rebirth of change

Chapter 594 Two happy events

Chen Kang was outstanding, and it only took two days to solve the whole case. Eight criminals were shot dead and one accomplice was arrested. It was a complete victory. 【 】

All public officials who participated in the cracking of the case were later commended, ranging from third-class merit to second-class merit. Ding Pei, who was injured on duty, received a second-class merit plus ten days of recuperation leave. His career has been brilliant, but Chen Kangjie and the others didn't get anything, instead they were criticized when they returned to the city.

"Xiaojie, you scared your godmother to death. How could you do such a dangerous thing? You are too ignorant. If you have any accident, how can I explain to your parents?", at noon Chen Kangjie walked into He's house covered in plaster, and Zhao Yuexiang rushed over to look at him all over, scolding him non-stop.

Last night, Chen Kangjie didn't come home all night, he couldn't get through the phone, and he didn't know where he was going, which made Zhao Yuexiang very worried.

At first He Baoguo was able to hide it, but at 12 o'clock at night, Chen Kangjie hadn't come back yet. Under Zhao Yuexiang's repeated urging and threats, He Baoguo finally revealed the truth.

Knowing that Chen Kangjie was going to catch the ferocious road bandits who were making troubles all over the city during this time, Zhao Yuexiang scolded He Baoguo bloody. In fact, He Baoguo was also worried about Chen Kangjie's safety, so he could only bear with Zhao Yuexiang's anger.

After being notified by the armed police soldiers who stayed on the road, He Baoguo asked the Public Security Bureau to send two pairs of troops to support, and the armed police dispatched two more squads. However, because they didn't know the tracking route and direction of Chen Kangjie and the others, they didn't go all night. After finding them, it wasn't until today that Chen Kangjie and the others took the initiative to return to the city that they knew they were done.

He Baoguo and Zhao Yuexiang didn't sleep all night, and a hanging heart didn't settle down until they saw Chen Kangjie standing in front of them intact.

"Godmother, don't you think I'm doing well, how can I do anything to those little thieves?" Chen Kangjie patted his chest with a smile, looking like a man.

"Whether he's a small thief or a big thief, that's none of your business. Some people can't solve the case, so I'll let you do it. If it's me, I'll just buy a piece of tofu and beat him to death." The anger has not completely dissipated, and when he said this, he glanced at He Baoguo who was on the side.

"Godmother, I voluntarily asked to go, don't blame godfather, besides, I'm not a baby now, I'm a man, and I'm going to high school soon." Chen Kangjie excused why Baoguo was seeking truth from facts.

"Look, I'll just say it, that's what he's really going for, and if I don't let it, I'll be ridiculed for breaking my word." He Baoguo stood up from the sofa with a smile.

"You have the nerve to say it."

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, I'm guilty, can't I repent?" He Baoguo hastily raised his hands as if willing to bow down, but he had a playful smile on his face.

"Godmother, let's get something to eat, I'm so hungry," Chen Kangjie said embarrassingly, clutching his stomach.

"Oh, that's right, look at me." Zhao Yuexiang straightened up immediately, "Go take a shower and change clothes first, and the godmother will get you something to eat."

"Okay, thank godmother."

"Can I go out to work now?" He Baoguo asked for instructions.

"Whether you want to go or not, hurry up." Zhao Yuexiang, who walked quickly to the kitchen door, turned around and said something, and went into the kitchen to get food for Chen Kangjie.

"See, what a scapegoat I'm taking for this matter!".

"I'll solve the big case for you, so what's the point of taking the blame for you? Ha ha."

"You boy", He Baoguo said to Chen Kangjie, and then went out with a helpless smile.

Although the case is said to be solved, there are still many things to deal with. At least the policeman Mayor He who came back from handling the case has to go to express his condolences.

When Chen Kangjie came down from the upstairs to take a shower and change clothes, Zhao Yuexiang had already prepared a piece of celery beef, a piece of sauerkraut with bacon, a steamed small yellow croaker and a mushroom egg soup. These were originally prepared for Chen Kangjie to eat last night, but he did not return all night , He Baoguo and Zhao Yuexiang were worried that he didn't eat much, and they didn't go out to buy vegetables this morning, so they just warmed it up.

"Godmother, come, you eat together."

"I wasn't hungry just now, but now I'm really hungry." Zhao Yuexiang took out two bowls and sat at the dining table with Chen Kangjie to eat. As for He Baoguo, Zhao Yuexiang didn't care about him when he went out. Anyway, a mayor won't be hungry anywhere. .

. . . . . .

In the end, only the village chief Zhai was sentenced to three and a half years in prison in this case. As for those who died, there was no need for a trial. However, in order to enhance the deterrent effect, the cracking process of this case was printed in many pages by the court and the Public Security Bureau. The documents were stamped with official seals, and pasted on the doors of various government agencies, schools, and township offices. After reading it, the common people cheered and praised the police. Everyone was wiped out by the extinction of their children and grandchildren. Don't make a joke. Facts have proved that the police are merciless in fighting crime.

Of course, the glorious deeds in these documents focus on the police and armed police soldiers led by Ding Pei. Chen Kangjie and the others did not mention their names, but only mentioned "with the assistance and strong support of the enthusiastic masses". Regarding this, Everyone in the know knows it well, and Chen Kangjie doesn't care about it. If he is really written up, he will protest, and it will make him face Ma Fangqin's storm.Although it was not written externally, there is still a detailed introduction in the internal file, which was written by Ding Pei himself.

Before returning to the six cats, Chen Kangjie asked Lu Xiang to go to the hospital again to comfort the staff, and told them the good news, so that they would be happy too, so that maybe their bodies could recover faster.

After returning to Liuzhi, Chen Kangjie did not forget the bowl of noodles and cup of tea in Banpo Village.

A few days later, someone from the Huatang Foundation went to Banpo Village and delivered ten color TV sets and a set of satellite TV receivers. They also wanted to build a nursing home for the village and a rural road connected to the city for free to solve their problems. At the same time, it provides ten-year tuition fees for the young people in the village who are still in school.

For this big pie that fell from the sky, Village Chief Wu and the whole village were inexplicably surprised. They really didn't understand how it all happened. Without any explanation, just say that this is a charity they should do. Village Chief Wu probably couldn't think of it all because of his bowl of fragrant egg flower noodles and that cup of pure camellia water.

From then on, Chen Kangjie always felt that he would never eat such delicious noodles and drink such thirst-quenching tea again.

This was not the only thing that surprised the villagers of Banpo Village. Another week later, the five cows that were stolen from the village came back. They were delivered by the police from the township police station. I patted the strong body of my cow and shed tears. The cow is the real strong labor force of the rural people.

As for those who are greedy for low prices and pay for stolen cattle, they can only consider themselves unlucky. Buying stolen goods and not holding them accountable is already considered as benevolent and righteous.

. . . . . .

Just after May 60st International Labor Day, Chen Kangjie received two good news. The first one is that Sunshine Electric Company finally cracked Yanwu's vcd and produced the first prototype. They have entrusted an agency company to apply for domestic and foreign applications. Nearly [-] countries and regions have patent rights. As for countries like the Vatican and Sao Tome and Principe, there is no need to apply. The countries are too small. law application.

Regarding this question, I have to say that Chen Yuchang, Gaobo and Sunrise Electric Co., Ltd. are very lucky. Just a week after they submitted their patent applications to major countries and institutions, Philips and Sony will also buy prototypes from Yanwu. If they crack it successfully, if they are a week later, this big cake will have nothing to do with them.

The technical reserves of big companies are not really covered. Rising Sun Company got the prototype one and a half months earlier than those big companies, but it was only one week later than them. This shows that Rising Sun Company’s technical strength is still very rudimentary. It should be a month in advance, or even more time. <'s father, Sun Yansheng, and his domestic partners would think and feel disappointed when they learned that the new product that they worked so hard to develop and plan to show off was patented by others, Chen Kangjie was a little helpless, anyway, cheap foreigners are not as good as Cheap Chinese, besides, Rising Sun has no plan to collect their patent fees in the future, so that they can be on the same starting line as themselves.

The second good news is that the six movie theaters, like the major theaters across the country, will simultaneously screen the powerful American blockbuster "True Lies" on May 5.

Although Chen Kangjie knew in advance that his first movie would be released in China on May 5rd, according to the usual practice, the six small places like this would always be half a beat behind. The so-called simultaneous release is mainly in those big cities. As for whether it was a deliberate arrangement by the production company and the distribution agency China Film Corporation, Chen Kangjie does not know, because so far, Li Li is the only person in Miramax who knows that Chen Kangjie is in the six. Knowing that he is in China, as for where exactly, I don't know at all.

China Film Corporation set the domestic ticket price of Chen Kangjie’s movie at 25 RMB, which is much lower than other countries. For example, the price in the United States is 60 US dollars, and the price in Hong Kong is [-] Hong Kong dollars. However, for Chinese people For people, this price is still a bit expensive, after all, everyone's income level is generally not high.

Regardless of the price, Chen Kangjie will support his own movie no matter what. He has already bought 2 movie tickets on the 3nd at 75pm on the [-]rd. He intends to invite all his partners and classmates to appreciate his First film work.


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