rebirth of change

Chapter 592 A New Grave

It is impossible for Village Chief Wu to accept Ding Pei's money. Ding Pei refused several times, and it was not until the old man became angry that Ding Pei reluctantly put the money back into his pocket. 【 】

Before going out, one by one thanked the two old people gratefully, and the two old people also thanked them, just because of the chicken, and because they went to catch the fugitive after one o'clock in the night.

After leaving Village Chief Wu's house, everyone walked out of the village along the way they came. They were going to continue to follow the clues just now.Although Village Chief Wu said that the person most likely belonged to Yangjiapo, as a policeman, that can only be a reference, and it can only be a choice in unavoidable situations. At present, you still have to believe in your tracking ability.

Walking out of the village, according to some small clues left by the criminals, the tracking team went around the vegetable field in front of Banpo Village. On a cluster of melon and vine leaves on the edge of the ridge, the armed police soldiers in front found blood again. Criminals did not dare to enter the village when they passed by, but went around directly.

On the quiet mountain, there is a hint of coolness in the fresh air, and dewdrops have begun to gather on the weeds by the roadside. A group of people with flashlights, accompanied by Lonely Moon, are walking on the mountain paths and fields.

After turning over two mountains and crossing two small streams, the belly of the fish was already exposed in the sky. After searching all night, they still haven't found the escaped guy.

"F*ck, this **** will go to the sky and escape to the earth?" After walking up and down the mountain road for another four hours, everyone was exhausted, Captain Qin sat down on a big rock by the side of the road and cursed .

"Everyone take a break," Ding Pei also sat down casually on the side of the road, "Our search should be right, that's for sure, maybe we lost time in Banpo Village, and in order to find clues carefully , walk more slowly, and it will be much better at dawn."

Chen Kangjie, the others, and the armed police soldiers sat down and rested unsteadily on rocks and dirt.

"What do you think?" Chen Kangjie leaned under a roadside tree and asked Xiong Ziqiang and the others beside him.

Those who come from the special forces will only have stronger tracking capabilities than these criminal police and armed police, so Chen Kangjie asked for their opinions.

"Just now I have been walking in front with the three soldiers. According to my observation, as Director Ding said, our path is not wrong, but there is one thing to add. It should be more than two hours since the gangster left here, and the other party should The injury was serious," said Pang Hui, sitting in the middle of the road with his legs crossed and a piece of grass in his mouth.

"Why?" Captain Qin asked.

"This is analyzed from the solidification degree of the blood left by the other party, and the smell left by the other party has almost dissipated. When I observed the other party's footprints, I found a right hand in several places within reach. This shows that the gangster can no longer walk upright well, and the injury should be on the left side. The reason why the left handprint was not found is that the left hand is probably covering the wound." Pang Hui spat out the chewed grass leaves, trying He tried to smoke, but after a long time he couldn't find a single cigarette.

"I have it", Dong Mingshu took out half a pack of expensive cigarettes from his body, took out one and handed it to Pang Hui, "Who else wants it?".

Most of these people smoked. After one round, Dong Mingshu's half-pack of cigarettes was gone. Chen Kangjie wanted to buy one, but Dong Mingshu's cigarette case was empty, so he had to give up.

"I can't see that your tracking ability is so strong." Ding Pei only knew that they were not wrong, but he couldn't tell the time when the gangster left and analyze the opponent's injury from the subtle fingerprints like Pang Hui.

"Hehe, these are all trained by the army," Pang Hui said casually with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Jie Shao, it's almost dawn, we have to hurry up, and you have to go back today," Xiong Ziqiang, who was sitting next to Chen Kangjie, reminded.

"Well, I understand," Chen Kangjie nodded.

. . . . . . .

After smoking a cigarette, everyone got up and went on the road again. The light was getting brighter and brighter. Half an hour later, it was already daylight.

Although the tracking team worked continuously for a day and a whole night, and they were exhausted physically, they still accelerated their pace a lot.

At [-]:[-] in the morning, Chen Kangjie and the others came to a large village, which was exactly what Village Chief Wu said about Yangjiapo. Some people in the village had already woken up and started to work on the mountain. Chickens and dogs were barking and cows were mooing. It was an idyllic scene of a revived mountain village.

The tracking clues also disappeared here. Ding Pei and the others speculated that the murderer's hometown should be here. With such speculation, they believed that they would be able to find this person out of the village.

Ding Pei, Captain Qin walked in front with an armed policeman, pushed open the half-hidden wooden door of a small stone-walled courtyard on the right, and saw a man in his 30s squatting on the entrance of the porch, eating breakfast with a bowl of noodles. A small ox is grazing.

Seeing a group of uninvited guests coming in, all of them with guns, the middle-aged man stood up quickly, "You... what are you doing?".

The middle-aged population still has half a mouthful of noodles in their mouths, coupled with nervousness, their speech is somewhat slurred.

"My fellow, don't be nervous, don't be nervous, we're just inquiring about the situation," Ding Pei stepped forward and said kindly.

"Oh, what's the matter?" The middle-aged man casually put the bowl on the rough stone bench beside him, wiped his mouth with his hands indiscriminately, and quickly swallowed half of the noodles in his mouth.

"Ah Gui, what's the matter?" At this time, a young woman in calico with a dirty apron came out quickly from the inner hall.

"It's okay, it's okay, you go and do your work," Agui casually sent his mother-in-law back.

After the woman returned to the inner hall in three steps in doubt, Ding Pei asked, "We are chasing a robber, and he disappeared when we chased him to your village. Did you find anything this morning? I hope you will cooperate." us".

"Robbers?...No, I've only been up for more than half an hour, and...I didn't find anything." The middle-aged man frowned while thinking and answered in a low voice.

"Think about it again."

"There's really nothing wrong with it, but if you're catching robbers..." The middle-aged man didn't say any more at the end.

"What's the matter?" Ding Pei felt that the other party should know something, so he asked.

Agui hesitated and wanted to say something, but his wife came out again at this time, "Agui, hurry up and go up the mountain after eating, the land on the east will be finished today, don't talk nonsense if you shouldn't say something, You can't afford to mess with people."

"Oh, oh, oh, Comrade Public Security, I'm sorry, I don't know anything, I'm going up the mountain", Agui changed his words repeatedly, the expression on his face seemed to be really afraid of someone.

Since people don't want to talk about it, Ding Pei and the others can't make things difficult for them. They quit the family. As soon as they quit, they heard the woman inside scolding the man: "Can we provoke the sons of the Zhai family? If it weren't for me I stopped you just now, maybe you got into trouble."

Ding Pei and the others asked two more questions in succession, but the situation was similar, and they did not get any substantive information.

"It seems that this family surnamed Zhai is not easy to mess with. Everyone in the village is afraid. Let's not care whether the robbers have anything to do with this family. Now everyone will search the whole village separately to see if they can find useful information. A soldier and I Let's go to the village chief." On the gravel road in the village, Ding Pei made arrangements.

Aside from Ding Pei and the soldier, the remaining 14 people were divided into three groups and searched everywhere in front of and behind the village.

Chen Kangjie was in a group with Xiong Ziqiang, Tan Jun, Wang Wei, and Dong Mingshu. Pang Hui was arranged to lead a group of three other armed police fighters. Captain Qin led the remaining four armed police fighters in a group. around the village.

At this time, the village was already bustling with activity, and the news spread. Everyone knew that a team of policemen with guns and armed police soldiers with submachine guns had come to the village and were arresting a fugitive from robbery.The villagers seem to have reached some kind of tacit understanding. Everyone seems to understand where the incident happened, but they are all silent, and those who want to go up to the mountain to work temporarily give up, and they all wait for the answer in the village.

Yangjiapo Village is on a small hill with some uneven ups and downs.

"We go west".

"Jie Shao, did you find anything?"

"Not now, but my intuition tells me that Xiangxi should be rewarding," Chen Kangjie said.

Chen Kangjie and the others carefully observed through the entire village, and found nothing of value when they came outside the village. At this moment, they were standing by a vegetable field.

"Strange, is my intuition wrong?" Chen Kangjie scratched his head and said to himself.

"Jie Shao, your intuition is right," Xiong Ziqiang replied.

"How can I see it?"

"Didn't you notice that there are many loess shoe prints on the ground on the way we came?" Xiong Ziqiang asked back.

"Loess shoe prints? It's normal to leave some shoe prints when you come back from the village or pick vegetables from the vegetable field."

"The problem is that those shoe prints are very new. Who would come back from the mountains so early, and who would come back from the vegetable field so early?".

"You mean... let's go, let's disperse a little bit and continue to search outside to see if there are any new discoveries," Chen Kangjie said, stepping into the vegetable field and walking forward.

At the same time, Ding Pei was communicating with an old village head wearing reading glasses in a big tiled house in the village. The Jiefang shoes of a young man were covered with yellow fresh soil, and he was a little nervous standing aside.

When Ding Pei and the others questioned, the village chief Zhai didn’t know what to ask, and his attitude was very uncooperative with the police’s work. Coupled with the previous information, Ding Pei felt that there was something wrong with the village chief, so he didn’t intend to leave. Waiting for information from the other three teams.

Chen Kangjie and the others walked forward across the vegetable field. There was a small pine forest in front of them. When passing through the pine forest, they could find that the wormwood on the ground had obviously been trampled not long ago, and there was still a lot of soil left on the leaves of the wormwood.

After they came out of the pine forest, a new grave was piled up on a small piece of open space. It was very simple, without a tombstone, no stones, and no white flags. It was just a mound of dirt, which made people feel strange and confused.


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