Captain Qin squatted down and turned all those people flat on the ground. Many armed police soldiers who experienced this kind of tragedy for the first time almost wanted to vomit. The two criminal policemen and Xiong Ziqiang were naturally not among them. have seen.

One guy was shot in the forehead and the back of the head, and his whole head was almost rotten like a broken watermelon. Under the yellow light of the flashlight, there was a fusion of sticky dark red blood and tofu-like brains. The eyeball of one eye on the face was gone, and although the heads of the other two were not as bad, they also had several bullet holes thicker than a thumb.Two hands tightly held a sharp butcher's knife, and the gunpowder gun in one hand fell aside.

"Ju Ding, there is no chance of survival," Captain Qin said, standing up and rubbing his nose with the back of his hand.

"Will there be anyone who slipped through the net?" Ding Pei asked Captain Qin, taking his eyes off the three hapless guys.

Captain Qin didn't know how to answer this question, he searched here with everyone, and the sky was dark, so he didn't know if there would be someone who slipped through the net, and he didn't check the surroundings in detail yet.Rebirth: Changing the World 590

When Captain Qin was in trouble, an armed police soldier raised his hand.

"If you have anything to say, just say it directly. It's in the middle of the battle now, there are not so many rules." Director Ding stretched out his hand to signal the soldier to put his hand down.

"Yes, report. When I searched from there just now, I accidentally saw fresh blood on a corn leaf, so I suspect that someone escaped from there." The soldier still reported first and then spoke according to the rules. Shi Shi pointed behind him twice.

The side the soldier was pointing at happened to be directly opposite to where Chen Kangjie and the others were standing just now.

Although it was said that everyone surrounded the cornfield and shot freely into the cornfield just now, but because of the limited manpower and the darkness of the night, in fact they only achieved a half encirclement, and did not really achieve a full encirclement, and the one left by the half encirclement The opening happened to be the direction the soldier was pointing at, which was directly opposite Chen Kangjie and the others.

"Go, take us to see," Ding Pei ordered.

Under the leadership of that soldier, everyone bypassed the three corpses on the ground and walked towards the gap.

"It's here. I made a mark just now, everyone look." After walking more than ten meters, the soldier leading the way lifted a green corn leaf from his waist, and two drops of fresh blood could be clearly seen on it.

"It seems that there are still fish that slipped through the net." Director Ding knelt down and shone the flashlight on the ground and walked forward slowly, as if he was looking for something lost.

Everyone walked out for seven or eight meters, and Director Ding stood up and said to everyone, "From the inside to the outside, there are only a pair of fresh footprints, and I also found a drop of blood on the ground. It can be judged that there is another slip through the net."

"Is that chasing or not chasing?" Captain Qin asked.

"Although poor guys don't chase after him, if we let this guy run away like this, we won't be considered a complete victory. After chasing him, he was injured. We have traces to follow, and he can't run away." Director Ding finished speaking and looked at Chen Kangjie.

"I also support chasing. Good people will do it to the end and send the Buddha to the West." Chen Kangjie responded to Ding Pei.

Ding Pei nodded gratefully to Chen Kangjie, then turned around, "Go, we must catch him."

Under the moonlight leaking through the white clouds, and the cool spring breeze blowing in the valley, a group of people came out of the corn field one by one, and climbed towards the opposite mountain. Director Ding and Captain Qin led a few A soldier walked in front, and Chen Kangjie and the others walked behind. The flashlight kept flashing on the ground, one for illuminating the way, and the other for looking for tracking clues.

After walking on the dark mountain road for more than an hour, they climbed over a mountain and did not find the injured gangster. Judging from the various traces left by the other party on the ground, Director Ding and the others were confident that the direction of their search was not wrong.

"Stop, hands up, don't move".

"do not move".

Suddenly, Chen Kangjie and the others heard a commotion in front of them, accompanied by the sound of pulling the bolt of the gun.Rebirth: Changing the World 590

Because there was only one gangster left and he was injured again, Director Ding decided to catch this one alive.In addition, two gunpowder guns have been found on the way. From the analysis of the attack they received in the car at the beginning, the opponent should only have those two long-range weapons, so there should be no harm to the pursuers. The big danger of "sexuality" hurts, so I decided to capture it alive.

"No, don't shoot, wow... woo woo woo... Please." Before Chen Kangjie and the others approached, they heard a man begging for mercy and crying from among the surrounding military and police personnel.

Chen Kangjie pushed aside the staff and walked in. A thin and wretched middle-aged man was kneeling on the ground holding a chicken. The chicken was obviously a rooster, but it didn't make any sound.

"What are you doing?" Ding Pei snapped.

"I...I...I..." With a few guns on his forehead, the wretched man collapsed on the ground and trembled, unable to utter a complete sentence.

As soon as they got close, they could smell a smell of "piss". Chen Kangjie shot the flashlight at the man's crotch, and seeing a trickle of water flowing out, the guy was so scared that he peed on his pants.

Chen Kangjie shook his head and smiled slightly. From this point, it can be seen that this person is definitely not the person they want to chase, and the other person has no scars on his body, and he still holds a chicken in his arms. It is absolutely impossible for a road bandit to hug him leisurely at this time. Chicken.

"Say, what are you doing in the middle of the night?" Director Ding also knew that this person was not the one he was looking for, but his words did not soften.

"Comrade Gong-an, I... I'm guilty... I didn't expect you to be so quick... I just stole a chicken... Don't shoot!", the wretched man intermittently frightened Answered.

This guy named Deng Bajin is regretting his intestines now. His wife is confinement and the family is poor. He has no money to buy nutrition for his wife, so he went to Banpo Village to steal a chicken and planned to stew it for his wife tonight. But he didn't expect to see a lot of flashlights coming towards him on the way back. He thought it was someone from the village who came to arrest him, so he hid under the roadside ridge, thinking he could escape, but he didn't know that a large number of policemen and police officers were dispatched. The armed police couldn't escape and were caught.

Deng Bajin thought to himself at this moment, what the hell, I just stole a chicken, how can there be such a big fight?After thinking about it like this, the only thing left is fear. Since they dispatched so many policemen, it seems that if I am not shot, I will be sentenced to a heavy sentence. Hey, pity my newborn child.

"Stealing a chicken? Why do you steal a chicken in the middle of the night? Why is your chicken so silent?" Chen Kangjie bent down and asked.

" mother-in-law gave birth to a son, and I am poor... woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomys. .

"Don't cry", Chen Kangjie yelled, and Deng Bajin was so frightened that he quickly stopped talking, "Why are you so silent?".

"Because it's drunk," Deng Bajin looked at Chen Kangjie with a guilty conscience and said, letting tears and snot flow down his nose.

"Drunk? Can chickens get drunk?" Chen Kangjie asked with a puzzled smile.

Director Ding waved his hand, and all the guns were removed from Deng Bajin's body, only the flashlight was still pointed at him, which immediately relieved his pressure.

"I... I gave it the rice soaked in wine... I was drunk... I just carried it away." Deng Bajin raised his right hand and wiped his nose with his sleeve , said with some embarrassment.

"There is a way, hehe", Chen Kangjie put up a thumb and stood up.

"Comrade policeman... I've told you everything, go around me once, I really don't dare anymore, don't shoot me, don't sentence son is not yet a month old!", see When Chen Kangjie laughed, Deng Bajin quickly seized the opportunity and bowed to beg for mercy.

"Which house stole this chicken?" Chen Kangjie put away his smile.

"Old man Li's house at the west end of the village".Rebirth: Changing the World 590

"Brother Qiang, give me some money." Chen Kangjie turned around and extended his hand to Xiong Ziqiang.

Without asking why, Xiong Ziqiang took out 600 yuan from his pocket and handed it to Chen Kangjie.

"Keep the chicken, and use this money to buy some nutrition for your wife and children. Don't steal chickens and dogs. If it doesn't work, go to the city to find something to do." After finishing speaking, Chen Kangjie stuffed the money Put it in the purse of the other party's old yellow tunic jacket.

"You let me go?" Deng Bajin was overjoyed.

"En", Chen Kangjie nodded.

"Is this money really given to me?" Deng Bajin touched his coat and purse, feeling incredible.

"Yes, let's go."

"This...can't be true, can it?" Deng Bajin couldn't believe that there was such a big battle. Not only did he let him go, but he also gave him a large sum of money, six to seven hundred yuan. , for those who farm the land, that is the year-round income.

"If you don't leave, you might really go to jail," Chen Kangjie threatened. Chen Kangjie and the others still had to seize the time to chase down the bad guys, and they didn't have much time to chat with Deng Bajin.

Deng Bajin was so frightened that he got up from the ground, rolled and crawled out from the crowd, and ran six or seven meters away. He stopped, turned around with a sore nose, and bowed deeply to Chen Kangjie. Bow, "Thank you, thank you, thank you for your great kindness".

"Let's go, don't worry your wife and children," Chen Kangjie waved to him.

It was just a chicken thief, and it was impossible for them to catch it back, so when Chen Kangjie let Deng Bajin go, Ding Pei didn't say a word.Chen Kangjie thinks that his temperament is not bad, maybe he is just lazy. Moreover, Chen Kangjie can see from his eyes that he loves his children very much, and also loves his hard-won wife very much. For people, Chen Kangjie feels that he can help if he can, and fulfilling the happiness of others is also his own happiness.

Watching Deng Bajin staggeringly disappear at the end of the night, Ding Pei ordered a soldier to carry the drunk chicken. They planned to continue searching up the mountain and return the chicken to the old family. It is not easy for rural people to raise a chicken, maybe this is what people keep in exchange for salt.


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