rebirth of change

Chapter 591 One bowl of noodles and one cup of tea

The moon and stars were thin that night, and when Chen Kangjie and the others climbed to the Banshan Village in the middle of the mountain, it was already past twelve o'clock at night. 【 】

Although the small mountain village has been powered on, the people in the mountains go to bed early, and the whole village, which is mainly made of stone structures, is pitch black. Chen Kangjie and the others don't know which household is Old Man Li's, so they can only bite the bullet and step on the narrow stone road to the inside of the village. Walk.

After bypassing the three houses and walking tens of meters into the village, a courtyard bar appeared in the center of the small village. At the same time, the sound of dogs barking came from the surroundings one after another. The light from the wall shines through the small hole in the wall, and the sound of the TV in the room can be heard faintly.

Ding Pei took the lead and walked towards the house with a flashlight. When he reached the door, he knocked three times on the mottled and peeled wooden door that was still attached to the door god.

"Who is it?" a man's voice asked from inside the room.

"Fellow townsman, we are policemen passing by to handle the case. I want to know where old man Li's home is at the west end of the village?" Ding Pei arrived in a deep voice.

With a creak, the door opened, and an old man in his sixties appeared in front of Chen Kangjie and the others. He had gray hair, a blue tunic coat on his shoulders, a white vest that was beginning to be torn, and trousers rolled up to his knees. His trousers were tied with a strip of faded white cloth.

"Which police station are you from?", the old man glanced around the group of people outside, and asked after seeing several soldiers with guns in armed police uniforms.

"Old man, we belong to the Municipal Public Security Bureau, not the police station," Ding Pei responded cordially.

"The Municipal Public Security Bureau?... Did old man Li commit any crime?" The old man asked nervously, it seems that most of the first reactions would be like this when encountering such a situation.

"Old man Li's family didn't do anything wrong. We caught a chicken thief on the road. That person told others that the chicken he stole belonged to his family, so we sent it." Director Ding hurriedly explained the misunderstanding.

"Oh, oh, okay, hurry up and sit in the main room, it's midnight, sorry for your inconvenience", the old man heard that this was the reason, he enthusiastically invited Chen Kangjie and the others in, and shouted back at the top of his voice, " Old woman, turn on the fire and boil some water."

Coal is produced in Liushuipan, so many places do not burn firewood, but coal. Coal is relatively expensive to sell, so most of the rural areas are coal-fired noodles.You only need to add a certain amount of yellow mud to the coal noodles, add water and mix well, then you can knead it into lumps and dry it in the sun for burning, and use wet one to cover the fire at night, and you only need to leave a small air hole, so that After burning, when you get up in the morning and poke it open with tongs, the coal fire is generally still burning.

"Old man, we don't bother you. We have to deal with the case ahead. If it's convenient for you, just help us return this chicken to Old Man Li's house." When he heard that the water was going to be boiled, Ding Pei knew that he was going to Make tea to entertain them, but quickly decline.

"In the middle of the night, why do you still have to deal with the case? Even if you want to deal with the case, you have to rest your feet. You ran here just for a chicken. How can you leave without drinking some water? Come in, come in," said the old man Just drag those who are still standing at the door.

Director Ding refused, so he had to take everyone to the main room to find a bench and sit down by himself. There was a black 21-inch Konka color TV in the corner of the main room, which was playing the end of CCTV News Network.

After chasing for five or six hours in a row, several mountains have been turned over. Everyone is tired. Besides, everyone has not eaten dinner except for a meal at noon. At this time, everyone is quite hungry and thirsty. Make a cooing sound, don't even say you're hungry, at least it's good to drink a cup of hot tea when you're thirsty.

After more than a dozen people sat down, the old man turned off the TV and went to the back room for a while, and then came out to chat with Chen Kangjie and the others. After chatting, Chen Kangjie knew that the old man's surname was Wu, and he was the village head of Banpo Village. The two sons and daughter-in-law both went to work in the city, and only returned to the village to help with the crops when the farming season was busy. At home, he and his wife were the only ones with a young grandson and a young granddaughter.

On the way, several young men heard the noise and came to inquire about the situation, but they were all dismissed by the village head Wu with a few words. One young man was ordered by the village head to invite old man Li to bring his chickens.

After waiting for many minutes, the tea was still not served. Director Ding and the others were a little annoyed, and planned to get up and leave. At this moment, an old lady in an apron came out with two bowls of steaming noodles. You can also see egg flowers.

"Major Wu, what is this?" Ding Pei quickly stood up.

"I think you guys haven't had dinner yet. Rural people don't have anything to entertain. These are noodles made from our own wheat. You can eat whatever you want." Village head Wu took the noodles from his wife and handed a bowl to Ding Pei. A bowl was handed to Captain Qin beside him.

At this moment, Ding Pei felt ashamed of what he did just now, and didn't know what to say.

Although Village Chief Wu has never been to a big city outside, but with decades of life experience, Chen Kangjie and the others can't see that none of them have eaten yet, so he went to the back room to arrange for the boss to cook noodles first , After making tea, I also made a pot of egg drop soup from 7 eggs at home.

"Thank you", Ding Pei only choked out these two words from his throat.

"Eat quickly, eat quickly, there are more in the back, I'll help serve them," Village Chief Wu said with a smile and went to the back to help.

. . . . . . .

When old man Li came to Village Chief Wu's house in his coat and black cloth shoes, Chen Kangjie and the others were wolfing down a bowl of rough noodles.

Although the complexion of this kind of noodles is a bit dark, it is not as white as those made by flour factories in the city, and the soup is only green pepper egg drop soup, but for Chen Kangjie and the others at this time, it is very fragrant, and you can still smell it A quiet scent of wheat came out.

When everyone was halfway through eating, Village Chief Wu came out of the back room with a large lead pot. Glass cups with patterns of “Hi” had already been placed on the square table in front of the shrine. Hot tea.

Village head Wu poured tea, old man Li served tea, and handed cups of tea to these strangers, and to these people who they thought belonged to justice.

A bowl of noodles and a cup of tea greatly relieved Chen Kangjie's physical fatigue, and even comforted their hearts. Chen Kangjie, who is used to eating big meals and drinking tea, thinks this bowl of noodles is the most fragrant, and this cup of tea the purest.

"Village Chief Wu, Mr. Li, thank you, thank you so much," Ding Pei put down his teacup, took out his cigarettes, and handed two to the two old people, expressing his sincere thanks.

"Thank you so much. The police and civilians are one family. You have traveled so far into the mountains and are still working hard in the middle of the night. Our bowl of noodles is nothing!" Village Chief Wu said, taking the cigarette.

"If I had been here just now, that chicken should have been killed," Old Man Li said.

"You two gentlemen, it is our duty to keep the people safe." At this time, Ding Pei felt that his profession as a policeman was so sacred and so proud.

"Okay, okay, we should have more cadres like you," Village Chief Wu praised.

Chen Kangjie looked at his watch and stood up. It was almost 01:30. He glanced at Ding Pei and said to Village Chief Wu, "Master, thank you for your hospitality. We should continue on our way."

"Little comrade, aren't you old? You have worked as a police officer at such a young age. It's been hard work." Village Chief Wu held Chen Kangjie's hand with calloused hands, and said cordially and kindly.

"Should be, should be", at this time Chen Kangjie couldn't say that he hadn't graduated from junior high school, he could only be vague.

Chen Kangjie didn't take out any money to thank him this time. He knew that honest people would definitely not accept money as a gift at this time. Moreover, that kind of vulgar approach was also a tarnish for this pure emotion. Besides, Chen Kangjie If you want to thank each other, there are many ways.

"By the way, what case are you handling at such a late night?" Old man Li asked from the side.

"We are catching a ferocious robber. During the pursuit, we killed seven of them and one is still at large. This gang has committed more than a dozen crimes, robbed a lot of money and supplies, and killed and injured many people." , since he ate other people's food, Ding Pei couldn't help but answer. At the same time, he also hoped to get some useful information from the two old people.

"Those who have been paid thousands of dollars, this is how we should deal with them. Several cows in our village have been stolen." When he heard that he was a robber who not only robbed things but also killed people, old man Li was filled with righteous indignation and cursed. One complaint by the way.

"We don't have people like this in our village. Our village is small, and most of the young people have their own duties. They won't do such outrageous things. If they want to do something, they should probably be from Yangjiapo on the other side of the mountain." Village Chief Wu Additional analysis.

"We already have clues. The missing person is injured. If he can't run far, we will definitely be able to arrest him. As for the loss of cattle in the village, we will help you investigate after we complete the case." Ding Pei said.

"That's a good relationship, that's a good relationship," Old Man Li said with a happy smile.

Now Ding Pei still doesn't know that after he solved the robbery case, the cow-stealing case was also solved by the way, because the two cases were committed by the same group. It was too slow to change to become a road bandit, especially after two successes, and he stopped doing those things of stealing cattle and stealing horses, and directly concentrated on the profession of road bandit.

"Master, let's go now. There is some money here. It's our kindness. Please accept it." Ding Pei saw that Chen Kangjie didn't take out the money like he let go of the thief just now. He took out the only 70 yuan he had on his body and planned to give it to Village Chief Wu.

"Why are you doing this? Am I trying to get your money? Take it back, take it back," Village Chief Wu said displeasedly, and then pushed Ding Pei's hand holding the money back.


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