rebirth of change

Chapter 596 Negative Effect

"Wow, that's awesome, fighter jets can take off and land vertically, and one agent can kill so many people." Walking out of the movie theater, many people were still immersed in excitement. 【 】

"That is the United States, the most developed country in the world, what is impossible."

"Are you saying that the bad guy was actually attached to a missile to destroy the helicopter? How did that happen?".

"No way? It's still dead to make a movie, so who would dare to act in a movie?".

"That sexy dance was really... tsk tsk tsk, it made me feel like my body was on fire, it was so fucking exciting", the guy who said this probably often had erotic dreams.

"Hahaha, are you old-fashioned? Then if you watch "When the Peach Is Ripe" and "Miss Public Relations", you will drown yourself in drooling!".

. . . . . .

"This director is really good. Why add such a pornographic performance to a good gunfight movie?" Fan Xuexi, who was descending the steps, muttered dissatisfiedly, listening to other people's comments.

"I think it's pretty good, it's pretty." Ma Wei obviously disagreed with Fan Xuexi's opinion.

"I think you are a pervert." What Ma Wei got was a comment that made him very depressed.

"Actually, it's just an artistic embellishment. Besides, people don't show anything, they just dress sexy. In the West, it's normal." As a director, Chen Kangjie had to defend himself.

"I also think it's nothing, it's art, and this can enhance the suddenness in the back." Deng Min, who was holding Fan Xuexi's arm, didn't know whether it was because of what Chen Kangjie said, or if he really thought so, and acted calmly.

"Xiao Min, I think you have learned badly too." Fan Xuexi didn't expect that Deng Min would not stand in the same camp as her.

"Haha, if a movie is bad, people all over the world will learn bad." Chen Kangjie said very disapprovingly, what is this, in a few years, how many people have not seen Japanese AV.

. . . . . .

After the show, Chen Kangjie and a few close classmates drank a bowl of ice powder in the street garden and then went home. When they reached the gate of the community, Xiong Ziqiang handed him the big brother.

"President Ouyang called just now. I said you were watching a movie, but he said he would call again later."

"Okay, give me the phone, I'll answer it at home later."

Chen Kangjie had just taken a shower and climbed into bed when he got home when Ouyang Zhenhua called.

"Jie Shao, have you finished watching the movie?" Ouyang Zhenhua on the other end of the phone was grinning.

"Hey, I'm afraid that the box office will be too bleak and there will be no place to put my face, so I will contribute a little to myself," Chen Kangjie said with self-deprecation.

"Don't be humble, how could the box office be dismal. It was released simultaneously in 4 theaters across the United States on April 25, and the box office exceeded 2368 million US dollars in just one week. It is well-deserved the box office champion of the week, and the number of viewers is not now. If the Canadian box office is added, Jon Gordon predicts that the box office in North America alone can almost cover the cost," Ouyang Zhenhua reported to Chen Kangjiehui.

Chen Kangjie himself doesn't care much about the box office, but Ouyang Zhenhua has to pay attention. Of course, the purpose is not how much money he can earn from watching Chen Kangjie's movies, but he thinks this is what he should do. As a good subordinate, he must learn to care For matters related to the boss himself that the boss doesn't care much about, it's best to let the boss understand his behavior unintentionally.

"It looks good to open the door. I watched it today, and the domestic audience responded enthusiastically. It should also achieve good results in China." Chen Kangjie is actually quite happy that his work can be recognized and accepted by the audience. Yes, as a director, every step of the work is like his own child, and everyone hopes that his child can be liked by everyone.

"Have you seen the comments of American film critics and media?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked.

"Can I see me?" Chen Kangjie replied angrily.

""Chicago Sun" said that 'on the basis of special effects, the special effects and actions in the film are satisfying', and the famous New York film critic Harrison Seaman wrote in the "New York Times" that 'the director of this film I don’t know, but combined with the script, this film’s position in the history of action films is already unshakable, and the director will definitely occupy a place in the field of action films in the future’, “Los Angeles Times” interviewed James Cameron, Cameron said This movie reflects the unknowability of human nature. He said that he likes Schwarzenegger's portrayal of spies. On the one hand, he is an ordinary family member; on the other hand, he is an incredible agent; more importantly Yes, he's a superstar again, which means more is expected of him. The Washington Post and the Baltimore Sun also said the film was a nod to American culture and values , while pursuing thrills and thrills, it is also full of humor and humor, and it is also a performance....."

"Come on, come on, that's enough, it seems that most of the comments are positive." Chen Kangjie knew that Ouyang Zhenhua was probably reading with a piece of paper, so he interrupted him, good news, just listen to a few, listen to more If you don't, you will be complacent, not knowing what to say, and in the end you will be complacent.

"Wow, to be honest, Master Jie, I didn't expect you to achieve such an achievement in your first movie. A genius is a genius. It's unbelievable. It's unbelievable. You just learned from Liu Weiqiang. God, I doubt it." If that guy knows that this movie is made by you, he will have to hit the wall. It is common for an apprentice to surpass the master, but I have never seen it surpassed so quickly and so well," said Ouyang Zhenhua on the phone inexplicably excitedly.

"Don't forget, I wrote the script. It will be much easier to shoot the script written by myself," Chen Kangjie said boldly, "As for saying that I am better than Liu Weiqiang, it is a bit unrealistic. Our perspectives are different. The shooting of the movie The environment is different, the funds are different, and besides, I have the help of many world-class filmmakers to achieve this small achievement." Chen Kangjie still maintained a certain level of sobriety, and he didn't know the south, east, and west without being praised a few times, and he was at ease.

"As the saying goes, humility makes people progress, and pride makes people lag behind. Admire, admire." Ouyang Zhenhua smiled and flattered Chen Kangjie.

"Don't flatter me. I have a few catties. I know very well that if you call me at night, you don't just want to tell me these good news and compliments. If so, you can go to sleep ", Chen Kangjie still has a certain understanding of Ouyang Zhenhua's style of work.

"Jie Shao, the popularity of your movie is not all good news." Ouyang Zhenhua put away the jokes and flattery, and said seriously.

"Isn't it all good news? Is there any bad news? Tell me," Chen Kangjie felt tense. Could it be that making a movie by himself caused big trouble?

"It's not entirely bad news, it shouldn't affect the overall situation of the film," Ouyang Zhenhua first turned a corner in his words.

"Oh, let's get straight to the point, man, I'm itching to wait," Chen Kangjie urged impatiently.

"There have been protests and demonstrations in Washington." Ouyang Zhenhua directly pointed out the key theme in one sentence.

"Protests in Washington? Protest against my movie? What's going on?" Chen Kangjie was a little confused, is this useful?

"Yes, yesterday afternoon there was a demonstration in front of a movie theater in Washington DC, and two or 300 people protested in front of Miramax. The protesters demanded that the film be stopped," said Ouyang Zhenhua. What came out was not one demonstration, but two protests.

"Damn, I never thought about it, isn't it just a movie, it has risen to the height of the ethnic group, these guys can really deal with it", Chen Kangjie never expected that there would be such an impact, and he couldn't really Some people will discriminate against people from the Middle East. This is all unintentional.

"It's not just here that is affected. This kind of small-scale protests and demonstrations can't cause any big waves. The mainstream media in the United States has not reported it. It will not have a big change in the North American box office market. However, the box office in regions outside North America may It will be reduced a bit.”

"Which aspect is affected?".

"Scott and the others have found several distribution companies, and they have opened up distribution channels in major regions of the world, but in the entire Middle East and Arab countries, none of the distribution companies can distribute and show this film. The pressure from the government, according to the current work statistics, at least 50 countries will not be able to screen this film in the end, and this is the area that will be affected. After a preliminary assessment, it may reduce the income of about 3500 million US dollars.” The last paragraph, This is the core of what Ouyang Zhenhua really wanted to say.

"Damn, it's such a big deal, it's actually a boycott... Hey, there's no way, just boycott it, the film is finished, what else can I do, less $3500 million, less less, it doesn't matter It's over", the wood is done, and Chen Kangjie has no way to change this situation at present.

Although this is the case, this matter has also taught Chen Kangjie a lesson. It is better to do less of such things that easily affect the nerves of the ethnic group in the future. Moreover, in the future, he has to find a way to make up for and restore his reputation in the Middle East. Image, Chen Kangjie wants to become the uncrowned king and exert his influence in the Middle East, so this negative image has to be reversed.

"Don't think too much, anyway, we don't rely on the Middle East for food now." Ouyang Zhenhua thought that Chen Kangjie was unhappy, so he comforted him.

"I know, it's okay, go to bed early."


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