"Brother Dong, go and call the others, oh, by the way, let Director Ding and the others bring the village chief together." Chen Kangjie walked around the very strange new grave for half a circle, and told Dong Mingshu . 【 】

"Jie Shao, do you think that's missing here?" Wang Wei asked.

"When we were resting halfway, Tan Jun said that the person was seriously injured, so it is not ruled out that the person may not be revived after arriving home," Chen Kangjie said, staring at the new grave.

"What are you going to do?" Xiong Ziqiang stood beside Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie hesitated for a moment, "digging the grave".

"Digging graves? Master Jie, digging someone's grave in the countryside is a big taboo!"

"Leave this question to Ding Pei. The public security organs handle the case. They can dig up the grave, unless the whole village can prove who is buried here," Chen Kangjie replied.

After a while, Dong Mingshu rushed here with other people, and the village head Zhai and the young man were also brought here by escorts.

"What's going on?" Ding Pei stood at the front of the grave and looked at it for a while, before asking Chen Kangjie.

"I have to ask the village chief what's going on, old village chief, who is buried here?" Chen Kangjie glanced at Ding Pei, then walked towards Village Chief Zhai, looking directly at him and said.

"Comrade Public Security, this is an old man from our village who died here and was buried here." The old village chief didn't seem too nervous, but the boy's footsteps were a little unnatural.

"An old man? What is his name? How old is he?" Chen Kangjie asked pressingly.

"This... this...", Village Chief Zhai frowned, hesitating, not knowing how to answer.

"As the village head, you don't know the name of the dead man sold next to the village, do you?" Chen Kangjie didn't give him too much time to think.

"The old man's name is Tao Shengli. He is 68 years old and died yesterday." Village head Zhai rolled his eyes and was finally able to speak smoothly.

"Oh, Tao Shengli, 68 years old, hehe, I don't think you can say that an old man dies on the same day and is buried on the same day? Is this the custom in your village? Do you think we are stupid?" Chen Kangjie felt that the answer he made up was too much. childish.

"That's because he was bitten by a mad dog and died of rabies. In order to prevent the disease from spreading to others, he was buried right then and there." He didn't panic and blushed.

"Is that so?" Chen Kangjie turned to the boy, and when he asked him, his eyes naturally glanced at the other's shoes unnaturally.

"Yes, yes, that's how it is," the young man nodded and replied with flickering eyes.

"Hehe, can you tell me who participated in the burial?" Chen Kangjie smiled, he was really amused by the old and young couple, and he could open his eyes and talk nonsense in front of the police.

"Then I don't know," the boy lowered his head.

"I think you will know." Chen Kangjie turned to face Ding Pei, "Director Ding, I think it is necessary to invite a few more people from the village to confront him."

"Okay, Captain Qin, take the two of you and go to the village to call a few more people," Ding Pei stepped forward and instructed Captain Qin.

In fact, Captain Qin didn’t need to invite them at all. When Dong Mingshu went to call them just now, many people from the village followed them. They were in the small woods. Some of the small woods were at the entrance of the village, whispering in twos and threes. Children Running around.

Five minutes later, Captain Qin and two armed police soldiers came over with four men. Behind them, there were dozens of people, men, women and children. Among them was the couple named Agui who Ding Pei pushed the door for the first time. .

"Several, don't be nervous. We invite you here just to verify the situation. Who knows who is buried in this new grave?" It was Chen Kangjie who asked the question just now, and now Chen Kangjie has not robbed Director Ding. own job.

"Buried inside is Tao Shengli...".

"Shut up, I didn't ask you," Ding Pei yelled at Village Chief Zhai who was rushing to answer.

With Ding Pei's sudden rage, the village chief was so frightened that he shut up and stopped talking. He just kept scanning the four honest villagers from his village.

"Okay, tell me," Ding Pei continued to ask the four people with a pleasant face.

The four of you looked at me, I looked at you, and then looked at Village Chief Zhai, but no one said a word.

"Don't you know who is in the grave?" Ding Pei asked again.

"I don't know, I don't know," an honest farmer answered almost simultaneously with a wave of his hand.

"Well, someone was buried at the entrance of the village. The village chief knows who it is, but your fellow villagers don't. It's meaningful and interesting." Ding Pei didn't continue to embarrass the four villagers. Who buried it, didn’t you want to talk just now, then tell me who buried it?”.

"It was buried by a foreigner, but he has already left." Village head Zhai didn't know that his lie was hard to substantiate.

"Then who are the family members of the old man Tao Shengli?" Ding Pei continued to lean on the village head Zhai.

"He is a widowed old man with no relatives."

"After a long time, you are the only one who knows about this situation? There is no proof?" Ding Pei's words at this time were completely joking, rather than asking a real question.

"Well... yes," Village Chief Zhai said firmly after a little hesitation.

"Is there a man named Tao Shengli in your village?" Ding Pei turned around and asked loudly to the surrounding crowd.

Silence, no reply.

"Does anyone know the situation of the old man named Tao Shengli in the village?" Ding Pei asked loudly again, but there was still no response, only the numb expressions of everyone and the ugly face of village head Zhai.

"Captain Qin, bring a few fellow villagers back to the village, find some hoes and shovels, and dig the grave." Ding Pei's expression was very grim at this moment.

"You, you, you can't..." When he heard that the grave was going to be dug, Village Chief Zhai's expression became very frightened.

"Catch it," Ding Pei roared in disgust before Village Chief Zhai finished speaking.

Two armed police soldiers quickly pressed village chief Zhai with his backhand and handcuffed him. He was so frightened that he stood there motionless.

"You are deceiving people too much. Death is a big deal. Digging people's graves is not justified. Folks, you can't look at them like this! Stop them." Village head Zhai was handcuffed, still bewitching and howling .

What disappointed him was that the villagers who were usually obedient to him didn't speak or act at this time. They just looked at him like a monkey. The villagers were not scared by the guns in the police's hands.

"If it is really Tao Shengli's tomb, then it is indeed against the law of heaven, but when he said this, Ding Pei deliberately aggravated his voice, "If old man Tao Shengli was not inside, I think you are against the law of heaven, covering up crimes and obstructing others. Public duties are punishable as well.”

Now village head Zhai bowed his head and stopped talking, and soon Captain Qin and the others came here with three shovels and three hoes.

"Ju Ding, do you really want to dig?" Captain Qin asked.

"Dig, I am responsible for the accident."

After getting an affirmative answer, Captain Qin led three soldiers to dig up, and Dong Mingshu also went up to pick up a shovel to help.

Because the burial was simple, the digging was also simple. In just a few minutes, five young and middle-aged men dug out a young corpse from the mound, wearing black pants, a black jacket, no shoes, a small crew cut, clothes and There were still blood stains on the trousers.

Pang Hui stepped forward and tore off his clothes to see that there was an obvious gunshot wound on the left abdomen, "It's definitely him."

"Is this the old man Tao Shengli you mentioned? 68 years old? Tell me, who is this?" Ding Pei beckoned to bring Village Chief Zhai over and asked sharply.

"Yes...it's Zhai's fourth son." Seeing that he could no longer hide it, Village Chief Zhai had no choice but to tell the truth.

"Who is Zhai's fourth son?".

"It's my brother's youngest son."

. . . . . .

After interrogation, it turned out that village head Zhai had two brothers, the elder brother was cruel and the younger brother was cunning.The eldest son has four sons, his personality is just like his father’s, he likes to make trouble, and he is ruthless. He usually shows off his power in the village and bullies the neighbors. There are seven or eight families in the village who have been beaten by his family. Bed, in Yangjiapo, originally there were many people with the surname Yang, but they couldn't stand the viciousness of the five members of the Zhai family. He became the current head of Zhai Village.

Village head Zhai’s sister-in-law couldn’t stand his elder brother’s punches and kicks in the early years, and she had secretly run away from Yangjiapo for more than ten years. His elder brother went out to fight with people eight years ago and was beaten to death in another place. His four sons were handed over to Zhai Village. long-term care.

Among the eight people who were killed in the robbery this time, four of them were the four brothers of the Zhai family, and the other four were desperate gangsters gathered by them from other places. Village head Zhai also shared the benefits of coming.

Village head Zhai has no daughters and no children. His wife has passed away. All three daughters are married in other villages. The 16-year-old boy was his adopted son. Zhai's fourth son died shortly after arriving home in the middle of the night last night because of a gunshot wound. Needless to say, Village Chief Zhai knew the reason, so he and his adopted son secretly carried Zhai Laosi here and buried him.

Now, after this battle, the Zhai family is considered to be destroyed. It really confirms the old saying that if you do many injustices, you will die yourself. Because the village chief is an accomplice and guilty of covering up, he wants to be taken back for interrogation. The young man was originally picked up as an adopted son, so he was also sent to the orphanage in the city. There were still a large number of looted materials in the attic of the Zhai family's old house, which had also been seized at this time.

After learning what happened and knowing that the Zhai family had been destroyed, someone in the village actually set off firecrackers to celebrate. In the past few years, under the suppression of the Zhai family, the villagers lived cautiously. The village chief was pocketing his own money, and when Village Chief Zhai was escorted out of the village, the villagers threw eggs and cursed along the road.

In the end, the adopted son of Village Chief Zhai also confessed that before they robbed the car, they mainly stole cattle and horses. He knew that several cattle were sold in neighboring villages. The subordinates here will do it.


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