were cut on the left arm, a long cut was inevitably left, and blood kept oozing out.

According to the previous routine, at this time the opponent should jump off the high ridge with a weapon in hand, then pull out the people in the cab and beat them violently or even stab them with a knife, and finally rob them after the opponent has no strength to fight back, and finally quickly Evacuate the scene.

But this time it was completely different. Chen Kangjie and the police in that class in the carriage reacted very quickly. As soon as the car stopped, everyone knew that something had happened. Only after Ding Pei got the knife, Pang Hui jumped out of the car. He drew his gun and fired three shots at the high ridge.

Others jumped out of the carriage one after another, and the first movement after landing was to lift the gun and "chug chug" upwards.

The other party was obviously stunned by this sudden change, and within a second, they completely lost their resistance, and there was no sound at all.

"Stop", Chen Kangjie yelled, "Are you okay?".

Ding Pei's right hand holding the pistol was covering the bleeding wound on his left arm and walking towards Chen Kangjie and the others. Captain Qin followed behind with his guns in his hands on guard. There was a small cut on his forehead by the windshield, which should not be too big. hinder.

"It's okay, just bandage it," Ding Pei replied, gritted his teeth, with fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

"You two help him bandage, and the others will climb up with me to have a look," Chen Kangjie naturally directed to the two armed police soldiers.

The two armed police soldiers didn't think there was anything wrong, carried their submachine guns on their shoulders, took gauze and Baiyao from a comrade-in-arms, and went to bandage Ding Pei. Captain Qin took two band-aids from them and stuck them on forehead.

This time they came out, anticipating that there might be danger, so they brought simple first aid items.

Chen Kangjie led the others around to the cornfield on the high ridge, and the first thing that hit his face was a strong smell of blood.

Chen Kangjie led Xiong Ziqiang and the other two armed police soldiers into the area to investigate the results of the battle. The others, led by Captain Qin, searched and guarded the surrounding area.

Chen Kangjie took out a handkerchief and covered his nose. There were four corpses lying in front of him, some were lying on their backs, some were lying on their stomachs, two were wearing Jiefang shoes, two were wearing black leather shoes, and the two wearing Jiefang shoes were blue trousers. Yellow tunic suits, the other two were wearing snowflake-colored double-breasted suits, and the other was wearing gray jackets. At this time, they were shot in multiple places and fell into a pool of blood. The yellow color suddenly turned blue after being soaked in blood. The man in the jacket fell backwards on his back. In addition to being shot between the eyebrows, he was shot in the chest at least three times, as if he was overturned by the thrust of the bullets.

Xiong Ziqiang and Dong Mingshu squatted down to check the condition of the injured. Chen Kangjie would never touch these filthy things.

"How is it?" Ding Pei, who had been bandaged, climbed up the ridge with the support of two armed police soldiers.

"The four injured all died, the least was shot twice, and the number was shot six more. We fired so hard that the corn stalks were all broken by the bullets. The weapons left on the ground were two pig knives. , a machete and a homemade gunpowder gun," Xiong Ziqiang stood up, wiped his hands with a handkerchief, glanced at Chen Kangjie first, and then said to Ding Pei.

"There can't be only four of them." Hearing that four of them died, Ding Pei didn't even frown. He was injured just now, so he would have no mercy at this time.

"Indeed, judging from the footprints here, there should be seven to eight people," Xiong Ziqiang replied confidently.

"Bureau D", Captain Qin ran over along the ridge with two armed policemen, "According to our investigation and analysis, someone ran from behind here, and the footprints on the ground were fresh and disorderly. Blood was found on it."

"Squad leader Huang, you take three soldiers to guard the scene, and notify the city to send people, and we will continue to chase the rest of the gangsters," Ding Pei ordered to the squad leader of the armed police.


"Let's go, let's keep chasing, we must not let these gangsters go," Ding Pei led the way out with a gun in his hand, wounded.

Xiong Ziqiang and the others stared at Chen Kangjie one by one.

"Let's go, let's follow." Chen Kangjie raised his right hand and waved it.

Chen Kangjie and the others chased for four or five kilometers along the uneven and small mountain road. It was completely dark, and everyone could only take out the flashlights they carried with them. Everyone's trousers and leather shoes were stained with mud.

Suddenly there were two clear gunshots ahead, and Xiong Ziqiang and the others quickly surrounded Chen Kangjie.

"It should be that the comrades chasing in front have engaged in fire with the opponent, we have to hurry up," Ding Pei said, taking a look at Chen Kangjie.

"Hurry up and support," Chen Kangjie responded.

Ding Pei ran in front with a few soldiers, and Xiong Ziqiang and the others also ran behind in a battle formation, but Chen Kangjie was surrounded in the middle. For this reason, Dong Mingshu and Wang Wei ran directly in the ground.

At the foot of the hill is a creek, the water is only knee deep, and there is a small bridge made of stone slabs on it. On the other side of the creek is a ridge more than one meter high. In the dam under the ridge is a large cornfield. .

Ding Pei, Chen Kangjie and the others ran down the small hillside. Under the moonlight, Captain Qin, who belonged to the advance team, and two armed police soldiers stood on the ridge by the small bridge, with their guns pointed at the cornfield. hurt.

"Ju Ding, the other party fled into the cornfield, what should we do?" Captain Qin asked Ding Pei as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Go in and catch it," Ding Pei said with determination, looking at the moonlight in the sky and the surrounding environment.

"Slow", it was Chen Kangjie who stopped him, "It's too dark, and the opponent has a weapon in his hand. What we did today will definitely make the opponent resist desperately, and the opponent is familiar with the terrain. We may not be able to please him in the cornfield." , even if you can subdue the opponent, I’m afraid it will increase unnecessary casualties.” When he said the last sentence, Chen Kangjie deliberately shot the light of the flashlight at the soldier’s injured thigh.

"Then what should I do?"

"Wrap up and shoot. This piece of corn has a radius of about [-] meters, which is within the shooting range of our weapons," Xiong Ziqiang replied instead of Chen Kangjie.

"Okay, surround and shoot randomly," Ding Pei hesitated, and then quickly gave an order facing the corn field.

At Ding Pei's order, except for him and Xiong Ziqiang standing on the small bridge with guns and accompanying Chen Kangjie, the others quickly dispersed around, and while running, pointed the weapons in their hands at the cornfield aimlessly. Xiong Ziqiang and Ding Pei also fired four shots into the cornfield.

For a moment, the dense rush of people completely disrupted the silent valley. When the flashlight was shot over, some corn stalks could be seen shaking twice before being interrupted by the middle. I don’t know which company this corn field belongs to. Tonight is destined Doomed.

Chen Kangjie and his group of 16 shot more than 3 shots into the corn field in 190 minutes, and heard two screams from the tall corn forest on the way. A lot of yellow and orange bullet casings were picked up and down the ridge.

After the shooting was over, all the flashlights shone into the corn field. No one spoke or moved. For 30 seconds, no sound was heard, and no one touched the tall corn stalks. sign.

"You can go in and search," Chen Kangjie's voice broke the silence.

"Everyone search in a fan shape, pay attention to safety, be careful," Ding Pei ordered loudly.

Chen Kangjie and the others jumped off the ridge, picked apart the corn stalks and searched slowly to the central area where they converged. They found three middle-aged men who had fallen sideways. Blood was bubbling from different parts of their bodies. To be on the safe side, Chen Kangjie and Ding Pei When approaching, the guns in the hands of the armed police soldiers were still pointing at the motionless gangsters, with their fingers holding the trigger. If the opponent made any bad moves, they would not hesitate to fire a shuttle of bullets.


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