rebirth of change

Chapter 597 Encountered Encirclement and Suppression

Regarding movies, Chen Kangjie has no time to think about it, and he is unwilling to think about it. What he has to do now is to help and tutor his classmates before graduation, and at the same time prepare his real first English album. I plan to finish this in the summer vacation before high school. 【 】

Chen Kangjie is busy here, and Zhao Rundong on the anycall communication company is also busy. After two years and three years of construction, the anycall communication company has been completed, and the research center has been put into operation at the beginning of the year. The first 2350 researchers entered The work has already started, the 20-square-meter factory building has also been built, and the production equipment is almost installed. What is being done at the moment is to provide systematic training for the thousands of jobs recruited.

Since more than a year ago, Zhao Rundong has not cared about the company's construction. His focus has been transplanted to the recruitment of researchers, equipment and research work. The recruitment and training of workers are entrusted to him from Motorola Tianjin Company. A Chinese person in charge is responsible.

Before 1994, Ouyang Zhenhua put forward the core requirements for Zhao Rundong's research and development, which is to master the technology of products that will be put on the market ten years later. Although this is a bit too demanding for anycall company that has just started, It is also a bit harsh, but if you want to become a world-class communication technology company, you must raise your standards. Only in this way can you compete with the world-class multinational companies of the same kind, otherwise, you will be in the second or even third echelon. For Chen Kangjie, that is absolutely unacceptable, either not to do it, or to be world-class.

During the recent period, Zhao Rundong basically stayed in the capital with his secretary and a few engineers. Why?In order to determine the mobile communication standards that the national post and telecommunications department will adopt in the future, so that the research and development can be targeted, and at the same time, we must understand the relevant policies and progress.

On March 3 this year, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications established the Mobile Communications Bureau (the predecessor of China Mobile). Chen Kangjie got the news from internal information. This shows that the big pattern of mobile communication is about to open.

It has been almost 1987 years since the tacs analog cellular mobile system was launched in Guangzhou during the sixth National Games on November 11, 18. However, the development of the mobile communication industry in China is very slow. The capital's mobile terminal "big brother" has a plus b total of just over 7 people, and an average of 300 people have not yet been allocated one. This is still in the capital of a developed big city, and the tragedy of other small and medium-sized cities can be seen. , there are only 300 Liushuipans, half of which are affiliated companies related to Chen Kangjie, and the remaining half are mainly government departments, some private business owners and special departments such as railways and transportation, and [-] others. The first is that the post and telecommunications department conducts its own rental business to satisfy business owners who want to save face when they go on business trips to other places.

Because of the limited capacity, the "big brother" at this time is not open to ordinary people. Private businessmen, if they have money, can't buy it without relying on relationships. That's why the price (000 big brother will be in the market The reason why it was fired to more than 50000 is that a mobile phone exceeded the price of a Dongfeng truck (the price at this time was in the early 4).

Chen Kangjie and his big brother still have priority in supplying the 1000 million base station construction and switching equipment because they donated it, and they also give priority to the six-digit mobile phone number.

Guangzhou used Motorola's equipment back then, which was based on Motorola's own standards, so it was called b. At the beginning, the cities and regions where mobile communication networks were established all used Motorola's switching equipment and base stations, as a six-water pan for pilot projects in mountainous areas. It's the same, but there are too many cities to be opened later, and Motorola's production capacity is a bit short of supply, and the government doesn't want anyone to be controlled by one company, which feels unsafe, so it introduced Ericsson, called a, two At first, they couldn't connect to each other. As for roaming, it was manual roaming, and it took several years for automatic roaming within the province.

What is even more unbelievable is that the billing system at this time is really unflattering. There is no real-time billing system. The phone bill can only be counted after three months. That kind of dropped situation cannot be counted, and the serial number happens from time to time. , Some people don't make many phone calls, and they will charge tens of thousands of 10,000+ phone bills for no reason, which is incredible.

All in all, the current mobile communication network and technology in our country can no longer meet the actual needs. We must make a choice at this time, from the 1g era to the 2g era, and choose higher standard technology and equipment.

That is to say, at such a juncture, the question arises, whether to choose the European g** or the American cdma has become a problem that the post and telecommunications department needs to consider.

These two standards have their own advantages and disadvantages. G** is more mature and stable, while cdma technology is more advanced, but not very mature, and the stability is not so ideal. However, this is not the key to choice, the key lies in the price. Europe has actively promoted their g** before, but the US asks for a very high price. They think their technology is advanced, so the price is higher. In fact, their market maturity is not as high as that of Europe, the current largest communication market. Costs are not easy to come down.

It was at this time that Zhao Rundong went to the capital. He was under a lot of pressure now, because the situation he was facing was a little different from what Chen Kangjie had expected.

Chen Kangjie, who has used several second-generation mobile phones, knows that g** was finally chosen in China because of the dual reasons of price and market. Therefore, the construction and early stage of research and development of anycall communication company also carried out work based on g**, but What he didn't expect was that because of his appearance, the two old rivals Motorola and Ericsson were forced together at this time.

In the original history, in the past five years or even seven years, there will not be a real mobile communication company in China, but now it is different. From the day when Anycall Communication Company started construction, the two giants Ericsson and Motorola They have already set their sights on it. In order to pursue greater interests and market monopoly, the two giants joined forces to strangle anycall communication in its cradle.

The two companies categorically joined forces to lobby the competent authorities of the Chinese government to choose cdma, which made Zhao Rundong a little late. Moreover, the two companies promised to help the government departments reduce the cost of network construction. What's more, the two companies are currently able to provide a full set of The most powerful international giant of equipment, and the only two communication companies with business in China, they have invested nearly 10 billion US dollars in the country respectively, established a number of joint ventures, and set up research institutes, compared with anycall communication company The investment is even bigger. In comparison, anycall communication is a small doll.

The difficulty is not limited to this. The bureaucrats in the capital belong to the kind who not only want to achieve political achievements, but are also a bit xenophobic. They talk about independent innovation and self-reliance, but in actual operation, they prefer foreign companies. and state-owned enterprises.

It has to be said that the two giants are well versed in the national conditions of our country and the thinking of the official circles. Some of their domestic factories choose joint ventures with state-owned enterprises, so that they can hold up a big banner to lobby and support them, that is, to support state-owned enterprises. , At the same time, another card was played, which was to publicize their technology and strength.

Zhao Rundong has contacted the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications and the Ministry of Electronics Industry several times. He is also recommending the g** standard. His reason is that g** is more mature and low in cost. Once adopted, it will be easier to cultivate the domestic consumer market. It left him speechless.

"Can you provide those complete sets of equipment? If not, who do you want me to call for bidding?".

Yes, anycall communication company has invested more than one billion RMB in research and development, but in such a short period of time, it is impossible to achieve any ideal results. Compared with others' decades of technical reserves, it is still far behind.In terms of brand, strength, technology, and post-maintenance, anycall communication company can only bow down.

Zhao Rundong had no choice but to ask Ouyang Zhenhua for instructions and help, and Ouyang Zhenhua had no other way. All he could do was to transfer this problem to the consultant Chen Kangjie.

"Jie Shao, if they are really allowed to choose cdma, then the time for Anycall Communications to enter the market with its own products will have to be delayed by at least two years, that is, it will be at least 97 before we can enter the market, and even bad Under normal circumstances, it will take 99 to enter the market, unless we are willing to be the third echelon." Ouyang Zhenhua flew from Hong Kong to Qianzhou to meet with Chen Kangjie.

"These gangsters are really ruthless," Chen Kangjie walked up and down in his office.

"They just know our shortcomings, and they also grasp the ideas of those high-ranking officials. To be honest, although the reform and opening up have been more than ten years old, we are also foreign capital. However, compared with European and American companies, Hong Kong capital is not given enough attention. ", Ouyang Zhenhua complained.

Ouyang Zhenhua's complaints are not for himself, but mainly for those low-level processing enterprises investing in shoe factories and garment factories along the coast. The government prefers European and American high-tech enterprises.

"The main reason is that our technology is not enough. It would be great if we could also provide a complete set of equipment." Chen Kangjie walked to the window and stopped.

"Yes, hey, they can provide both g** and cdma technology. Although they have different preferences, they have now formed a collective. I believe they will carry out related technology transfers. We can't provide either", Ouyang Zhenhua said worriedly.

Chen Kangjie stood in front of the window and didn't respond to Ouyang Zhenhua's words. He was thinking about how to solve this problem. He also thought of calling the higher-ups to put pressure on him, but that was not the best policy. The top management didn't understand the specific situation. Moreover, I have no technical cards to play, even if the highest level is willing to support me, I have nothing to show for it. The people below say "cdma is more advanced, and anycall communication can't provide g** equipment", they can do it Make high-level questions invisible.

Ouyang Zhenhua knew that Chen Kangjie was deep in thought, so he didn't bother him. After 10 minutes, Chen Kangjie turned around and said, "Let Zhao Rundong go to Helsinki."


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